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2010 Annual Report

Remembering our past as we prepare for the future

From Our Chairman

Dear Supporters,
A visionary is one who perceives a need, has the imagination to predict the outcome, and the foresight to lead and inspire those who will achieve the desired goal. Thirty-five years ago, one woman had a bring home healthcare to her newly adopted community, Indian River County. Having served on the board of a Visiting Nurse Association in her home state of Wisconsin, Marion Oeschsner knew, firsthand, what a wonderful service the VNA offered in providing home healthcare to people recuperating from illnesses and surgeries in the comfort of home. Home healthcare was hardly a new concept; VNAs had been around since the early 1900s, mostly in the urban areas of the country. Over time, however, lengthy hospitalizations replaced the old fashioned home recuperation until the 1970s when economics dictated a change. Physicians were no longer making house calls and, instead, saw most of their patients, if not in the hospital, in their offices. The time was indeed appropriate to start a Visiting Nurse Association in this community. Fast forward to 2010 and the present day VNA of the Treasure Coast...nearly 500 associates, hundreds of volunteers, Medicare-certified home health and hospice services, and a most beautiful state-of-the-art Hospice House. Today, the agencys budget includes more than $1 million of charitable care for those in our community who are less fortunate and would be without home health and hospice care if not for the generosity of our loyal and compassionate donors. We have yet to abandon the mission that was embraced thirty-five years ago by a handful of founding provide home health services to area residents regardless of their financial limitations. This is truly a legacy to be proud of in these most challenging and tumultuous of times. During 2010, we celebrated our thirty-five years in the community...receiving proclamations from the City of Vero Beach and the City of Sebastian, having our history highlighted in various area publications, participating in speaking engagements for various community groups, holding a family picnic for our associates, and hosting the bi-annual Paradise Under the Palms event to thank our very special donors. Associates and volunteers wore 35th anniversary pins throughout the year in observance of this milestone and were a key part in making our first annual Hustle for Home Health & Hospice a tremendous success! As a founding member, it has, indeed, been a special privilege to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of VNA of the Treasure Coast this year...our 35th year. If we could have looked into a crystal ball in 1975, would we have envisioned the growth and success that characterizes the VNA of 2010? Would we have imagined a comprehensive home care organization sensitive to the needs of community health as well as adhering to an altruistic mission that, in spite of thirty-five years, continues to permeate our everyday existence? I am blessed to have been a part of it all. With deepest gratitude,

Ann Marie McCrystal Chairman, VNA of the Treasure Coast

2010 Boards of Directors

VNA of the Treasure Coast
Ann Marie McCrystal, Chairman Robin Blanton, Vice Chairman Andrew Taylor, Treasurer Allison Proctor, Secretary Peggy Cunningham, Past Chairman Art Castillo, Past Vice Chairman Becky Allen, Director Susan Bailey, Director David J. Becker, MD, Director Peter Chase, Director Hon. Cynthia Cox, Director Jane Coyle, Director Ford Fegert, Director Carol Kanarek, Director Michael Kmetz, Director James W. Large, MD, Director Kyle Morgan, Director Fran Pieck, Director Tom Tierney, Director Julie Vargo-OBrien, Director Joyce Baldrica, President/CEO

VNA Hospice of Indian River County

Peter Chase, Chairman Tom Tierney, Vice Chairman Susan A. Croom, Treasurer Elizabeth Smith, Secretary Peggy Cunningham, Director Birgitte McKinney, Director Elaine Hameister, Director Joyce Baldrica, President/CEO

Visiting Nurse Association of the Treasure Coast

VNA & Hospice Foundation

Carol Kanarek, Chairman John Campione, Vice Chairman Don Keller, Treasurer Lala Maresi, Secretary Ann Marie McCrystal, Past Chairman Kathie Pierce, Past Vice Chairman Thomas C. Lee, Jr., Assistant Secretary Judy Caldwell, Director Anne Cooney, Director Gifford Hampton, Director Ann J. Jones, Director Nancy Lynch, Director Jack Mitchell, Director Paul F. Nezi, Director Marta Schneider, Director Bill Stewart, Director Sue Tompkins, Director Marilyn Wurzer, Director Joyce Baldrica, President/CEO

VNA Health Services

Julie Vargo-OBrien, Chairman Allison Proctor, Vice Chairman Art Castillo, Treasurer and Secretary Ann Marie McCrystal, Director Joyce Baldrica, President/CEO

VNA of Indian River County

Robin Blanton, Chairman James W. Large, MD, Vice Chairman Fran Pieck, Treasurer Andrew Taylor, Secretary Ann Marie McCrystal, Director Michael Kmetz, Director Jane Coyle, Director David J. Becker, MD, Director Joyce Baldrica, President/CEO

VNA Private Services

Allison Proctor, Chairman Susan Bailey, Director Peggy Cunningham, Director Ann Marie McCrystal, Director Joyce Baldrica, President/CEO

Medical Directors
Melissa A. Dean, MDVNA Hospice of Indian River County Frank G. Ditz, MDVNA Space Coast Steven J. Hulecki, MDNightingale Private Duty Nursing James D. Kearney, MDVNA Health Services Dirk F. Parvus, MDVNA Hospice of Indian River County Richard T. Penly, MDVNA Hospice of Indian River County Gary R. Silverman, MDVNA Hospice of Indian River County Michael A. Venazio, MDVNA of Indian River County VNA Hospice of Indian River County

VNA Space Coast

Ford Fegert, Chairman Kas Ghayal, RPhD, Vice Chairman Ann Marie McCrystal, Treasurer and Secretary Joyce Baldrica, President/CEO

Patient Says VNA Nurse is Heaven Sent

Hardy is specially trained in wound, ostomy, and continence issues, and she holds a CWOCN certification from the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing Certification Board. She taught me how to take it off and put it on and what to do if the skin became irritated, and how to deal with the wound and care for the skin around it, Mrs. Nemeth said. Mrs. Hardy was also persistent in her pursuit to find the proper combination of products to use. Hardy tried many different things. There was an answer for everything. She never left us hanging. We never felt like we were lost. We always felt there was a way out, said Nancy. Mr. Nemeth credits his wife and Hardy the most and his own resolve, as well, for his success. Thats how I overcame it. You get used to it. You have people around you who are very positive, Dennis said. As Indian River Countys population ages and lives longer, the number of wound, ostomy, and continence patients will only continue to increase. She had the most wonderful attitude, Mr. Nemeth said of Hardy. It is something I will never forget. Her attitude was so genuine. I have never met a woman like that. To deal with what she deals with, yet she stays so unbelievably positive. And it wasnt fake, it was real, Nemeth said. As far as I am concerned, Mr. Nemeth said, she was heaven sent. Mrs. Hardy turns the praise to the Nemeths: He is the one who should get the credit. They faced radical surgery, coupled with threats to his independence, and restrictions on his lifestyle. He courageously faced the crisis of both image and function. He emerged the winner!

Dennis Nemeth has survived heart surgery, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and a colostomy in the past decade, so he is no stranger to medical maladies. Today, the sixty-eight-year-old retired director of training for an international freight forwarding company will quickly tell you that although healing, chemotherapy, radiation, and medication are important, education, patience, and a positive attitude are just as important. For Nemeth, a great spouse, Nancy, and a great VNA nurse, Kathy Hardy, helped him keep the positive attitude he needed to keep going. He woke up from colon surgery in February with one thought: I was devastated to learn that I had a colostomy. I was really down. I was just so down. Then came Mrs. Nemeths first challenge, how to take care of her husbands wound and the colostomy equipment. The ostomy was so foreign to me, and I didnt think I could even touch it. I was afraid I would hurt Denny, she said. With Kathys constant encouragement, expert knowledge, and teaching skills, I quickly became confident and proficient in taking care of him. I couldnt have done it without her.

The VNA was Founded

As far as I am concerned, Mr. Nemeth said, she was heaven sent.

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Kathy Hardy Receives WOCN Certification!

W.O.C.N. The letters sound like the call sign for a seaside radio station. But these initials broadcast a beacon of new hope for patients, and tell a story about the VNAs progressive approach to a growing medical challenge. They stand for: Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, three medical problems now combined into one skilled nursing specialty. People should not have to endure the anguish of bed sores or have to limit their lives because of an unhealed wound, an ostomy, or problems with incontinence, explains Kathy Hardy, the VNAs new WOCN specialist. There are new medicines, treatments, equipment, and education to help make life better for people with any of these three conditions, she said. The Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society estimates there are more than five million people who suffer from debilitating and non-healing wounds, a half million who have an ostomy, and eleven million suffering from incontinence. Hardy, a registered nurse, recently completed a challenging, ten-week WOCN course at Emory University in Atlanta, funded by grants from the Peter T. Grauer Foundation and Workforce Solutions. Kathy recently passed the board certification exams and is helping the VNA establish its own WOCN protocols. Hardy will work with people with difficult surgical wounds, skin abrasions or pressure sores, people with wounds caused by advanced diabetes, and people with wounds aggravated by poor circulation. Hardy will also treat ostomy patients, teach them how to use the latest ostomy equipment, and help them deal with the emotional effects of the disease or condition that led to the ostomy. Hardy will also care for patients suffering from incontinence, including working with their family and any caregivers. As our communitys population ages, wound, ostomy, and incontinence problems will increase. The sooner we can treat them and educate the population on the need for proper nutrition, continued good mobility and activity, as well as early consultation with a physician, Hardy said, the faster people will heal and the longer they can live a good, healthy life.

People should not have to endure the anguish of bed sores or have to limit their lives because of an unhealed wound
The Endowment Fund was Established


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A Lifetime of Caring Gives Dr. Melissa Dean a Special Appreciation of Hospice Care
A truth that Dr. Melissa Dean has learned in her nearly two decades of working as a clinician, moving from phlebotomist, to nurse, to MD, is that it is always possible to give a patient a better quality of life, even during the dying process. A key to that better quality of life, she believes, starts with people having clear directions about how they want to be cared for during that timea conversation she had with her own father when he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Patients do better when they get hospice care earlier, and more people are receiving hospice care because more patients, physicians, and family members realize its value, she said. Early in her nursing career, Dr. Dean said, cancer was the disease that nearly all hospice patients had. They usually had an almost guaranteed time frame. It was very concrete, she remembers. There were no intravenous (IV) medications and no feeding tubes. IV treatment was taboo because we thought at that point that it was life sustaining. The medical community, I think, was afraid of hospice, she said. It was almost the mind set of: when medicine has failed, then you were allowed to be shuffled off to hospice. Back then, she saw hospice as a box where everything was very concrete, restricted, and regimented. Now, she says, it has almost blossomed, and I always picture it as a flowerit has so many ways of helping people. Today, patients with many diseases and conditions qualify for hospice care. Nowadays, it is much more nurturing, Dr. Dean said. Patients can choose their plan of care. If that plan includes no treatment in hospice, then that is accepted. Even in the dying process, she said, quality of life improves for most people. We dont interrupt that process, but we certainly can manage symptoms. With todays medicines and specialized care, hospice patients can be mobile longer, spend more time with their children and grandchildren, and do things they might not have been able to physically do without some of the interventions of hospice. Challenges remain, including the need for ongoing education among medical professionals about what hospice does for the patient and family. People, no matter the age, must talk to their spouse or family about in case something happens, she said. I did it with my own father, she said, many years ago after he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. She remembers saying: before you are under the influence of narcotics and before you go through whatever, what are your wishes? What would you like us to do? Because somebody has to be responsible to abide by those wishes and honor him. A patients clear direction, releases a lot of that guilt that can hinder a family, Dr. Dean said. As more people share the beautiful things that have taken place within the hospice setting, the better the community understands really what is available.

Medicare Direct Billing Via Computer Begins

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Dispelling the Myths of Hospice Care

There are many misconceptions about the word hospice. In brief, hospice is a special kind of high-quality medical care for people who no longer expect a cure for their illness at the end of life. Rather than focusing on finding a cure, hospice care seeks to maximize quality of life by concentrating on pain management and symptom relief. Hospice care involves a team-orientated approach tailored to the patients needs and wishes. At the center of hospice is the belief that each of us has the right to die pain-free and with dignity, and that our families should receive the necessary support to allow us to do so. Hospice care is about helping people live each day of their lives to the fullest extent possible. When making a decision about hospice care, it is helpful to have a thorough understanding of what hospice care isand what it isnt. Here are some of the most common myths about hospice along with the true facts about this special kind of care.

Myth: Hospice is a place. Fact: Hospice care usually takes place in the comfort of your home, but can be provided in any environment in which you live, including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, and inpatient facilities like the VNAs Hospice House. Myth: Hospice is only for cancer patients. Fact: Hospice care is available to anyone experiencing a life-limiting illness, including, but not limited to: ALS and other degenerative neuromuscular diseases, cancer, dementia, adult failure to thrive, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, liver disease, pulmonary disease, renal disease, stroke/ coma, or general debility. Myth: All hospice programs are the same. Fact: All licensed hospice programs must provide certain services, but the range of support services and programs may differ. Some hospice providers are not-for-profit (such as VNA Hospice of Indian River County) and any surplus they generate is used to provide charitable patient care and community support services, versus for-profit hospices which are accountable to shareholders. Myth: Families have to pay for hospice care. Fact: Hospice care is a Medicare and a Medicaid benefit. In addition, many commercial insurances also cover hospice care, which can help to reduce financial burdens on a patient or their family.

Myth: Patients can only receive hospice care for a limited amount of time. Fact: The Medicare benefit, and many private insurers, pay for hospice care as long as the patient continues to meet the criteria necessary. Patients may elect hospice care or waive it as they choose. If a patient chooses to cease receiving hospice care, he or she may re-elect the hospice benefit if desired. Myth: Patients have to give up their own doctor(s). Fact: Patients may keep their own doctor(s) while receiving hospice care. In fact, your doctor(s) will work closely with the VNA hospice team to plan and carry out care. The VNA hospice team consists of medical directors, physicians, nurses, hospice aides, social workers, counselors, therapists, chaplains, and trained volunteers who work as a team to help patients and their loved ones with their entire range of needsphysical, emotional, social, and spiritual.

Hospice License was Established


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Veteran Volunteer Does it All

At ninety-six, Sis Gillens legs had given the VNA about all they could. Sciatica had taken its toll. But the rest of her still had plenty left to let her continue with her desire to work. So she traded her decade-plus job as a floor sales volunteer at VNAs Hidden Treasures resale boutique for a sit down job in a small workroom at VNA headquarters. I never thought Id live this long, but one never knows what God has in store for us, she said. I had an elderly aunt who once told me I would never have to confess to God for wasting an idle minute. No job is too big or too small. No amount of time at the VNA is too short or too long, she figures. Giving of your self is what is important, Mrs. Gillen said. The looks on the faces of the recipients are the unspoken words of appreciation. Mrs. Gillen grew up on Long Island, where she became credit manager for her dads candy manufacturing company. She has taken at least thirty-seven classes throughout her life. She has studied everything from interior design to guitar and organ. Mrs. Gillen settled into real estate where she eventually owned her own office for many years on Long Islands North Shore. She volunteered in the New York Foundling Home and at an elder care facility in Connecticut. She became a VNA volunteer after personally experiencing the care that VNA hospice nurses gave her husband of sixtytwo years. The nurses and staff were so compassionate and helpful, she said. Everything that every volunteer does is important, Mrs. Gillen said, because everything is aimed at making patient care better. One of Mrs. Gillens current projects is to make sure that the families of hospice patients receive four sets of correspondence from VNA Hospice over the thirteen months following their loved ones death.

Mrs. Gillen is one of 350 volunteers who, together, gave 38,759 hours of service to the VNA this year. VNA volunteers work various jobs throughout the agency. She is revered by those who know and work with her including Tracey Soethe, VNAs volunteer manager. Shes always willing to help, and it is a pleasure to work with Sis. She is definitely an asset to our program, Soethe said. We look forward to seeing her each week.

Everything that every volunteer does is important .

53 Volunteers


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The Spirit of Service and Giving Runs Deep In the Lives of Dace and Dr. King Stubbs
For Dace Brown Stubbs, the zeal for giving has roots in a tiny, rural Kentucky church started by her grandfather. That giving culture was further nurtured in the example set by her father and later buttressed by her volunteer work in the church. My father was a great believer in giving back. He told us it was our responsibilityto give back, Mrs. Stubbs recalls. He really encouraged us to spend a third of our time giving back to our community. As a physician who came to Vero Beach in 1974, Dr. King Stubbs continued in the tradition of American physicians by giving charitable patient care throughout his career. When he retired in 1999, Dr. Stubbs went on a two-month medical mission to a clinic in Katmandu, Nepal. The need is huge, and to be able to work in that capacity is just rewarding, he said of Nepal. He treated patients and spent a great deal of time training young doctors in procedures that were not yet being done in that country. There is an energy in public service and philanthropy that helps people understand their community better, Dace Stubbs believes. It just makes you more in touch with reality. It takes you out of your normal element. Today, the Stubbs support local charities specializing in education, childrens needs, the environment, and healthcare. They also work to educate people about issues that need philanthropic help. As president of the Indian River County Medical Society, Dr. Stubbs was instrumental in organizing the local medical community to provide volunteer care at the County Health Department. Dr. Stubbs has also been a board director at the Environmental Learning Center. Mrs. Stubbs is a board director for Indian River Community Foundation, a founding director of Impact 100, serves on the McKee Botanical Garden Advisory Board, and is a former director of the VNA & Hospice Foundation board. Philanthropy is also a major element of Dace Stubbs family-founded BrownForman Corporation where she serves as a director. Brown-Forman is one of the largest family-controlled spirits and wine companies. The Stubbs are, as nice and gracious and downto-earth as any couple I have ever known, said Ann Marie McCrystal, a founding director of the VNA and chairman of the VNA of the Treasure Coast Board of Directors. Dr. Stubbs says he respects the VNAs thirty-five year willingness to take on new, cutting-edge challenges, always remaining true to its mission to serve people regardless of their ability to pay. His wife praises the VNAs volunteer leaders for hiring excellent staff and management. The people, the staff, all the way up to the CEO have always been good people, she said. Quality, hard working, and smart people. When you have that kind of energy it draws volunteers. It is just a well-run organization, Dr. Stubbs added, and their philanthropy dollars are going to be spent carefully, and wisely, and appropriately. The Stubbs are particularly supportive of the VNAs hospice program and Hospice House. What a fantastic service that is, Dr. Stubbs said. Some people dont have any family here, Mrs. Stubbs said. The Hospice House becomes their family.

First Golf-A-Thon

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Bereavement Group Brings Solace, Safety, and Support to Grieving Parents

Some who attend call it: the group you never want to be a member of It is the VNAs bereavement support group for parents, and grandparents, coping with the death of a child or children of any age who have died, tragically, sometimes in traffic accidents, or by homicide, or from accidental drug overdoses, suicide, sickness, or any other kind of death. It is so tough because parents, after all, are not supposed to have to bury their children. Everybodys grief is as individual as a thumb print, said Nancy Dixon, one of the groups members. For ninety minutes each week the group gathers in the library at Community Church of Vero Beach to share how they are doing, what they need, and how they can help someone else get through the stages of grief. They connect. Often they talk about their child who has died, sometimes because this is the only place where everyone else understands. Once we walk in this room, were home. We are safe here, said Sharleen Schutte. This was like my salvation, said Schutte, I couldnt have existed, especially at that time, without this. Schutte attended regularly, but at first, silently. It was weeks before I could say anything, not even my name, she said. We have had people come to the door, stop, turn around and go back, added Pam Delaney. This group has been a life saver. It keeps us going. Some have been coming a few months, others for three or four years, said VNA Bereavement Counselor Lyda Harmon, who serves as therapist of the group. The parent support group is one of the VNAs many bereavement services, all of which are provided to the public at no cost. Bereavement counselors offer guidance, support, and hope to people and families as they struggle with loss. Bereavement services can begin with preparing families for the death of a loved one and can continue for several years afterward. VNA bereavement services also include programs like Camp Chrysalis, the daylong camp for young children who have lost a parent or close loved one. There, children learn positive ways to communicate and to express their grief. I have watched these men and women grow and heal, Harmon said of the parents group. Outside the group they visit each other in the hospital. They are with one another when they have chemotherapy. They are there for each other when it counts in their lives. Everyone in this group is moving on and healing, Harmon said. I feel like I am allowed to come in here and walk on hallowed ground, Harmon said. I am not a member of this group, but as a parent myself I am aware enough to know that by a phone call, I could be. These are the experts, not me.

The First Camp Chrysalis


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For Veteran Nurse, the Passion for Patient Care Never Dims
In her early days, more than two decades ago, Marcie Korte quickly became known as an excellent, energetic, compassionate nurse, and pretty good at getting into and out of tight places. She mastered moves like prying open the back window of a locked house to get to an ailing patient who couldnt make it to the door. She regularly squeezed through the passenger door of a small camper, crawled over the seat and the center console to reach another patient. Korte keeps a picture in her top desk drawer of one of her first patients, a diabetic with a badly swollen, infected leg. It reminds me of how I started and why I stayed, she said with a smile. Korte and her fellow nurses served patients in homes with no power or inside plumbing; in homes sweltering in heat and sometimes crawling with bugs. One neighborhood was so unsafe that residents warned Korte to stay away more than once. Theres not a day that passes that she isnt thankful she followed her brother into the field of nursing. Korte, a former Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center oncology nurse, moved to Florida and in 1988 became one of nine full-time VNA nurses. Back then nurses regularly worked or were on call seven days a week. Today there are thirty-five full-time and thirty-five per-diem registered nurses among the VNAs nearly 500 associates. Today, Korte works in the VNAs quality assurance department where she reviews patient records for compliance with national standards. In this job I still get to read the patients life story, but from a different perspective: reading a chart and looking at the care the patient receives, she said. Her work is still aimed at improving the quality of patient care. She still uses her nursing skills, taking what she learns from the records and returning it as feedback and

education to clinicians. She often talks with nurses, sometimes individually or in a group. Korte has seen a lot in her life at the VNA. The technology has improved ten-fold. In twenty-three years there is so much more we have to offer our patients at home, particularly in wound care, cardiac care, and in-home telemonitoring. But some things never change. The care she shows patients is why I started working here, said Queen McGowan, who is in charge of the VNAs referral center. Once I visited a patient with her, and the area the lady lived in was just in shambles. Marcie brought the patient a lamp and a picture to put on her wall to help fix up what she had, to make it into a home, McGowan said. I admired her for it, to see a young nurse have that much empathy and caring was just admirable, said McGowan, who started as a nurse with the VNA in 1989.

