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ARTIFACT Learning Log

COMPONENTS: • Class activities/ primary work
• Work submitted/ due
• Next steps(on my own, in professional development, to extend work done in and for class)
FILE NAMES: Literacy and technology learning log.
ISTE NETS Standard 5 - Productivity & Professional Practice: Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and
STANDARD(s): professional practice

BRIEF This learning log gives in brief detail, the activities and work done in the classroom throughout the semester. Also,
OVERVIEW OF the work we have been assigned throughout the semester to complete, as well as what we should be doing to
WHAT THE prepare for the following class.
REVIEWER • The first column under class activities/ primary work, explains how the class was structured through the 2 ½
WILL SEE: hours.
• The 2nd column under work submitted/ due, explains what was due and handed in for that class period.
• The 3rd column under Next Steps (on my own, in professional development, to extend work done in and for
class), explains what I needed to do on my own that wasn’t required by my professor. This column also explains
what we should be doing to prepare for the assignments that need to be completed.
CONTEXT IN • For this learning log, I was expected to briefly write down the activities that took place during class instruction.
WHICH THE • I was expected to write down the homework that was due for next class in order to fill out the 2nd and 3rd
WORK WAS column.
COMPLETED: • I was expected to summarize the activities and tasks assigned in class and put them into bulleted format.
• I was expected to use Microsoft word skills in order to create my graph.
• Finally, I had to use spell and grammar check to make sure my content was acceptable.
BULLETED Pre- Project Skills:
REFLECTION: This product reflects on how many assignments were given throughout the semester I needed to complete, as well
as summarizing the detailed activities and tasks and putting them into bulleted format. This wasn’t a difficult task to
do. However, If I missed a class, I had to make sure to get the work missed and activities done in class from one of
my security buddies.

Resources Used:
As I worked on my learning log, I used the following resources:
• I used my angel account, as well as a security buddy if I needed to catch up with that was due or what we did
in class.
• I used Microsoft word to complete the graph format.
New Skills Practiced:
The few skills I practiced to create the learning log were the following:
• Using tables
• Using Microsoft advanced spell and grammar check.
• Using interactive skills with my peers if I needed clarification or if I missed a class.
• Applying my time management skills by typing up the learning logs after two classes.

Next Steps:
What I still need to learn:
• How to organize my information better that was written down from each class.
• Attending each class on time and ready to learn without any distractions.
• Working on my summarizing.


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