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Introduction to Culinary Arts Syllabus Welcome to a new year and new class, I am very excited to get this year

started. I hope you are all ready to learn and have some fun. Below, I have included my classroom procedures and expectations. If you have any questions about how this classroom is run, refer to this sheet. If you are having any problems in class, please come speak with me about them before they become a problem. Mrs. Mecklenburg Thornton High School Email: Rm 272: 708-225-4038 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a study of the principles of nutrition and food preparation including food service and meal management. Additional emphasis is placed on cooking principles, proper use and arrangement of equipment and measurements. The student participates in weekly cooking experiences. Basic food management and preparation skills will be useful for students planning a career in food service. INSTRUCTIONAL PHILOSOPHY: Careers in this area are related to Health and Human Services, which include peoples needs, desires, welfare and personal safety. The philosophy fosters enjoyment of working with people in good health as well as people who are ill, injured or disabled. The ability to be disciplined, patient, polite and dependable, having leadership ability, the ability to get along with a variety of people and the ability to find creative solutions to problems. COURSE EXPECTATIONS: Students will be given recipes and assignments to educate them on the basics of cooking. Students will be taught how to measure correctly, interpret and follow recipes, and how to prepare foods from scratch. Through tasting new foods, students will gain an appreciation for trying new recipes. Students will understand the effect of proper nutrition on their health. Quality work is expected on all assignments. Classroom activities will include reading, research, projects, problem solving, individual and group. Students will be expected to complete individual assignments in relation to team projects. Learning how to be a team player is essential to this class in the laboratory environment. Assessments will include and are not limited to written exams, tests, and quizzes, oral and written reports, reading assignments, homework and projects. COURSE GOALS: Upon completion of the course, the student will: 1. Understand the role of nutrients in your diet. 2. Understand the basic food preparation techniques and skills. 3. Understand methods and principles of food preparation. 4. Understand factors affecting food safety, sanitation and equipment. 5. Understand proper etiquette and table service. MAJOR COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND PROJECTS: WIIFM: (whats in it for me?) - Demonstrate proper sanitation practices with all lab experiences. - Complete weekly lab plans. - Complete labs for basic skills, microwave, fruits and vegetables, milk and cheese, cookies, quick breads, eggs, and beverages. - Complete workbook, study sheets and tests. - View and listen to movies and guest speakers.

ASSESSMENT PLAN: Grades will be determined by calculating total points accumulated based on homework, class work, participation, quizzes, tests, and projects. All assigned work must be completed and turned-in to be graded. Incomplete or late work will receive reduced credit or no credit. Students are expected to make up work during communication period. Students absent from a lab experience must complete a written assignment to replace lab points. I do not believe in rounding of numbers. Therefore, 89.99% is a B. A B C D F 100% - 90% 89% - 80% 79% - 70% 69% - 60% 59% and below GRADE SCALE:

CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: TARDIES o Be on time to class. This means you must be in your seat in the classroom when the bell rings and not in the hallway or socializing outside of class. o I follow the schools tardy procedure. ASSIGNMENTS o Please include your first and last name on the paper, your class period (in the upper right hand corner), and the page number and problems of the assignment. o Late work will not be accepted for unexcused absences. ABSENTEES o If you know you will be absent, you may ask me during CP for your assignments. o If your absence is excused, you can still receive full credit for your assignment. However, you will only have 2 days after your absence to hand everything in, unless told otherwise. SPEAKING IN CLASS o While I am lecturing, there is no talking. If you have an appropriate question, raise your hand and wait to be called on. o While working on assignments, you are allowed to ask each other questions, however, this is not social time. If talking gets out of hand, you will not be allowed to talk. o When there is a PA announcement during class, everyone must be quiet, even if it does not pertain to you. GETTING OUT OF YOUR SEAT o You do not need to ask me permission to get out of your seat to get a tissue, sharpen your pencil, or throw something away, unless I am lecturing. - RULE OF THUMB: ASK THREE BEFORE ME! o When working on your assignments, if I am at my desk, you are allowed to come up and ask me questions. However, there should never be more than 3 people at my desk at a time. - COME PREPARED TO LEARN o Bring a pencil or black or blue pen daily. o Bring note paper. - HALL PASSES o NO hall passes will be given unless an emergency. o Make sure you go to the restroom before class.

EATING AND DRINKING IN CLASS o There is no food in class, unless given special permission. o No popping or chewing gum loudly. If I hear it, I will ask you to spit it out. GETTING EXTRA HELP o I will be in my room during Communication Period. If you plan on coming in, let me know during class or come by the classroom. I will try to let you know ahead of time if I am ever unable to stay during CP or after school. o I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this and get help as soon as you start to fall behind. BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS: 1. Take responsibility for your learning. 2. Be polite. 3. Give respect to get respect. 4. Be supportive of your classmates. 5. Support school district polices. CONQUENCES: 1. Teacher gives reminder 2. Conference in the hall with a phone call home 3. Teacher detention is given can result in a loss of points (participation), phone call home 4. Referral to the Dean, phone call home

_______________________________________________________________________ I have read the course syllabus and understand all course information and expectations. Once the syllabus is turned in to the classroom instructor, the syllabus should be stored in the Students notebook/portfolio. Students will be fined for any damage or theft to lab. Student Signature: _________________________________Date___________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________Date______________ Daytime phone #:___________________Evening (and/or cell) phone #:_________________ Parent/Guardian email: ______________________________________________________ RETURN LOWER SECTION BY AUGUST 26, 2009 for 10 extra credit points

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