Internet Marketing Assignment Guide

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Assignment Guide: Internet Marketing Plan

The assignment for the Internet marketing module involve writing a marketing plan for a product or service for a company assigned to you, which includes appraising the impact of the Internet on each aspect of the plan. Each chapter on the lectures that you will have will be covered by exercise classes. These exercises will form the basis of your plan. As you work through the relevant preparation in each chapter, you will be compiling answers which may be slotted into the marketing plan framework, as shown in the table below. In this way the marketing plan builds up topic by topic.

The internet marketing plan should include the following sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Title Page Executive Summary (At the front of the coursework) Contents page Internal Analysis a. Strengths and weaknesses External analysis a. Opportunities and threats SWOT analysis Marketing objectives Marketing strategy a. Segmentation b. Target Market c. Positioning Marketing mix a. Product/ service b. Price c. Place d. Promotion (Marketing communications plan) e. People f. Processes g. Physical evidence Measurement Acknowledgements and references Appendices


10. 11. 12.

The completed core marketing plan should be approximately 25 pages. Details may be put in the appendices which are not contained in the page count. Project time table: 7-11 of March 12-18 March Initial Group and Company meetings Work on

Project Plan Proposal 18 March Hand in Draft Project Plan Proposal (5 points) 18 March -01 April Work on Internal analysis Hand in Internal analysis (5 points) 01 15 April Work on External analysis Hand in External analysis (5 points) Work on - SWOT analysis - Marketing objectives - Marketing strategy a. Segmentation b. Target Market c. Positioning Hand in - SWOT analysis - Marketing objectives - Marketing strategy a) Segmentation b) Target Market c) Positioning (5 points) Work on: Marketing mix a) b) c) d)

01 April

15 April

15- 22 April

22 April

22 April -13 May

Product/ service Price Place Promotion (Marketing communications plan) e) People f) Processes g) Physical evidence Measurement Hand in Marketing mix

13 May

Product/ service Price Place Promotion (Marketing communications plan) e) People f) Processes g) Physical evidence Measurement 10 (points) 13 May 13 -20 May Hand in Draft Final Complete report Work on Final Complete report Hand in Final complete report (60 points) June Project defense (10 points)

a) b) c) d)

20 May

Relationship of chapters to the internet marketing plan

The table below indicates which topic is relevant to which section of the marketing plan. Section of marketing plan Internal Analysis External analysis Marketing objectives Marketing strategy Marketing mix Control Topic -

E-planning The Internet micro-environment E-planning The Internet macro-environment E-planning Internet strategy development Internet strategy development Re-Mix E-customers Traffic building E-planning

Additional notes Executive summary This should be written last and appears at the front of the report/plan. It derives its name from the fact that it is a summary of the contents of the plan that could be read by company

executives who did not have time to read the full report. The executive summary should identify the following types of issues: Brief background and context of the venture, i.e. what the product/service is, what are the key trends within its potential market place (rising I declining, high levels of competition, etc.). Keep it brief. Key findings: e.g. expanding market in the 18-25 age group with potential worldwide. Critical issues/ problems: e.g. market potential can only be fulfilled through additional finance and through employing additional expertise. A brief indication of how these issues will be dealt with. Key success factors: i.e. What you have that will make the venture a success. What is it about the overall marketing plan that makes the product/ service stand out from the competition. The executive summary should be the maximum of one page. It should not be a mere description of what is contained in the plan. Project Proposals The Preliminary Project Proposal provides a description of the scope of your project. The project proposal is developed in consultation with you faculty and company tutor. It starts off as a twoparagraph document and evolves into approximately 2-4 pages, consisting of a combination of narrative text plus an outline of the sections of your report. The proposal contains a brief overview of the issue under study, the problem you plan to tackle for the sponsor, and how you attempt to address it. It should clearly indicate the scope of your problem, and all activity you plan to undertake in this project. It should also identify, by name, the key resources you plan to consult. Interim Reports Four interim reports should be hand in. Each interim report builds upon your efforts in previous weeks. In the Interim Reports you will develop your final written report from your project proposal outline for that part. The Interim Report should clearly contains the results from your work. Feedback will be provided to you on each Interim Report you turn in Friday no later than the following Tuesday. Final Written Report The Final Written Report is due during the week 13-20 May. The Final Report is NOT to be sent to your sponsor until approved by your tutor - no exceptions!. Typically, groups have an hour or so of final changes to make to the Final Report (mainly style, wording, etc.) before final approval is given to send the report to your sponsor. Peer Evaluations. Your individual grade will be influenced by Peer Evaluations you submit with your Interim and Final Written Report. Group members who do not improve their weight during the entire course

of the project will find their course grade will be lower than that of the other members of their group. Written Report Guidelines: The Interim and Final reports are highly professional documents that adhere to the following:

Very well written, researched, and documented, with a highly polished look and feel, liberally supported by graphical and tabular material to support exposition and enhance understanding, and with actionable recommendations supported by thorough analysis. Formal references must be provided for all cited material. This includes quotes, ideas from articles, numbers, etc. You can use footnotes that appear on the bottom of each page. The guiding principle is that all sources must be cited, so that 1) proper credit is given where credit is due, and 2) the company can go to the original source to follow up in more detail where desired. The major sections of the report should be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., with subsections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. You may elect to also sub-subsections as well, i.e. 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, etc, but you should not go beyond three levels of subsections. Detailed tabular material that would detract from the readability of the report if embedded in the text, such as extended tables and figures supporting a competitive analysis, should appear in an Appendix to the report. Short figures and tables directly germane to an analysis point should appear in the text beside that point. The document should be prepared in MS Word. MS Excel spreadsheets may be included as supporting material. Where appropriate, Web URLs should be included as hyperlinks. The cover sheet should contain: 1) the title of the project, 2) the name and logo of the company, 3) the names and email addresses of all team members, 4) the date, and a statement indicating that the project was prepared for Internet Marketing under the direction of Professor Nada Sekulovska, your assistants Mijalce Gjorgiev and Marina Mijoska and your company mentor. The name of Faculty of Economics Skopje and the e-business department should be included.

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