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MEDIEVAL ARCHERY TOURNAMENT DETAILS The Archery Tournament is featured as a staged event and as such will be presented in a main

public arena where and when possible and always with complete regard to public safety. Shooting must always be arranged so that it is directed towards a safe area away from where any public members could possibly be present. REQUIREMENTS The Archery Tournament is open to all archers provided they are dressed in suitable period attire and they are acceptably competent with their archery equipment and are also financial or legitimate members of a re-enactment group that is covered by a Public Liability Insurance policy. No entry fee is required but all contestants are asked to register with Archery Organizer well prior to the event. All commands and requests by the supervising range controller must be adhered to at all times, and all participants must be mindful of safety whilst in control of their weapons. No physical contact with another archer whilst he or she is shooting will be tolerated. A participating archer should be of a standard of competency whereby he or she can consistently hit a 3ft butt at a distance of 15 paces or yards. ARCHERY EQUIPMENT The archery equipment to be used is restricted to legitimate and accurate representations of period bows only, and must be relevant to the chosen persona of the archer using it. i.e. (A wooden self-bow or longbow backed with natural rawhide or wood where the archers' persona might be western European like English, Welsh. French, Burgundian, Scandinavian etc.). No fibre-glass laminated bows are allowed with the exception where an archers' persona may be eastern and would generally require the use of a composite style recurved bow. In this case in the absence of the genuine article due to inaccessibility an Asiatic style, a fibre-glass recurve bow will be allowed provided it is suitably disguised with some kind of covering DEFINATELY NO RISERED RECURVES Bows can be of any draw weight as an archer is always advantaged or handicapped by his or her own abilities. Arrows should be made of wood and fletched with natural feathers of any colour and have standard target or field points or bodkin points fitted. Self or applied nocks are acceptable. No broadheads or barbed heads. RULES OF SHOOT The contest requires each archer to shoot 5 arrows at a target butt act at a distance of 15 paces (or yards ) the target being a circle or garland with an inner diameter of not less than 10 inches (26cms.). (Keeping in mind that this is purely a performance for the public and is not intended to be regarded as a serious competition, archers who are not on the shooting line are encouraged to cheer, laugh, joke and heckle at other archers during the shooting as this is meant to add an element of fun and frivolity to the event. Archers at the shooting line are not allowed to disturb other shooters, as this may have an impact on safety.)

SCORING For an arrow to score, the major portion of it must be inside the circle or garland, if an arrow is in doubt that point will be forfeited. The archer with the greatest number of arrows scoring out of 5 will be considered the winner unless there is a tie. In the event of a tie a sudden death shoot-off will be held whereby each of the tied archers will shoot 1 arrow. An archer failing to score is eliminated unless all fail to score in which case another arrow is shot by all. Shoot and eliminate until one archer remains with the scoring arrow. The winner will then be presented with the prize and title of Champion Archer of the day by a Lady or other Noble personage. Archers exit cheering. REPEAT TOURNAMENTS AT A SHOW If the event is to be repeated during a show (eg on a second day) the winning archer from any previous tournament at the same show will be handicapped. This handicapping may take one of two forms depending on time and equipment available. 1. Where possible, the previous winner will be required to use a smaller garland as a target during any subsequent tournaments or competitions at the same event. This garland should be of between 6 and 8 inches internal diameter. 2. If a time or availability prevents the use of a smaller garland, the previous winner will be required to shoot one less arrow as a handicap on the second and subsequent tournaments in order to give other contestants an opportunity to win. If an archer shoots a perfect score (5 arrows) on the second day the winner from the previous day will be allowed to shoot his or her fifth arrow, but only if he has scored all of his first four.

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