SMMapper Use Cases

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SMMapper Use Cases

Author: Patrick Wolf Version: 2.00

PMSoft Partners Company Confidential

Table of Contents
Context of the White Paper ............................................................................................................. 2 Use Case 1: Sharing Service models between HPUCMDB and BMC Atrium CMDB ................. 3 Step 1: Automated meta-model acquisition from the trusted data source .................................. 4 Step 2: Intelligent graphical mapping user interface .................................................................. 5 Step3: Scheduled or event triggered transformation ................................................................... 8 Step 4: Service mapping control and adjustment phase.............................................................. 9 Use Case 2: Sharing Service models between HP UCMDB and HP Asset Manager .................. 10 Associated Business Value Proposition .................................................................................... 10 Use Case 3: Maintaining a Service model .................................................................................... 14 Associated Business Value Proposition .................................................................................... 14 Use Case flow description ........................................................................................................ 15 Use Case 4: More complex transformation rules based on regular expressions........................... 17 Associated Business Value Proposition .................................................................................... 18 Use Case flow description ........................................................................................................ 18

Context of the White Paper

The intent of this document is to provide a functional description of PMSoft Partners SMMapper in the context of several use cases PMSoft Partners is currently working on in conjunctions with our clients. At this stage, SMMapper is mainly focusing on 4 main use cases, namely: Service model sharing across managed data repositories Service model sharing within the HP portfolio The maintenance of the service model More complex transformation rules based on regular expressions

We are considering other use cases in the future, namely: Service model cost computation Service catalogues population

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Use Case 1: Sharing Service models between HPUCMDB and BMC Atrium CMDB
Associated Business Value Proposition
Industrialization of the service mapping process Reduced implementation time and costs for CMDB and CMS initiatives Improved configuration information data quality Repeatable process Less technical skills required The intent of SMMapper is to propose a repeatable process to model, collect, integrate, and map Configuration items thru an easy to use & cross technology Service Model Standardization tool - SM Mapper with the unique goal to reduce the time and efforts to implement CMDB or CMS projects. On a high level, SMMapper leverages a 4 step repeatable process to map external managed data sources to the central service model stored within HPs leading UCMDB, namely: Step 1: Automated meta-model acquisition from the trusted data source Step 2: Intelligent graphical mapping user interface Step3: Scheduled or event triggered transformation Step 4: Service mapping control and adjustment phase

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Step 1: Automated meta-model acquisition from the trusted data source

SMMapper implements a mechanism to automatically extract the Meta models of the trusted data sources in an automated manner in leveraging techniques ranging from SOAP, REST web services, to SQL, and API accesses to the managed data sources. SMMapper implements a concept of predefined connectors along with mapping content packs. Mapping content packs understand Meta models from several CMDBs and IT service management software on the market including (but not limited) to: HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to HP Service Manager HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to HP Asset Manager HP UCMDB 8.x from / to HP UCMDB 9.x HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to BMC Atrium CMDB 7.5 & 7.6 HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to CA CMDB r11 & r12 HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to IBM CCMDB HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to Service Now HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to ASG - metaCMDB HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to Altiris HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to Symantec Command Central HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to Tivoli inventory HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to Troux Technologies HP UCMDB 8.x & 9.x from / to Alphabet

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In case managed data sources are not yet understood out of the box by SMMapper, an intuitive integration technology is in place for end users to build their own mapping content via integration SDK.

Step 2: Intelligent graphical mapping user interface

Once the Meta model has been extracted from the managed data sources, this one is processed by SMMapper and a very intuitive tree view is displayed. This tree view is containing a very user friendly way of representing complex Meta models, as illustrated bellow:

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In the example on top, SMMapper is mapping information from HP UCMDB on the left side to BMC Atrium CMDB on the right side of the screen. This process allows a configuration manager or a service manager to create an intermediate scope by dragging classes from the source or destination to the intermediate scope (center tree view). The intermediate scope will be leveraged by the software to transform the data. Once classes have been mapped, the user gets access to another screen allowing mapping attributes for each of the selected classes (Ie. Computersystem and Memory in our example):

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Note: The complete syntax for HPs TQL is supported including Constant, Direct, and Compound string transformations. And finally, the user gets the ability to map relations from HP UCMDB to BMC Atrium CMDB. As SMMapper understands the complete meta model, these relations are generated automatically, it is up to the user to select the relevant one.

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Step3: Scheduled or event triggered transformation

SMMapper is literally plugged on top of HP UCMDBs integration studio and a TQL file is generated out of the mapping the user interface produces in step 2.

This TQL mapping file is consumed by the standard HP UCMDB to BMC Atrium CMDB push adapter and avoids the process of writing mapping files between HP and BMC models. As a result, the mapping process is highly simplified and the time to implement complex mapping reduced to the minimum. Two modes of execution are available, a scheduled mode or an event triggered mode in which an external tool triggers a transformation job in calling the SMMapper web service REST API. The illustration underneath highlights SMMapper working as service model orchestration engine between HP UCMDB and BMC Atrium CMDB.

