Holy Cross Children's Services-Grand Rapids, Michigan Foster Care Investigation Report

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June 10, 2011 Douglas Turrill Holy Cross Children's Services-GR Foster Care 1565 Cedar Street, NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503-1329

RE: License #: CB410244909 Investigation #: 2011C0110076 Holy Cross Children's Services-GR Foster Care Dear Mr. Turrill: Attached is the Special Investigation Report for the above referenced facility. substantial violations were found. No

Please review the enclosed documentation for accuracy and feel free to contact me with any questions. In the event that I am not available and you need to speak to someone immediately, please feel free to contact Deborah Clark, Area Manager at (906) 2282852. Sincerely,

Steve Ragsdale, Licensing Consultant Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing Unit 13, 7th Floor 350 Ottawa, N.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 356-0127

P.O. BOX 30650 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-8150 www.michigan.gov (517) 335-6124


I. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION License #: Investigation #: Complaint Receipt Date: Investigation Initiation Date: Report Due Date: Licensee Name: Licensee Address: CB410244909 2011C0110076 04/05/2011 04/08/2011 06/04/2011 Holy Cross Children's Services 8759 Clinton-Macon Road Clinton, MI 49236 (517) 423-7451 Doug Turrill Stacy Trelewski, Designee Holy Cross Children's Services-GR Foster Care 1565 Cedar Street, NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503-1329 (616) 451-6021 04/05/2002 REGULAR 10/05/2010 10/04/2012 Unknown CHILD PLACING AGENCY, PRIVATE

Licensee Telephone #: Administrator: Licensee Designee: Name of Facility: Facility Address:

Facility Telephone #: Original Issuance Date: License Status: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Capacity: Program Type:


ALLEGATION Resident A was placed in independent living and supervised by Holy Cross Children's Services of Grand Rapids. After the conclusion of Independent Living, she testified in court that: 1. She was, allowed to live with her boyfriend. 2. When she complained to HCCS Caseworker 1 that her boyfriend was abusing her and hitting her, HCCS Caseworker 1 told her that she needed to suck it up because it was all that she had. 3. When she became pregnant, HCCS Caseworker 1 told her that this was "god's punishment for premarital sex. The complainant questioned how a person with an IQ as low as Resident As would be placed on Independent Living and stated that the amount of support provided was minimal.


METHODOLOGY 04/05/2011 04/08/2011 04/19/2011 05/16/2011 Special Investigation Intake - 2011C0110076 Special Investigation Initiated Telephone DHS Supervisor 1 Contact - Face to Face - HCCS-GR office visit for file review. Contact - Document Received - On site document review

ALLEGATION: Resident A was placed in independent living and supervised by Holy Cross Children's Services of Grand Rapids. After the conclusion of Independent Living, she testified in court that: 1. She was, allowed to live with her boyfriend. 2. When she complained to HCCS Caseworker 1 that her boyfriend was abusing her and hitting her, HCCS Caseworker 1 told her that she needed to suck it up because it was all that she had. 3. When she became pregnant, HCCS Caseworker 1 told her that this was "god's punishment for premarital sex. The complainant questioned how a person with an IQ as low as Resident As would be placed on Independent Living and stated that the amount of support provided was minimal. INVESTIGATION: A review of Resident As file determined that she was eighteen years old when she failed foster care and was placed on independent living. Child Welfare Licensing rules only govern children under the age of eighteen. Thus, violations of Child Welfare Licensing rules cannot be established.

At the request of the licensee, Child As record was reviewed and assessed. Resident A has a full scale IQ of 65. Resident As most recent foster home placement disrupted because she refused to remain in foster care and wanted to be with her boyfriend. At that time, Resident A was already 18.7 years old. HCCS Caseworker 1 discussed Resident As situation with Judge 1 and determined that Resident As only options were to be taken to a homeless shelter or to be placed on Independent Living. The file contained regular communication between HCCS Caseworker 1 and DHS Monitor 1 on Resident As status. DHS Monitor 1 was aware that Judge 1 supported continued care and approved Resident A living independently with her boyfriend. The file contained documentation of a minimum of twice monthly visits between HCCS Caseworker 1 and Resident A in which Resident As home was inspected, Resident As budget was approved, and her school attendance was reviewed. The file also contained documentation that Resident A was required to have regular services from Northern Lakes Community Mental Health. HCCS Caseworker 1 also provided regular counseling to Resident A and her boyfriend. The file documented numerous instances in which Resident A wanted to remain with her boyfriend and contained no documentation of physical abuse being reported. Resident A signed a 14-page community based treatment plan that committed to a variety of services and also expressed her desire to remain with her boyfriend. When Resident A became pregnant, she was taken off her psychotropic medications and services were increased by both HCCS Caseworker 1 and Northern Lakes Community Mental Health. There is no notation in either agencys documents of physical abuse. HCCS Caseworker 1 also set up and transported Resident A to parenting classes. On Resident As nineteenth birthday, DHS Monitor 1 transferred supervision of Resident As independent living with her boyfriend to Ottawa DHS. APPLICABLE RULE R 400.12504 Placement. (1)An agency shall document the reason for selection of independent living as the most appropriate placement for the youth. (2) All of the following shall be in the case record before a youth is placed in independent living: (a) The basis for concluding that a youth exhibits self-care potential. (b) That the youth's social service worker has personally observed and determined that the living situation is safe. (c) The availability of specific and relevant resources that may provide for suitable social, physical, vocational, and emotional needs of a youth. (d) An evaluation of a youth's need for supervision. (e) Proof that financial support to meet the youth's housing, clothing, food, and miscellaneous expenses is available.


Living with her boyfriend was a better option than discharge or placement in a homeless shelter. Ottawa DHS and Judge 1 approved the arrangement. Resident As file contained documentation to support that this was the best option available.

CONCLUSION: VIOLATION NOT ESTABLISHED APPLICABLE RULE R 400.12505 Supervision. (2) An agency shall provide the following minimum supervision: (a) Face-to-face contact between the social service worker and the youth in independent living at least once each month at a youth's place of residence. (b) At monthly intervals, ensure that the youth is complying with the terms of the contract required by R 400.12509(2)(k), continues to reside in a safe and acceptable environment, and is managing expenditures. (c) Provide the youth with a telephone number to contact the agency on a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week basis. ANALYSIS: Resident As file contained documentation of all of the above concerns.

CONCLUSION: VIOLATION NOT ESTABLISHED IV. RECOMMENDATION A review of Resident As case file determined that services to Resident A complied with licensing rules. Because Resident As was already eighteen years old at the time she entered independent living, compliance with Child Welfare Licensing rules was not required. It is recommended that no change be made to the license of this child placing agency.

05/17/2011 Steve Ragsdale Licensing Consultant Approved By: Date

06/09/2011 Deborah Clark Area Manager Date

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