There is so much more we have to offer our patients at home.

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VNA Hospice House is Superb from Top to Bottom

John Spotts was known for his love of orchids and for a boisterous laugh that filled and brightened the room. In his nineties and tenaciously independent, the widower wanted to remain in control of his life, especially in the face of advancing lung cancer. That control included appointing a healthcare surrogate to make decisions in case he became incapacitated and a personal representative to look after his affairs after he died. And it included deciding for himself that he was ready for hospice when that time came. The steadily worsening cancer and a growing difficulty in being cared for at home brought him to the VNAs Hospice House. There, in a turn of events that is not unusual, his day-to-day condition improved markedly, and he lived for more than a month. Mr. Spotts was able to visit with nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends from around the state and the country. Mr. Spotts brought some of his orchids to the Hospice House and enjoyed having his bed rolled out to the screened porch that extends off of every room in the Hospice House, explained Bill Michel, an Indian River County paramedic, next door neighbor, and Spotts healthcare surrogate. In a grandfather-grandson kind of relationship, the two men had become close in the years before Mr. Spotts death. He loved the big windows. They would turn the bed so he could see out the windows, said Peg Templin, Mr. Spotts niece from Pennsylvania. That facility was superb from top to bottom. It was elegant. It was wonderfully staffed with very, very caring, competent people. Another niece, Mary Vrancik, set up a CaringBridge page on the internet so distant family members were able to get regular updates on Mr. Spotts, including pictures. It had a warm, friendly environment, Mrs. Vrancik said of Hospice House. It was very inviting to be there. I never saw my uncle being uncomfortable.

It was all neat and clean and organized. You had things for other family members to do when he was asleep, added Danny Sarris, a nephew from Zephyr Hills, Florida. What Mr. Spotts wanted more than anything was to spend time with people, said Cheryl Michel, Bills wife. The Hospice House had plenty of areas for families, inside the patients room and elsewhere, like the library. People who brought their kids could take them down to the childrens room, which was wonderful, she said. Were happy that he was in a happy place, a very caring place, with a lot of people around him. That is what he wanted. That really meant a lot to him and it really meant a lot to us, said Bill Michel, who worked crossword puzzles with Spotts the night before he died. Mr. Spotts believed that he lived a good life and he was ready, Mrs. Templin concluded. He was ready. That was comforting for me. He wasnt fighting. He was, I believe, in that environment with the support of his friends and caretakers. He was comfortable and he was at peace, and that is all you can ask for.

Hospice House Opens


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Shes a Believer in VNA Blood Pressure Screening

specialist and where the VNA holds monthly blood pressure/blood sugar screening clinics. When she saw the results, Ms. Sherbrook recalls, Beverly said, Oh my goodness. Listened again, wrote it down on the card and told me I need to see the doctor. But Ms. Sherbrook, fifty-three, like many others, was in denial. When Mrs. Shuman came back the next month, her blood pressure reading was still high, and she still hadnt gone to see the doctor. Beverly said, Listen, you are in the danger zone, I dont need to tell you this again, you really need to see your doctor, Ms. Sherbrook explained. So after the third time, she called the doctor and told the receptionist what the reading was, and they got her right in. During the visit, the doctor told Ms. Sherbrook, that it was a good thing [Mrs. Shuman] was there to check it, because Sherbrook was at the stroke level. I could have had a stroke. It creeps up on you, Sherbrook said of her high blood pressure. Since I got my blood pressure taken care of and my right pills, Im great, she said.

When VNA Nurse Beverly Shuman glanced up from the blood pressure cuff on Sherry Sherbrooks arm, she looked like she saw a ghost. Thats how Ms. Sherbrook remembers the day that the VNA and Mrs. Shuman put her on the path that saved her life. Like so many of the patient saves that come out of the VNAs approximately 400 blood pressure/blood sugar clinics each year, Ms. Sherbrook had no idea her blood pressure was near the 160/100 level. The road to recovery began when Mrs. Shuman convinced her into sitting down to have her blood pressure taken at Staples where Ms. Sherbrook works as an inventory

About five to ten percent of the people Mrs. Shuman and other VNA nurses check at screening clinics have problems like Ms. Sherbrook, said Mrs. Shuman, who celebrated her 50th reunion with her nursing school class in Boston in 2010. Mrs. Shuman has been with the VNA for eight years. She does three to four clinics a week, most of them about two hours each. I am finding a lot of younger people in the danger zone, Mrs. Shuman said. They dont want to believe that it is happening to them and they disregard it. I am sorry to say it is mostly men. And, I have had people go from here right to the walk-in clinic. Mrs. Shuman said. Today, Ms. Sherbrook tells everyone to get their blood pressure checked, and with good reason. Her message: Had it not been for the Visiting Nurse Association and Beverly, I probably wouldnt be here right now, to be honest. That is how bad it was.

New Mobile Unit


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Nightingale Patient is a Man to Look Up To

Not bad for the tall, cheerful, former crushed rock and cement company owner from Ohio who has been a major contributor to an Indiana college. Seitz is one of approximately 150 Nightingale patients being served at any given time. Last year Nightingales employees cared for 450 patients, up about 100 from the previous year. Asked how he feels about his care, Seitz kidded: I must say, it must be pretty good. I am still here. He is very much into proper diet and nutrition and supplements, explained Laura Boettcher, Mr. Seitz nurse case manager. He has got a healthy lifestyle. I love to read, said Mr. Seitz, who these days prefers books about herbs and vitamins, and homeopathic medicine. He also reads about religion. Delving into his Bible five times a week, gives him encouragement, he said. Discipline, along with proper diet and exercise, are part of the reason for his longevity, but another is attitude: One thing that I have always been very fussy about: Never speak ill of anybody. I use Paul as an example for some of my younger clients, my seventy-and eighty-year-olds who have just given up, nurse Boettcher said. If this guy can do it, anybody should be able to do it. Nightingales care has found favor from two of Seitz relatives who keep in close touch. Kay seems to be really on top of everything. I have a lot of trust in her, said Seitzs nephew, Dennis Raymond, of Seattle. I am well satisfied with the care he is getting. Nightingale offers his uncle something very important, Raymond said: Independence. Even though he is being so closely cared for, he still needs that feeling of independence, Raymond said.

At age 101, Paul Seitz is a poster boy for aging gracefully and a role model for younger patients. Nightingale Private Duty Nursings most senior patient eats properly, takes vitamins, and supplements, exercises regularly, and has a tremendous attitude, explains Katherine (Kay) Bruneau, the home health aide who has been his chief caregiver for ten of the twenty years that Mr. Seitz has been a patient. Hes a nice man, appreciative, easy to get along with, she said of the Seitz, who has battled back from a stroke twenty years ago. In mid-2010 Mr. Seitz gave up his three-trips-a-week to the gym, in favor of brief home workouts every morning and occasional visits by a personal trainer.

He always seems upbeat, added Seitzs cousin, Charles Stinebaugh, of Plymouth, Michigan. He told me the other day: I enjoy my caregivers, and I am enjoying my life. It gives us a lot of satisfaction that we dont have to worry about his everyday needs, Stinebaugh concluded. We think Paul is very well taken care of.

Purchase of Nightingale Private Duty Nursing


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Preparing for the Future

In November 2010 the VNAs board of directors and senior leadership team embarked on a three-year journey to become the highest quality patient care provider in the communities we serve. We developed a strategic plan with a strong focus on clinical quality, patient satisfaction, associate retention and education, and exceeding the needs of the communities we serve. We plan to measure our progress on becoming the B.E.S.T., literally.


stands for budget and growth as an industry we need to strive to make

healthcare affordable and continually bring value to our patients and the medical community. The VNA will define our current and future markets, developing a comprehensive growth plan and aligning resources to ensure patient accessibility to health care services.

involving families and friends. Surveys are sent to patients and/or families measuring their satisfaction with our services.

represents the experience we provide to our patients we will continue to provide patient-centered, efficient, and timely care

is the core of what we provide safe, quality clinical care. Our publicly

reported outcomes on quality will meet and at times exceed the national averages. Our newly implemented electronic medical record system will provide real-time clinical information about our patients to ensure we have the most up to date information to make the best clinical decision.

is for our team

we need highly satisfied associates to provide the highest quality service. We care for those who care for our patients.

This balanced approach (B.E.S.T.) to strengthen our services will guide us as we are faced with competing priorities. Our boards of directors, our senior leadership team, and our associates are excited about our future direction.

Electronic Medical Record System Launched


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From the President/CEO

Dear Community Partners,
The VNA celebrated its 35th anniversary this past fiscal year, and I had the opportunity to participate in some of the celebrations. The agency is rich with history and stories of the many lives the VNA has served during this period. As the new President/CEO I have been touched by the stories and letters I receive from patients, families, businesses, associates, and donors. The VNA is a community asset in the truest sense. Monies raised are not given to shareholders but they are reinvested in the organization to provide care to the community including our most vulnerable populations. The VNA continues to serve those less fortunate thanks in large part to the strong financial support of the community. During 2010 our 500+ associates implemented a comprehensive electronic medical information system. This implementation touched every aspect of our services and infrastructure and was not an easy endeavor. Clinicians now have key patient information on a device that literally fits in the palm of their hand. The system allows the clinician to have the most up to date health information about our patientstheir allergies, current medications, and who to call in an emergency. Patients dont need to repeat their health information from one clinician to another. The device and system are cutting edge and give VNA the competitive advantage more importantly they provide a tool to make healthcare more safe. In 2010 President Obama approved healthcare reform. One of the goals with healthcare reform is to provide basic health insurance to the forty million people that do not currently have coverage. The implementation of the full plan will take place during the next four years. In order to succeed, the federal governments, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has passed legislation that will reduce Medicare payments to the VNA in the amount of approximately $100,000 per month beginning in January 2011. Additional cuts are planned for January 2012. With your continued financial support, the VNA will be there for you, your family, and friends should you need our healthcare services. Some of you may not realize it, but you do have a choice for home health servicesso dont leave the hospital, nursing facility, physical rehabilitation, emergency room, or physician office without the VNA. During the VNAs 35th year, I have been called to this organization to share my talents and gifts to ensure the VNA is viable for many more years to come. I am honored to lead such an admirable organization. Thank you for your continued support!

Joyce Baldrica President/CEO

From the Foundation Chairman

Dear Friends,
As we look back on 2010, the VNA & Hospice Foundation is proud to have a strong base of donors that has helped us surpass our goals. As we reach the end of our 35th year of successful operation, we are happy to report that the VNA has been able to provide the necessary funding for charitable home health and hospice care, as well as additional VNA program costs. Our newest initiative Fighting Flu Everywhere has been a success measured in the number of local residents whose lives have been touched. With the collaborative efforts of numerous other community organizations, the VNA was able to offer nocost flu shots to individuals and their families who are fighting poverty, hunger, homelessness, and joblessness. Many in our community are unable to afford the out of pocket cost to obtain a vital flu shot. This program clearly falls into the mission of our agency, by providing an effective health solution for the underserved in our community. This program, and others that the VNA brings to Indian River County, would not be possible without our donors and community partners. With your help, the VNA is able to better meet the health needs of our community, and work towards keeping everyone well. We are so thankful to you, our donors, and blessed by your compassion and understanding. Each year you leap forward in noble support of the VNA. As we begin our 36th year of providing unsurpassed, quality healthcare, we look forward to our continued relationship with you in meeting the needs of our community. With deepest gratitude,

Carol M. Kanarek Chairman, VNA & Hospice Foundation

2010 Statistics
Home Health Hospice

Patients Served
Indian River County ...... 3,087 Brevard County .................590 Total Home Healthcare Patients Served...........3,677

In-Home Hospice Team

Average Daily Census .............................................. 88.17 Average Length of Stay (days) ...................................38.9

Hospice House
Average Daily Census .................................................8.71 Average Length of Stay (days) ..................................... 6.6

Volunteer Program Patient Visits by Specialty

Skilled Nursing ............ 33,487 Home Health Aide ....... 24,659 Physical Therapy.......... 16,907 Companion......................5,545 Occupational Therapy ... 2,602 Speech Pathology ...............940 Social Work ........................ 259 Registered Dietitian ........... 170 Other .................................... 42 Total Visits ............. 84,611 VNA Volunteers .......................................................... 350 Volunteer Hours ....................................................38,759 Value of Volunteer Hours .................................. $773,608

Hospice Patients Served by Location

At Home.................................. 885 Skilled Nursing Facilities ....... 226 At the VNA Hospice House ..... 153
Total Hospice Patients Served .................... 1,264

Support Services
Bereavement Support Group Attendees ............................. 1,067 Children Seen on an Individual Basis .........................................215 Ceremony of Remembrance Attendees .................................195 Caregiver Support Group (COPES) Attendees .................................128 Camp Chrysalis Attendees ........32 Total People who Received Bereavement Support ... 1,637

2010 Statistics
Community Wellness Foundation

Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Screening Clinics .................................................. 390 Health Related Presentations................. 29 Community Events and Health Fairs ...... 42 Mobile Unit Visits
2010 ........................................................... 5,310 2009 .......................................................... 6,431 2008 ......................................................... 6,694

Funds Raised by Donation Source

Bequests ............................................................ $737,623 Annual Appeal ..................................................$664,370 Memorials/Honorariums ................................. $365,362 Golf-A-Thon .....................................................$200,800 Grants ................................................................ $155,861 Charitable Gift Annuities.................................. $115,000 Hospice House Endowment ............................... $55,878 Sponsorships ...................................................... $21,500 Tree/Ceremony of Remembrance ...................... $10,286 Other ..................................................................... $6,998 Telehealth Initiative ............................................. $5,000 Total ............................................................. $2,338,678

Flu & Pneumonia Clinics

Indian River County .......................................... 147 Brevard County ................................................. 34 Total Clinics ............................................................. 181

Charitable Care & Program Support Provided

Hospice House Support .....34.1% Equipment/Software ........ 27.5% Charitable Care ..................13.2% Medicaid Shortfall ...............9.1% Space Coast ..........................7.8% Bereavement Support ......... 4.3% Employee Wellness Clinic ...3.7% Other ................................... 0.3% Total .................................. 100%

Flu Vaccinations
Indian River County ...................................... 4,023 Brevard County ............................................... 906 Total Vaccinations .............................................4,929

Pneumonia Vaccinations
Indian River County ........................................... 78 Brevard County ................................................... 5 Total .............................................................................83

Fighting Flu Everywhere Charitable Program

Clinics Held ...................................................... 23 Flu Shots Provided ........................................... 347

2010 Honor Roll of Donors

10 Connects/WTSP 1616 Seagrove Condo Association, Inc. AAA East Central Drs. R. Roderic and Margaret Abbott Ms. Lois Abel Mr. and Mrs. Oscar V. Able Ms. Jamie B. Abrams Accounts Management, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ackerman Active Network Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Simon R. Adams Ms. Virginia Adams Ms. Melissa Adamson Mr. William Adamson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adley Administrative Judges Office Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adourian, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Adrian Advantage HR Services Aetna Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Mary F. Affronti Mrs. Phyllis B. Agnew Mr. and Mrs. Agresta Ms. Carolyn P. Ahearn Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ahearn Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ahrens Mrs. Lois Akers Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Avedik Akopiantz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph U. Albury Mr. and Mrs. John W. Alden Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Alders Mr. and Mrs. Amedeo Alessandrini Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Alewine Mr. and Mrs. R. Ruffner Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alford Mrs. Mildred L. Aljets Ms. Margaret Allee Mr. and Mrs. Calvin R. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Allen Ms. Josianne Allen Mrs. Lillian B. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Allen Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Allen Ms. June A. Alley Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Allinott Ms. Virginia J. Allinson Mr. and Mrs. George P. Allman Mr. John W. Allman Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Allopenna Ms. Zoila M. Aloma Alsay Incorporated Ms. Carolyn B. Alspaugh Mr. and Mrs. David E. Althoff Ms. Alexandra Alvino Ms. Clare Amato Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Amato Ms. Lisa Amorosa Mrs. Harcourt Amory Ms. Carolyn S. Amos Mr. and Mrs. John S. Amos Mr. and Mrs. George E. Amoss Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S. P. Amy Bokhee An Ms. Sharon Anastasi Mr. George Anderson and Ms. Lori Sanetti Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Anderson Mrs. Anne Anderson Ms. Irene M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Anderson Ms. Marilyn Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Anderson Ms. Sally S. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Anderson Ms. Marianne Andreach Mrs. James G. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. James R. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Andrie Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Angell Ms. Linda C. Angell Mr. and Mrs. Bud Angelus Mr. and Ms. Ronald L. Angle Ms. Rose Marie Anirina Mrs. Virginia V. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. William S. Antle, III Ms. Genevieve C. Anyzeski Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Apgar Mr. and Mrs. John J. K. Apo Mrs. Lois W. Appleby Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Aprahamian Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer Dr. and Mrs. Raleigh R. Archer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Archibald Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton G. Arden, Jr. Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, Inc. Mr. Thomas L. Arena Armani Exchange Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Armes Armfield-Wagner Appraisal and Research, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Armstrong Ms. Gertrude D. Armstrong Mrs. Dolores Arnold Ms. Eileen Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Aronberg Mr. Jonathan Art Mr. and Mrs. David L. Arthur Asbury United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Vernon G. Ash Ms. Alice R. Ashenfelter Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ashken Mr. and Mrs. Rich C. Ashley, Jr. Ms. Anita Astrachan Mrs. George B. Atkinson, Jr. Atlanta Ballet Mrs. Delore Atwell Mr. and Mrs. David Aubel Mrs. Ann Auerswald Mr. and Mrs. Laurence F. Augur Ms. Elizabeth L. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Avril Aycock Funeral Homes Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ayers Ms. Joanne M. Azzaretti Mrs. Mary Babcock Mr. and Mrs. Robbin E. Babcock Mr. and Mrs. Jaromir Babicka Mrs. Hilde Babin Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Bacci Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Bacci, II Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Bacon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bacon Ms. Catherine Badamo Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bahr Col. and Mrs. Roy W. Bahr Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Bailey, III Mr. and Mrs. Clarke H. Bailey Ms. Ida Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Bailey Mrs. Margaret G. Bailie Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Bain Mr. and Mrs. St. John Bain Mrs. Elliot A. Baines Mr. and Mrs. John L. Baker, III Mr. William C. Baker Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Bakule Mrs. Joyce Baldrica Mrs. William H. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. David M. Baldwin Mrs. Susan Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Balestiere Ms. Constance L. Ball Ms. Mary Lou Ball Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ballinger Mr. and Mrs. James Balog Mr. and Mrs. James Balph Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Banack, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bancroft Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bangert Ms. Shirley R. Banios Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Bankart Mr. John E. Banks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Banks Mr. and Mrs. John H. Banks Ms. Elaine Barbati and Ms. Maureen Barbati Ms. Tracey Barber Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Barclay Barefoot Bay Mens Golf Association Ms. Ann Barker Mrs. Anna D. Barker Mr. and Mrs. John Barker Ms. Louise A. Barker Ms. Tracey Barker Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Willie G. Barker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Barkett, Jr. Mr. Douglas F. Barnard Mr. Joseph M. Barnard Barnes Citrus, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Barnett Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Barnhouse Mr. Andrew H. Barr Ms. Kathleen Barracchini Mr. and Mrs. Loren D. Barre Mr. and Mrs. Ron Barrera Ms. Evelyn E. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barrett Mr. Paul W. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. John L. Barrie Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Barringer Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Barron Mr. Christopher T. Barrow Mr. and Mrs. William A. Barrows Ms. Barbara Barry Ms. Patricia A. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Andrej Barsovsky Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Barstow Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Barth Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Barth Mrs. Julia A. Bartholomay Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Barrlett Mr. and Mrs. C. Philip Bartlett Mr. Joseph K. Bartley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Barton, Jr. Ms. Kathryn F. Barton Ms. Kathy R. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Bartrug Mr. J. Addison Bartush Mrs. Joann Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bassett Mrs. Joseph Bates Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bauknecht Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baylis Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bayman BBR Partners LLC Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Beadle Henry E. and Susan W. Beamer Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo Mr. and Mrs. S. Robert Beane Mr. and Mrs. Carter L. Beard Mr. and Mrs. William R. Beardslee Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Beath Mr. and Mrs. John T. Beatty, Jr. Ms. Suzanne R. Beatty Ms. Judi E. Beaumont Mr. and Mrs. Don Bebber Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Becher

