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Form 5 set 1, paper 2 Question 34 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

Choose any one of the novel above and answer the question below.
Jungle of Hope The Pearl The Return Keris Mas John Steinbeck K.S. Maniam

Life is all about managing challenges How is this shown in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.
Answer : Jungle of Hope Keris Mas

Life is all about managing challenges and in the novel Jungle of Hope by Keris Mas we can see how Pak Kia, the main character in this story faces all the challenges. He faces many problems in Ketari such as flood and other farmers sell their lands to Tuan Pekok who wants to convert the farming land into a mining land. Due to the progress and economic development, Pak Kia has to sell his land and open up a new farm in the jungle of Janda Baik. Pak Kia is determine to continue earning his livelihood through paddy farming. In Janda Baik, life is hard, Pak Kia has to clear the jungle before he can grow paddy. He also has to fight off wild animals in the jungle. He takes his son Karim out of school to help him clear the jungle as he believes that modernisation will corrupt the young minds and cause them to loose their identity. Pak Kias strong faith in his religion helps him to overcome his grief when his youngest child dies. His relationship with his younger brother, Zaidi is strained when Zaidi joins venture with Pendekar Atan. He moves his family out of Zaidis house and brings them to Janda Baik. Pak Kia is badly injured during a wild boar hunt and he seeks treatment from Tuk Pawang. However his legs becomes infected after he is treated by Tuk Pawang. Zaidi brings a hospital dresser, Mat Amin to Janda Baik to treat his leg. When he finally recovers from the wound he is convince that progress in not vice. He allows his son, Karim to do business with Zaidi and even agrees to consider applying for land to grow rubber. In spite of all the challenges Pak Kia is successful because of his determination and perseverance.

Form 5 paper 2, set 2

Question 34 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language. Choose any one of the novel above and answer the question below.

Jungle of Hope The Pearl The Return

Keris Mas John Steinbeck K.S. Maniam

Describe the setting of the novel. Support your answer with close reference to the text.

Jungle of Hope

Keris Mas

This novel is set in two different places: Ketari and Janda Baik. Ketari is a farming village whereby most of the residents are Malay paddy farmers. Ketari is a little town at the junction of three roads. At the junction there are few houses, a sundry shop run by Zaidi and a coffee shop belonging to Jalil. Zaidis sundry shop sells the villagers needs and the men gather to talk, play cards and idle their time at Jalils cofee shop.There are coconut treees and fruits trees and a small river. Beyond the river are paddy fields and homes of the villages. The penghulu lives in a big house and beside his house is a mosque. Behind the village are two rubber plantations and the mining land of Tuan Pekok. The settings moves to Janda Baik when Pak Kia goes there to start farming. Janda Baik lies beyond Tok Tok Hill. Janda baik is cold and chilly at night, fire is lit up at night to keep warm and keep away insects like mosquitoes and sandflies. There are 20 houses the villages and there is a mosque in the centre of the village. The villagers frighten the wild animals that attack the village by beating bamboo gongs and empty tin cans throughout the night. Pak Kia builds his house in Janda Baik and has to work hard to clear the secondary jungle. Hereafter the setting shift to and fro Ketari to Janda Baik as the scenes show the life style of Pak Kia and Zaidi.

Form 5 Literature - Set 3

Question 34 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language. Choose any one of the novel above and answer the question below.

Jungle of Hope The Pearl The Return

Keris Mas John Steinbeck K.S. Maniam

Based on the novel that you have read, state whether you like or dislike the ending. Support your answer with close reference to the text.

I like the ending of the novel Jungle of Hope by Keris Mas because it ended with a hopeful note. At the end of the novel, both the brothers had re-evaluated their stand. Pak Kia realised that to follow traditional way of life will leave him and his family behind. Pak Kia did not totally reject rubber planting. He also realised that progress is not all bad when his injured leg was healed by western medicine and not by Tuk Pawangs traditional medicine. Zaidi who was badly affected by the falling price of rubber, realised that farming offered more security in times of workdwide economic slump. The people in Janda Baik were self sufficient as they grew their own food. Even if their crops did not sell, they still have food to eat. People in Bentong who grew rubber faced problems as rubber no longer fetched a good price. Pak Kia promised Zaidi that he would apply for land to plant rubber. He is more receptive to change and progress. He is at peace with himself in his jungle home and has learn to compromise with and accpet the eventuality of progress.

Form 5 Literature - Set 4

Question 34 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language. Choose any one of the novel above and answer the question below.

Jungle of Hope The Pearl The Return

Keris Mas John Steinbeck K.S. Maniam

Based on the novel that you have read, state what you think about the ending of the novel. Support your answer with close reference to the text.

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