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Group 5

Project Name: Leave Management System (Desktop Application) Functional Specifications

Version Number Prepared By Dated

1.20 Muhammad Ghufran Siddiqui March April 20, 201215, 2012

Table of Contents
1. Document Version History 2. Scope 3. Executive Summary 4. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 3. Use Case Diagram 4. Requirement References 5. Functional Requirements 5.1 Feature 1: An electronic desktop based Leave Management System (LMS). 5.1.1 Use Case(s) 5.1.2 Special Requirements Feature 2: A feature is required through which User can Login in system for further use of application. 5.2.1 Use Case(s) 5.2.2 Special Requirements 5.3 Feature 3: A feature is required through which User can submit a leave. 5.3.1 Use Case(s) 5.3.2 Special Requirements 5.4 Feature 4: A feature is required through which User can view his history. 5.4.1 Use Case(s) 5.5 Feature 5: A feature is required through which User check his leave balance for all types. 5.5.1 Use Case(s) 5.6 Feature 6: A feature is required through which User can see his profile. 5.6.1 Use Case(s) 5.7 Feature 7: A feature is required through which User can approve or submit a leave application. 5.7.1 Use Case(s) 5.7.2 Special Requirements 5.8 Feature 8: A feature is required through which User can register a new employ. 5.8.1 Use Case(s) 5.8.2 Special Requirements 5.9 Feature 9: A feature is required through which User change the leave policy of the company. 5.9.1 Use Case(s) 5.9.2 Special Requirements 5.10 Feature 10: A feature is required through which user can generate report. 5.10.1 Use Case(s) 5.10.2 Special Requirements 2 4 4 6 6 8 9 11 11 12 12 12 14 14 14 17 18 18 20 20 22 22 23 23 26 26 26 29 29 29 32 32 32 33

1.Document Version History

No versions are created before this one. Date Version Description 15th March , 2012 1.0 A function specification report based on MoMs from 2nd Feb, 2012 to !3th March, 2012. it is covering the scope, executive summary, use case diagram and Use cases of this application. A revised function specification report based on MoMs from 2nd Feb, 2012 to !3th March, 2012. It is covering the scope, executive summary, use

Muhammad Ghufran Siddiqui

30th March , 2012


Muhammad Ghufran Siddiqui

20th April, 2012

1.2 (Final)

case diagram and Use cases of this application. Changes are made as per client requested. Muhammad Ghufran Siddiqui A detailed finalized function specification report based on MoMs from 2nd Feb, 2012 to 30th March, 2012. It is covering the scope, executive summary, use case diagram and Use cases of this application. Changes are made as per client requested.

This project is aimed at developing an application named Leave Management System (L.M.S) that is of importance to an organization. The Leave Management System (LMS) is a desktop based application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used to automate the workflow of leave applications and their approvals. The periodic crediting of leave is also automated. There are features like: 1: E e mail notification on leave submission, approval or rejection. s 2: , S s ubmission of leave 3: , C c ancellation of leave 4: , Aautomatic approval of leave 5: History view 6: Profile information view 7:, Rreport generatgenerationors etc in this system. The Leave Management System is designed to run on the organizations system and to allow employees to apply for their leave, revoke leave application, and cancel leave. Consequently, the line manager should be able to review the contents of the leave application and approve or reject the applications. If line manager is not available managing director will see the matter.Features that are not related or included in scope are: 1: Attendance system 2: Payroll System

3. Executive Summary
This Functional Specifications document provides a complete description of all the functions and specifications of the Leave Management System. The expected audience of this document is the business Analyst BA, developers and client, including members of the organization who will use this system. Anyone who has applied for leave knew the frustration of form-filling and waiting as the hard copy travels up and down the approval hierarchy. This brilliant electronic leave management

software with its powerful features, cuts out the physical movements and enables HR to have a birds eye view of the leave situation in the company, and make decisive, on-the-spot approval decisions. There are many advantages of utilizing a computer based leave tracking system that are follows:

Eliminates paper based leave application forms. Leave applications can be submitted through software. Leave applications can be approved through software. Both the leave applicant as well as the approver can view the remaining leave days as well as historical leave applications.