The VNA & Hospice Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and community organizations for their generosity during October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.
Ms. Nancy G. Beck Dr. and Mrs. David J. Becker Dr. and Mrs. Ferdinand F. Becker Ms. JoAnn M. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Becker Mr. and Mrs. R. William Becker Mrs. Herman Becker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Becker Becker Trading Company Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. G. Beckers Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R. Beckhardt Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bedingfield Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Beeken, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Beeson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Began Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Began Mrs. Mariclare N. Beggy Mr. and Mrs. James E. Behl Ms. Mary T. Behl Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Behl Mr. Charles D. Beir Mrs. Elvira Belcher Ms. Jan Beljan Mr. Crayton L. Bell and Ms. Carol M. Towey Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Bell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. James Bell Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bell Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bellis Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Belmont Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Belt Mr. Joseph F. Belzer Mr. and Mrs. Lyman A. Bement Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Bemis Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy D. Bence, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bender Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Bender Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Benedict Ms. Nancy A. Benedict and Mr. Phil Manuszko Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Benedict Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Benedict Mr. H. K. Benham, III Ms. Deborah K. Benjamin Ms. Ann E. Benjey Ms. Amelia T. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Robert L. Bennett Dorothy T. Bennett Trust Ms. Peggy Bennett-Wise Dr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Benninghoff Ms. Loretta Benvenuto Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bergeman Mr. and Mrs. D. Theodore Berghorst Mrs. Susan Berman Mr. and Mrs. David E. Berry Mr. and Mrs. William B. Berry Mrs. Doris C. Bertocchi Dr. and Mrs. Randall Bertolette Ellen and Ed Betel Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Bethea Mr. and Mrs. George W. Betker, Jr. Mrs. Jay Rhoads Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bever Mr. E. Garrett Bewkes, Jr. Ms. Clara B. Beyer and Ms. Kathy Roberts The BGR Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Angela Bialek Mr. and Mrs. Franco Bianchi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bickford Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Bieber Ms. Sonja Bielecki Ms. Susan J. Biemann Mr. and Mrs. William D. Biersach Mr. and Mrs. William S. Biggs Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Bigler, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. S. Thomas Bigos Mr. and Mrs. George C. Billings Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bills Mr. Jack C. Bingleman Ms. Dolores T. Binick Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Binnion Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bird Ms. Janet H. Birdsall Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Birkins Mr. John W. Bishop Ms. Louise Bisson, Ms. Kathleen DeCaro, Ms. Maureen Voutas, Ms. Cheryl Hurley Ms. Renate J. Bixler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Black Mr. and Mrs. Dwight P. Black Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black Mrs. Joan E. Black Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Black Ms. Myra T. Blackburn Dr. and Mrs. William W. Blackburn, II Ms. April A. Blackstone Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Blaicher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blair Mrs. Mary H. Blair Ms. Charmayne Blake Mr. and Mrs. John T. Blake Ms. Lila Blakeslee and Mr. Paul Genke Ms. Sofia Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Art Blanchet Mrs. Marjorie R. Blass Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blatt Mr. Fowler Blauvelt Blauvelt Demarest Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Block Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Block Ms. Michele R. Blondek Mr. and Mrs. A. Kent Blosser Mrs. Amelia Blount Mr. Richard K. Blume, II Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Blumstein Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Blynn Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Boarman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bobo, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barry Bocklet, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Bode Mr. and Mrs. John Bodinsky Ms. Mary E. Bodurtha Mr. and Mrs. William Boehning Mr. and Mrs. John Boekhout Mr. Dubby E. W. Bogdan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bogen Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Bohn Mrs. Kenneth K. Boissy Mr. Ronald J. Boling Ms. Marilyn A. Bollengier Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Bolling Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Bond, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bonner Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bonner, Jr. Mrs. Loren H. Bonnett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boob, Jr. Ms. Martha H. Boone Ms. Lottie J. Boos Booth Creek Ski Holdings, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Borden Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Borgis Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Bossi Ms. Ann Boteler The Bottger Family Mr. Kristopher Bottger and Ms. Heather Jo Wilson Reverends Larry Bottiger and Dawn E. Reichard Mrs. Mary Bouchard Bouchard Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bourgea Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bourne Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bowers

Mr. and Mrs. James V. Bowhers Mrs. James Bowling Mr. Robert G. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Clell Boyer Ms. Roberta A. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boynton Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bracken Kathy Welch and John Schindler and Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bracken Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brackett Mr. A. J. Reese Brackins Mr. and Mrs. William N. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Bradley, Jr. Ms. Gloria E. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brady Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bragg, Jr. Mrs. Joan T. Brandenburg Mrs. Estelle Brashears Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Brashears Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Brass Mr. Howard Brauer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Braun Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bredeson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Breen Mr. and Mrs. Floyd J. Breeser Mr. John C. Breeser Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bremer Mrs. Carol Brennan Mr. and Mrs. John V. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Brennan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brennan, Sr. Mrs. Nuong Le Brennan CB and Junko Breon Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Brewer, Jr. Mrs. Margaret E. Brian Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Brickman, Jr. Bridgevine Ms. Betty Brienza Mrs. Dorothy E. Brigerman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Winton Briggs Mr. William E. Bright Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brink, Jr. Mrs. Ellen Brinker Mr. and Mrs. James D. Brinkerhoff Ms. Sharon L. Bristol Ms. Kathleen Britt Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brodell Ms. Dorothy Broderick Mr. and Mrs. John J. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Broderick Ms. Sharon Brogger Mrs. Sallie C. Brooke Brooker and Rooney, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cameron Brooks Ms. Elizabeth A. Brooks Mr. Leroy W. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Joe Broome Mrs. George T. Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brower Mr. David K. Brower Ms. Deborah D. Brower Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brown Ms. Gheretein Y. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Brown Mr. John F. Brown, Jr. Ms. Judith N. Brown Ms. Kathryn W. Brown Laura and Lee Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Brown Ms. Martha Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown Brown Badgett Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Browne Mr. Bob Browning Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Browning Browning and Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bruckner Mrs. Barbara M. Brugh Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Brunner Mr. Andrew Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Bruno

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bruns Mrs. Kathleen C. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Bryson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Buchanan Mrs. Marie I. Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Maynard B. Buck Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck Captain Sandra T. Buckles, USN Dr. Nancy S. Bucklew Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Buckner Jeri T. Buczek Dr. and Mrs. M. Arthur Budden Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Budzko, Jr. Ms. Carol L. Buffman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Buford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook Bugbee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buhite Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Buhl Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Buja Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Bullock Mr. William J. Bumsted Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Bunney Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Burchfield, III Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Burden Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Burdick Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Burdsall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Burger Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Burgoon Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Burke Ms. Phyllis T. Burke Mr. William H. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Burkhard Mr. Eugene M. Burkholder Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Burnham Mrs. Helen B. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Howie Burns Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burns Ms. Patricia Burr and Mr. Patrick OBrien Mr. and Mrs. Vincent W. Burr Mr. David M. Burridge Mr. and Mrs. Kyle J. Burroughs Mr. and Mrs. S. Roy Burroughs Mr. and Mrs. Gene Burton Mr. J. Laurence Burton Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Bush Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bushey Mr. Samuel C. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Kurt J. Butte Mr. and Mrs. David H. Butterfield Mr. Edward S. Byrne Mrs. Eleanor G. Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Fredric B. Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph L. Cabata Ms. Lorrie A. Cabral Mrs. Norma Jean Cacchillo Mrs. James M. Cadenhead Mr. William L. Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cagliero Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Cagnazzi Ms. Dorothy M. Cain, Ms. Joanna E. Cain, Cannon M. Cain Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cairns Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cairns Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Caldarone Ms. Romalie Calder Mr. and Mrs. James L. Caldwell, IV Mrs. Judy Caldwell Mrs. Patricia A. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Caldwell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. William W. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Calendine Mr. and Mrs. James P. Callaghan Ms. Patricia M. Callahan Mr. Paul R. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. David C. Callan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Callan Mr. Joe Cameron Mr. Glenn S. Camp Mr. and Mrs. Bill Campbell Ms. Carol Campbell Mrs. Florence M. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Hazard K. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Ben Campbell Mr. and Mrs. J. Melfort Campbell Mrs. Joan C. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Campbell Campbell Woods, P.L.L.C. Mr. George E. Campeau

Mr. and Mrs. E. Ronan Campion Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Campion Campione and Campione, P.A. Ms. Marilyn J. Cance Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Cancelmo Ms. Sheila W. Cane Mrs. Frances Caniano Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Canning Ms. Joanna Canny Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Canny Mr. Wesley Canny Mr. and Mrs. David T. Canon Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Caparco Ms. Beth Capistrant Mr. and Mrs. Terrance D. Capistrant Mr. and Mrs. John Capobianco Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Capozella Mrs. Lucy Capp Mr. and Mrs. James R. Capra Captain Hirams Restaurant Mrs. William R. Caputo Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Carbonaro Mr. and Mrs. Craig Carey Ms. Deborah Carey Mrs. Rhea W. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Carey Caribeno Architectural Group Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlin Mr. Eric Carlquist Mrs. Sharon Carlquist Ms. Gay M. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Carmack Ms. Mary Ellen Carmichael and Family Mr. and Mrs. Gary Carney Mr. and Mrs. John S. Carney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Carney Carney Family Foundation Ms. Love Carola Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Caron Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Caron, Lt., USN (RET) Ms. Catherine S. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Carr, Jr. Mrs. Richard Carrie Ms. Priscilla Carrington Ms. Carol Carroll Mr. Hugh E. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Carroll Ms. Barbara Carson Mrs. Eleanor Carson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter Mr. Lee E. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Carter Mr. Anthony Caruso Ms. Linda J. Caruso Dr. and Mrs. John B. Casale, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Case Mr. and Mrs. Truman S. Casner Mr. and Mrs. Vince Casserly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cassidy Ms. Norma Castello Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Castillo Mrs. Angela Catallo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Catania Mr. Joseph Catapano Mrs. Elizabeth S. Cates Ms. Carolyn M. Cathcart Mr. and Mrs. Loring Catlin Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Catullo Ms. Ruth Caufield Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Causland Mr. Ralph Cavagnulo Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Cave Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. George Cayce Ms. Marlys Caylor Mrs. Catherine A. Ceglady Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cennerazzo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Centracchio Mr. Nick Cerro Ms. Laura W. Cesare Mr. and Ms. Richard H. Chadwell Mr. and Mrs. William H. Chadwick Mrs. Henry N. Chaffee The Challenger Foundation Mrs. Geraldine B. Champion Mrs. Mavis A. Champion Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Chandonnet Ms. Barbara A. Chapin Mr. Ken Chaplar Ms. Edith Chapman Ms. Harriet B. Chapman Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Chapman, Jr. Mr. John D. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Randy Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Chardavoyne Dr. Isabel Charles Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Charvat Mr. Peter Chase Mrs. Marilyn W. Chastain Mrs. Imogene T. Chatham Chatty Crafters of River Park Place Mr. H. Robert Chenault, Jr. Ms. Susan L. Chenault Ms. Allison Chernow Ms. Barbara Cherrette Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Cherubini Mr. and Mrs. Faris F. Chesley Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Chesnutt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chevrette Ms. Julia P. Chew Mrs. Jonna Chewning Mr. Michael P. Chiarelli Mr. and Mrs. Young Chin Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chnupa Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chovanec Ms. Linda Chrismas Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Christensen Ms. Joan L. Christie Mr. and Mrs. William J. Christie Mr. Paul W. Christon Mr. and Mrs. George L. Christopher Ms. Alexandra Chrostowski Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Chruney Mr. and Mrs. Adam Chrzan Ms. Christine D. Church Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Church Church of Saint Gabriel Mr. William Churchill Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Chwal Mr. Angelo Cicariello Mr. Salvatore Cicero and Ms. Nancy J. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. F. Dennis Ciletti City of Vero Beach Mrs. Rosemary L. Clancey Ms. Clara Clancy and Ms. Donna Ingham Mr. and Mrs. A. James Clark Mrs. Barbara H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Clark Mrs. Beverly Clark Mr. and Mrs. Cy Clark Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Clark Mr. John C. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Clark Ms. Linda Clark and Ms. Evelyn Clark Mrs. Mary Clark Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Clark Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Clark, Jr. Ms. Donna Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Graham Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Clarke Class of 64 Reunion John A. Clawson Trust Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cleary Ms. Marcia B. Clemenis Clerk of Circuit Court Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleveland, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleworth Ms. Frances Cline Mrs. Rosalen E. Cline Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Clippert Ms. Christine Clontz Ms. Elisabeth S. Cloud Ms. Mary S. Clowney Mrs. J. Diane Cluff Mr. Richard P. Clukey Mr. and Mrs. Carson W. Coakley Mrs. Sarah A. Cobb Ms. Carole Coble Mrs. Gerry A. Cochran Mrs. Jean N. Cochran Mr. Donald D. Cody Mr. and Mrs. Orson E. Coe, III Ms. Barbara K. Coffey

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coffey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Coffin Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Cohan Ms. Janice R. Cokas Mrs. Teresa Colagiovanni Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Colahan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colalillo Mr. and Mrs. Ted Colangelo Mrs. Dorothy A. Cole Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cole Mr. and Mrs. John Cole Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Cole Mrs. Hugh A. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Cole, III Mr. John W. Colegrove Mr. John J. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Coley Mr. Vernon E. Collier Mr. and Mrs. George G. Collins, Jr. Ms. Helen Collins Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collins Mr. and Mrs. John Collins Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Collins Mrs. Louise Collins Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Collins Collins, Brown, Caldwell, Barkett and Garavaglia, Chartered Mr. and Mrs. John C. Colmey Ms. Kathryn S. Colten Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Combes Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Comfort Communications International Mr. and Mrs. John J. Conefry, Jr. Ms. Marie S. Conforti, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Conley Ms. Rebecca S. Conley Conner, Hubbard and Company, LLC Mrs. Dorothy E. Connolly Ms. Kathleen M. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. John S. Connors Mr. Robert E. Conover Mrs. Joan M. Conrad Dr. and Mrs. Peter Conrardy Mr. and Mrs. William J. Conroy Ms. Susan Conry Ms. Vivien C. Consalvo Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Consolini Mr. and Mrs. John R. Contarino Contel Fresh, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Conti Ms. Edna N. Conway Mrs. Carton C. Conway Mrs. Alma L. Cook Ms. Delores G. Cook Mrs. Elinor A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Frederic L. Cook, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Norris Cook Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Cook Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cookson Cookson Electronic Assembly Materials Ms. Carol W. Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cooney Mr. Allen Cooper Ms. Althea M. Cooper Ms. Donna Cooper Dr. and Mrs. E. Newbold Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cooper Cooperative Association of Resort Exchangers Dr. James E. Copeland, Jr. Mrs. Vinnie Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Coppola Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Corbett Dr. Alan Corbin Ms. Janine A. Corcoran Mr. Craig L. Cordell Mr. Douglas Cordiano and Ms. Andrea Burke Mr. and Mrs. Antone C. Corey Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Corey Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Corl, Jr. Mr. John P. Corley Mrs. Joan Cormack Ms. Janet O. Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Corr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Corr Mr. and Mrs. John Cortese, Jr. Ms. Kara Corvino

2010 Honor Roll of Donors

Mr. Robert L. Costa Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Costantino Mr. and Mrs. B. Patrick Costello Mr. and Mrs. John B. Costello Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Costello Ms. Maryanne Costerella Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cotherman, II Ms. Geraldine Coughlan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Coulter Countryside North Residents Assocation, Inc. Mrs. Margery T. Coupe Dr. and Mrs. Roger N. Cournoyer Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. James Covelluzzi Mr. and Mrs. Philip Coviello Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Covill Ms. Patricia C. Covington Mr. Charles R. Cox The Honorable Cynthia Cox Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt C. Cox, III Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cox, II Cox-Gifford Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Coxhead Rev. and Mrs. D. Lorne Coyle Ms. Claudia G. Coyne Mrs. Rose Marie Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Crago Mrs. J. June Taylor Crain Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crain Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cramb Mrs. Jean C. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Cravens Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Craw, Sr. Ms. Elizabeth P. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. James L. Crawford Ms. Kim Crawford Ms. Lenore R. Crawford Ms. Mary Lu Crawford Mrs. J. Hamilton Crawford Mrs. James B. Creal Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Creighton Ms. Mary K. Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Crews Mr. and Mrs. John V. Cricco Mr. and Mrs. Standish C. Crippen Mr. Samuel Crisante Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Cristiano Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Marion Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Cromer Mr. and Mrs. David S. Croom Croom Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. John G. Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Crosby Cross Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Crouse Marge Crowal and Cris Giampa Mr. and Mrs. W. Herbert Crowder, III Mr. and Mrs. Steve Crown CSC Mr. and Mrs. Atillo F. Cucci Mr. and Mrs. David J. Culbertson Mrs. Elaine R. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cullinane Mr. and Mrs. William Culshaw Ms. April Culver Mrs. Merrilee Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Cunha Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. James T. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. John F. Curley Mr. and Mrs. William G. Curran, Jr. Ms. Peggy L. Currey Mr. and Mrs. James L. Currie Ms. Barbara F. Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Curtiss Mr. and Mrs. Caspar A. Curzio Dr. and Mrs. William M. Cutler CVS Pharmacy Distribution Center Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cynamon Cypress Capital Group Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Czajka Ms. Candace Czajkowski Mr. and Mrs. Joe Czekaj Ms. Elizabeth A. Czop Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Czysz Mr. and Mrs. Jim Czysz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. DAndrea Mr. and Mrs. Frank DAngelo Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. DElia Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DUrso Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Daker, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ready, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daker, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hart Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc. Ms. Nancy Dallaire Mr. and Mrs. James J. Daloia Ms. Mildred A. Daloia Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Daly Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Daly Mr. and Mrs. James J. Daly Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Damon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daner Ms. Mallory W. Danforth Mr. and Mrs. Vernon H. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. John R. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. John A. Darling Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. David W. Davenport David Oppenheimer and Company Mrs. Sherrie T. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davidson Mrs. Eleanor T. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Elwin W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. J. James Davis Mr. and Mrs. James S. Davis Ms. Janet B. Davis Ms. Janice W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. John E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. L. Dean Davis Ms. Lucy A. Davis Mrs. Mary Ellen Davis Mrs. Mary Jane Davis Ms. Monica L. Davis and Family Ms. Susan Davis and Family Mr. and Mrs. William C. Davis Lessie B. Davison Ms. Betty A. R. Dawson Mrs. Barbara B. Day Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan F. Day Mrs. Virginia L. Day Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Dayton Dr. and Mrs. John T. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dayton Ms. Martha De La Torre Ms. Donna De Marco Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. De Salvo Mr. Herbert W. Dean Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dean, III Mr. and Mrs. James S. Deaver Mr. and Mrs. Davide C. Deblasio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Decandia Mr. Donald F. Decker DeCristoforo Real Estate LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dees Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dees Mrs. Mary DeFino Ms. Melvina H. DeGaetano Mr. and Mrs. William E. Degen Mr. and Mrs. Jon Deignan Mr. Anthony J. Del Gaudio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Del Negro Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Del Vecchio, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Fredy Delacruz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Delande Mr. Frank R. Delia Ms. Barbara DellAcqua Ms. Gerda Della Valle Mr. Andrew L. DeMario and Mr. and Mrs. William Curran Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DeMartino Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Dember Mr. Joseph A. Demeri Mr. Robert M. DeMers Mr. and Mrs. James M. Demitrieus Ms. Mary Demitrieus Ms. Katherine Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. James Denmark Ms. Claudia Dennis Mrs. Peggy L. Dennis Mrs. Polly Dennison Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Densmore Mrs. Lois E. Dermody DeRoyal Mr. and Mrs. Adrian N. Dery Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Deschane Mrs. Michelle Deschane Mr. Sal Deseno Mr. and Mrs. George E. Deshane Designer Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh DeSio Ms. Elvira M. Desmarais Ms. Sharyn E. Desroches Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DeTurris Ms. Mary C. Detwiler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Detzel Mr. and Mrs. Stevens G. DeVargas Ms. Francine A. Devitt Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Devlin Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Devlin Ms. Barbara C. Devor Mrs. Anne DeVore Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. DeWaters, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen D. Dewhirst Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. DeWolfe Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dezell Mrs. Betty Dezzutti Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Di Fazio Ms. Helen Di Giammarino Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Diamandis Mrs. Helen Diamond Ms. Maria Diaz Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dibbern Ms. Marie DiCataldo Ms. Karen Dick Ms. Sue Dickes Mrs. Eleanor Diebner Mr. and Mrs. Samuel X. DiFeo Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. DiLella Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Sean Dillon Mr. Al DiLorenzo Mr. Paul DiLorenzo Nicole L. DiMarzo Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Dingee Dingess-Rum Properties, Inc. Ms. Susan F. Dion and Family Mr. and Mrs. Fred DiRocco Mr. Louis DiRusso Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. DiRusso Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Ditri Mr. and Mrs. Bill Divine Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Divinere Mr. and Mrs. Stewart S. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dobbs, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Doheny Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Doherty Ms. Elizabeth Dolan Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman Dolan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Dolan Ms. Margaret Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. William P. Dole Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Dollberg Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Domenico Dave, Lou and Denise Domenico Mr. William E. Domitrovits

The VNA & Hospice Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and community organizations for their generosity during October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.
and Ms. Sherri D. Wilson Donadio and Associates, Architects, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Donaghy, Jr. Ms. Heather Donahue and Ms. Victoria Donahue Brace Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Duncan F. Donald Donald W. Lesher, Jr. In and Out Fund Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennett Donaldson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rene J. Donars Mr. Anthony M. Donini Mr. and Mrs. Terrence K. Donley Mrs. Louise M. Donna Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Donnelly Ms. Sharon E. Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dontje Ms. E. Jane Dooley Mr. and Mrs. George Dooley Mrs. Faye D. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Dorsett Ms. Mildred A. Doss and Mr. Wayne Hebbard Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Doty Ms. Cora Doucette Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Doud Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doughtie Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dove Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Dowling Mrs. Geraldine F. Downey Mrs. Allison J. Downing Mr. and Mrs. John Downing Mr. and Mrs. Donald Downs Mr. Frederick T. Downs Ms. Helen Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Rick Dreves Mr. and Mrs. William P. Driscoll, Jr. Mrs. Jayne Drucker Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Drumm Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Drury, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. DuBois Mr. and Mrs. Robert DuBose Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Duckham Mr. Freddy Dudding Mr. James Duffy and Family Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Dulina, III Ms. Tessie Dulina Mr. and Mrs. James O. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Duncan Ms. Arlene M. Dunlop Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Dunmyer Mr. Donald G. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Dunn, Jr. Mr. Denis A. Dunne Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dunphy Mrs. Patricia C. Dunsmore Mr. and Mrs. David V. Duplessis Mr. Edward B. duPont Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. DuPonte Mr. and Mrs. John R. Durant Mrs. Charles A. Hastings Mr. and Mrs. William W. DuRie Mr. and Mrs. Carlton C. Durling Ms. Jane Cathleen Dusseau Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Dwight, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dye and Family Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dyer Dyer Chevrolet Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn W. Dyson Ms. Kelly Eacker Mr. and Mrs. David Earl Mr. and Mrs. Hubert P. Earle, Jr. Eastwood American Legion Auxillary Unit 1276 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Eaton Mr. Robert F. Ebach Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Eberstadt Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Eberstadt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Echeverria Mr. Robert Eckert, Jr. Ms. Wendy Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Eckler Mr. and Mrs. James N. Edgar Floyd F. Edie Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Edmiston Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Denny Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Edmonds Mr. Frederick R. Edmunds Dr. and Mrs. Jay D. Edwards Mrs. J. Robert Edwards Mr. and Mrs. David W. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Egan, III The Bernard A. Egan Foundation. Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Eggleston Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ehlen, Jr. Mr. Robert N. Ehmann and Ms. Kathleen A. Mace Mrs. Elsbeth A. Eibs Mrs. Daisy B. Eiman Ms. Phyllis C. Eisenach Mr. and Mrs. William G. Eisert Mr. and Mrs. Armund N. Ek Mr. and Mrs. James Elam Mrs. Peter Elder Mr. Frederick Elia Ms. Holly Elkins Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Elliott The Ellis Family Ms. Anne D. Ellis Mrs. Katharine G. Ellis Kaz Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ellsworth Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Ellsworth Ms. Laura Elmore Ms. Linda M. Embry Mr. and Mrs. Brian N. Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Emerson Employees of Landmark Insurance Ms. Margaret M. Enderle Mr. David Ennis Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Ennis Mr. Stanley W. Ensminger Mr. and Mrs. Hannan M. Epstein Ms. Joyce G. Erato Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Erb Mrs. Margaret Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Estabrook and Family Estate of Alexander DeMilo Estate of Charlotte S. Fait Estate of Helen F. Murphy Estate of James C. Pierce, Jr. Estate of Kenneth H. McKnight Estate of Loma F. Joseph Estate of Mary Haskell Estate of Maureen M. Nolan Estate of Michael R. Lucidi Estate of Nancy B. Hendrickson Estate of Robert P. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. John S. Estey Mr. and Mrs. Stuart S. Estra Ms. Elaine D. Ethier Eton Advisors, LP Mr. and Mrs. William F. Eubanks Mr. and Mrs. John H. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Evans Mrs. Nicholas M. Evans Ms. Donna Evans Mr. and Mrs. James Evans Mr. and Mrs. John H. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Evans Ms. Priscilla L. Evans Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Evans, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Everett Mr. J. Lee Everett, III Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Evers, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Evers Mrs. Erik Evren Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ewert Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fachko Mrs. Barrie T. Fahey Mrs. Elizabeth M. Fairchild Fairfield County Allergy and Asthma Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Familetti Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Farace Mr. and Mrs. James E. Farney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Farnsworth, Jr. Mr. Robert Farr and Ms. Diana Farr Ms. Jacqueline P. Farrell Ms. Claire L. Farrington Laurie and Ellen Mary Farrington Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Farrington Mrs. Ruth D. Farrington Mr. and Mrs. John Faughnan Mr. Lloyd L. Faulkingham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Faulks Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Faunce Ms. Bertha H. Fauver Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fauver Mrs. Richard J. Fava Mr. John E. Fay Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fay FCPS Dept. of Communication and Community Outreach Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Feehan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feeney Ms. Claire G. Fegelman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Feldman Fellsmere Historical Church Mr. Kenneth D. Felten Mr. and Mrs. Scott Feltman Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fenn Mrs. Carol H. Fennell Mr. and Mrs. Toby W. Fenton Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Fenwick Ms. Patricia H. Ferenbach Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ferguson Ms. Catherine K. Ferrell Dr. Doris A. Ferres Ms. Bonita M. Ferro Ms. Marilyn T. Ferry Mrs. Harriett P. Fersch Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fetter Mr. and Mrs. Seymour S. Feuer Mr. and Mrs. H. James Field, Jr. Mr. Harry Field Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Field Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fields Mrs. John S. Filbert Mrs. Robert Filliettaz Mr. Richard Findley Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Finestone Mr. and Mrs. Morris Finkelstein Mr. Edward W. Finn Mr. John Finnigan Ms. Diane Fiorello Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Fiorentino Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fischer Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Fischman Ms. Debi Fisher Ms. Donna S. Fisher Ms. Effie Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Fisher Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fisher, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Willard M. Fitch Ms. Danielle Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fitzgerald Ms. Rebecca J. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. David K. FitzSimons Mr. and Mrs. John N. Fix Mr. and Mrs. John H. Flagg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Flaherty Mrs. Patty Flaherty Ms. Linda Flanigan Mrs. Jane L. Fleming Mrs. Barbara Flemming Mrs. Christine Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fletcher

