Conservative Christians, It's Time To Say "No"

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Christians, Its Time to Say No!

by Jane Gilgun

Jesus loved children. He said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (Mathew, 19: 14). Jesus also said, Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me (Mark, 9:37). Conservative Christians follow Jesus. Many also believe in the conservative Republican agenda. They may want to start wondering about contradictions. Republican policies hurt children. Their policies will hurt children even more if they get their way. An example is the yesterdays vote by Republicans in the House of Representatives to cut school lunch programs. More than a quarter of a million children will no longer get free lunch at schools. Most of them will go hungry. Republicans also voted to cut job training programs for their parents. Their parents will be unable to get better paying jobs. Children will go hungry. Children who are hungry do not learn well. If they do not learn well, they will not grow up to get the training they need to get good jobs. If they do not get good jobs, they will have children they will not be able to feed well. This situation does not appear to fit well with Jesuss love for children. Jesus said we cannot serve two masters. If we serve Jesus, we cannot be at the service of those who harm children.

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