Employees can easily:

A p p l y f or l e a v e s wh e r e u p o n s u b mi s s i o n ; t h e s u p e r v i s o r w i l l b e notified via email that there is a leave to approve. View the number of remaining leave days. View historical leave taken. A p p l y f or l e a v e s wh e r e u p o n s u b mi s s i o n ; t h e s u p e r v i s o r w i l l b e notified via email that there is a leave to approve. View the number of remaining leave days. View historical leave taken.

HR administrators can easily: Approve leave where upon approval or rejection; the employ will be notified by Email. Reject leave. Generate report in excel or P.D.F. Assign total leave days of different leave types according to the post of employs. View a list of employees going on leave within a specified time period. Define new leave types such as annual leave, unpaid leave, compassionate leave, etc. Approve leave where upon approval or rejection; the employ will be notified by Email. Reject leave. Generate report in excel or P.D.F. Assign total leave days of different leave types according to the post of employs. View a list of employees going on leave within a specified time period. Define new leave types such as annual leave, unpaid leave, compassionate leave, etc.


Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations Term LMS FS PDF XLS MoM Explanation Leave Management System Functional specifications Portable Document Format Excel Spreadsheet Minutes of Meeting

3.Use Case Diagram

Use case Diagram of Leave Management System.

4.Requirement References
Requiremen t# Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 4 Feature 5 Feature 6 Feature 7 Requirement An electronic desktop based Leave Management System (LMS). User Login page in system for further use of application. User Leave submission page. User view history page. User Leave Balance page. User Profile page. Approval Or Rejection authority. (Only for managers and above.) New user registration by Manager. (Only for managers and above.) Changing leave policy. (Only for managers and above.) Report Generation. (Only for managers and above.) Source MoM Dated: 2nd Feb, 2012. MoM Dated: 29th Feb, 2012 MoM Dated: 29th Feb, 2012 MoM Dated: 13th March, 2012 MoM Dated: 13th FebMarch, 2012 MoM Dated: 13th FebMarch, 2012 MoM Dated: 13th FebMarch, 2012 MoM Dated: 13th FebMarch, 2012 MoM Dated: 13th FebMarch, 2012 MoM Dated: 13th FebMarch, 2012

Feature 8

Feature 9 Feature 10

5.Functional Requirements
Requiremen t# Feature 1: An electronic desktop based Leave Management System (LMS). Feature 2: User Login page in system for further use of application. Feature 3: User Leave submission page Feature 4: User view history page. Feature 5: User Leave Balance page. Feature 6: User Profile page. Feature 7: Approval Or Rejection authority. (Only for managers and above.) Justification

The feature is required in order to enable the employees to submit the leaves through system so that the manual process of leave submission can be avoided.

The feature is required in order to enable the use of applications for all company employs moreover to restrict any other person who doesnt belong to company. The feature is required in order to enable the employees to submit the leaves. The feature is required in order to enable the employees to see their leave history. The feature is required in order to enable the employees to see their leave balance for all particular leave types. The feature is required in order to enable the employees to see their personal information submitted at the registration time.

The feature is required in order to enable the supervisors to approve or reject a particular leave application.

Feature 8: New user registration by Manager. (Only for managers and above.) Feature 9: Changing leave policy Feature 10: Report Generation. (Only for managers and above.)

The feature is required in order to enable the HR to register employs in to the system.

The feature is required in order to enable the HR to change the leave policy of company. The feature is required in order to enable the HR to generate reports either in spread sheet form of PDF form.


Feature 1: An electronic desktop based Leave Management System (LMS).



Use Case(s)
GUI Reference Purpose

Stat up screen of the applicationFig (1)

To enable the users to submituse electronic leave application through electronic system. Project must be installed and in working condition.User clicks on application icon Application should be started
Fig (1)

Pre-condition(s) Post condition(s)

Actor Action 1. Invoke the application by double clicking the icon. 2. Click on the Leave management system

System Response Application started. User will go on log in page.



Special Requirements

1. Must use organizations computer to use this application. 2. Must be an employee of the company to use this application.

5.2 Feature 2: A feature is required through which User can Login in system for further use of application.


Use Case(s)
GUI Reference Purpose Pre-condition(s) Post condition(s)
Fig (2)User Log in screen

User can log in to the system for further use. Username and Password must be provided by HR.User has a installed application and he has started it. User profile page will open...