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Flinchbaugh Flinchum Construction, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Flint Florida Grady White Boat Dealers Florida Power & Light Company - PSL Mr. and Mrs. Anson C. Flyer Mrs. Ann H. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flynn Ms. Patty Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fodor Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Fogle Mrs. Mary Jane Foist Mr. and Mrs. James E. Foley Mr. and Mrs. John C. Foley Ms. Mary Foley Terry Folini Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Follis Jean S. Forbes Ms. Marjorie Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Force Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Ford Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ford, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Foresman Mrs. Barbara R. Forester Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Forlines Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Forrer Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Forrester Mr. and Mrs. Louis Forrler Ms. Helen L. Forsyth Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fosse Mr. and Mrs. Dulany Foster, Jr. Ms. Joan M. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Foster Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fountain Ms. B. J. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Fowler Ms. Barbara P. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Fox Fox Ridge Homeowners, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles France Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Francis Mr. and Mrs. J. William Francois Mr. and Mrs. Manfred W. Franitza Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frankeberger Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Frankenthal Ms. Betsy W. Franklin Ms. Elsie K. Franklin Franklin Sherman Elementary School Ms. Katarina Frasca Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fraser Fraternal Order of Eagles Fraternal Order of Eagles Daytona Beach Aerie #4401 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Frazer Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. William E. Frederick Mr. Gerald Fredlund Mr. Richard R. Freedman Mrs. Roberta Freeling Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. William B. Freiheit Mr. John W. Frenaye Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Freni Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Fresh Fresh Pacific Fruit and Vegetable, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Fretwell Mr. David G. Frey Mr. and Mrs. Harland Frey Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Frey Mrs. Ruth N. Frey Mr. and Mrs. William L. Frick Mr. and Mrs. William C. Friese Mr. and Mrs. William H. Friesell Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Fritsch Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Fritts Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Frobouck Mrs. Donald S. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Frost, Sr. Mr. Michael Frothingham Ms. Josefina Fugate Mrs. Thirsa Fuiks Mr. and Mrs. Cal Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fuller and Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Reginald G. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Funke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Furmato Mr. and Mrs. John R. Furrer

Mr. and Mrs. Benedetto Fusco Mr. and Mrs. Anson C. Fyler Mr. and Mrs. Anders P. Gabrielson Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Gagnon Ms. Nancy Gahman Mr. Dan Gaines Ms. Michaela Gair Ms. Janis M. Gajowski Mrs. Bobbi L. Galbraith Ms. Lee Gale Mrs. Edna S. Gall Mr. and Mrs. Bradford K. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gallen Galleons Association, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Gallery Ms. Virginia Gallo Pat Galvin Ms. Shelley Gama Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gamrath Jennie and Sal Gangie Mr. Daniel W. Gannon Mrs. Mary K. Gantner Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Garavaglia The Garden Group of Johns Island Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner Ms. Mary Jane Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Gardner Mrs. Sharon E. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. David C. Garfield Ms. June E. Garman Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Garno, Jr. Ms. Alda M. Garone Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Garr Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Garris Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Garris Ms. Nancy A. Garst Mrs. Lorraine Gartner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Garvey Miss. Jeanne Gascoigne Ms. Joan M. Gaskill Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gasser Mrs. Sandra L. Gathen Mr. and Mrs. Mason A. Gathwright Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Gatti Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaukler Mrs. Barbara A. Gault Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gay Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Gaynor Mr. and Mrs. Bronislaw Gazda Mr. and Mrs. John J. Geany Ms. Wanda Gebhardt Mrs. Jean M. Geddes Mr. and Mrs. John H. W. Gefaell Mr. Scott Gehlbach GEICO Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Generali Mr. and Mrs. Lee Genick Ms. Mary Ellen Genova Ms. Beth A. George Mr. Bill George Mr. and Mrs. Thomas George George E. Warren Corporation Ms. Patricia Gerhartz Ms. Barbara K. Gerstell Mr. and Mrs. David L. Geyer Mr. and Mrs. George D. Geyer Mrs. Monell B. Gezon Mrs. Ellen M. Gezork Mr. Kas Ghayal, R.Ph. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Giacomino Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giangrasso Mr. Alan R. Gianini Mrs. Gloria M. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gibbons Dr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. E. Martin Gibson Ms. Jennifer Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Gifford Ms. Denise Gigi Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gijanto Ms. Cathy Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Giles Mrs. Catherine E. Gilet Ms. Josephine B. Gilhooley Mr. Robert Gillard Ms. Elizabeth A. Gillick Mrs. Willene M. Gillies Council Member Richard H. Gillmor

Ms. Carol Gilmartin Ms. Mary Gilmartin Mr. David Gingeleskie Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Ginn Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Gionfriddo Mr. Charles L. Girard Mr. and Mrs. Tony Girolami Mr. Kevin Given Ms. Sarita S. Gizzi and Ms. Tamara Thatcher Mrs. Joan V. Glad Mrs. Martha A. Glassmeyer Mr. and Mrs. William F. Glavin Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Glenn Global Connections, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Glover Ms. Nancy Butler Glynn Mr. John F. Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. John M. Godina Ms. Judith Goggin Golden River Fruit Company Mrs. Barabra Goldey Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Goldie Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Z. Goldman Golf Roundup Golfing Friends at Vista Royale Mr. and Mrs. E. Guy Gollner Mrs. Colleen Golub Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Gondek Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Goodale Mr. and Mrs. John C. Goodall, Jr. Ms. Roberta J. Goodall Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Goode Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Goodes Mrs. Julia M. Gooding Mr. and Mrs. Lynn G. Goodnough Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt J. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. William F. Goodrich Mr. Joseph Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Mike Goodwin Mrs. R. Burt Gookin Mr. and Mrs. Leo Goran Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gorday, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Gordon Mrs. Rachelle S. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Gordon Mrs. Pansy E. Gore Rose A. Gorman Trust Mr. and Mrs. R. Emmett Gosman Mrs. Edward C. Goss Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gosselin Mr. and Mrs. H. Chester Goudy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. B. Gould Gould Cooksey Fennell, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gowell Mr. and Mrs. David R. Gracey Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge R. Graef Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graffweg Mrs. Joan Cutler Graham Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Graham, II Mr. and Mrs. William J. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Grajewski Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Gralnick Ms. Catherine Gramness and Ms. Genevieve Kelly Grand Blanc Community Schools Grand Harbor Association Grand Harbor Community Outreach Program Grand Harbor Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association Ms. Doris L. Grandcolas Mrs. Angelina Grandine Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Grandy Ms. Dorothy L. Grant Ms. Margaret R. Grant Mr. and Mrs. William A. Granzen Ms. Lena Grasso Ms. Laurie Gratny Ms. Elizabeth J. Grau and Ms. Jeanie Grau Mr. and Ms. Thomas A. Graul Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gravenkamp Ms. Alice M. Graves Dr. Edward C. Graves Mr. and Mrs. James R. Graves, III Mrs. J. Richard Graves, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Graves, III Mrs. George F. Grawe Mr. Malcolm D. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Monty H. Gray Mr. and Mrs. William J. Grealis Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greaves Mr. Daniel R. Greeley Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Green Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Green, III Mr. and Mrs. Hix H. Green, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Green Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green Ms. Susan Green Mr. Gilbert J. Greenberg and Ms. Ruth Hahn Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Greene, Jr. Christie and Doris Greene Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greene Ms. Janie Greene Mr. and Mrs. Max Greene Ms. Nadine Greene Mr. Richard Greene Ms. Erika R. Greenfield Ms. Barbara L. Greenless Mr. and Mrs. James W. Greenwell Greenwich Medical Society, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H. Greer Mr. and Mrs. James Gregg Mrs. Elizabeth S. Gregory Ms. Jean C. Gregory Mr. Bernard Greif Mr. John A. Greiner Mr. Glenn B. Grevengoed Mr. and Mrs. George Grieger Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Griesinger Griffin, Maxwell and Frazelle, P.A. Mr. Michael R. Grilli Mrs. Mary Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Grimm, Jr. Grimm Management, L.P. Mrs. Brendan C. Griswold Mrs. Doris Grivas Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Groom Mr. and Mrs. David R. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Gross Ms. Phyllis J. Gross-Ceisner Mr. and Mrs. John Grote Ms. Gena Grove Mr. Charles L. Grover Mr. Robert Gruber Ms. Karen Grunwalt, Mr. Mark, Steve, Joel, Tom and Ebon Cockley Mr. Charles C. Gruppe Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Gryder Mrs. Joanne D. Grymes Ms. Mary G. Gudelski Mrs. Shirley M. Guffey Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Guidarini Mr. and Mrs. Brian Guinee Mr. and Mrs. Wynne W. Gulden Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gullett Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Gullquist Gunster, Yoakley and Stewart, PA Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gunton Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gussman Mrs. Karin M. Gustine Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Guthrie, Jr. Mrs. Mary G. Guyer Mrs. Virginia Vicevich-Guyott Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gwilym Gyro Club of Youngstown Mr. and Mrs. Max Gysin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haase Mr. and Mrs. Loren A. Haatvedt Mrs. Marjorie G. Haberman Mr. and Mrs. Max Habernickel, III Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Habib Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Hacker Hadenstanziale, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne K. Hader Mr. and Mrs. Peter Haeffner Mr. and Mrs. Troy B. Hafner Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Hager Dr. Johnson Hagood Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Hagopian Mr. and Mrs. Regis W. Haid Ms. Carol B. Haight Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Haines Mr. Theodore W. Hakim and Ms. Phyllis A. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hale

2010 Honor Roll of Donors

Mr. and Mrs. John K. Haley Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hall Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hall Mr. and Mr. Russell E. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Hall, III Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hall Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hallberg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Hallenbeck Mr. Donald R. Hallett Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Hallett Mrs. Caroline O. Hallinan Mr. and Mrs. John Halvorsen Mrs. Betty A. Hamer Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hames, Jr. Ms. Laura J. Hamilton Ms. Janet Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. A. Clifford Hammett Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hamner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hamner, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gifford H. Hampton, III Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. John Hankins Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hankins Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley Ms. Anne L. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Valmore A. Hannah Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hannan Mr. and Mrs. Hans W. Hansen Ms. Eleanor A. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hardaker Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. V. Hardiman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Hardt Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hardwick Mr. and Mrs. Donal B. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. John V. E. Hardy Ms. Kathleen M. Hardy Ms. Evelyn Hare Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hare Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Hargreaves Mr. Francis J. Harkins, Jr. Ms. Sally Harless Mr. and Mrs. William A. Harlor Ms. Melanie Harman and Ms Kathy Wieser Mr. Robert J. Harmon Mr. Martin J. Harnish, Jr. Ms. Genevieve Harold Mr. Brendon Harp Ms. Mary Anne Harp Mr. Michael W. Harp Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harreys Mrs. Louisa C. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Harris Ms. Freddine H. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Harris Mr. Thomas A. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Harris Ms. Tracy Harris Harris Corporation Harris, Cotherman, Jones, Price and Associates, CPA Ms. Eva Harrison and Mr. Charlie Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison Mrs. Thomas C. Harrison Ridgely W. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hart Mr. Joseph F. Hart Dr. Sidney Hart Reverend and Mrs. John H. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartt Ms. Elinore F. Hartz Mr. and Mrs. Forrest R. Haselton Mr. Bryce Hatch Ms. Margery H. Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Havekotte Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Havens, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Haverland Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Hawkins Hawkins Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hawksworth Ms. Pamela P. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Hay Mr. Anthony Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Haydu Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Donny Hayes and Family Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Hayes, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Claude Haynes Ms. Julia A. Haynie Mrs. Kay H. Hazel Ms. Cynthia Hazlewood HBS, Inc. Health Promotion Foundation, Inc. HealthSouth Treasure Coast Rehabilitation Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Healy Heartbeat of the Treasure Coast Heathcote Botanical Gardens, Inc. Mrs. Anne D. Heaton Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas Hebert Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hecht Mr. and Mrs. David Heckelman Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Heckman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heddle Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hegener Ms. Shirley A. Hei Ms. Kathe Heide Mrs. Robert C. Heidell Mrs. Elaine Heile Mr. and Mrs. David R. Heilman Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Heim Mrs. Warren M. Heim Mrs. Geraldine M. Heister Ms. Cathy Helland Mr. Christopher Heller Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Heller Mrs. Charles T. Hellmuth, Sr. Ms. Doris Z. Helms Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helms Mrs. Patsy E. Helseth Mr. and Mrs. John W. Helt Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Hembree Mr. and Mrs. David Hemme Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hempton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hemskey Mrs. Dorothy R. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hendrick Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hendricks Mr. Arthur K. Hendrix Mr. Earl M. Walker and Ms. Kathleen A. Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Hennessey Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Hennessy, Sr. Henry Losey Painting, LLC Mr. Norman W. Hensick Ms. Anita L. Herbst Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Herdegen Ms. Betty N. Herget Mr. and Mrs. Morton E. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Herman Dr. Raul J. Hernandez Ms. Minerva T. Herrick Mrs. Gwendolyn Herring Mr. and Mrs. Orel L. Hershiser Mr. and Mrs. Ben Heskett Ms. Joan E. Hesse Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hessian Mr. Douglas W. Hester Ms. Margaret S. Hetherington Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hewett Mr. and Mrs. Amos G. Hewitt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hickey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Hickey Hickey, Collins and Beach, Chartered Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hickman Mrs. Ruby T. Hicks Mrs. Catharine R. Higgins Ms. Judy O. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. William H. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. C. Brian Hill Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hill Ms. Juanita M. Hill and Family Mr. and Mrs. C. Brian Hill Ms. Muriel A. Hill Mrs. Royce Hill Ms. Rose M. Hill Ms. Megan Hillegass Mr. and Mrs. Larry Himes Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hinz Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hipsley Ms. Pat Hirsch Dr. Betty Jo Hirschfield Louik Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hobaica Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoder, III Mr. and Mrs. August D. Hodges Mrs. Marian R. Hodges Mrs. Miriam Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoenemeyer, Jr. Ms. Lori J. Hoey Mrs. Clair O. Hoffacker Mr. and Mrs. Barry F. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hoffman Mr. Seth Hoffman Mr. Thomas T. Hoffman Mrs. Carolyn Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Chester R. Hogan Ms. Janet R. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hogan, III Hogan and Sons Mrs. Aileen J. Hoguet Mr. and Mrs. John Hoidge Mrs. Catherine Hoke Ms. Terry Holcombe Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Holden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Holden Mr. and Mrs. Herb Holin Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Romer Holleran Mr. and Mrs. John H. Holliday Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hollingsworth, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hollington Ms. Nancy Hollister Dr. and Mrs. David J. McKenna Mrs. Mannie L. Holmes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Holmes Ms. Ruth A. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G. Holthaus, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holtkamp Ms. Cari Holtzclaw and Friends at Oculina Bank Holy Cross Catholic Church Holy Family Junior High School Mr. and Mrs. George M. Homer Mrs. Kathleen G. Hoots Ms. Martha B. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Hoover, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carter W. Hopkins Mr. John H. Hoppin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larmarcus Hornbuckle Mr. and Mrs. L. David Horner, III Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Horton Mr. Norris Host Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Hostage Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hotchkiss Mrs. Jean M. Houck

The VNA & Hospice Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and community organizations for their generosity during October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.
Mr. Paul D. Houlihan Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. House Ms. Judith Houtenbrink Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. How, Jr. Ms. Barbara A. Howard Mrs. C. Alexander Howard Mr. and Mrs. John W. Howard Mr. Richard T. Howard The Howard P. and Mary Needles McJunkin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Howarth Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howe Mr. John F. Howell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Howell Ms. Nelda K. Howell Ms. Reba D. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Howkins Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Howle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Hoynes, Jr. Mrs. Jeannette M. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Huang Mr. and Mrs. Frost W. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard Mrs. Marilyn Hubble Mrs. Helen M. Huber Mrs. Patricia C. Hubner Mrs. Arthur D. Hudnutt Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. William N. Hudson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Huggins, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hughes Mr. Maxwell Hughes Mrs. Henry S. Huidekoper Ms. Mary T. Hull Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hulseman Mr. and Mrs. William A. Humphrey Ms. Mayme C. Hunt Mrs. W. C. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Morgan V. Hunter Ms. Jean Huntley Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicholas Hurd Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Hurd Mrs. Frances H. Hurdman Mrs. Barbara B. Hurley Mr. Cornelius Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hurley Mrs. William C. Hurtt, Jr. Mrs. Jayne M. Hustead Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hutchins Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Hutchinson Korey Huyler Mr. Basil Hwoschinsky, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Hyer Mr. William P. Hypes Ms. Lucy Iascone Mr. and Mrs. James A. Iasimone IBM Corporation Employee Services Center IBM Employee Services Center IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign Mr. Lee P. Iden iHealthSpot, Inc. Implant Recycling Indian River Animal Hospital, Inc. Indian River County Intercessors Indian River County Sheriffs Office Indian River Estate Planning Council, Inc. Indian River Exchange Packers Indian River Woodcarvers Ms. Linda Infante Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ingersoll Ms. Mary P. Inglesby Mr. Oda O. Inglis Mr. James P. Ingram Mr. Martin L. Ingwersen International Floors of America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ireland, II Mrs. Nancy H. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. William P. Irish Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Irwin Island Automotive of Sebastian, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Iverson Mr. and Mrs. Dermod Ives, Jr. Mrs. Alexander Ix J. M. Whitney Insurance, Inc. Jac. Vandenberg, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Garvase Jach, Jr. Ms. Christine S. Jackson and Mr. David A. Long Mr. J. Robert Jackson Mrs. Kathleen Jackson Mrs. Richard S. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. T. Lawrie Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jacobs Mr. Darryl J. Jacobs Ms. Deborah K. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Jacobs Mrs. June Jacobs Ms. Katherine E. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Jacobs Ms. Judith Jacobucci Mr. Robert R. Jacobucci Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jadwin Mr. and Mrs. John Jaeger Ms. Areba James Mr. and Mrs. Ed James Mrs. Eunice L. James Mr. and Mrs. Phil James Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. James Mr. and Mrs. Rod James Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Jamison, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Janicki Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan N. Jankowski Mr. Leonard Jankowski Mr. Fred Janowski Ms. Aline Jarrett JAS Fitness Mr. Rick Jayroe Jean and Scott Bridge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords Jeffrey K. Barton Ms. Lynn Jekkals Mr. Frank Jelenick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jemielity Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jenal Ms. Betty J. Jenkins Celia M. Jenkins Mrs. Downing B. Jenks Dr. and Mrs. Leander R. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Jennings Ms. Sandra E. Jennings-Nichols Mrs. Loretta Jenny Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Jensen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Jensen, III Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jess Mrs. Susan C. Jewett Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jiranek Ms. Sylvia M. Johannessen Mrs. Dorothy Johansson Mr. and Mrs. William H. John John F. Daly Charitable Remainder Trust-UTD October 2, 1997 John Hersey High School Johns Island Community Service League Johns Island Real Estate Company Johns Island Study Club Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Johns Ms. Bonney A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Johnson Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Johnson Ms. Marie F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Reid Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Johnson