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Step 4: Service mapping control and adjustment phase

Finally, once the transformation of the data is effective, the system allows the end user to control the accuracy of the data and tweak the mapping and/or transformation rules when necessary.

Other key features

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Use Case 2: Sharing Service models between HP UCMDB and HP Asset Manager

Associated Business Value Proposition

Industrialization of the service mapping process Reduced implementation time and costs for CMDB and CMS initiatives Improved configuration information data quality Repeatable process Less technical skills required


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The goal for this use case is to generate configurations files that are compatible with the Asset Manager Adapter (Ie. AMAdapter). The AMAdapter is part of HP UCMDB content pack 10 and leverages the generic DB adapter.

Note: A combination of SQL approach and the parsing of a database description files are leveraged to extract the model and meta model structure out of HP Asset Manager. The following structure is displayed to the user including the HP UCMDB model on the left side discovered thru web services and the Asset Management model on the right side:


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At this stage, the user is allowed to map classes from HP UCMDB to HP Asset Manager.

The next step in the workflow consists in the mapping of attributes related to the classes that were mapped in the previous section.


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Note: in this section, we are creating a direct mapping between the nt / primary_dns_name in UCMDB and amAsset / Fullname in Asset Manager. Once this step achieved, AMAdapter configuration files are generated based upon the intermediate scope that was selected by the user. Upon selection of an existing or new Asset Manager query within the HP UCMDB integration studio, a job is executed to push information from HP UCMDB to HP Asset manager.


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Use Case 3: Maintaining a Service model

Associated Business Value Proposition
Provides automation in the maintenance of the service model less manual intervention Industrialization of the service mapping process Reduced implementation time and costs for CMDB and CMS initiatives Improved configuration information data quality Repeatable process Less technical skills required This use case consists in automating the maintenance of a service model. Indeed, SMMapper is able to capture any modification to the HP Asset Manager meta model in an automated manner and reflects these changes to the master service model that is maintained within HPs UCMDB. In other words, SMMapper is able to understand meta model changes for any managed data repositories connected to the master HP UCMDB and reflect these changes in an automated manner to the core service model. Maintaining service models is one of the most complex and time consuming tasks as these ones are generally undertaken manually based in a configuration management process.


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Use Case flow description

Workflow sequence The follow sequence is automated thru the use of SMMapper. In this use case, SMMapper discovers the HP Asset Manager model and meta model using a combination of SQL access and the parsing of some database description files.


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Initially, a modification is occurring within the HP Asset Manager Meta model. As an example, a new type of asset is added to Asset Manager (Ex. a virtual system).

SMMapper automatically captures the difference in the meta model and the user is allowed to compare the difference between two snapshots as highlighted below:

The following result is displayed to the user:


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The user is finally allowed to drag and drop these artifacts from the comparison window to the UCMDB tree view. The system via web services sets the new meta model structure within the HP UCMDB and HPs UCMDB is getting updated automatically with the new VirtualSystem class. As SMMapper is fully web services enabled, the automated service model update could very well be tied to change management process. Changes within the managed data sources would be reflected to the core configuration management system in a transparent manner as long as this change has been approved or pre-approved.

Use Case 4: More complex transformation rules based on regular expressions

In this use case SMMapper is leveraged to implement more complex transformation on fly for configuration information that has previously been discovered b DDMa and is residing within HPs UCMDB. A simplified workflow is described here: MQ Series management configuration data previously discovered thru DDMa is extracted by SMMapper from HPs UCMDB via web services The configuration data is transformed on the fly using SMMapper mapping studio regular expression capabilities The transformed MQ Series data is reintegrated within HPs UCMDB via web services


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Associated Business Value Proposition

Industrialization of the service mapping process Reduced implementation time and costs for CMDB and CMS initiatives Improved configuration information data quality Repeatable process Less technical skills required

Use Case flow description


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Functional sequence: A new Data Source is created within SMMapper pointing to the HPs UCMDB that is hosting the MQ series data. A tree view is displayed within SMMapper displaying the data structure related to the MQ Series Data Source. Typically a queue manager linked to several queues. The user selects the type of MQ series data he is intending to retrieve. Ex. MQ Manager and MQ queues. For each Queue Managers and queues pulled from the UCMDB, a new attribute is created and instantiated by SMMapper in leveraging the regular expression capabilities. As an example, 3 first characters of the queue name. system name. A new type of relation (ex. impact relation) is created based upon the new attribute created in the former section. The existing web service adapter between SMMapper and HP UCMDB is leveraged to set the new structure and the associated data within HPs service model.


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