Fig (2)


Actor Action 3. Enter username. 4. Enter password

System Response Username will be the employ id..No action. No actionpassword must be of 6 characters. If username and password enter correctly andIf username and password matched user will be logged in. If username and password does not match message will appear. (username or password incorrect) Matches user will be logged in to the application. If username and password do not enter correctly or do not match the system will prompt a message. Invalid Username or Password.


Click on submit Sign in or press enter.

6. Click on cancel button

If user clicks on cancel button, values in username and password will be reset to


blank. If user clicks on help button the system will show him help message about how to login to the system. Help Message 7. Click on help button Enter your employ id as your user name. Enter your 6 digits password. Click on Sign in button to login. Contact HR if you do not have password or you have forgot it.


Special Requirements

3. If user forgot his password then he has to contact HR to get new password.

Feature 3: A feature is required through which User can submit a leave.



Use Case(s)
GUI Reference Purpose Pre-condition(s) Post condition(s)
Fig (3)Leave Submission screen

User can submit a leave. Must be logged in. Must check your email for response within 3 days. Must log out after use.An email will


be sent to employ and supervisor.

(Fig 3)

Actor Action 8. Click Apply on the right side.

System Response Apply leave page will open.


Availed and remaining leaves will be show of the particular type.User can select 1 leave types from the drop down list. Leave types are Casual, Earned or Sick. If an employee had used his all leaves of a particular type, that leave type will not be selectable in the drop down list. Moreover in the fields of balance and availed the system will show his remaining and used leaves of the selected type. These leave types are maintained by HR person in add or manage leave types. Default value is casual leave for this box. Total days will appear in below tab.A calendar will open when user click on leave date to select starting leave date. He can pick the starting date from calendar. Than user clicks on other box next to To to select the end date of leave. Once again a calendar will be shown and he can pick the end date. 10.Select Date to Date by clicking on calendar. By default in those text boxes that day date will be shown. In the below textbox labeled as total no of days, the total no of days from starting date to end date will be shown. It will be counted automatically by the application. If user select higher no of total days than available leaves for a particular leave type than the starting and end date will be reset to default. User will have to set it again. If both start and end date of leave are at default values user can not click on submit button. 11.Enter Reason No actionUser has to type a reason for applying a leave. He can enter max 500 characters. If he did not type a reason he can not click

9. Choose leave type


on submit button. Default value is blank. Application will be submitted in database and email will be send to the desired supervisorUser has to select his supervisors which are shown as manager and managing director. In normal case manager is his first priority to set as his supervisor.. In case Manager is not available he can select managing director. Manager and managing director are different persons for every department. Default value is manager. If all fields are entered the application will be sent to the particular supervisor. 13.Click on Submit An Email will be sent to both the supervisor and the employ. If any field is not entered or entered wrong the submit button will not work. 14.Click on cancel button 15.Click on help button If user clicks on cancel button, All values will be reset to default. If user clicks on help button the system will show him help message about how to Submit leave application. If user clicks on sign out button at any time he will log out from the system and log in page will open where he can log in again or terminate the application. If user clicks on any tab on the right menu system will take him to the particular page.


If supervisor is available tick on manager otherwise tick on managing director an click on submit.Choose his supervisor

16.Click on sign out button


Click on any other tab on the right menu


Special Requirements

If user wants to choose a leave type in action 6 which is not available to him the option can not be selectableNo special requirements..


Feature 4: A feature is required through which User can view his history.


Use Case(s)
GUI Reference Purpose Pre-condition(s) Post condition(s)
Fig (4)View History for employees

User can view his history. Must be logged in. Must log out after use.

(Fig 4)


Actor Action

System Response Particular userH history page will open. A table with following attributes will be shown. 1: Employ id: Particular employ id will be shown here. 2: Employ name: Particular employ name will be shown here. 3: Leave type: Earlier submitted Leave type will be shown in this attribute. 4: Start Date: Start date of the particular leave will be shown here. 5: End Date: End date of the particular leave will be shown here. 6: Days: Total no of days of the particular leave will be shown here. 7: Approved: If the application was approved, a tick will be shown here.