Richard and Pamela Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Johnson Ms. Ruth Johnson Mrs. Susan S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Johnston Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Lon Johnston Ms. Penelope Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Otto W. Jommersbach Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley Jones Mrs. June B. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones Ms. Mace Jones Ms. Margaret Jones Ms. Marilyn S. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones Mr. Thomas Jones Ms. Wendy E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones Jones Day Dr. and Mrs. Thad H. Joos Mr. Kenneth E. Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Wayne S. Jostrand Mrs. James F. Joy Mr. and Mrs. Philip Joy Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Joyce Erika and Eli Timmons Ben and Kelly Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Joyce Mr. and Mrs. David W. Judy JUICE Pharma Worldwide Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Juliano Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Jung, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth E. Jurjevich Ms. Lisa D. Jutras Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Kaczenski Kaffee Klatch of Vero Beach Highlands Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kagler Mr. and Mrs. George Kahle Mr. Edward C. Kalaidjian Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Kaliher Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kalix The Honorable and Mrs. Paul Kanarek Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Kaneb Ms. Barbara A. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. James D. Karish Dr. and Mrs. Stacey Karliss Ms. Kim Karpen-Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Nick Karpiak Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Kasten Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten, II Mr. and Mrs. William O. Katt Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. George Kausler Mrs. Joan Kay Mr. and Mrs. John Kean, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keating Delma J. Keechl Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Keegan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Keegan Mrs. Henry G. Keeler, Jr. Mr. George P. Keeley Ms. Bernadette Kehl Ms. Marie-Antoinette N. Kehoe Eleanor M. Keicher Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Keith Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Keith Ms. Anne Kelleher Mrs. Meg Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Keller Keller, Schleicher and MacWilliam Engineering and Testing, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Kelley Ms. Mary H. Kelley Mrs. Ann S. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly Ms. Jo L. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelly Kelly Management Corporation Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kelsey

Ms. Irma Kelson Ms. Kathleen Kelty Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Kendall Ms. Tracey A. Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kennedy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kennedy Kennedy Management Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kent Mr. and Mrs. E. Niles Kenyon Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kenyon Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Kepler Ms. Bianca P. Keresey Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Willard P. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. DeWilte T. Kersh, Jr. Mr. George L. Kessel Mr. Paul Kessner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kester Dr. Richard Ketai Mr. David S. Ketchum Mrs. Anita S. Ketterer Mrs. Jacqueline M. Key Ms. Connie Keyser Keystone Fruit Marketing, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kielley Mr. Thomas P. Kiernan Ms. Gloria Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Millard Kin Ms. Pat Kineman Ms. Elizabeth S. King Mr. and Mrs. Ellis King Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. King Dr. and Mrs. Hueston C. King Ms. Jennifer J. King Mr. Ralph T. King Ms. Linda L. King-Sigmon Ms. Dorothy J. Kingsbury Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kingsbury Ms. Rita Kingsley Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kingston Mr. and Mrs. T. Warfield Kinkead Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kinnison Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Kinsella Mrs. H. Roberta Kirby Ms. Norma Kirby Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby Mr. Thomas J. Kirchhoff Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Kirkpatrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirschner Mr. Jack Kite Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Kite Mr. John Klein Mr. and Mrs. John Klein Mr. Robert G. Klemtner Ms. Margaret M. Kline Mr. Richard P. Klopp Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kmetz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Knier Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knight Mr. and Mrs. John R. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Knisel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Kniseley Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Knisely Mrs. Mary H. Knisely Mrs. Louise H. Knoll Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Knowles Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Knowles Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Koblegard, III Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Koenig Ms. Gladys Kohler and Ms. Norma R. Pietrusiak Mr. James Kohler Ms. Marilyn J. Kolar Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Kommers Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Koniecki Mr. and Mrs. Floyd F. Koogler, Jr. Mr. Edward R. Koscher Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kotecki Mrs. Rosemary L. Kotkowski Nicholas Koval Ms. Sandra L. Kovar Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Kozol Mr. and Mrs. John Krajewski

Ms. Heidi Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Kramer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krasula Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krause Mrs. Bobby B. Krausz Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Kraycir Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krege Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kreider Mrs. Clare L. Kremer Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Krick Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kroesser Kroger WESCO of Vero Beach Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krohn Mr. Benjamin E. Krom Mrs. Mary Kromhout Ms. Dixie R. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Jacobus C. Kruiten Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kruse Ms. Ann G. Krusinski Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Ksayian Mr. Arthur R. Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kunkle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Kurish Ms. Gloria M. Kurnath Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kuryluk Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Kurz Mr. Jeffrey C. Kusch Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kusch Dr. Conrad J. Kusel Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kutcher Mr. Herbert Kutz and Mr. Michael Bauer Families Mrs. Irene K. LHomme Mr. and Mrs. Bob Labrie Mr. and Mrs. James Lacava Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lacey Mr. and Mrs. Chris LaCroix Mr. and Mrs. Delano W. Ladd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Louis LaFage Ms. Adrienne L. Lafar Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. LaFleur Mr. and Mrs. F. Vern Lahart Mrs. Betty J. Lake Mrs. Robert H. Lake Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Lake Mr. Joseph C. Lamb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. George S. Lambeth, Jr. Ms. Doris L. Lambuth Mr. and Mrs. Denny Lamers Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lamm Mr. and Mrs. Wililam S. Lamond Ms. Elizabeth E. Lamotte Ms. Darlene Lampe Mr. Raymond Lampsa Ms. Jennifer Lanam Mr. Raymon J. Land Mrs. Gwen Landers Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Landers Landmark Insurance of the Palm Beaches, Inc. Dr. Larry Landsman Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Landsman Mr. Charles T. Lane Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lane Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lang Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langan Mr. and Mrs. William A. Langdon Mrs. Barbara A. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lange Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Langpaul Mr. Logan T. Lanham Ms. Cathy Lannom Mr. William Lanthier and Family Mr. and Mrs. John J. LaPlante Ms. Madeleine C. Laplante Mrs. Rachel Lapointe Ms. Sharon LaPointe Mrs. Ann P. Laraja Dr. and Mrs. James W. Large Mr. and Mrs. William Larned Mrs. Evelyn H. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Larson Ms. Phyllis L. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Chester K. Lasell

Ms. Greta F. Lassiter and Family Mr. and Mrs. Mario L. Laudano Ms. Jean C. Laughlin Laura M. and Peter T. Grauer Foundation Ms. Joan A. LaVance Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Law, Jr. Ms. Shirley W. Law Mr. and Mrs. C. Andrew Lawrence Ms. Dorothy L. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. George H. C. Lawrence Mrs. Ellen J. Lawther Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Lawton Mr. and Mrs. Johnny M. Layton Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Lazenby Ms. Judith A. Le Febvre Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Leary Ms. Diana LeBlanc and Ms. Christy White Mr. and Mrs. Normand P. LeBlanc, Sr. Mrs. Hazel E. Leckonby Mrs. Mary A. LeClair Mrs. Alice Leclerc Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Ledder Mrs. Eileen P. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Lee Ms. Mary Lill Lee Mrs. Thelma D. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge H. Leeming Mrs. Alison Leffew Ms. Valerie Leffew Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. LeGard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic D. Legate Leger and Son, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Emile J. Legere Ms. Louise D. Leinroth Mrs. Gabriele Leipert Mr. Leonard Leipprandt Ms. Lorraine R. Leitman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Lemanske Mrs. Martha G. Lemasters Ms. Jean Lenz Mr. Lawrence Y. Leonard Mrs. Sharon Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Eric Leonhardt Mr. and Mrs. Andre P. LePage LeRoy Smith, Inc. Ms. Nancy S. Lesher and Mr. William Whaley Ms. Peggy Lessard Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lester Margaret E. Lester Levenson, Katzin and Ballotta, P. A. Mrs. Suzanne J. Levering Ms. Rebecca A. Levick Mr. and Mrs. Abe Levine Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lewchik Ms. Irene K. Lewchik Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewick Ms. Cristine A. Lewis Ms. Crystal Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Lewis Ms. Joan F. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis, III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lewis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis Mr. Thomas F. Liberty and Family Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Liddle Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Liden Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Liebmann Mr. and Mrs. John Lieffort Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lier and Ms. Ellyn Stevens Mrs. La Rae A. Liesen Light Source Business Systems Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lightfoot Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Ligon, III Mr. and Mrs. Dan Liguori Mrs. Doris L. Limbeek Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Lind Ms. Jane L. Lind Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Lind Ms. Audrey R. Lindeman Mr. James G. Lindley Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Lindner

Mr. and Mrs. Les Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Lindsey Ms. Jean P. Lindsey Ms. Helene Lindstrom Col. and Mrs. John E. Lingo Mr. and Mrs. John F. Link, Jr. Miss Marilyn C. Link Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lipham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Lippencott Mrs. Marie Lisius Mr. Raymond J. Lisk Mrs. Sarah R. Litchfield Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Z. Lite Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Little Ms. Dianne E. Little Mrs. Jeanette H. Little Ms. Judith J. Little Ms. Kim Littrell Ms. Elizabeth B. Livers Mr. and Mrs. Billy Livings Ms. Catherine Lloyd Robin and Brenda Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lockard Mr. David W. Locke Mr. and Mrs. James Locke Mr. Charles Lockhart, III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Lockhart Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lockwood Mr. Wayne P. Lockwood Ms. Ellen Locrotondo Mrs. Hazel Logan Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. B. Logan Mr. and Dr. Joseph C. Logue Mr. and Mrs. Neal R. Lohuis Mrs. Shirlee L. Lohuis Ms. Amelia Lombardo Ms. Carol J. Long Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Long Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Long Mr. and Mrs. Wendell J. Long Ms. Lee Longchamps Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Longwell Ms. Kathleen A. Lootens Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Lopes Mr. Armondo Lopez Ms. Cynthia C. Lord Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lord Mr. William H. Lord Mr. Leon P. Lounibos Mr. and Mrs. David W. Lounsbury Mr. and Mrs. Tullio E. Lovisa Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Lowe Mr. Robert L. Lowe Ms. Carole F. Lowell Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lowenberg Mr. and Mrs. William Lower Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Lowther Miss Alma Lee Loy Ms. Gwenda L. Loy Mrs. Dorothy Lozinak LPL Financial Services Mrs. Linda Lucas Mr. F. Dorsey Luchok Mr. Allen Ludlum Mr. and Mrs. David E. Luethje Ms. Marion Luffman Mr. and Mrs. Lee T. Luft Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Luftman Ms. Joyce P. Luke Mr. and Mrs. William D. Luke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Lumpp, II Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundin Ms. Barbara Lundquist Mrs. Marcia P. Lunka Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Lupini Mr. Jerre L. Luther and Ms. Margie Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John M. Luther Mrs. Selma Luther Mr. Travis Lutz Mr. and Mrs. William K. Lutz Ms. Kim S. Lybrand Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lynch Mrs. Lee Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Lynch Ms. Susan E. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lynch

2010 Honor Roll of Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lynn Ms. Janet Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Sigfred G. Lysne Mrs. Ursula M. Ma Ms. Maryellen K. Maar Mrs. Jean Mabee Ms. Suzanne B. MacArthur Mr. and Mrs. John C. Macaulay Ms. Phillis M. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. William E. MacDonald, III Ms. Nancy A. Mace Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. MacFarland Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. MacFarland Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. MacIntire Mr. Bruce MacIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Laidler B. Mackall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Mackie Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. MacKinney, Jr. Mrs. Edward W. Golden Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Whitney MacMillan Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Macomber Mrs. Gordon MacPherson Finlay MacQueen Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Macrae Mrs. John R. Macso Mr. and Mrs. Barry MacTaggart Mr. and Mrs. Alex D. MacWilliam, Jr. Mrs. Amy A. Maddalozzo Dr. and Mrs. John C. Maddox Mr. and Mrs. Norton Madigan Madison Art and Frame Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Madronal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maerten Ms. Betty Lou Magnuson Ms. Loraine Magoon Ms. Stacy L. Magruder Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Mahaffey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mahan Mr. Peter Maher Mrs. Henryette Mahon Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mahony Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Maierhofer Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Maijala Ms. Nancy Mainiero and Ms. Mary Bone Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Maio Ms. Marjorie H. Malagodi MALC and Company Mrs. Barbara H. Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Maleski Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Malin Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Malkmes Ms. Carol Malle Mr. and Mrs. W. Neely Mallory Mrs. Clint Malone Mr. and Mrs. James J. Maloney Ms. Marilyn Maloney Mr. and Mrs. James E. Manahan Mr. and Mrs. Morry Mandelbaum Ms. Barbara Mandell Mr. Robert J. Mangarell Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Mangini Ms. Melanie Manion Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Mann Mr. and Mrs. William F. Manning Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mannion Ms. Barbara J. Manoni Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Manz Mr. and Mrs. David L. Marable Mr. William Marakis Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marando Marbrisa Homeowners Association Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. March Mr. and Mrs. Todd Marchant Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Marchese Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Marcum Ms. Amy Marenco Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Maresi Mrs. John C. Marginian Ms. Geraldine Margiotta Mr. and Mrs. James L. Margolin Marine Bank and Trust Company Ms. Florence F. Marino Ms. Debra L. Markham Ms. Doris E. Markham Ms. Ann Marks Ms. Barbara Marks Mr. and Mrs. James F. Marquardt Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Marquardt Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Marquardt Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Marquis Mrs. Ethel K. Marran Mr. David R. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Marsh Mr. Leonard L. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Marshall Ms. Elizabeth A. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Marshall Mrs. George B. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. John E. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Marshall Mrs. W. Craig Marshall Mr. Leonard L. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Marshall Ms. Susan Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Martin Mr. and Mrs. David C. Martin Mrs. John Martin Mr. and Mrs. James A. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John M. Martin Mrs. Mary W. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Miles W. Martin Mrs. Patience H. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Martin Mr. Stephen Martin Mr. and Mrs. Terry Martin Ms. Michelina C. Martinelli Mr. Pierre W. Martinet, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martini Ms. Loretta Martini Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Marton Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Marvin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Marx Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Mascia Mr. and Mrs. Jean F. Mason, III Ms. Jennifer Mason Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Mason Ms. Candy Massey Dr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Massey Mr. and Mrs. Shuler W. Massey Masteller and Moler, Inc. Mrs. Richard K. Mather Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mathews and Family Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Mathewson Matrix Resources, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Matteson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Matthai Mrs. Richard L. Matthews Mrs. Joan E. Mauk Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mauro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. William G. May Mr. and Mrs. George Mayer Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Mayerson Mrs. Carol H. Maynard Mrs. Susan Mayne Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mayrosh Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Mazrek Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Mazzone Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. McAfee Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McAlley Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McBee Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. McCain Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCall Mrs. Virginia B. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. John R. D. McClintock Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. McCluney Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McClure Ms. Barbara McClure Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew McClure Mr. William H. McClure Mr. and Mrs. James V. McConnell Mr. John N. McConnell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. McCormack Ms. Nancy B. McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. James W. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCormick Mr. Joseph H. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. McCrackan Ms. Jacqueline F. McCracken Mr. Donald P. McCredie Dr. and Mrs. Hugh K. McCrystal Mr. and Mrs. Victor McCuaig Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McCurdy Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDaniel Mr. Thompson H. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. McDermott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. McDermott McDermott Family Living Trust Mrs. Betty McDonald Ms. Jean McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Norm McDonald Mr. and Mrs. W. Wayne McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McDonlad Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McDonough Mr. and Mrs. Dale McElhany Mr. and Mrs. Baron R. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Terence P. McElroy Ms. Donna McEnroe Ms. Debra McFarlane Ms. Audrey H. McGlaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. McGowan Ms. Laurie L. McGowan Ms. Queen E. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. McGrath Mrs. Kathleen McGrath Ms. Claire L. McGuire Dr. and Mrs. William D. McHugh Dr. and Mrs. Thomas McInnes Mr. and Mrs. John Seel Mr. Daniel L. McIntyre Ms. Barbara B. McKee Mr. Franklin McKee Mr. and Mrs. William H. McKee, (Bill and Martha McKee, Will and Michele McKee, Meme and Michael Fehmers, Maggie McKee) Ms. Edna McKendree Ms. Marie E. McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. James A. McKinney Mrs. Ruth I. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. McKinnon Mrs. Alexander McKinny Ms. Kathleen McKinny Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McLachlan Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. William J. McLaughlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. George McLean Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilbride McManus Mr. and Mrs. John W. McManus

The VNA & Hospice Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and community organizations for their generosity during October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.
Dr. and Mrs. William E. McManus Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. McMorrow Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. McNamara, Jr. Mr. William A. McNamee Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. McNeill Mr. and Mrs. David I. McNulty Mr. Michael T. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. William J. McQuaid Ms. Barbara R. McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Rex W. McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. McQueeney Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. McShurley Mrs. Judith A. McSwain Ms. Lynn McTeague and Ms. Nanette McTeague Mr. and Mrs. John D. McWhorter Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mead Ms. Judy H. Meagher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Meaney Ms. Mary F. Meehan Mrs. David J. Meehan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meenan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Meersman Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mehrer and Ms. Trudy Krempa Mr. and Mrs. William P. Meinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Larry Meland Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Melchionne Mr. Daniel F. Melia Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Mellett, Sr. Mellon Private Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Melnick Mr. and Mrs. Jack Melnikoff Mr. Evan Melrose Mr. Richard Meltz Mr. and Mrs. William O. Melvin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mendenhall Mr. and Mrs. A. Mendonsa Ms. Karen M. Meneses Ms. Jennifer Menichello Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeff Mennen Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mercer Mrs. Helen Mercier Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Mercier Mr. Ted Meredith Mrs. Dorothy W. Mergens Mrs. Sadie M. Merian Mr. Jeff R. Merksamer The Merlihan Family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Merrick Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Merriman, Jr. Mrs. Amelia E. Merry Mrs. Mary E. Merser Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Mesel Ms. Dorothy L. Messemer Ms. Donna L. Messer Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Messex Mr. and Mrs. James W. Messner Ms. Patti G. Metz Mrs. John C. Metzger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Metzler Mr. Robert A. Mewborn Mr. and Mrs. H. Theodore Meyer Dr. Norman I. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. John A. Meyers Miami Palmetto Senior High School Staff Association Ms. Lucy Miano Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Michael Mr. and Mrs. George Michals Ms. Alejandria Micket Middlesex Hospital Medical Staff Ms. Irene Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Midkiff Midwest Marketing Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Migliacci Ms. Marielana Miglin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Miklos Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mikolajczuk Ms. Theresa Milea Mr. and Mrs. Robert Q. Millan Ms. Diane M. Miller Mrs. Dorothy J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Miller Mrs. Joan Miller Ms. Elaine Miller Ms. Elizabeth A. Miller Ms. Gloria Miller Ms. Gloria B. Miller Mrs. Helen F. Miller Ms. Joan Miller Ms. Joanne J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Miller Ms. Mary Miller Ms. Mary C. Miller Ms. Mary G. Miller Ms. Mary H. D. Miller Mrs. Norman E. Miller, Jr. Pat Miller Ms. Roberta Miller Ms. Terril Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Miller Millers Pharmacy and Osceola Homecare Mr. Timothy L. Milles Mr. and Mrs. Scott Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Mills Mr. and Mrs. James N. Mills Mrs. Harlan Mills Mrs. Mary B. Millspaugh Mr. and Mrs. Chester Millstead Dr. and Mrs. Richard Milsten Mr. Eugene Minahan Mr. David Mindick Mr. Charles Miner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Minofo Mrs. Caryl W. Minor Minor League Baseball Charities Dr. and Mrs. Paul V. Minotty Ms. Cheryl A. Minson Ms. Amelia Misiuta Mr. and Mrs. F. Paul Mita Col. John W. Mitchell Mrs. Marvin G. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mitchell Kelly A. Mitra K. S. Mittleman Mr. David M. Mixter Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Miyares Mrs. Karen R. Mize Mr. and Mrs. Ted S. Mizuno Mr. and Mrs. John R. Moak Ms. Virginia E. Moens Mr. Glenn Moffett Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Mohn, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Moller Dr. and Mrs. James C. Monteith Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Montgomery, Jr. Mrs. Lawrene P. Montowski Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Mooney Ms. Ann M. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Barry Moore Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. John E. Moore, III Ms. Lydia A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moore Mrs. Ruth Moore Mr. and Mrs. Terry Moore Moorings Garden Club The Moorings Yacht Club Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Moran Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Moran

Ms. Nancy A. Moran and Mr. Richard P. Ladizki Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Morgan, Jr. Ms. Kim Morgan Mrs. Earl S. Morgan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Moritz Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moritz Mr. and Mrs. William P. Morkan Morris and Wathey Families Ms. Joan L. Morris Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Morris, III Ms. Victoria Morris Mrs. Aurie W. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Morrison Mr. John W. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Myron Morse Mr. and Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Morton Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Moulton MountainKing Mouzin Brothers Farms, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Moyer, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Mozley Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mudge Mr. Armand Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mulhern Mr. Joseph E. Mullaney Ms. Claudia Mullenmaster and Ms. Carmen Harrell Mrs. Jane M. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Muller Mr. David Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mullings Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Mulvaney Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Mulvoy Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Munch Mr. Harold N. Munger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Munn Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Munnelly Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murdock Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Murdock Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Murdough Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James A. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John P. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Murphy, Jr. Mr. Kevin E. Murphy Ms. Pamela Murphy Mr. Robert B. Murphy Mr. William A. Murphy Mrs. Fannie Murray Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murray Ms. Judith A. Murray Mrs. Maria G. Murray Ms. Mary Carden Murray Mrs. Mary Lou Murray Ms. Myra Murray Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Murtaugh Ms. Geraldine E. Musch Ms. Denise C. Musgrove Ms. Nell H. Mussler Ms. Marilyn Mustapick Ms. Gloria Musto Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Muth Mr. and Mrs. David H. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Larry Myers Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Myers Mr. and Mrs. George C. Myrick Ms. Judith Nadean Mr. and Mrs. Bashir S. Nasim Mr. Christopher Naylor Mr. and Mrs. John R. Neary Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Necessary Mrs. Laurie Nederlander Mr. and Mrs. John A. Nedimyer Mrs. Georgine Needham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Needham Mr. Roger E. Neetz Ms. Katherine M. Negron Mr. Robert S. Nellis Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Nelson Ms. Julie Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Morgan K. Nelson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Odd Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Steinar A. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Nelson Netscout Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bodo Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Nevin Mrs. Janet M. Nevinger Mrs. Carolyn R. Nevitt Ms. Christine K. Nevor New Horizons of the Treasure Coast Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Newlands Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Reginald B. Newman, II Mr. and Mrs. Phil Newton Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Nezi Mr. William L. Nicholas Mrs. Carl W. Nichols Mrs. Elizabeth P. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Jerry K. Nicholson Mrs. Patricia Nick Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Nickerson Mr. and Mrs. George Nickoletos Ms. Margaret P. Nickols Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Nielsen Mr. Herbert I. Nightingale Ms. Marie A. Nigro Mr. and Mrs. M. D. S. Nissanka Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Nitardy Mr. Robert Noble and Ms. Rebecca Faul Ms. Sylvia A. Noble Mr. and Mrs. David F. Nocar Mr. and Mrs. Erminio Nocera Mr. and Mrs. A. Miles Nogelo Ms. Marjorie R. Nohowel Ms. Patricia J. Nordelo Mr. and Mrs. Sven L. Nordin Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nordstrom Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Norman Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Tom P. Norman Mrs. Alice E. Norris Norris and Company Real Estate North Broward Masonic Lodge No. 404 Northeast Financial Group, Inc. Northern Trust Company Ms. Sandra S. Northfield Mr. Paul Norton Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Norton Mr. and Mrs. William G. Nothdurft Ms. Alice Novaco Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Novell Mrs. Nathalie D. Nowicky Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Nucito Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Nuttall Mrs. Frances S. Nyquist Mr. Lincoln O. Nystrom Ms. Doris OBrien and Ms. Bernice Hoyt Mrs. Maureen S. OBrien Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. OBrien Ms. Rosemary OBryan Mr. Paul OConnell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen OConnell Mr. and Mrs. William J. OConnell Dr. Cornelius J. OConnor Mrs. Jean W. OConnor Mr. and Mrs. John D. OConnor Ms. Karen OConnor and Mr. Bill Jacklin Mr. and Mrs. John L. ODoherty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. OHaire OHaire, Quinn, Candler and Casalino, Chartered Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. OHara Ms. Migdalia R. OLeary CFP Ms. Kay L. OMalia Mr. and Mrs. R. Patrick OMalley Mr. and Mrs. Charles OReilly Mr. and Mrs. Michael OReilly Mr. Robert J. ORourke Mr. and Mrs. John A. OSteen Mrs. Madeline P. OSullivan Mr. and Mrs. Robert OToole Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Oakley Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Oatway Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Oberbeck Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oberg Mr. and Mrs. Lambert R. Oberg Ocean Grill, Inc. Ocean Harbour Condominium Ocean Ridge Property Owners

