Sylabus AP 2010

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SYLLABUS 04AP1, 04AP2, 04AP3, 04APZK

English course advanced AP1, 2, 3 Department of Languages, FNSPE, CTU

1. General information: Course type: introduction into English for Specific and Academic Purposes for advanced students Intended for: at least B2 level according to the CERF Course length: 2 classes per week in 3 successive semesters Self-study: at least 2 hours per week Course materials: as instructed by teachers Assessment: each course concluded by a zpoet and 1 credit after 3 successive courses written and oral examination and 5 credits Further information: rules and regulations of the Language Dept. at katedra jazyk 2. Course Aims: The course is based on the (at least) four-year full course of General English offered at secondary schools and is intended to provide the students with skills that will enable them to cope adequately with professional situations and extract information from authentic materials. The skills acquired will be applied later mainly in writing searches, projects, bachelor or master degree projects, and in communicating with foreign colleagues. The students will read with confidence and comprehension, based on increased skimming, scanning, and study skills, texts from their fields of study. They will develop awareness of the appropriate structures and style and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to their own oral and written communication.

3. Skills: Listening: The students will understand conversation and professional discourse and will be able to take notes of what they are listening to. Speaking: The students will communicate appropriately and accurately with correct pronunciation and intonation on topics related to their studies and field of studies, will be able to take part in professional discussions, make a presentation of about 10 min duration, and summarize a paper/presentation or a text. Reading: When reading aloud, the students will prove they have mastered pronunciation of words, phrasing, and intonation. They will be familiar with the skimming and scanning techniques, and will use various reading strategies in order to understand and extract information mainly form authentic texts (i.e., journals, manuals, and books from their fields; articles, advertisements, formal letters, etc.) as quickly as possible, and will be able to understand various types of visualized information (graphs, tables, etc.) and interpret it. They will know the rhetoric functions (e.g., definition, classification, description, instruction). Writing: The students will master the writing skills necessary for professional and academic writing assignments through recognition of elements of sentence structures and textual

organization, basic thought relationships and textual coherence devices common to academic and professional writing, and through understanding the role of punctuation. They will be able to fill in forms, write various types of formal letters (business, cover, application), write a paper or project on a given topic (summary, abstract, introduction, core, conclusions).

4. Course Content: Vocabulary: The student will systematically develop their general, subtechnical, and technical stock of words. They will extend their vocabulary especially in formal discourse. Grammar: The student will revise some of the more difficult structures frequent in ESP, particularly as follows: tenses, passive voice, modals, infinitive structures, gerund, word order, syntax (temporal, relative and if clauses, clauses of purpose), cause and effect, word formation, irregular plurals, compound nouns, prepositional phrases, cohesion and condensation, punctuation and capitalization Topics: Professional: university education, professions Specialized: mathematics, physics, chemistry, power engineering (nuclear energy, alternative energy sources), the environment, computers, modern technologies Formal written communication: CV, formal letters, paper for presentation, abstract, summary) Notions: Position and changing position in space and time, dimensions materials and their properties, expressing quality ad quantity, mathematical expressions and operations, graphs, tables, reading mathematical formulas and equations, physical laws, chemical elements, reading chemical formulas, abbreviations, Greek alphabet Functions: Expressing opinions, agreement and disagreement, possibility, probability, certainty Rhetorical functions: definition, classification, generalization, object description, experiment and process description, instructions and rules

5. Requirements and Assessment: The student is expected to: work for continuous course assessment and master the semester programme attend regularly the seminars and participate well in class work; students can miss max 3 classes provided they are well prepared for the following seminar be prepared for every seminar (continuous and regular self-study is a must), i.e., do written and oral homework, present course materials submit in time all assignments in print pass the semester test attaining at least 60% of points; the test can be retaken only once, the point count may increase to 70%. In the case of repeated failure, the students will have to retake the course the next academic year. The test is taken at the end of the semester at a given date.

6. Examination: The examination covers the materials of the three semesters. To qualify for the final examinations, the students must pass all the three successive courses AP1, AP2, and AP3 and receive the zpoet in all of them. The examination consists of a written (max 100 min), oral (20 30 min) and paper/presentation part, the latter can be taken in class, in the course of the

semester. The examination is graded according to the CTU regulations and can be taken max three times.

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