Click view history on the right side.


8: Rejected: If the application was rejected, a tick will be shown here. 9: Cancel: If the application neither approved nor rejected, it is in pending mode. No tick will be shown in approved, reject and cancel attribute. If a application is in pending, user can cancel it by placing a tick on cancel attribute and clicking submit button. An email will be sent to both employee and supervisor. If user clicks on help button the system will show him help message about cancellation of leave application. If user clicks on sign out button at any time he will log out from the system and log in page will open where he can log in again or terminate the application. If user clicks on any tab on the right menu system will take him to the particular page.


Cancellation of submitted application

20.Click on help button

21.Click on sign out button 22.Click on any other tab on the right menu

Feature 5: A feature is required through which User check his leave balance for all types.


Use Case(s)
GUI Reference Purpose Pre-condition(s) Post condition(s)
Fig (5)Checking leave balance

User can check leave balance. Must be logged in. Must log out after use.

(Fig 5)


Actor Action

System Response Leave balance page will open. User will see all particular leave types that are assigned to him by the company. He can see the first text box labeled as a particular leave type name with total leaves assigned for the particular type shown in the textbox next to it. Two more textboxes labeled as availed and balance shows the used and remaining leaves of the particular leave type. All leave types will be shown here. HR can change the leave policy from add or manage leave types tab.


Click Leave Balance on the right side.

24.Click on help button 25.Click on sign out button

If user clicks on help button the system will show him help message about what is showing on this page.. If user clicks on sign out button at any time he will log out from the system and log in page will open where he can log in again


or terminate the application. 26.Click on any other tab on the right menu If user clicks on any tab on the right menu system will take him to the particular page.

Feature 6: A feature is required through which User can see his profile.


Use Case(s)
GUI Reference Purpose Pre-condition(s) Post condition(s)
Fig (6)Profile view

User can view hi profile. Must be logged in. Must log out after use.

(Fig 6)


Actor Action

System Response Profile page will open. User can see his personal information which is entered by the HR person at the time of registration. User can see following information: 1: Employ ID no 2: Department: 3: Name 4: Father Name 5: Date Of Birth 6: Email 7: Designation If user clicks on help button the system will show him help message about what is showing on this page.. If user clicks on sign out button at any time he will log out from the system and log in page will open where he can log in again or terminate the application. If user clicks on any tab on the right menu system will take him to the particular page.


Click Profile on the right side.

28.Click on help button

29.Click on sign out button 30.Click on any other tab on the right menu

Feature 7: A feature is required through which User can approve or submit a leave application.


Use Case(s)
GUI Reference Purpose Pre-condition(s)
Fig (3)Leave approval or rejection

User approve or reject leave application Must be logged in.


Post condition(s)

Must log out after use.

(Fig 7)

Actor Action

System Response Approve or reject leave page will open. Every supervisor can see the submitted applications by the employees. He can see the Employ ID, Name, Leave type, Start Date, End Date, Days, Approve, Reject and Cancel. Particular employs history will open.If the supervisor wants to view the history of particular employ, he will click on his id. This will take him to the particular employs history page.

31.Click Approve or reject on the right side.

32.Click on an employ id to view his individual history.


33.Tick on approve or reject and click on submit to approve or reject the leave application.

He can tick on approve or reject to approve or reject a particular application and click on submit. An Email will be sent to employ and supervisor about the action.Notification Email will be send to particular employ. Selected years history of all applications submitted will be shown.User will click on the drop down list named as sort by year. He can pick any year from the list to see the history year wise. The system will show him the history of the selected year. If user want to see the history status wise, he can select approved or reject by clicking on drop down list.

34.Select sort by year and select year to view desired year history.

35.Select sort by approved to view desired history of approved applications of a particular year.

He can see history of a particular year selected in sort by year. The system will show him the history of the selected status of a particular year.Selected years approved applications will be shown. Selected years rejected applications will be shown.If user want to see the history status wise, he can select approved or reject by clicking on drop down list. He can see history of a particular year selected in sort by year. The system will show him the history of the selected status of a particular year. If user want to see the history leave wise, he can select any leave type by clicking on drop down list.

