Os Milagres de Jesus - The Miracles of Jesus

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Jesus heals the servant of a Roman officer

Jesus cura o criado de um oficial romano

When Jesus had entered Capernaum, He was asked to heal the servant of a Roman officer. Jesus said He would go to the servant and heal him. But the officer replied, Just say the word, and my servant will be healed. By saying that, the officer was attesting that he knew that Jesus could heal his servant simply by giving the order from a distance. Jesus then told the people that He had not seen such great faith in a man before and that the servant would be healedand the servant was healed. (Matthew 8:5-13) Quando Jesus entrou em Cafarnaum, foi-Lhe pedido que curasse o criado de um oficial romano. Jesus disse que iria at o criado e o curaria. Mas o centurio disse dize somente uma palavra e o meu criado ficar so. Dizendo isso, o centurio mostrava a sua f em Jesus, e que sabia que Jesus poderia curar o seu criado simplesmente dando a ordem de longe. Jesus ento disse ao povo que nunca tinha visto to grande f em um homem, e que o criado seria curado e foi. (Mateus 8:5-13)

Jesus brings back to life a widows son in Nain

Jesus traz vida o filho de uma viva em Naim
Jesus was about to enter the town gate of Nain when a group of people approached, carrying out a dead body. The dead person was the son of a widow, who was crying. When Jesus saw her, He told the woman not to cry. He touched the bier and commanded the young man to get up. He arose and began to speak. All the people were filled with awe. (Luke 7:12-16) Jesus estava para entrar pelo porto da cidade de Naim quando um grupo de pessoas se aproximou, carregando um morto. Era o filho de uma viva que estava chorando. Quando Jesus a viu, disse mulher que no chorasse. Ele tocou o caixo e mandou o rapaz se levantar. O rapaz se levantou e comeou a falar. Todos ficaram muito admirados. (Lucas 7:12-16)

Jesus calms a raging storm

Jesus acalma uma forte tempestade
Jesus was in a boat with His disciples when a storm began to toss high waves and rock the boat. The disciples were concerned that the boat would tip over, so they awoke Jesus, who was sleeping. Jesus told the men to have faith. Then Jesus commanded the storm be calmed. Immediately, the storm went away. (Matthew 8:24-27) Jesus estava num barco com Seus discpulos quando uma tempestade comeou a formar ondas enormes e balanava o barco. Os discpulos ficaram preocupados achando que o barco ia virar, ento acordaram Jesus que estava dormindo. Jesus disse aos homens que tivessem f, e mandou a tempestade se acalmar e a tempestade parou imediatamente. (Mateus 8:2427)

Jesus brings Jairus daughter back to life

Jesus ressuscita a filha de Jairo
A ruler of the people came to Jesus and said that his daughter had just died. Jesus and His disciples went to the rulers home and saw a gathering of mourners. Jesus told the mourners to leave the house, and He told them that the girl was not dead, but asleep. The mourners laughed at Him. But, after the mourners had left the home, Jesus took the girl by the hand and the girl rose up, alive. (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26) Um chefe da sinagoga foi at Jesus e disse que sua filha h pouco tinha morrido. Jesus e Seus discpulos foram para a casa dele e viram um ajuntamento de pessoas velando o corpo. Jesus pediu que sassem da casa, e falou que a menina no estava morta, mas dormia. Eles riram dEle. Mas, depois que tinham deixado a casa, Jesus tomou a menina pela mo e ela se levantou, viva. (Mateus 9:18-19, 23-26)

Jesus heals a man who was born blind

Jesus cura o homem que nasceu cego
When the disciples of Jesus had seen a man who had been blind since birth, they asked Jesus if the mans blindness was a result of his own sins or if it was the result of his parents sins. Jesus answered them that the mans blindness was not due to the mans sins or his parents sins. Jesus said the mans blindness happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. Jesus then healed the man of his blindness. (John 9:1-41) Quando os discpulos de Jesus viram um homem que era cego de nascena, perguntaram a Jesus se a cegueira dele era resultado dos seus prprios pecados ou dos pecados de seus pais. Jesus lhes respondeu que a cegueira do homem no era devido aos pecados dele nem de seus pais. Disse que a cegueira aconteceu para que se manifestem nele as obras de Deus. Jesus ento curou o homem. (Joo 9:1-41)

Jesus walks on water

Jesus anda sobre as guas
Jesus told His disciples to go out into the water in a boat while Jesus went to a private place to pray. Later, Jesus walked out to the boat and startled the disciples. They thought they were seeing a ghost walking on the water. But after they realized that it was Jesus, they worshiped Him, saying, Truly you are the Son of God. (Matthew 14:22-33)

Jesus disse aos Seus discpulos que se lanassem ao mar num barco enquanto foi para um lugar orar sozinho. Mais tarde, Jesus caminhou sobre a gua at o barco e assustou os discpulos. Eles pensaram que estavam vendo um fantasma caminhando sobre as guas. Mas depois perceberam que era Jesus, e O adoraram, dizendo, s verdadeiramente o Filho de Deus. (Mateus 14:22-33)

Jesus feeds 5,000 people

Jesus alimentou 5 mil pessoas
A large crowd gathered to meet Jesus. He felt compassion for the crowd, so He healed the people in the crowd who were sick. It was getting late in the day, and Jesus disciples were concerned that the crowd did not have any food. Jesus told His disciples to feed the crowd, but the disciples said they only had five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus gave thanks, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples who gave them to the people, who all ate and were satisfied. 12 baskets of leftover crumbs were later gathered, so much had the food been multiplied! (Matthew 14:13-21) Uma grande multido se ajuntou porque queriam conhecer a Jesus. Ele sentiu compaixo da multido, ento foi at eles e curou os que estavam doentes. Estava ficando tarde, e os discpulos de Jesus estavam preocupados por a multido no ter nenhuma comida. Jesus falou aos Seus discpulos que alimentasse as pessoas, mas eles disseram que s tinham cinco pes e dois peixes. Jesus deu graas, partiu os pes e os passou a Seus discpulos que deram s pessoas, as quais comeram e ficaram satisfeitas. Depois disso juntou-se doze cestas de sobras, de tanto que a comida tinha sido multiplicada! (Mateus 14:13-21)

Art by Didier Martin and Zondervan. Text The Family International.

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