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Instrument used to Collect Data


Instruction: Please answer the following questions truthfully by placing a tick in the
appropriate box . Sex: Male Female Separated Divorced Widow

Age Group 17-22 years 23-28 years 29-34 years 35-40 years Over 40 years Marital Status: Single


1. What is the main reason why you are not working? Cannot find a job Do not have the qualification Do not have the education My address Others 2. How long have you been unemployed? Under one month 1-11 months 1-5 years 6-10 years Over 10 years 3. Are you still searching for a job?

a) If yes, what is the main area of work that you are interested in? Business Politics Science & Technology b) If no, what is the main reason why are you not looking for a job? Cannot be bothered Feel ashamed

4. What is the main way in which you provide for yourself? Depend on family Depend on relatives Get help from partner Beg Others 5. How does not having a job mainly affect you? My basic needs are not met I am depressed I cannot go to parties, etc It does not affect me Others 6. What activity are you mainly engaged in? Gambling Working with the church community No activity Others 7. Do you have children?

a) If yes, how many children do you have? 1-3 4-6 10-12 8. If you have children, how regularly do they attend school? 5 days per week 4 days per week 3 days per week 2 days per week 1 day per week 9. What is the main way in which unemployment affects your children? They are frustrated They feel ashamed They get involved in criminal activities They perform poorly at school Others 10. Do you live with other family members? Yes No

a) If yes, how do they mainly feel about the situation?

Embarrassed They dont care Others

They feel that I am lazy Dont care because they are in the same position

11. Are there a large number of unemployed persons in your community? Yes No Unsure a) If yes, what activity are they mainly involved in? Gambling Extortion Idling on the street corner Get involved in other criminal activities Others 12. What is the church mainly doing to help community members? Provide counseling Assist in finding a job Provide meal programs Nothing Others 13. What is the main effect of unemployment on the community? Poverty People are afraid to enter the community Crime rate increase Slow community development Others 14. What do you think the government can do mainly to reduce unemployment? Provide early retirement Encourage small business venture Provide appropriate training for the unskilled Set up more factories, etc Others

Procedures used to Collect Data.

The researcher distributed a total of twenty (20) questionnaires to persons within her community who were affected by unemployment. The questionnaires were given to five (5) persons on four (4) different avenues until all twenty were distributed. The community is a relatively new and developing one. The researcher distributed and recollected the twenty questionnaires within two (2) weeks. Each questionnaire contained fourteen (14) questions. The questionnaires were given to twelve (12) females and eight (8) males ranging between 17-over 40 years.

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