36.Select sort by rejected to view desired history of rejected applications of a particular year.

37.Select sort by leave type to He can see history of a particular year view desired history of a selected in sort by year. particular leave type The system will show him the history of the applications. selected leave type of a particular year.Selected years particular leave type applications will be shown.


38.Click on help button

If user clicks on help button the system will show him help message about what is showing on this page and how he can utilize him. If user clicks on sign out button at any time he will log out from the system and log in page will open where he can log in again or terminate the application. If user clicks on any tab on the right menu system will take him to the particular page.

39.Click on sign out button 40.Click on any other tab on the right menu


Special Requirements

4. User must be manager or above manager to use this case.

Feature 8: A feature is required through which User can register a new employ.


Use Case(s)
GUI Reference Purpose Pre-condition(s)
26 Fig (8)User Registration

User can register an employ. Must be logged in.

Post condition(s)

Must log out after use.

(Fig 8)

Actor Action

System Response


Registration page will open. There will be two portions of the page. 1: Personal Detail. 2: Log in Detail. HR member will enter all the information in the personal information to register a ne employ. He will enter: 1: Employ ID no 2: Department:

Click Register on the right side.

3: Name 4: Father Name 5: Date Of Birth 6: Email 7: Designation The login details consist of username and password. Username will be the employ id that is entered in personal information. The username will be generated automatically. The HR person will set the password.

42.Fill all personal details. And password. 43.Click on submit or press enter.

Username will be generated automatically. New employ will register in the system. The details will be stored in database. An email will be sent to employ and Manager. If user clicks on help button the system will show him help message about what is showing on this page.. If user clicks on sign out button at any time he will log out from the system and log in page will open where he can log in again or terminate the application.

44. Click on help button

45.Click on sign out button


46. Click on any other tab on the right menu

If user clicks on any tab on the right menu system will take him to the particular page.


Special Requirements

5. User must be manager or above manager to use this case.

Feature 9: A feature is required through which User change the leave policy of the company.


Use Case(s)
GUI Reference Purpose Pre-condition(s) Post condition(s)
Change Fig (9)Leave Policy

User can change the leave policy. Must be logged in. Must log out after use.

(Fig 9)


Actor Action

System Response Add or Manage leave page will open. There are two sections of the page.

Click Add or Manage Leave on the right side.


Right side panel is leave policy for managers and above. Left side panel is leave policy for below managers. User can see the leave type name and assigned leave days to particular type of employ. Leave assigned to managers and above are: Casual: 10 Sick: 14 Earned: 36 Leave assigned to below managers are: Casual: 5 Sick: 14 Earned: 30 Changes will occur in database.If user wants to change assigned days of a particular leave type, he will click on edit and change the no. And Click on submit. Changes will occur in database. If user wants to add a new leave type, he will click on add. 49.Click on Add to add a new leave type for particular employ type. Enter Leave name. Enter days. Click on submit. Changes will occur in database. 50.Click on help button 51.Click on sign out button If user clicks on help button the system will show him help message about what is showing on this page. If user clicks on sign out button at any time he will log out from the system and log in page will open where he can log in again

48.Click Edit to change leave type total amount for an employ in each tab.


or terminate the application. 52.Click on any other tab on the right menu If user clicks on any tab on the right menu system will take him to the particular page.


Special Requirements

6. User must be manager or above manager to use this case.

Feature 10: A feature is required through which user can generate report.


Use Case(s)
Fig (10)Generating Report

GUI Reference Purpose Pre-condition(s) Post condition(s)

User can generate report. Must be logged in. Must log out after use.

(Fig 10)


Actor Action

System Response Approve or reject leave page will open. Approve or reject leave page will open.


Click on Approve or reject on the right side.

He can see the Employ ID, Name, Leave type, Start Date, End Date, Days, Approve, Reject and Cancel. If user wants to create a report of a particular year with sorted by leave type or status.

54.Sort by year, leave type, and or approved, reject. Tick desired format XLS or PDF.Click generate.

He will select desired year, leave type or status. He can generate report in two formats. XLS or PDF. Put a tick on desired format and click on submit. A report will generate in your desired format.


Special Requirements

7. User must be manager or above manager to use this case.


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