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Contact: Mark D. Snyder, Communications Manager Phone: 415.865.0176 ext. 310, cell: 617.416.0552 mark@transgenderlawcenter.


Breaking: Federal Agency Rules Transgender Employees Protected by Sex Discrimination Law
Media Conference Call to be held on Tuesday, April 24th at 10am PDT with Prof. Tobias Barrington Wolff, Mia Macy, and Transgender Law Center Call-in Information: 1.800.977.8002, Participant Code: 24522748#
(San Francisco, CA) - In a landmark ruling, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has announced that Title VII, the federal sex discrimination law, protects employees who are discriminated against because they are transgender. In its unprecedented decision, the EEOC concluded that intentional discrimination against a transgender individual because that person is transgender is, by definition, discrimination based on sex and such discrimination violates Title VII. The EEOC is the federal agency that interprets and enforces federal employment discrimination law, and todays decision marks the first time it has offered clear guidance on this issue. The ruling came as a result of a discrimination complaint filed by Transgender Law Center on behalf of Mia Macy, a transgender woman who was denied a job as a ballistics technician at the Walnut Creek, California laboratory of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Ms. Macy, a veteran and former police detective, initially applied for the position as male and was told that she virtually was guaranteed the job. Ms. Macy was exceptionally qualified for the position, having a military and law enforcement background and being one of the few people in the country who had already been trained on ATFs ballistics computer system. After disclosing her gender transition mid-way through the hiring process, Ms. Macy was told that funding for that position had been suddenly cut. She later learned that someone else had been hired for the job. In response to the EEOCs decision, Ms. Macy stated, As a veteran and a police officer, Ive worked my whole career to uphold the values of fairness and equality. Although the discrimination I experienced was painful both personally and financially, and led to the loss of my familys home to foreclosure, Im proud to be a part of this groundbreaking decision confirming that our nations employment discrimination laws protect all Americans, including transgender people. Im grateful for the help of Transgender Law Center, which believed in me from the start and helped guide me through this process. No one should be denied a job just for being who they are. The decision today follows a clear trend by federal courts in recent years holding that transgender people are protected by Title VIIs prohibition against sex discrimination. But it has even broader implications than a court decision, because the EEOC is the agency charged with interpreting and enforcing federal discrimination laws throughout the nation. The EEOCs

decision will impact every employer, public and private, throughout the nation. The decision is entitled to significant deference by the courts, and will be binding on all federal agencies. Transgender Law Centers Legal Director Ilona Turner explained, Its incredibly significant that the Commission has finally put its stamp of approval on the common-sense understanding that discrimination against transgender people is a form of sex discrimination. Thats true whether its understood as discrimination because of the persons gender identity, or because they have changed their sex, or because they dont conform to other peoples stereotypes of how men and women ought to be. Noreen Farrell, Executive Director of Equal Rights Advocates, a legal organization that has been fighting for womens rights since 1974, also celebrated the ruling. She stated, Todays decision helps our discrimination laws fulfill their purpose of ensuring that no one loses a job based on sex. Women have fought for decades to be judged in the workplace by our abilities, not by our sex, gender identity, or gender stereotypes. We are thrilled that the EEOC has confirmed that Title VII protects transgender people from job discrimination, thanks to the work of Transgender Law Center. Masen Davis, Transgender Law Centers Executive Director, added, With so many barriers to gainful employment in our society, we cant let discrimination be one of them. The EEOCs decision ensures that every transgender person in the United States will have legal recourse when faced with employment discrimination. Having the protection of federal law is especially critical for transgender people who live in the 34 states that lack transgender-inclusive nondiscrimination laws. This is a game changer for transgender America. A conference call for the media will be held on Tuesday, April 24th at 10am PDT. The call will feature analysis from legal scholar Prof. Tobias Barrington Wolff, as well as Mia Macy and Transgender Law Centers Executive Director Masen Davis, Legal Director Ilona Turner, and Staff Attorney Matt Wood. Call-in Information: 1.800.977.8002, Participant Code: 24522748# For more information or interview requests please contact Mark Snyder, Communications Manager, at 416.865.017 ext. 310, cell: 617.416.0552 or ### Transgender Law Center works to change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.

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