Association Mr. and Mrs. Jack Odom Mr. Eugen Oehler Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Oehme Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Oglethorpe Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oki Mr. and Mrs. Randolph B. Old Mr. James Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Olender Mr. and Mrs. Raul F. Oliva Ms. Sherrill Oliver Ms. Janet F. Olivi Mrs. Rose J. Olivi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Olsen Mr. and Mrs. William R. Olsen Mrs. Mary K. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Norris H. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Theron D. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Omler Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Oneidas Ms. Theresa Ooley Mr. and Mrs. Rodney R. Oppel Ms. Lydia B. Oppmann Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club Mr. and Mrs. John D. Orcutt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Orczyk Mrs. Richard Orefice Ms. S. Margaret Orendorff Mr. Joseph Orio Mrs. William Temple Orr, Jr. Ms. Judith Orthwein Mr. and Mrs. Byran M. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Hamish S. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Chester Osowski Ms. Irene Osowski Mr. Michael Osowski Mrs. Clinton F. Ostrander, Jr. The Ostrom Group Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Otteson Ms. Kim Ovcarich Mrs. Gunnar S. Overstrom, Jr. Mrs. Mary L. Owen Mr. and Mrs. George F. B. Owens, Jr. Oxygen Plus Mrs. Sara M. Oyster Mrs. Annamae Ozabal Mr. and Mrs. Dwain D. Ozark Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Pachaly Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Padgett Mrs. Milton R. Paffenroth Pafumi Services Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Pagano and Family Ms. Nancy C. Page Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Page Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Palazzo Ms. Donna Palazzo Mrs. Joyce E. Palazzo Ms. Leslie R. Pallon Palmas Printing, Inc. Ms. Berry Palmer Ms. Carol Palmer and Ms. Susan Mason Mr. and Mrs. Drew H. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Reuben T. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Palmer Ms. Barbara Palumbo Ms. Joan Pannenborg Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pantano Mr. and Mrs. James A. Papa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pappalardo Ms. Joan M. Paquette Ms. Mary N. Paquette Mr. and Mrs. Ken Parent Mr. Roy J. Parian, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Parisen Ms. Diane D. Parisi Ms. Marjorie Parisi Mr. and Mrs. Chad Parker Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Parker Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Parker Dr. and Mrs. Jack S. Parker Mr. and Mrs. John Parker Ms. Kathy Parker Mrs. Pauline R. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Parker Mr. Lewis H. Parks Mrs. Sharon Parmley Mrs. Frances Parry Family and Porter Family

Ms. Barbara D. Parslow Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Parsons Ms. Rita A. Pascale Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pasco Mr. Anthony R. Pasquale Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Passen Mr. and Mrs. Hunter W. Passmore Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pastor Kathleen M. Paterno Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Patete Patrick Pirckle and Joshua Chapman, DMD, PA Mr. John M. Patten, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. E. Frank Paul, Jr. Ms. Patricia L. Paul and Ms. Harriette Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Paul Mrs. Ursula Paul The Paul and Jill Kaneb Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Paulson Sam G. Paulson Mrs. Helen Paxton Paychex Peace River Citrus Products, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Pearce Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pearse Ms. Susan B. Peck and Family Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Peel Ms. Patricia Peery Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Peirce Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Pelland Mrs. William D. Pelletier Ms. Cleopatra Pendias Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Peniston, Jr. Phalasith H. Penn Mrs. Eleanor W. Pennington Ms. JoAnn H. Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Penrose PEO Sisterhood Ms. Betty S. Perell Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Perez Mr. and Mrs. Thorne Perkin Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Perkins Mrs. Mary B. Perkins Perkins Medical Supply Ms. Pamela Perksie Mr. and Mrs. John M. Perrigo Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Perrott Ms. Deborah A. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Perry Mrs. Nancy L. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robin C. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Peschio Mrs. Caroline A. Petch Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Peters Ms. Linda A. Peters Mrs. Marilyn A. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Peters Ms. Patricia Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petersen Mr. D. Bruce Peterson and Ms. Linda H. Kilburn Mr. and Mrs. David C. Peterson Ms. Dena J. Peterson Mr. James D. Peterson Mrs. Kelly Peterson Mr. Victor G. Peterson Petite Shop Mr. and Mrs. James J. Petrolla Mr. Edward Pettinella Ms. Sueann T. Pettis Mr. and Mrs. Vern Petty Ms. Anita C. Pew Mrs. Ralph A. Pfeiffer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Pfeil Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pfister Mr. Richard B. Pfleiderer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Phares Mr. and Mrs. Marshall C. Phelps, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pheneger and Family Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Philbin Ms. Betty N. Philbrick

Mr. and Mrs. C. Gorham Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Derwyn F. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. George W. Phillips Ms. Jacqueline Phillips Mrs. Charles A. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. William S. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. John H. Phipps Mrs. Ann W. Phreaner Mr. and Mrs. Dean P. Phypers Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Picard Dr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Piccaro Mr. and Mrs. William R. Picken Mrs. Carolyn Pickrodt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Picone Mr. and Mrs. Hanns A. Pielenz Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Pierce, Sr. Mr. Leo W. Pierce, Jr. Mrs. Harlan T. Pierpont, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Pierson Mr. Robert D. Pietrafesa Mr. and Mrs. Otis G. Pike Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP Ms. Catherine S. Pina Mr. and Mrs. Harry Piper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Piper, III Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pitt Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pittman, III Mrs. Guy H. Pitts Mr. Vincent Pitts Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pizzi Ms. Geraldine Pizzuta Mr. and Mrs. James H. Plagens Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Plamondon Planned Giving Council of Indian River, Inc. Ms. Mary-Ann Plaskett Ms. Rose B. Platt Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Playford Mr. George Pleat Ms. Pam Plymale PNC Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Pocchia Mrs. Denise K. Podell Poinsettia Groves Ms. Point Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Poirier Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Polk Ms. Catherine E. Pollack Mr. Charles F. Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Pomerleau Pompano Beach Does Drove No. 142 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Poniatowski Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pool Ms. Andrea Pope Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Pope Mr. and Mrs. L. Ralph Poppell Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Porteous Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Porter Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Post Ms. Sue C. Post Mr. Mary P. Postick Ms. Linda E. Postler Mr. and Mrs. Don Pothier Ms. Audrey S. Potter Mr. Daniel Potter Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Potter Ms. Helen B. Potter Mrs. Helen M. Potter Mr. John H. Potter, Jr. Ms. Maureen Potter Mr. and Mrs. Willard Marsh Pottle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Potvin Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Poulin and Family Mrs. Marcia Poutiatine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Powanda Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Powers Mrs. Virginia R. Powers Mrs. Betty Lou Powhatan Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Prange Mrs. Betty F. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Orvid W. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Prein Premier Estate Properties Mr. and Mrs. Amos N. Prescott, Jr. Ms. Maryelle F. Presley

2010 Honor Roll of Donors

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Dan Price Mr. and Mrs. Ed Price Ms. Sarah F. Price Mr. and Mrs. Juan Prieto Princeton Club of Vero Beach Principles of Kingdom Living Church Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Prindiville Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Proctor, Jr. Mr. Paul Prokop Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pronsky Property Appraisers Office Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Prosser Mr. Arthur V. Pruss PSEG Power of Giving Campaign Mr. and Mrs. John Puchir Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Puff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pugliese Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Pumilia Ms. Gil Punches Ms. Susan C. Purcell Ms. Christina B. Purinton Ms. Brenda Pusser and Ms. Gwen Peace Mr. and Mrs. George L. Pusser Ms. Mary Ann Putt Mrs. Katherine B. Pyne Mr. Gordon R. Pyper Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Quackenbush Quail Valley Charities, Inc. Quality Fruit Packers of Indian River, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Quesnelle Ms. Diane Quimby Mr. and Mrs. John J. Quindlen Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Quine, Jr. Mr. Anthony P. Quinn Ms. Frances M. Quinn Mr. Jerome D. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. John J. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Rabitaille Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Raccioppo Mrs. Martha L. Race Ms. Joyce I. Racine and Mr. Gary Smith Ms. Lani D. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Raftery Ms. Mary Watson Ragland Mr. and Mrs. David P. Ragley Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Rainone, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rajtar Mr. Eugene K. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Ralph Mrs. Dorothy S. Ramsdell Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rana Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rand Mr. and Mrs. David B. Randall Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Randle Mr. and Mrs. Drew Rankin Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Ransom Mr. William R. Ransom Ms. Reina Rapiequet Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Rappole Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Rasch Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Rautiola Mrs. Olga Ravetto Ms. Mary Ann Ray Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ray Ms. Bettye Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Curtis M. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Read Mr. and Mrs. John T. Read Mr. and Mrs. David B. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. John D. Reardon Ms. Judith A. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Rebar Mrs. Elsie M. Redstone Mrs. Pendennis Reed Ms. Lois Z. Reed Mr. Robert K. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Reeves Reflections Coffee And... Ms. Eileen A. Regan Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Reichardt Mr. and Mrs. Berry Reid Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Reid Mr. James Reid Mrs. Shirley H. Reid Mr. Richard F. Reifers Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. David H. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Reinking Mr. Matthew L. Reiser Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reisman Mr. and Mrs. Seymour D. Reitman Ms. Helen D. Reittinger Ms. Susan Reittinger and Family Ms. Debra T. Remini Remmel Family Ms. Phyllis Renfrew Ms. Shirley M. Rennert Mr. and Mrs. Carl Renz Mr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Repass Ms. Mary Ellen Replogle Marie Reppert Ms. Margaret J. Ressler and Family Mrs. Suzanne Rester Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reynolds Mr. G. Jeffrey Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John N. Reynolds, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reynolds Mrs. Jay Rhoads Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Rhoads, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Rhoads Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Rhoden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Rhodes Ms. Hailey Ribeiro Mrs. Evelyn J. Ricard Ricci Home Improvements Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rice Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rich Mr. Harold Van B. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Richard Richard and Elaine Ades Family Foundation Mr. Danforth K. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. David C. Richardson Mrs. Joyce E. Richardson Dr. Marion L. Richardson, III Mrs. Rebecca S. Richardson Mr. William H. and Dr. Barbara Richardson Mrs. John M. Richey Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richter Mr. William A. Richter, Jr. Rick Carroll Insurance Agency Ms. Lorely A. Ridge Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Ridyard Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Riefler Mr. William K. Riehl Mr. Charles F. Rietz Mr. Paul Rigali Mr. and Mrs. George N. Riggin Mr. Fred Riley Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Riley, III Mrs. Janet F. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Rimar Ms. Patricia Rimmel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rinderholm Mr. Brett Ringeisen Mr. Philip Ringo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ripp Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Risinger Rita Rosch Card Trust Ms. Karen Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ritter, Sr. Riverfront Groves, Inc. Riverwalk Club Mrs. Kenneth L. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Sanford H. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Robbins Ms. Rosanne Roberson Ms. Addie Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ervin G. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts Ms. Karen A. Roberts Ms. Betty J. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Robertson Mr. John C. Robertson Ms. Lynn Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson Ms. Jane B. Robinson Mrs. Jane B. Robinson Friends at the Club of Vero Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Rocke Ms. Penny Rocker Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rockhill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rodda Mr. Wallace E. Roddenberry Mr. and Mrs. James Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Jason Roeback Ms. Blair Rogers Mr. and Mrs. C. Graydon Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Chris L. Rogers Mr. Clarence B. Rogers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers Ms. Lisa W. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Rohrbach Mrs. Norma T. Rohrs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rohs Mr. and Mrs. Randolph K. Rolf Ms. Leila T. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Romeyn Ms. Constance R. Ronca and Mr. Rich Kassler Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Rood Ms. Phyllis J. Roome Mrs. Sondra Rooney Ms. Reina Ropiequet Dr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Rosato Mr. Danny Rosbough Ms. Carol E. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Rose Mrs. Katherine H. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Rose Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rosebrough Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Roseland Roseland Womens Club, Inc. Genevieve and Marvin Rosenberg Ms. Sally D. Rosenberg Dr. Barbara L. Rosenstein Ms. Mary Rosenthal Minna Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rosica Mr. David G. Ross Mrs. Richard M. Ross The Ross Family Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Ross Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Ross Rossway, Moore, Taylor and Swan Mr. and Mrs. George Roth Ms. Lindsey Roth Mr. Robert Rothenberg Jim Rott Home Improvement and A/C Mr. and Ms. Frederic L. Rouse, Jr. Mrs. Hope Jones D. Rouse Mrs. William W. Rowe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Rowe Mrs. Caroline H. Royster Mrs. Anna Rubino Ms. Donna M. Ruck Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Rucker Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Ruppert Mrs. Virginia D. Rushmore Mrs. Jean Rusnak Mr. Michael Russak Mr. and Mrs. Jon F. Russell

The VNA & Hospice Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and community organizations for their generosity during October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.
Mrs. Linda C. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Russell and Family Bob and Sue Russo Mr. John Russo Mrs. Ginette Rustin Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ruzansky Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Ryan Ms. Ellen Ryan Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ryan Ms. Lynn Ryan Mrs. Patricia M. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Ryan Ms. Ester L. Rymer Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernard Sabourin Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sack Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Sackville Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Sadlek Mr. Henry W. Sage, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Sagurton Saint Elizabeths Episcopal Church Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saiter Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Sak Dr. and Mrs. Romas Sakalas Mrs. Jean D. Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Salkeld Mr. Richard Salley and Susan Mr. and Mrs. John L. Salmon Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Salmon Ms. Judy Salsman Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Salustro Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Sam Ms. Mary L. Sam, Ken Sam, Matt Sam, Julie and Eric Bausman Mr. and Mrs. Steve C. Sam Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Samek Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sameth Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sammon Mr. and Mrs. Colin Sampson Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Samson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Samuels Ms. Sara H. Sanders Sanders Pace Architecture Mr. Thomas L. Sandor Sandridge Mens Golf League Ms. Linda S. Sanfilippo Diana Sanson and Benjamin Compton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sant Angelo Mr. and Mrs. William C. Santarelli Ms. Rhea M. Saparito Mrs. Joanne Sardella Mrs. Richard E. Sargent Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Sas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sasso Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Satola Mr. Barth Satuloff and Mrs. Gail Lois Jaffe-Satuloff Mr. and Mrs. Dick Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Saunders Mr. Robert M. Saunders Mrs. Dorothy J. Saurman Mr. and Mrs. James A. Savage Ms. Patricia W. Savage Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Savage Mr. and Mrs. William E. Savage Ms. Diane Savoie Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Saxonis Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saxton Mr. and Mrs. J. William Sayler Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saylor Ms. Kathryn S. Sayre Sbrocco International, Inc. Ms. Jadwiga Scala Mrs. David J. Scanlan Mrs. Ruth R. Schaefer Ms. Suzanne Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Schaffer Ms. Mel Schalois Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Schamback Mr. and Mrs. Joachim W. Scharge Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Schaub Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Schauer Mr. Paul A. Schempp Dr. Katherine N. Schenk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Scherpf Mr. Thomas R. Schidel Mr. William B. Lum and Ms. Lynn Schlesinger Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schlesinger Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Schloesser Ms. Paula Schmeer Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schmidt Ms. Roberta L. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmutz Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schneebeck Ms. Kathy Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schneider Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schneithorst Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schnell Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Schnell Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schnetzler Mrs. Alberta Schoeber Ms. Ruth A. Schomber Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Schoonmaker Mr. and Mrs. S. Van Zandt Schreiber Ms. Nancy H. Schriber Ms. Christine A. Schroder Ms. Joan W. Schroder Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Schroeder, III Mr. Burton Schuckers Ms. Virginia F. Schuessler Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Schulke Dr. and Mrs. Don L. Schultz Mr. and Mr. James W. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schumann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schwartz Ms. Beverly Schwartz Mr. David G. Schwartz Mrs. Walter Schwartz Mrs. Ardis P. Schwarz Ms. Cynthia Schwarz Mr. Eric R. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. David N. Schweitzer Mr. and Mrs. F. Timothy Schwerin Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Schwerin Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Schwin Mrs. Ruth Ann Schwoerer Mr. and Mrs. John R. Scifers Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey C. Scott Mr. and Mrs. G. Allan Scott Ms. Janice T. Scott Ms. Leah K. Scott Ms. Linda W. Scott Dr. Michaela G. Scott Ms. Shirley C. Scott Mr. and Mrs. John W. Scully Mr. and Mrs. William P. Scully Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Sease Mr. and Mrs. John O. Sebastian Sebastian River High School Sebastian Womens Golf Association Mrs. Barbara W. Secor Security Police and Fire Professionals of America Mr. and Mrs. M. Gerald Sedam, II Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sedleckis Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. See Mr. Robert F. Seebeck Mr. and Mrs. John Seelbaugh Mr. and Mrs. William E. Seely Mr. and Mrs. Hercules A. Segalas Dr. and Mrs. William E. Segar Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Sehl Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Seifert Ms. Carol Seldes Mr. and Mrs. Rolf G. Sellge

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Semantel Semco Construction, Inc. Ms. Margot S. Semler Mr. Andrew Semons Mrs. Lester F. Senger Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Senk Ms. Rachel W. Senne Mr. Hiram J. Sessoms Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Setzer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Severino Ms. Emilie K. Seweloh Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Sexton, Jr. Mrs. Eleanor G. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. O. Griffith Sexton Sexton Grove Service Ms. Allie Shabdue Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Shade Mrs. Mary E. Shade Ms. Barbara Shafranski Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Shain Mrs. Janice S. Shaker Maury and Bonnie Shanahan Mr. Calvin Shank Mrs. Sara J. Shankland Ms. Jane K. Shannon Ms. Teresa F. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shaper Ms. Linda R. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. M. Rust Sharp Ms. Mary B. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Shaw Sir Neil M. Shaw and Lady Elizabeth P. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shear Mrs. Richard N. Sheble Ms. Susan Shechtman Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shelby Shellys Mah Jongg Buddies Mrs. Nancy Shepard Ms. Eliza F. Shepard-Wodell Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Shepherd Helen and Jack Sheppard and Family Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sherer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sheridan Mr. Richard D. Shick Mr. and Mrs. Calvin K. Shields Mrs. Thelma M. Shields Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Shimer Mr. Sterl F. Shinaberry Mr. Robert L. Shinn Mr. M. Bowman Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Shiramizu Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Shoemate Shoemate Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Showfety Mr. and Mrs. William J. Shreffler Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Shropshire, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Shroyer Mr. Martin A. Shugar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shugart Mr. Joseph H. Shugart Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shutack Siboney Contracting Co. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Sidletski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Siebert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Sigler Mr. George W. Sigmund Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Silk Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Sillars Simione Consultants, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Tim Simkins Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Simm Ms. Patricia L. Simmons Mr. Donald J. Simon, CFP, ChFC, CLU Mrs. Eleanor J. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Ira Simon Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Simonetti Mr. and Mrs. Gene S. Simonsen Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson Mr. Louis A. Simpson and Ms. Kimberly Qyerrey Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. G. Wayne Sims Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Sims

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sirianni Mrs. Helen L. Sisco Ms. Cheryl Sisk and Mr. Doug Gage Mr. and Mrs. Tony W. Sitko Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sivright Ms. Rosemary C. Skow Mr. and Mrs. Casimir Skrzypczak Mr. Frank S. Skully Mrs. Mary Jane Skully Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Slade, Sr. Ms. Kathleen Sladky Mrs. Catherine Slate Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Slater Mr. Thomas F. Slater Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Slaughter Ms. Noreen C. Slavitz Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sload Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Smallwood Mr. and Mrs. Bradford D. Smart Ms. Joy E. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Smith Ms. Beverly A. Smith Ms. Carolyn D. Smith Mr. Charles E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Crosby R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David Smith Mr. David M. Smith Ms. Elaine W. Smith Mrs. Elizabeth C. Smith Ms. Elizabeth D. Smith Ms. Elizabeth T. Smith Mr. Forrest K. Smith Mr. J. P. Smith James B. Smith Mr. James J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Smith, Jr. Ms. Judith A. Smith Ms. Kathy B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Smith Mr. and Mr. Michael B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ray B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Roger Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Smith Mrs. Ruth I. Smith Mrs. Sarah E. Smith Mrs. Sarah F. Smith Ms. Shanniece L. Smith Mr. Trevor E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith Mr. and Mrs. William L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Smithers Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Snell Mrs. Jean W. Snow Mr. and Mrs. Guy B. Snowden Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Snyder Ms. Reina Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder Mr. and Mrs. William B. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. William B. Snyder Snyder Plumbing of the Treasure Coast, Inc. Mrs. Marjorie A. Soash Mrs. Tracey Soethe Mrs. Anne L. Sofronas Mr. and Mrs. Jacque E. Sohm Mrs. Ruth M. Solem Mr. and Mrs. Ray Solomon Mr. Matthew J. Soltysiak Mr. and Mrs. J. Deane Somerville Mrs. Catherine Sommers Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sommers Mr. and Mrs. Duane G. Sonneborn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sonnenberg

