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Problems on Processes of Vapors

The enthalpy entropy diagram for steam (MOLLIER CHART) To follow the different types of vapor processes, an H-S diagram is drawn complete with pressures and temperatures, showing entropy on the horizontal axis, and enthalpy on the vertical axis.

H-S for isenthalpic process

Problem: A saturated vapor is 5 bar and 150 0C is expanding to 1 bar, S1 = 6.875 KJ/kg-K; S2 = 7.5 KJ/kg-K and h1 = h2 2750 KJ/kg

Problems on Processes of Vapors

H-S diagram for isentropic process

Problem: A superheated steam at 20 bar and 350 0C extracting to 0.1 bar, h1 = 3100 KJ/kg, h2 = 2200 KJ/kg; S1 = S2 6.95 KJ/kg-K

PROPERTY DIAGRAMS AND STEAM TABLES SUMMARY 1. MOLLIER DIAGRAM is an H-S plot 2. MOLLIER DIAGRAM is applicable when the steam quality is greater than 50% and for superheated steam 3. STEAM TABLES can be used to determine the properties of water, through: v = x(vg) + y(vf) x+y=1 y = 1-x v = x(vg) + (1-x)vf v = vg - y(vfg) v = vf + x(vfg) x= x= x=

Problems on Processes of Vapors

PROBLEMS 1. Using Steam Tables: A superheated steam at 48.263 bar and 359.99 0C is expanded at constant entropy to 9.65 bar. Determine the change in enthalpy? ANS. h = - 361.71 kJ/kg

2. Using steam Tables: What is the specific volume, enthalpy of steam having a quality of 90% at 27.579 bar?

SOLVED PROBLEMS 1. Five kg of O2 expands at a constant-pressure of 190 Kpa in a closed system from a temperature of 29 0C to a final state of 205 0C. Determine the work needed expanding the oxygen? Given: O2 (oxygen): m = 5 kg P1 = c = 190 Kpa T1 = 29 0C T2 = 205 0C Required: Work, in KJ Solution: Closed system: Work is work non-flow process, W nf P = constant (Isobaric process) Wnf = P(V2-V1)

= 190(3.610 2.281) = 252.572 KJ

Problems on Processes of Vapors

2. An ideal gas at 30 psig, 70 0F is heated in a closed container to 100 0F. Determine the final absolute temperature inside the container, psi? Given: P1 = 30 psig T1 = 70 0F T2 = 100 0F Required: Solution: Rigid container/closed container, V = constant, (CHARLES LAW) P1/T1 = P2/T2 Absolute Pressure: Pabs = Pg + Patm Pabs = 30 + 14.7 Pabs = 44.7 psi P2 = 47.20 psi P2, in psi

3. A SCUBA tank contains 3 kg of air at 13 0C. The tank is left near at the exhaust line resulting to the tank pressure doubled. What is the new temperature, 0K? Given: m = 3 kg T1 = 13 0C P1 = 1 atm P2 = 2P1 Required: T2, 0K Solution: SCUBA TANK: V = C P1/T1 = P2/T2 1 atm/286 = 2 atm/T2 T2 = 572 0K


Problems on Processes of Vapors

4. A rigid vessel contains 2 kg of steam at 6.35 Mpa, 375 0C. Determine its enthalpy in KJ? Given: STEAM: m = 2 kg P1 = 6.35 Mpa T1 = 375 0C Required: Solution: Rigid vessel: Closed system: Using Steam Tables, (Table 3. Vapor) P1 = 6.35 Mpa (Tsat = 279.26 0C) T1 = 375 0C h = 3107.3 KJ/kg h = 6214 KJ h, in KJ


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