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School Evaluation Summary: Technology Maturity

Dianne Johnson-Wojnicki EDTECH 501 - SP12 School: Our Saints Catholic Academy Location: The school is located in the near western suburbs of a large Midwest metropolitan city. Overall: The educational environment is an elementary and junior high school with grades K-8. The primary language is English. The population is derived from well educated, upper middle class families. The average family size is 4.5 persons. Most students live with both natural or adoptive parents.

Student Population Demographics: There are on average 559 students attending this school. There are 0.0% from low-income households.

School Evaluation Summary: Technology Maturity

Dianne Johnson-Wojnicki EDTECH 501 - SP12

Income Statistics: Data on consumer income collected by the Census Bureau covers money income received (exclusive of certain money receipts such as capital gains) before payments for personal income taxes, social security, union dues, Medicare deductions, etc.

School Evaluation Summary: Technology Maturity ADMINISTRATIVE: The Maturity Benchmark Survey indicated the following stages for each of the following criteria in the Administrative Filter.
The basis for these Administrative Filter conclusions involve the existence of a comprehensive technology use plan detailing the policies, planning procedures, budget concerns, and administrative information usage and availability. Policy Behavioral: Integrated The School Commission for instance has a designated Technology & Website representative responsible for communication between the school administration, Commission, and Parent/Teacher Association. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The plan has been approved by the governing bodies at the levels of Diocese, School Commission, and school administration. Planning Behavioral: Integrated The basis for these conclusions involve the existence of a comprehensive technology use plan that is regularly evaluated and updated to keep abreast of the current environment in contrast to the envisioned environment. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The plan establishes a human conduit to investigate and communicate technology needs between the school administration and the primary stakeholders. Budget Behavioral: Island There is a formal technology budget to support the interoperability of existing and planned technology delivery systems. Expenditures for upward migration and emerging technology, applications and support are subject to procurement requests from other bodies such as the Parent/Student Association or the acquisition of grants in an effort to raise necessary capital. Resource/Infrastructure: Island The recent procurement of the 30 mobile lab tablets is an example of the technological expansions that are financed over above the existing budget. Administrative Information Behavioral: Island 3 Dianne Johnson-Wojnicki EDTECH 501 - SP12

School Evaluation Summary: Technology Maturity

Dianne Johnson-Wojnicki EDTECH 501 - SP12 Technology is readily available and utilized by the digital natives. For the digital immigrants utilization will increase as the learning curve continues to flatten with further professional development strategies. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated This particular environment has been working steadily to increase its technological presence, as a result much of the administrative information component is emerging and increasingly utilized as processes and procedures are implemented.

CURRICULAR: The Maturity Benchmark Survey indicated the following stages for each of the following criteria in the Curricular Filter.
The basis for these Curricular Filter conclusions stem from the existence multiple computer labs with full time faculty, in-class computer, document viewer, and video projection systems in conjunction with a curriculum support plan to integrate and enrich learning with technology. Electronic Information Behavioral: Island The integration of electronic information into curriculum is ongoing. However because of disparities with respect to knowledge and skill unfortunately those classes taught by teachers who possess technical aptitudes receive a greater level of integration. Resource/Infrastructure: Island Every classroom in this educational environment has been equipped with a computer, document view and video projection system to increase the utilization of electronic information for curriculum based learning activities. In addition to the classroom connectivity there is a computer lab with 30 desktop computers, a newly acquired 30 tablet mobile lab as well as a computer research center equipped for 30 students.

Assessment Behavioral: Island In terms of technology use for assessment the current usage is primarily for standardized testing and the analysis of data generated. Resource/Infrastructure: Island) 4

School Evaluation Summary: Technology Maturity

Dianne Johnson-Wojnicki EDTECH 501 - SP12 There are plans to further the assessment processes, however the resources and support must be established to for all faculty to embrace it fully. Curriculular Integration Behavioral: Island This educational environment utilizes the Diocesan Technology Curriculum which is formulated from the National Technology Standards to navigate and integrate the development of technology based curriculum and enrichment. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated) Both the computer lab and the computer resource area have a full time faculty member designated to foster research, technology based programs, digital tools, gaming, simulations, and collaboration to reinforce and demonstrate the flexibility and power to learn anywhere and anytime. Teacher Use Behavioral: Island Just as the relative newness of the implementation of technology has affected the administrations usage, these same learning curves and lack of full utilization exist in the curricular arena as well. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated) While nearly all teachers have access to technology in their area of work the digital immigrants have not fully embraced the capabilities. Student Use Behavioral: Integrated Because the technology resources available to students are primarily in a lab located near the library the students are only able to utilize the technology during weekly scheduled technology enrichment sessions. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated These sessions are strategically connected to current learning activities from core curriculum. The research lab is used in a similar manner with research opportunities strategically connected to other curricula.

SUPPORT: The Maturity Benchmark Survey indicated the following stages for each of the following criteria in the Support Filter.

