The Life God Has Called Me To Live

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by Oluwafunsho Raiyemo on Saturday, 20 August 2011 at 08:17 Im an Ordinary person, called by God to live an Extra-ordinary life. Ive been called to live A life of HOLINESS; being chaste, set apart, sanctified for Him and maintaining purity as my watchword. Being truthful, no matter the cost. A life of LOVE; For Him and my fellowmen, no matter their race or tribe. Showing grace to the struggling, the one who is hurt or has hurt me. A life of SERVICE; To God as a faithful steward and rendering selfless help to others without thought of recompense. A DEVOTED life; Completely dedicated to Him, living in His ways and for Him alone. A RESSURRECTED life; Ive been called to die in order to live forever; called to live a life of freedom in Christ. A HIGHER life; Above the standards of this world. A SPIRIT-FILLED life; Allowing the Holy Spirit of God to control every sphere of my life at every point in time. A life of FAITH; Not moved by what I see (sight), knowing He wants the best for me. A life of SUBMISSION; To His will, obeying His commands, being Humble as Christ did. A life of COMMUNITY; Being a good citizen and a good Ambassador for Christ. A FRUITFUL life; In behaving properly towards the lost, yielding fruits for Him, and even watering seeds to make them grow to maturity and accomplish Gods will for their lives.

I am an ordinary person but I have been called by God to live an extra-ordinary life. Ive been called to be industrious To make a difference To live and endure for Christ

To live in the light and be a light to the nations To live a WORTHY life; A life of purpose, worthy of my calling and worthy of His Kingdom To be a POINTER; Showing others the way to Heaven and reflecting the life of Christ. Not as a wind vane, tilting in every direction as the world does. To be a TEACHER; being an example for others to learn from, teaching them with the way I live my life.

I am the Salt of the earth I am a Light in the world I am a City on a hill I am a Peculiar person I am a Royal priest I am a Branch on The Vine I am a Servant of the King I am a Vessel unto Honor Called to show forth His praise, to open the blind eyes, to bring men out of captivity and them who sit in darkness.

God has not called me to live a self-centered life (a selfish Kind of life). Neither has He called me to live a life of competition with others. He has called me to be an iron which sharpens other iron, helping them to achieve His plan for their lives, moving them closer to the Kingdom so that they also wont be castaways. God has called me to be a CHANNEL and not a CISTERN. Not to gather for myself alone but being a medium of affecting other lives positively and in conveying His love. IM HERE TO LIVE, TO LOVE AND TO SERVE!

CHARGE: Are you as a Christian living the life God has called you to live? (1 Pet. 2:9-12) Do you bring glory to God (only) with your life? (Matt. 5:13-16) Are we truly living in love for one another as the early church did? Or do we just look out for ways in which we can be better off than our fellowmen, showing off with our achievements and possessions, living in selfishness, jealousy and pride? (Gal. 6:4, Acts 2:44-47, Eph. 4:12-13 & vs.15-16, 31-32.) Are we truly Ambassadors for Christ and Good citizens? Do we give honor to whoever honor is due; observe the rules and regulations at all times even when we dont feel like and when it seems we are the only ones doing so? Or do we only do what is right when we are being monitored? E.g., observing traffic rules, safety helmets and seat belt usage, littering the floor or streets rather than use the waste bins? Etc. (1 Pet 2:11-17) Do we also correct one another in love, seeing ourselves as one body or rather criticize others and use their weakness against them or worse still, letting them be and saying that it is not a matter of concern to us? Do we forgive easily and are willing to be forgiven? Do we love others with a sincere heart? (Gal, 6:1-3, Eph. 4:15-16, Luke 6:37, Matt. 5:44). Are we making the world tolerable or do we always cause trouble instead of bringing HOPE to others? (Eph. 4:31-32, Matt 5:13).


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