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ITS and Urban Mobility

Dated: 20th July ,2011


Global Scenario
URBAN POPULATION GROWING AT VERY HIGH RATE Every year about 44 million people are being added to Asias urban population. GROWTH COMING FROM URBAN ECONOMICS 50% of Asias new economic growth will in future be generated in its urban economies (As per ADB). HUGE COST DUE TO TRAFFIC CONGESTION Motor vehicle fleets are doubling every 5-7 years. Ten countries in the world with the highest private vehicle future demand index are in Asia including India. Rapid motorisation is major causes of congestion and pollution. Transport is major cause of air pollution. Road congestion costs Asian economies and estimated 2%-5% of GDP every year due to lost time and in crease transport cost.

Indiahassecondlargest urbanpopulation
UrbanIndiassignificant contributiontoIndias growth Urbanpopulationtobe590 millionby2030

Urban Infrastructure investment requirement of INR 39.2 lakh crore (US$ 800 Bn) over 20 years (as per HPEC report March, 2011).
Rs crore at 2009-10 prices

The total expenditure on Urban Transport including Roads would be INR 21.78 lakh crore(US$ 464 Bn) which is 58% of the total requirement. Additional INR 20 lakh crore(US$408Bn) for O & M of assets- old and new. 58% of the same for Urban Transport would be INR 11.60 lakh crore(US$237 Bn). 4

Basic Approach
1. Increase supply of infrastructure. 2. Increase efficiency of available infrastructure -Prioritization of Public Transport -Help of technology for optimum utilization. 3. Optimum use of available resources. 4. Decrease of demand by efficient planning -integrated policy for land use-transport. 5. Regulation through policy of incentive /Disincentive.

Govt.s Focus on Urban Transport A National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) has been approved by GOI in April, 2006 with the objective of the Policy is to ensure easy, accessible, safe, affordable, quick, comfortable, reliable and sustainable mobility for all with focus on moving people and not vehicles. Role of ITS recognized under National Urban Transportation policy, JNNURM Areas of priority like Improved city bus service Improved traffic management Travel demand management Optimal use of available assets

The role of ITS

ITS helps Rational planning. Centralized real time monitoring. Public transport management. Traveler information systems, Intelligent logistics management. Restricting private traffic in urban areas (Demand Management ). Intermodal integration.

Possible Areas for ITS Applications

We need cost effective, integrated system to suit Indian conditions. It may cover the following: Intelligent operation of traffic lights at busy junction.
Variable messages sign board. Parking Management RTO assistance Traffic Police assistance Pollution control Accident Control Break down assistance Link with unique project. Link with Income Tax data. Data capturing for various Planner number of vehicles passing/unit time at particular junction- average speed Implementation of incentive/disincentive in form of recording of data of trips via particular section -how many cars per person/family. Linkage with uniform-multi modal fare card (Common Mobility Card. Automatic toll collection management.

INDIAN ITS Application Scenario

Only modest beginnings Inter ministerial core group Toll Collection Smart fare collection in Metro Projects Onboard ticketing ITS enabled buses (PIS) Common Mobility Card

Key and Critical Issues for Successful ITS deployment

Real-time Data User Response Traffic Modeling and Prediction Coordination and Integration: Multidisciplinary Stakeholders with Varying Objectives Lack of standards, protocol, architecture

Real-time Data Issues

User needs

Must support efficient decisions: departure time, route, mode Timeliness, Accuracy, Reliability Geographic scope fixed location, fixed time, or along vehicle paths Continuous Availability
User Agency Needs:


Low-cost Large Network Coverage Scalability Interoperable and easy to integrate and manage Obsolescence



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