Ms. Erika Sonnenberg Ms. Diane M. Sordoni Ms. Esther G. Sorensen South Passage Association Mr. C. Wesley Southard Ms. Harriet B. Southerland Ms. Dolores M. Sovey Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Spackman Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Spalding Ms. Lorraine Spanglo Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Spatcher Mrs. Carolyn O. Spatcher Mr. and Mrs. William C. Spellacy Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Spencer Dr. and Mrs. J. Clyde Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sperandeo Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sperling Mr. C. Michael Spero Mr. and Mrs. Levenworth P. Sperry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Spooner Mr. Dominic C. Squillante Mr. and Mrs. Paul St. Amand Mr. and Mrs. Norbert St. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. St. Pierre Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stabe, Jr. Mr. John T. Stabile Ms. Phyllis Stabile Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stackpoole Mrs. Anita L. Stafford Mr. and Mrs. David S. Staiger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stalls Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Standish Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stanhope Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell S. Staniford Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stanislavsky Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Stanley Mrs. Gertrude K. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stanley Mr. Brian Stanton Ms. Cleo Stapp The Starck Family Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stark Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Starrett State Farm Insurance Ms. Joan C. Staunton Mr. Frank J. Stawara Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Stawser Mr. and Mrs. David W. Steen Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Steene Mr. and Mrs. Steenrod Mrs. Ruth E. Steer Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Steere Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steffen-Ashe Mr. and Mrs. George A. Steffens Mrs. Joyce Steggles John C. Steggles Trust Mr. James W. Steil Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Steinberger and Family Mr. and Mrs. John Steiner Mr. Joseph Steinitz Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Steinke Mr. Raymond Stelz Ms. Dorothy E. Stephens Ms. Angela C. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. George Sterling Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens Ms. Linda K. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Stevens Mr. Wilson A. Stevens Mrs. Barbara B. Steward Mrs. Barbara H. Stewart Mr. Buster Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Clark Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Stewart Mrs. Gillian H. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Stewart Mr. and Dr. Norman W. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Reuben W. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Stewart Ms. Theresa G. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stewart Mrs. Winifred E. Stewart Stewart, Evans, Stewart and Emmons, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stickley Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Stifel

Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Stiles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Stimeling Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Stockton Ms. Maureen A. Stoll Mr. and Mrs. David M. Stone Mrs. Helen E. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Stone, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stone Ms. Rosemarie A. Stone Mrs. Rosemary Stone Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Stone Storage Solutions Mr. Leo H. Storey Mr. and Mrs. William W. Storff Storm Grove Middle School Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver W. Stoughton Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Stowe Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Stowell Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Straight Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Strain Shirby E. Strang Mrs. Carol Strank Mr. Scott A. Straus Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Straw Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Strawser Mr. and Mrs. William Street Mr. and Mrs. William J. Street, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Seth D. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Strini Dr. and Mrs. W. King Stubbs, Jr. Mrs. Elaine C. Stull Mr. Daniel C. Stump Mr. and Mrs. David L. Stump Ms. Suzanna Stump Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stutt Mr. and Mrs. John A. Succo Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Suchorski Ms. Ethel T. Sullivan Mrs. Helge R. Sullivan Jerry Ann Sullivan Mrs. Joan Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan Mrs. Judith A. Sullivan Mrs. Kathy P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Sullivan Mrs. Lillian S. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie A. Sumner Ms. Helen R. Sunkle Sunshine Club Mr. and Mrs. William F. Surette Surfside Pavers Inc. Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey A. Surprenant Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Susanin Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Suthard, III Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sutherland Mrs. Katharine B. Sutro Mr. Roy F. Sutton Gosta Swahn Mr. and Mrs. Ulf Swahn Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swan Mrs. Betsy M. Swanhaus Ms. Shawn D. Swanson Mrs. Barbara Sward Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Swarovski Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Sweeny Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Swick Mr. and Mrs. Murray Swindell Mr. and Mrs. Roger N. Swing Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. Swords Mr. Mark Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sykes Mrs. Anthony J. Sylvester Ms. Doris J. Szczerbacki Ms. Wanda Szeman Ms. Carolyn J. Tabb Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Taddeo Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tafaro Mrs. Elizabeth C. Tait Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Talbot, II Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Tansill Mr. Steve Tart Mr. Phillip Tasker Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tata Mrs. Grace Tatarsky Ms. Eleanor L. Tatro Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ted Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Chris Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor Mrs. Edith J. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor, III Ms. Kaari T. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Rex A. Taylor Ms. Suzanne Taylor Ms. Virginia C. Taylor Mr. W. Brandon Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Taylor Mr. Wallace T. Taylor Ms. Lois E. Teague Ms. Jeanne C. Teckenbrock Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Teetz Temp Control, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Temple Mr. and Mrs. Peter Templin Tennessee School for the Blind Mrs. John H. Terry Mr. and Mrs. Irving N. Terry Mr. and Mrs. Kenn S. Terry Mr. and Mrs. William J. Terry, Jr. Terumo Medical Corporation Mrs. Dotty Thaete Mr. and Mrs. John Tharpe Mrs. Nancy N. Thayer Ms. Ruth W. Thayer The Chancel Choir The Community Church Womens Fellowship The DiPietro Family The Goergen Foundation, Inc. The Hangar The Haskell Joint Trust The Law Families The Mathematics Department of Miami Palmetto Senior High The Moorings Realty Sales Co. The UPS Store 3214 The Van Dyk Group Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Theis, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Therien Mr. and Mrs. David Thibodeau Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thiel Mr. and Mrs. Vern Thielmann Mr. Lester Thoman Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Christophe E. Thomas The Thomas Family Mr. and Mrs. H. Grant Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Thomas Mr. Ben E. Thompson, Jr. Mr. Chad Thompson Ms. Dolly M. Thompson Mrs. Elizabeth B. Thompson Ms. Flo Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thompson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William W. Thompson Thompson and Co. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomsen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O. Thorlakson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thorne and Family Mr. and Mrs. David L. Thorpe Ms. Cynthia Tichenor Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Tidmore Ms. Karline K. Tierney Mr. Thomas W. Tierney and Ms. Lisa Kahle Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Tilghman Mrs. Mary B. Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Tilley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Tily, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Timura Mrs. Robert H Tincher Dr. and Mrs. David Tingle Dr. and Mrs. Fred C. Tinsey Ms. Helen S. Tippet Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Tippins Mr. and Mrs. James W. Titelman Ms. Harriet J. Toadvine Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Tobey

2010 Honor Roll of Donors

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. George D. Todd Mr. and Mrs. H. James Toffey Mr. Gordon Tokarzewski Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Tolan Mrs. Judy C. Tolsdorf Mr. and Mrs. William W. Tomer Ms. Diane Tomlin Mr. and Mrs. Max Tomlinson Mrs. Robert V Tomoser Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Tompkins Mr. Robert Tong Mr. and Mrs. J. Rock Tonkel Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Toomey TOPS FL #289 Dr. and Mrs. James B. Tormey, Jr. Total Technical Services, Inc. Ms. Anna R. Totty Mr. and Mrs. Richard Toussaint Mr. and Mrs. Hugh I. Towey Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Towles Town of Indian River Shores Mr. and Mrs. Clem Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Townsend Mrs. Ruth Townsend Dr. and Mrs. Norman M. Trabulsy Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Tracy Mrs. Virginia I. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Trainer Mr. and Mrs. John Trainor Ms. Kathryn J. Traux Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Travis, Jr. Treasure Coast Jazz Society, Inc. Treasure Coast Rotary Club Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trelewicz Mr. and Mrs. Chris Trent Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Trent Mr. F. Michael Trevisan Tri-Dim Filter Corportation Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tribus Ms. Ann-Marie Tricomi Mrs. Caroline Trillo Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Trippe Mr. and Mrs. Thorwald N. Trolle Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. Troob Mr. and Mrs. Stevan K. Trooboff Ms. Donna Tropp Ms. Alaina A. Trout Mrs. Sally D. Trowbridge Mr. and Mrs. William Troxell Mr. and Mrs. John C. Truckner Mr. and Mrs. George V. Truesdale Mr. and Mrs. James E. Truesdell, Jr. Mr. W. James Truettner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Truscott Mr. and Mrs. John Tschinkel Mr. Joseph M. Tucci Ms. Claudia Tuck Ms. Antoinette Tucker Mrs. Ortha Tucker Mrs. Jeanne Tufte Ms. Ann Marie Tugwell Mrs. Richard Barclay Tullis Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Tulloch Mr. and Mrs. James H. Turcott Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Turdo Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Turk Mr. and Mrs. D. Lee Turner Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Turner Ms. Margaret A. Turner Mrs. Mary D. Turner Mr. and Mrs. William E. Turner Mr. and Mrs. William H. Turner Mr. Donald Tutor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Tuttle Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Tweedy Twig Swim and Sportswear Shop U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary U.S. Trust - Bank of America Private Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ueltschi Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ughetta Ms. Jacqueline T. Ulrich Mr. and Mrs. Vincent N. Umland Mr. and Mrs. Mickey J. Umphrey Mrs. Audrey G. Underdown United Church of Sebastian United Healthcare Services United Therapeutics Corporation United Way of Delaware University of Notre Dame Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Unruh, Jr. Mr. Hans P. Utsch Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Uyterhoeven Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Vacca Mrs. Susan Vaccaro Mr. and Ms. Peter J. Valenti Mr. and Mrs. Agustin P. Valido Mr. and Mrs. William H. Vallar, Jr. Valley Gardeners of Collegeville Mr. and Mrs. Chris B. Van Arsdel Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Van Etten Ms. Martha R. Van Gorder Dr. and Mrs. Francis X. Van Houten Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Van Saun Mr. and Mrs. Hans Van Zonneveld Ms. Sylvia N. VanBerschot Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Vandergrift L. A. VanderPutten Mr. and Mrs. John B. Vanderzee Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Vannicola, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. William VanTilburg Mr. and Mrs. Jerrain O. VanTuyl Ms. Alice VanWie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vartigian Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Vartigian Mrs. Anastasia T. Vasta The Electricians at Crystal River Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Veazie Mr. and Mrs. Jack Veeneman Mrs. Josephine Verdi Mrs. Maria Verdi Vero Beach Shuffleboard Club Vero Insurance, Inc. Vero Millwork, Inc. Vero Palm Estates Social Association Vero Shores Owners Association Mr. and Mrs. Ital Veron VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post 10210 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Victory Ms. Alice M. Viemeister Mrs. Victoria Vienneau Ms. Rebecca Vilardi and Mr. Robert E. Levy Village Green Poinciana Club Village Green Swan Lake Ms. Constance D. Villiers Ms. Chovine G. Visintainer Visiting Nurse Association of America Vital Theatre Company Ms. Angela Viveiros Ms. Gretchen Vodrey Mr. John G. Vogel Mr. David F. Vogt Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Volkert Ms. Miriam Volpe Mr. Harry W. Von Duhn Mrs. Henry Von Kohorn Ms. Marcy Von Korhorn Mr. Harry W. Vonduhn Mrs. Dorothy A. Voplatel Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Votapka Mr. William R. Waag Wachovia Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Wachter Mr. and Mrs. Gustaf Wachter Ms. Kathleen A. Wade Mrs. Virginia J. Wade Ms. Donna Wagner Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner Dr. F. Michael Wahl Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Waite Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wakeland Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Walchli Mr. and Mrs. Allen Waldman Mrs. Virginia J. Walewski Mrs. Harry W. Walker, II Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Walker Mr. Daniel W. Walker Ms. Dorothy Jo Walker Mr. and Mrs. Gilford B. Walker Ms. Judith Walker Mr. and Mrs. K. Grahame Walker Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Walker, III Mr. and Mrs. Webster U. Walker, Jr. Mrs. Stanley Walkowski Mr. Robert M. Walkowski Mr. and Mrs. Garrett B. Wall, III Mrs. Cynthia D. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Wallace Mr. Marshall F. Wallach Walmart Walmart Distribution Center #6080 Mr. and Mrs. Austin M. Walsh Mrs. Bessie M. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walsh Ms. Constance Walsh Mrs. Margaret A. Walsh Ms. Patricia Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh Ms. Kathryn Z. Walson Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Walther Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Wampler Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wapnick Mr. Carl E. Ward Mr. Charles D. Ward Dr. and Mrs. Franklin N. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Heman M. Ward Mrs. Janice V. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Wardell Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wardell Ms. Bonnie Warner Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Warnitz Mr. and Mrs. James P. Warr Warren Manufacturing Co., Inc. Mrs. June Washburn Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Washburn Ms. Vivian Washington Mr. and Mrs. James R. Waterston Ms. Kelly P. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Watson Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Watts, Jr. Mrs. Sylvia S. Watts Mr. and Mrs. Lorne R. Waxlax Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Weaver, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Weaver Mrs. Dorothy M. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Webber Ms. Charlotte C. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weber Ms. Catherine D. Webersinn Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webster Mrs. Rosalie Z. Webster Ms. Lorraine Weekes Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. William E. Weems, Jr. Ms. Sharon K. Wegner Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Weick Dr. and Mrs. Richard Weil, III Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Weinstein

The VNA & Hospice Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and community organizations for their generosity during October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weisbaum Ms. Kathleen S. Weisberg Mrs. Deborah D. Weise Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weismiller Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weisse Ms. Karen Weitz Mr. Samuel S. Weitz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Welch Mrs. Georgia Welles Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Wellin Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Wells, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Wells Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Welsh Mrs. Robert Welty Mr. and Mrs. H. Earl Wendorff Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wentworth Mr. and Mrs. William W. Werber Wesley United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Wessinger Mr. Christopher J. Wessinger Mrs. Lillian D. Wessinger Mr. and Mrs. John A. West Mr. and Mrs. Alphons W. Westee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Westermann The Western and Southern Financial Group Western and Southern Financial Group Ms. Mary Wetterauer Mr. and Mrs. William Weyrauch Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Wheatley Mr. Adam Wheeler Mrs. Ann E. Wheeler Mrs. Joan M. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Harvey White Mrs. Helen A. White Ms. Margaret L. White Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. White Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Whitehead Ms. Elizabeth B. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Whiteman Mr. and Mrs. David Whitesell Mr. Jerrie Whitlow Mr. and Mrs. Herb V. Whittall Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whitten Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wickham Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wicknertz Mr. Dale R. Wideman Mrs. Norman Wiedersum Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Wiehl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wieleba Mrs. Barbara A. Wienecke Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wier, III Ms. Tami Wiggins and Mr. Mike Racine Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wiksten Mr. and Mrs. John Wilchek Mr. Harry W. Wilcox, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wilcox Ms. Diane Wiley Dr. H. Scott Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wilhide, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Hans W. Willadsen Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Willet The William Bingham Foundation William Knight Insurance Agency, Inc. Ms. Alyce C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Williams Mrs. Barbara Williams Mr. Charles E. Williams Ms. Cindie Williams Mr. David L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. E. Gex Williams, Jr. The Williams Family Mr. and Mrs. George Williams Mr. and Mrs. George C. Williams, Jr. Mrs. Jewel C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Lauren S. Williams Ms. Lois L. Williams Mrs. Lorraine S. Williams Ms. Paula K. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Williams Ms. Susan Williams Mr. and Mrs. W. Peter Williams Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Williamson Mrs. Linda M. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Willis Mr. and Mrs. T. Eugene Willis Willis North America, Inc. Willis of New Jersey, Inc. Wilmington Trust FSB Mr. Billy Wilson Mrs. Lyle A. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John O. Wilson Mrs. Katharine G. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick R. Wilson, III Ms. Linda C. Wilson Mrs. Patricia Wilson and Pat Glass Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. W. Wray Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William L. Wilson, Jr. Windy Acres Ms. Gail M. Winer and Family Mr. and Mrs. Larry Winker Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Blanton C. Winship Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Winslow Mr. David L. Winstel Ms. Maxine F. Winstel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winston Mrs. Carol G. Wise Ms. Mabel Wise Mr. and Mrs. William Wissemann Mrs. Joan Witt Dr. Joy L. Wixson Mrs. Ellen C. Wodtke Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woerner Mr. and Mrs. John Wolaver Mrs. Robert W. Wolcott, Jr. Mr. Frank Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Sherman W. Wollesen Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Woltman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wolz Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Womack Ms. Gitta P. Wombwell Women of the Moose Chapter 1541 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Wonham Mr. and Mrs. B. Robert Wood Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Kathy Wood Mrs. Sally M. Wood Mr. and Mrs. West P. Woodbridge, Jr. Woodfield Ladies Tennis Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Woodhouse Woodland Homeowners Assoc. of Village Green Mrs. Frances P. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Woods The Woodward Family Dr. and Mrs. H. Darrell Woofter Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Worby Workforce Board Mrs. Patricia Wormer Mr. Danny L. Worrell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Wragg Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Wright

Mr. and Mrs. E. Brinton Wright, III Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Wright Ms. Marjorie Wright Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Wright Ms. Wendee Wright Mr. William Wright Mr. Charles C. Wurmstedt Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wurzburger Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Wurzer Mrs. Ouida L. Wyatt Dr. Andre P. Wybou Ms. Doris Wyckoff

Ms. Alice E. Wydra Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Wynes Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Wynne Mr. and Mrs. Peter Xanthos Ms. Susan W. Yahraes Dr. and Mrs. Tadataka Yamada Mr. and Mrs. David H. Yates Ms. Joyce B. Yates Ms. Amy S. Yeitter Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yevoli Mr. Michael A. Yorio Mr. Floyd N. York Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick R. York

Mrs. Anita H. Young J. Young Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley Young Mrs. Margaret S. Young Mrs. Mary Lou Young Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Young Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Young Mrs. Joan A. Youse Yvonne and Leslie Pollack Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Zabetakis Ms. Tracey Zacks Mr. and Mrs. C. William Zadel Mr. and Mrs. John K. Zanardelli

Mrs. Dorothy A. Zarb Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Zearo Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Zebot Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Zeck Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zelman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Zemel Dr. and Mrs. David O. Zenker Mr. and Mrs. James R. Zentz Zeta Tau Alpha Palm Beach County Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Zeuthen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ziarnowski Mr. Martin J. Zickert Ms. Mary P. Ziebold

Mr. William Ziegler Mrs. Sophie Ziemba Mr. Rodman J. Zilenziger Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Zilnicki, Sr. Ms. Barbara Zoberg Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Zollenberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Zukrigl and 50 donors who wish to remain anonymous

Space Coast Donors

The VNA & Hospice Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and community organizations for their generosity during October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.
AFP Indian River County Mr. and Mrs. Ron Barrera Mr. and Mrs. John L. Blackmore Ms. Susan Bredeson Ms. Katherine M. Bruneau Ms. Alice T. Cattanach Ms. Margaret J. Dubois Mr. Owen C. Gallagher Ms. Carol E. Grube Mrs. Crystal Illidge Mr. Edward Illidge Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Johnson Richard and Pamela Johnson The Honorable and Mrs. Paul Kanarek Ms. Queen E. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. James Melitus Mrs. Sarah K. Mondano Mrs. Joan M. Norris Mrs. Jeanne M. Osborne Palmas Printing, Inc. Ms. Eileen Petrie Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratner Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sameth Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sayles Ms. Linda A. Shelby Ms. Beverly A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Smith Mr. Howard J. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Tarantino Mr. and Mrs. Arsene P. Vaillancourt Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. White Woman of Evangelical Concordia Lutheran Church and 4 donors who wish to remain anonymous

Companies Making Matching Gifts

The VNA & Hospice Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following companies for the matching gifts they provided during October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.
Aetna Foundation, Inc. Allstate Giving Campaign American Express Foundation Babson Capital Management LLc Bank of America Matching Gifts Program GE Foundation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation Merck Partnership for Giving Merrill Lynch & Co., Foundation, Inc. Mobil Foundation, Inc. Northern Trust Bank Pepsico Foundation, Inc. Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Pitney Bowes, Inc Playford Family Foundation, Inc. PNC Wealth Management The Stanley Works Wachovia Securities

Memorial and/or Honorary Contributions

The VNA & Hospice Foundation respectfully acknowledges the following people in whose memory or honor we received contributions during October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.
Lawrence Abel Morton J. Abel George F. Adams Margaret Peggy Adams Michael V. Agresta Peter W. Aiello Charles Aliberto, Sr. Vernon Aljets June A. Alley Michael Allik Abraham Alper Robert Ames Betty J. Anderson Walter Anderson Joseph T. Andrews, Sr. Dorothy Annunziata Doyle R. Anthony Louis A. Arcarese George Archer Anne Marie Arrowsmith Bernice Ashley Milton Astrachan Edwin George Auerswald Richard Avery Theodore P. Babiak William J. Baldwin Cynthia C. Barber Walter J. Barczak Pamela K. Barker Ollie Barkwell Joseph M. Barnard Karen Barrett John R. JackBassett Ellen F. Bean Elsie S. Beckner Mary Jane Bedford Daniel J. Beggy Faye W. Begley Gail Beir Fay Bellini Dorothy T. Bennett George Stanley Berge Robert Bergeron Lillian C. Bergstrom Rosanne Susie Kahn Berman Helen Bermel Thomas A. Berry John Biro Helen F. Bishop Crawford A. Black Norma E. Blauvelt Donald V. Blaze Ingke Boegel Jeanne Elizabeth Borgen Rosaire J. Butch Bouchard Louis H. Boucher Harry L. Bovey Virginia M. Bowdle Kathleen R. Brauer George J. Brennan Ann Marie Bridges and Boys Ida Jerri Brightberg Richard Brinkman Dorothy Brinson Fred W. Bristol David W. Brooks Harold L. Brooks (Buck) E. Irene Broomell Elsie Brown John F. Brown Faye Brownfield Geren Marks Bruce Frank Bruno Jay Bryan Kenneth M. Bryant Helen Buchanan Louise Bullett John J. Jack Burns Robert E. Burns Marjorie W. Burridge William C. Byrnes Richard Clark Caldwell Robert C. Caldwell Winifred E. Cameron Edgar L. Camp Sr. Margaret A. Camp William B. Campbell John Canale Paul G. Capp John L. Carey, Jr. Gary (Moe) Carlquist Charles M. Carmichael Joseph Cassidy Dr. Linus W. Cave Raymond T. Cenerelli Carl Cepon Arthur C. Chamberlain Ken W. Champion Maud E. Cianci Dorothy I. Cipriano Elizabeth (Betty) B. Clark Joseph Clark Martin B. Clark Richard O. Clark The Deceased Members of the Class of 64 Edward Cleary Patricia L. Clukey Eben H. Cockley Dorothy Colegrove Anna Coleman Franklyn Collins Marie C. Collins Mary Adelaide Collins Thomas R. Collins, Jr. Rebecca B. Colton Margaret M. Cooper Mary E. Cope John T. Copeland Raymond Coppage Frank Corey James P. Cormack, Jr. Robert Cormack Arlean M. Cornell Cathleen A. Costello Priscilla Coughlin Lucille M. Cousineau Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cowhey Nancy L. Cox Pauline N. Cox