School Evaluation Summary: Technology Maturity

Dianne Johnson-Wojnicki EDTECH 501 - SP12 The basis for these Support Filter conclusions was established from the level of involvement from primary stakeholders, administration, faculty, parents and students to establish a prominent technology presence for learning and enrichment. Stakeholder Involvement Behavioral: Island Most of the stakeholders do however hold the technological advancement of the curriculum and educational environment in high regard and typically are willing to come to the table for discussions of advancement. Resource/Infrastructure: Island The level of involvement from primary stakeholders who while very aware in the planning and implementation stages are far less engaged in the day-to-day operations. Administrative Support Behavioral: Integrated Administrative support for the technology is ever increasing with regularly scheduled time allocations for planning and implementation. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Training Behavioral: Island Mandatory training for teachers is highly attended while voluntary training is less fruitful. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Teachers, while many of the digital immigrants are getting up to speed, have initialed creating creative channels of communication to share best practices and lesson plans, i.e. Wiki, Webinar, and Newsletters. Technical/Infrastructure Support Behavioral: Island Many of the teachers and staff utilize the support services, primarily those with the highest level of utilization. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The education environment has a dedicated technical support person available on a part-time basis.

CONNECTIVITY: The Maturity Benchmark Survey indicated the following stages for each of the following criteria in the Connectivity Filter.

School Evaluation Summary: Technology Maturity

Dianne Johnson-Wojnicki EDTECH 501 - SP12 The basis for these Connectivity Filter conclusions is based on the existence of a Local Area Network, and fully redesigned and user-friendly website, and the advent of a paperless school-to-home communication system. Local Area Networking (LAN ) Behavioral: Integrated While a Local Area Network is available in nearly all administrative, teacher and staff work areas the disparities with respect to knowledge and skill are reflected by the amount or usage per individual. The students however have the appropriate faculty members to guide the curriculum driven utilization of applications, programs, and other technology to support learning. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The educational environment is equipped with a Local Area Network to which administration, most staff and teachers have access from their work area. The students have access to the LAN from either the computer lab or the resource center. The use of personal smart technology and/or computers is not permitted. District Area Networking (WAN) (not applicable) A District Area Network does not exist as this educational environment operates independently.

Internet Access Behavioral: Island While the internet is available in nearly all administrative, teacher and staff work areas the disparities with respect to knowledge and skill are reflected by the amount or usage per individual. The students however have the appropriate faculty members to guide the curriculum driven utilization of the internet.

Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The internet is available to administration, most staff and teachers in their work area, while students have access in the lab or research center.

Communication Systems Behavioral: Island Email is used by administration, most staff and teachers and available to students and parents for communications purposes only. Email is not currently used for learning activities Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated This website conducts the primary school-to -home communication, i.e. the school has gone paperless in terms of school-to-home communication. Teacher portals have been 7

School Evaluation Summary: Technology Maturity

Dianne Johnson-Wojnicki EDTECH 501 - SP12 established to communicate homework assignment, due date, forms, and other typically paper information. These portals also allow home to communicate directly with administration, faculty and staff. This is an additional situation where the digital natives freely utilize the ease of technology based access and the digital immigrants embrace these avenues of communication less diligently.

INNOVATION: The Maturity Benchmark Survey indicated the following stages for each of the following criteria in the Innovation Filter.
The basis for these Innovation Filter conclusions are drawn from the existence and application of both a Diocesan and environment level technology use plan that define the predominant desire to continue implementing and integrating emerging technologies. New Technologies Behavioral: Island This educational environment utilized a technology use plan which define this education environments desire to continue implementing and integrating emerging technologies. Resource/Infrastructure: Islands The plan outlines the continued adoption of NETS standards for Administrators, Teachers, and Students and increased participation in technology leadership training and seminars. Comprehensive Technologies Behavioral: Island The plan also establishes a human conduit to investigate and communicate emerging technology needs to the stakeholders in order to gain support. Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Once the need and desire has been recognized and support has been established a plan of action is formulated to raise funds for procurement.

Final Summary and Conclusion:

Based on the information gathered and detailed in the Maturity Benchmarks Survey and the subsequent School Evaluation Report I would conclude this particular 8

School Evaluation Summary: Technology Maturity

Dianne Johnson-Wojnicki EDTECH 501 - SP12 educational environment is in a transient stage moving from the Island Stage into the Integrated Stage. I find it relevant to state that I am not a teacher or an administrator in any educational environment. My experience lies in the realm of professional adult technical education and the formalities of which would probably be termed obsolete with nearly a 7 year laps since my last professional engagement. I am however privy to the schools academic environment through participation as a parent of students, through my affiliation with various committees in the Parent/Student Association, School Commission project work, and other volunteer endeavors in both the educational and administrative arenas. For this project I requested a meeting with the Computer Curriculum Faculty member to discuss an overview of the School Evaluation. She was quite forthcoming and provided me with the Schools Technology Use Plan as well as the Diocese Technology Use Plan. It was from our brief discussion, the reading of these documents, and a few short observations that I prepared my survey findings, formulated each filters benchmark stage determinations and eventually the filters conclusive thoughts and inferences. I wish this educational environment much continued success; I applaud their efforts to stay as technologically as they have managed under the circumstances of selffunding. They have in my humble opinion, demonstrated they are thoughtful stewards through wise utilization of their current technological resources while continuing to investigate, procure and promote advancements in technology use and education. I look forward to feedback on the survey of the environment as well as the conclusions drawn.

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