Samuel J. Croft Johnnie C. Crotts Margaret Crouch Anne M. Crouse Charles F. Cummings Margaret Cushing Casilda B. Daly Dorothy Danielsen Robert M. Day Joseph S. De Mario Sue P. Dean Francis J. Dermody Marion Deseno Mary Detrich Sam Dewhirst Gordon K. Dilks F. Edward Dinnany Antionette Dion Robert L. DiSanti Paul S. Dixon Marie Donaldson John Donleavy Joseph W. Donna John D. Donohue Lt. Col. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dooley Fred Doran Helen Maxine Dorham Merle M. Dorrough Alice F. Douglas Harry A. Dow Winifred E. Dow Mary J. Doyle Claire K. Drabyk Donald H. Draheim Ethel E. Duffy Charles D. Eagles Beatrice C. Edie Floyd F. Edie Olivia Edwards Christoper Ekonomou Rebecca Ellison Cassie William Emanuel, Jr. Barbara Emard Ma Teresa Escobar Joseph J. Fahey Mary Failla Helen A. Failor Richard L. Falk Marie J. Faraoni Paul E. Farrington Ruth D. Farrington Gertrude Faulkner Marie W. Fay Margaret M. Fee Francis S. Ferrara Harry William Fersch, III Agnes Festa Ben E. Fetzer Louise M. Fields Joan C. Finn Roberta Finnigan Barbara A. Fiorito Roberta Fitzgeorge Thomas J. Flaherty Robert Fleming Stella M. Foote Katherine Forbes Donald P. Fournier Mickey S. Fox Bernice Francis Pauline M. Franklin Lewis O. Fresh Robert S. Fuiks Dorothy Gabbard Alice R. Gabrielson Alton W. Gaines Josephine Garafolo Edward S. Gavora James E. Gearhardt Connie Genovese Thomas F. Geoly Natalie E. Gerlaugh Trudy A. Gillard Anne Shepherd Gillick Frank G. Gillingham, Sr. Roger T. Gilmartin

Barbara J. Glover Mary Goade Donald D. Gold, M. D. Robert Golden Samuel Goldman Ann Goldsmith Lloyd H. Goldsmith Lewis Golub Dollie D. Gomberg Mary D. Gordon Edward Goreczny Edward Charles Goss Robert Graham Walter H. Graham Herbert Grandage, III Frances T. Grauer Jeane Sloan Graves Ted Greene Arden J. Greer Jean R. Greiner Willowese Pat Grenier Wanda Grice Lee Griffin Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Griffith Violet L. Grigorian Antoinette Grillo Howard R. Grimes Michael Grivas Ms. Joyce Grossman Joanne Grover Martha Joanne Grover Charles D. Gunther Chuck Haas Roger N. Haberman Laurence B. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hameister Jackie Hamer Marian C. Hamilton John (Jack) A. Hansen Judith Ann Hansen Peter S. Hanson Bruce Harbin Carolyn Hardee Harry A. Harrison Myrle Hatch Bancroft W. Henderson, Jr. Dorothy P. Hendrix John Hennessy Edward P. Henry, II Elizabeth B. Hensick Marjorie Hershiser John and Elizabeth Hesse L. James Hicks Vail Stone Hiers Frances High Dorothy Hill Joan B. Hill Robert S. Hirsch E. David Hoffmann Harry F. Hoke, Jr. Charles M. Holliday Wayne M. Holycross Martin Hoover Robert E. Houk William F. Bud Howard Allen S. Hubbard Ann W. Hubbard Rudy Hubbard Carl F. Hughes Katherine L. Hughes William Y. Humphreys, III Clyde Hungerford W. Bugh Hustead Eleanor F. Hylan Joseph Anthony Iannuccilli Frederick Ingenito John W. Jackel Roy A. Jacobs Borghild Betty Jacobsen Dominga Jennings Hildegard Jensen Ms. Anna Jerry Gustav A. Johansson Carole S. Johnson Frank E. Johnson Hugh Johnson

Allison Johnston Loma J. Joseph The Honorable and Mrs. Paul Kanarek Frances Kasper Donald K. Keith Richard A. Kelleher Dorothy M. Kelly Wilma Kelso George Kelz Thomas Kenny Sue Kerr Fred Kesten Ed Kettel David M. Key, Jr. Jack Kiminsky Arthur C. Kirby, Jr. Virginia Klein Richard W. Klink Elmer J. Klosterman Nancy P. Knapp Judith E. Knippel Paul Knop Carl J. Koehler, Jr. Marguerite Kolbe Alice B. Koval Arthur K. Kramer Steve Kramer Jane Krempl Edith E. Krivan Kroger WESCO of Vero Beach Helen D. Krom Stephen Kurpil Walter T. Labore Ray Ladd Gary Lalone Elaine M. Lamb Kenneth A. Landers Marie S. Langley Richard Dick Lapointe Ellen Pollitz Larson Kenneth H. Larson Oscar C. Larson Diane H. Lawrence Francis R. Leckonby Joseph D. Leclerc Stewart M. Ledbetter Winifred Louise Ledbetter Edward LeGere Marilyn Legere Catherine Lehan Anna D. Leighton Mrs. Gabriele Leipert Thomas K. Leipert Jacqueline Leipprandt Mary L. Lenz Virginia Leonardis Sara Lesher Margaret E. Lester Paul J. Levering Erma L. Lewis Steven G. Liapis Donald R. Liesen George Lillegard Illyne Lillie Evelyn M. Lindergren Julia Linesay Anne S. Lipitz James A. Livesay Julia I. Livesay Mollie L. Llerena Beatrice Logatto Eleanor B. Love George Lovelock, Jr. Eleanor J. Lowe Kay Lowell Earl Peter Luffey Richard G. Lull Shirley R. Lull Thomas Lutes Lynn Hammonds mother George U. Lyon James Lyons Jacqueline S. MacIntyre Joshua T. MacKenzie Connie I. Maguire

Thomas Mahon Marie Maiorana Joan M. Manney Rita Manning Tom Manning Gilbert Gil Marsh Robert R. Marsh, Sr. Bernard F. Marshall Claire Penny Marshall Frank L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martini Maryann & Ed Pelletiers daughter Martha M. Mascia Tom B. Mathison William Matlack Mary E. Matthews Harry H. Mayne Glenn B. McClure Virginia Glenn McClure Donald McCormick Dr. and Mrs. Hugh K. McCrystal Joella W. McDowell Ceil McGovern Thomas McGuire William H. McKee, Sr. Richard Bruce McKinney Hazel McLeish Muriel Meager Ruby P. Means Edward J. Meltz Robert P. Mercier Robert L. Merian Jean L. Messler Edith A. Metsch Margaret Migli Gladys Miller Jean Ann Miller Mary E. Miller Vera Mills Salvatore Mineo Sophie Minkewicz Mary O. Mitchell Stephanie L. Mixter Eunice M. Moebus Fred Moeller Richard Mohn Caroline Moller Ruth G. Moot Clyde Morgan John (Jay) A. Morgan Nancy A. Morris Clyde W. Morrison Ruth A. Morton Norma W. Mueller Henry J. Muller John F. Mulligan Robert E. Mundy Daniel Murphy Jack Murray Richard Murray Jean Nagy Royce A. Needham Victoria M. Neetz Elizabeth Ann Betty Ann Neidecker Roy Neitzke John F. Nelson Richard E. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Nelson Clement J. Nicholson Barbara Nicks Maria Nied Walter Nies Phyllis M. Nightingale-Wilson Ramona H. Nottage Frank J. OBrien Rita and Daniel OKeefe Helen OMara Ms. Alexandra K. Oakes Karla J. Oliva John P. Olivi Patricia J. Olmeda Margie Orcutt

Albert J. Osbahr Maria Osowski Rebecca Sue Bec Ours Gunnar S. Overstrom, Jr. George F. B. Owens, Jr. Edward Ozabal Veronica Ozabal Josephine A. Palladino Carmelo Pampallona Marie Papania Mary E. Pardo Virginia L. Parisi Lucille G. Parker Rene Parra William F. Patterson Walter M. Payne Oscar & Roberta M. Pedigo Frances A. Pender Clara M. Peregrim Sue Pesiri Kenneth O. Petch Philip Peters Donald C. Petersen The Marriage of Joel Petersen and Adrienne Eckert Marilyn J. Peterson Stephen K. Peterson Francis E. Pettis Margaret Pfleiderer Jack E. Pheneger Dale Phillips Henry Pickrodt James C. Pierce, Jr. William W. Pinkel Hubert Pippin John R. Porter, Sr. Ira J. Posnak Grace Post John H. Potter Wililam E. Potter Shavonne Poyner Lois A. Price William Prickels Martha E. Purcell W. Gene Purvis Harry Quigley Grace Quinn Kathleen Anne Quinn S. Mary Quinn John D. Rabon Robert P. Rafferty Dr. Hema N. Rao Irving W. Ray Stanislaus Reczek Anthony P. Redmond David W. Reid Thelma K. Reimer Ralph F. Reittinger Charles R. Replogle, Jr. Clare Reregrim J. Jay Rhoads James H. Rich Conradina Connie Richardson Robert C. Richter, Jr. Betty Jean Riddle Donald W. Ridenour Howard Wade Riley, Jr. Jeanne L. Ringeisen Robert R. Ritter Harry Roberts Alan J. Robertson Hazel Robertson Audrey D. Robinson Philip R. Robinson Dolores Joan Rogers John B. Rogers Elfriede J. Roland Katherine M. Roman Ed Ronemus Gerard F. Rooney Linda J. Rooney Joseph A. Rorick Stanley H. Rose, Jr. Rosemarie Rudy Kenneth D. Rue

Bea Russak William H. Russell Martha E. Rye Shirley Sabatino Irma Saenger Sister Sheila Salmon Joan P. Sandison Joseph J. Scata Howard C. Schaefer Robert J. Schasane Reinhold A. Scherrer Mildred E. Schmitt Dana S. Schmitz Ann V. Schneider Thomas L. Schnetzler John W. Schroder Gerald Lee (Jerry) Schuckers Ernest C. Schuenzel Anne B. Schulz Berthold E. Schwarz Sereno S. Scranton, Jr. Steven Arthur Serfling Steven C. Shade Mary G. Shapleigh Cecile M. Shea Edward J. Shea Thomas Shedd Betty W. Shields Nancy B. Shugart Sally W. Sibson Lester F. Sickels Herman Silverman Carl Simon Joseph Simon Lillian Simon Irene E. Slater Donald K. Smith Douglas J. Smith Henry J. Smith James B. Smith James E. Smith Lois Smith Richard L. Smith Veronica Smith Viola P. Smith William H. Smith, Jr. Carl J. Snyder Thelma F. Sobieski George A. Sofronas Richard Solsberry Mary Sorrentino Mary S. Southerland Darlene N. Sowers Jean E. Sparks Bruce C. Spatcher Franklin H. Spears, Sr. Helen Spelman Marian Spenglar John H. Spotts Constance R. Squillante Helen B. Stabile Bradley R. Stahl Mae Staples Lucero Stauffer Bernadette Stawara Joan H. Stawara Edward Stefanovich Carolyn Stone Edward D. Stone, Jr. Gary W. Stone Estelle Strickland Stephen Stringfellow Philip B. Stull, Jr. John B. Sullivan Robert E. Sullivan Ruth E. Sullivan William Sullivan Thomas F. Swan Wendy Swanson Carolyn Swanton Anthony J. Sylvester Eduard Szipl William F. Tait Fernande (Fern) C. Taylor Judith Taylor Mary Alice Taylor

Melba L. Tennison Theodore and Catherine Greeff Sarah Lee Thomas Mae Thompson Paul Thorlakson Virginia J. Thorne Wesley M. Tillis Helga E. Towers Mr. and Mrs. Hugh I. Towey Everett Q. Tracy William C. Trillo Marion L. Trout George B. Truscott Mary A. Tucker Robert B. Tufte Paul Tyrand Joan C. Tyson Lita L. Ulrich Barbara Vacanti Linda Valvano Paul J. Vasta Mary C. Venner Jean Verdi Elaine Vetter James J. Vickary Robert Vinson, M.D. Dora Vozella Ruby P. Waddell Ed Waegerle Ruth H. Wagner Eleanor P. Walker Stanley M. Walkowski George E. Walper William M. Ward Victor Webb Barbara C. Weber Bill Webster Catherine R. Weidler Harold Weigle Shirley Welt Bruno E. Wessinger Alfred C. Westermann Carol Whelan Leonard Whitecraft Ruby Widner Mary Ann Wildman Carline D. Wiley Jesse Danny Wilkinson Elena S. Williams George J. Williams Terrance J. Williams Mary Williamson Charles B. Wilmoth Terry L. Wilson Eugene Wing Freda Winter Margaret J. Witzel Howard G. Wood, Jr. Ltaska Wood Mildred L. Wood Randolph G. Randy Wood John R. Wyatt Shriley E. Wynes Frederick H. Zacharek George Ed Zarb Marie Zeitelhack Jean Zeuner Clara Zimmerman

Nightingale Society
The Nightingale Society honors individuals who have informed the VNA & Hospice Foundation that they have remembered the VNA in their estate plans.
Mrs. Jane Amante Mrs. Lois W. Appleby Ms. Anita Astrachan Mrs. Hilde Babin Ms. Kerry A. Bartlett Joe Bartley Mrs. Herman F. Becker Mrs. Barbara A. Bornheimer Mr. Robert G. Bowman Ms. L. Becky Brockmann Ms. Elizabeth A. Brooks Sharon Broome Mr. Harry L. Buck Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bumsted Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Bunney Mr. Graham Cain Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Callahan Glenn S. Camp Mr. John J. Campione Mrs. Alexander Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Carlson Alberta E. Clark Mrs. Anne Stubbs Cooney Robert L. Costa Mrs. James B. Creal Clark and Janet Daugherty Ms. Teresa Dellaquila Mrs. Helen Diamond Duncan and Elizabeth Donald Mrs. Genevieve L. Ekstrom Thomas G. and Carole C. Finck Miss Peggy Fisher Mr. Daniel J. Ford Mrs. Donald S. Frost Mrs. Alan Gault Mrs. Joan V. Glad Mrs. Jorge D. Gonzalez Mrs. Denny Gordon Mrs. Barbara M. Graf Joan Cutler Graham Mr. Howard Gray Mr. Jack N. Grossett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hameister Mrs. Marilyn C. Hammond Mr. Gifford H. Hampton, III Mrs. Harold C. Hayden Mrs. Charlene Y. Hechler Kathy Hendrix Mrs. Dorothy Hindert Mr. Edward V. Hoos Rosemary and Donald Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Jamieson Mr. Howard M. Jenkin Mr. Gilbert H. Johnson Richard and Pamela Johnson Doris R. Jorgensen Susan Frances Kamer The Honorable and Mrs. Paul B. Kanarek Lynde S. Karin Florence Keppell Tom and Virginia Knapp Josephine A. Kusel Mrs. Ann P. Laraja Mrs. Jeanne R. Lee Mrs. Dell Lockwood Ethel Mae Lynch Mrs. Ursula M. Ma Mrs. Alfred E. MacAdam Mrs. Rachael K. MacIntosh John Marr Mr. John N. McConnell, Sr. Mrs. Ann Marie McCrystal Emily Appleton McDonough Mr. Doug McEvoy Mrs. Elaine McKenna Jerry and Birgitte McKinney Mrs. Addison D. Merry (Amelia) Mrs. Jean Palmer Messex Mrs. Helen F. Miller Tom and Carole Miller Mrs. Lolly Mills Col. John W. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John E. Moore, III Mrs. Michael J. Murphy Mr. Thomas F. Murphy Mr. Paul F. Nezi Mr. and Mrs. A. Miles Nogelo Ms. Migdalia OLeary Mr. John Ouweleen Mrs. Annamae Ozabal Mr. John M. Patten, Sr. Mrs. James S. Pennington Mrs. Migdalia Perez Kathie Pierce Gene Ralph Tony and Helayne Ray Mr. Michael Russak Jim and Judy Schorner Lynn Schowalter Sterl F. Shinaberry Bill and Dorothy Smith Karl and Bonnie Steene Mrs. Joyce Steggles Mrs. Edith K. Stock Elizabeth B. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent N. Umland Rose Vanderslice Dr. David OBrien and Dr. Julie Vargo-OBrien Mrs. E. Jean Watters Mr. Rollin D. Weary, Jr. Mrs. Joseph Wieder Marshall Wolf Margie Young Jane Zeeler and 9 donors who wish to remain anonymous

Beacon Society
The Beacon Society honors deceased donors who have left a legacy to the VNA & Hospice Foundation through their estate plans.
Harry W. Anderson Martha G. Anthony William J. Bahm Elliot A. Baines Ann A. Barnes Genevieve V. Beck Ruby Bennett Dorothy T. Bennett Eileen and Julian Bleyer Col. Frank M. Bogart Marion E. Bossong Alice M. Briggs John Jack A. Clawson L. Frances Collins Mary T. Coon James B. Creal John and Casilda Daly Alexander DeMilo Allan R. Dragone Leonard M. Drydyk Mildred S. Ehne Charlotte S. Fait Mrs. Robert M. Faulk Richard M. Gardner Vernese M. Gauthier Dorothy R. Ginn Dr. Donald D. Gold Elmer F. and Barbara J. Goliak Rose A. Gorman Mildred T. Gove Kenneth W. Graham Mary Grevers William G. Grizzell Campbell C. Groel Mabel W. Groves Walter H. Hagensen Dorian Hahn Hunt Hamill Marion K. Hardwicke Mary N. Haskell Albert William Hedemark Regina D. Hellstrom Nancy B. Hendrickson Julie M. Hilbert Mrs. Paul Hinkle Flo Lorena Holmes William B. and Marcia H. Howell Allen S. and Ann W. Hubbard Anne F. Humphrey Evelyn L. Irons Robert P. and Loma F. Joseph Sumner H. Kalin Louise Klein Oscar and Lois Klose Paula Kraft Elizabeth M. Kupper Jean T. Lidstrom Gwyndolin West Lowenstein Michael R. Lucidi Marimorton L. Lynch Alfred E. MacAdam, III Robert N. MacBurnie Bertha E. MacNamara Ray C. and Mary B. Maize Dolores Alice McCarthy Mrs. John N. McConnell, Sr. Eleanor S. McKnight Kenneth H. McKnight Velma Meyer Evelyn Joy Miller John K. Moore and Patricia S. Moore Helen F. Murphy Ann D. Nicholson Walter E. Nilson John and Maureen Nolan Helen S. Norris Mary Jane OConnell Penelope H. OConnor Mary E. Osborne Edward Ozabal Mark E. Patterson Milton H. Penney James C. Pierce, Jr. Walter M. Reifsnyder Elizabeth A. Rice Erma L. Riedel Josephine S. Robinson Frances C. Rotunda Archie and Elizabeth Rousseau Bea Russak Ruth Mary Ruxton Jean E. Sanders Ruth Farley Sawyer Raymond J. and Kathryn M. Schambers Ardell M. Schoepfle Shirley A. Schwicker Elmeda L. Simpkins Allen and Eleanor Sipes Albert N. Skinner John C. Steggles Carol Stevenson William E. Stoffer Adele M. Swanson Sandra E. and Burt A. Swartout Louise E. Taylor Richard G. Tinnerholm Gilbert B. Trimmer George and Carmen Turbett Marie A. Turbie Mr. C.C. Walker Mr. Roland E. Walsh Shirley Weiner John R. Wheaton Lewis Stanley Whitaker Frank C. Whittelsey, III Mr. Joseph Wieder Anne B. Williams Maude Yocum Harry M. Zalmanoff and 1 donor who wishes to remain anonymous

All lists represent gifts received October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010. In compiling this report, every effort was made to ensure its accuracy and completeness. If an error or omission has been made, please accept our sincere apologies and notify the VNA & Hospice Foundation, 772.978.5573, so we may correct our records. Thank you.

VNA 2010 Audited Financials

Medicare ............................................................................................... $13,805,443 Private Pay/Private Insurance .................................................................... $5,781,575 Other Revenues ........................................................................................ $2,617,396 Medicaid................................................................................................... $1,079,070 Indian River County Hospital District............................................................. $655,369 Flu & Pneumonia Shots ................................................................................ $306,163 Total Revenues................................................................................ $24,245,016

Expenses ............................................................................................... $23,101,619

Surplus ..................................................................................................... $1,143,397

Charitable Care & Program Support

Provided by VNA & Hospice Foundation ..................................................... $1,996,810

Revenue by Source
Medicare.....................................................................57% Private Pay/Private Insurance ......................................24% Other Revenues...........................................................12% Medicaid ....................................................................... 4% Indian River County Hospital District .............................. 3%

Our Mission
VNA provides compassionate, innovative care of the highest quality, setting the standard for patients and caregivers needing home health, hospice, and community health services.

Visiting Nurse Association 1110 35th Lane Vero Beach, FL 32960



Vero Beach Office 1110 35th Lane Vero Beach, FL 32960 Tel: 772.567.5551 Fax: 772.978.5517 Toll Free: 800.749.5760 VNA Hospice House 901 37th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 Tel: 772.978.5600 Fax: 772.567.9938 Toll Free: 800.749.5760

Melbourne Office Sebastian Office 1331 North Central Avenue Sebastian, FL 32958 1600 Sarno Road, Suite 201 Melbourne, FL 32935 Tel: 321.752.7550 Fax: 321.751.5547 Tel: 772.589.0270 Fax: 772.589.0640 Toll Free: 888.771.0260 Toll Free: 800.749.5760 VNA Hidden Treasures Resale Boutique 656 21st Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 Tel: 772.563.0010 Fax: 772.563.9694 Toll Free: 800.749.5760 Nightingale Private Duty Nursing 920 37th Place, Suite 101 Vero Beach, FL 32960 Tel: 772.778.0159 Fax: 772.778.0285 Toll Free: 888.775.6872

Medicare Certified License#HHA21276095/HHA299991471/HPC5038096/ HHA299991281 Hospice License Issued In 1986

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