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E l e m e n t a l
e n e r g y
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( A qui ck St ar t
Gui de t o
worki ng wi t h
t he most
f undament al of
f requenci es)
By Sacramentos
Candle Connection
Colour: Blue
Direction: West (also the place of Summerland)
Attributes: Emotion and all Psychic expressions
Realm: Land of the Undines (Mermaids, Mer-
men, aquatic creatures)
Sigils to connect and dismiss:
Colour: Green
Direction: North
Attributes: Change, Death, Manifestation, and
Realm: Land of the Gnomes (Leprechauns,
those who dwell in and mine the ground)
Sigils to connect and dismiss:
Perhaps Banishing is not the best word for
dismissing an elemental. They are sentient and
to appreciate good manners, besides, theyre
smarter than you so show respect!!!!! When
you dismiss, thank them for their help, go
widdershins, or counter clockwise to undo and
return things to the program currently in pro-
gress. On a more practical, every day note;
Opening and closing portals can be a great
meditation and way to ground and unwind after
a day of whatever it is you do. Also elemental
energy can be called forth at the workplace, for
example, one can call forth air and open a men-
tal portal, anytime, to connect when clarity of
thought is needed, dont forget to thank and
close the door!!!! In the kitchen, all the ele-
ments are present, so connect with their en-
ergy and recharge and re shape your own!!!!!!
Now that you have opened the portal, call forth
from within the elemental vibration to connect
with that realms or elements vibration. Think of
yourself as a high-speed modem that channels or
receives and sends information and energy back
and forth for you to shape as you imagine it. Tra-
ditionally, you start at one cardinal point (North,
South, East, or West) and go deosil (pronounced
Jess-il, its Gaelic for clock wise or sun wise,
go figure!), approaching each realm and opening
the portal. Its a good idea to form a circle or
sphere of energy around the work area, just to
keep things tidy, first. Different Traditions start
in different points, so whatever works for you,
thats where you begin. The realms are tradition-
ally as follows:
Colour: Yellow
Direction: East
Attributes: Logic and Reasoning
Realm: Land of the Sylphs and winged things
(Sylphs are the fairy folk)
Sigils to connect and dismiss:
Colour: Red
Direction: South
Attributes: Passion, Energy, and Creativity
Realm: Land of the Salamanders most reptiles
Sigils to connect and dismiss:
Sept. 2009
As I have said in previous Quick
Start Guides and the training pro-
gram I teach, everything boils down
to just two things; Energy and
Everything that is a Form, that is an
object or event, has and transmits a
frequency. Thanks to the premise of
String Theory, it can be said that all
things are made of tiny loops of en-
ergy that vibrate at specific frequen-
cies and when that frequency
changes, so does the manifestation
of that form. So in essence, every-
thing you perceive is a vibration or
energy of some kind. E=mc
quite clearly that mass and energy
are interchangeable, in fact, they are
basically the same thing. This ap-
plies to elemental energy as well as
thought energy where all the change
and shifts in perception starts.

This is also simple, to connect with
any energy pattern, one must first,
be aware of it, and then assign rele-
vancy to the pattern, or take it per-
sonally. It would be more accurate
to say that as a choice, one assigns a
personal value to the pattern, thus
making it mean something specific to
that person. Once these two con-
cepts are put into play, Awareness
and consciousness shifts to a higher
state and working with the realms
becomes less problematic.
Before the science of chemistry, there was al-
chemy. It was a fusion of the science of the time
with ancient mysticism. (funny note, though,
With the advances of Quantum Physics, it would
appear that were heading down the same path,
or at least, a similar one). Most folks are more
familiar with the attempts to change lead into
gold, but theres much more to it than that. One
of the more notable figures in this early explora-
tion and expansion of earlier Greek ideas of
atomic theory was a man named Dr. John Dee.
The concept of the Watchtowers are usually at-
tributed to his work, as most of the work was
based on Jewish mysticism and occult con-
cepts. Alchemy holds that all matter is made up
of five distinct elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water,
and Spirit. That view held sway in Europe and
Western thinking for a long time. In China, the
elements were different, adding wood, and
metal to the mix. But here in Modern Wicca, we
are more concerned with the traditional Western
approach. What are elementals? Well , some
define them as angels from the time of Enoch in
the Genesis account of creation.( and the insu-
ing soap opera that arose), some see them as
complete kingdoms of Fay folk or the little
people, some see them as disembodied spirits
that have charge over specific elements. But no
matter what you call them, they are definitely
sentient or conscious energy patterns. Much
like the Divine in all things. In the Quantum ap-
proach to this, the elements are also within each
of us, both as an element of connection, and as a
spirit of specific frequency and effect. There is
NO separation betwixt us and the elementals
and their specific realms. One does not invoke
an elemental, that is call it from outside of our-
selves, but rather one Evokes or recognizes that
spirit within and calls it forth to connect to its
matching realm.
Basically put, a portal is an opening , a
doorway, if you will betwixt our time-
space and another dimension. They are
created by thought energy and since the
observer (thats you) influences the sub-
atomic world by intention and choice, we
can, if you like, Trip the Rift and experi-
ence the realms of the elementals. The
easiest way to work a portal, is with in-
tention breathing. Its Prahnic or
belly Breathing, where slow very deep
breaths in and out slowly, and with inten-
tion, raise and send energy. Now no two
portal experiences are identical. They
will differ from time to time and from per-
ception to perception, as well as from
person to person. What I get from a por-
tal opening will no doubt be much differ-
ent than what you may get. But thats the
great thing about all this. There is no
wrong answer! And the biggest secret of
all, is: (drum roll, please!) THERE ARE
NO SECRETS!!!!! Everything you need to
know, you already know. You just need to
learn how to access it, and then use it
effectively. Many traditions of this system
vary on the method, but here is a simple
way of opening a portal.
First, the use of a drawn sigil or symbol to
represent the doorway or window, usu-
ally with a wand, atheme( unsharpened
blade, nothing sharp should ever be
pointed at a watchtower or realm, think
about it!) , or even an extended finger on
your power or dominant hand helps a
lot. More on this later. After you mentally
create the opening in you minds eye, you
should breath in the energy of that portal.
See it as a mist of the colour you associ-
ate with that element going into your
lungs and filling your being. Then
Breathe (not blow), the same coloured
mist back into the portal and see it as a
stream of fog or vapor flowing into it. No-
tice what you see, smell, feel, hear, and if
theres an emotion, what it is. Allow your
awareness to expand at this point. Its a
good idea to keep a diary or journal to
track how each experience differs and
what is the same. You can work with one
element or all of them. Note: The ele-
ment of Spirit is not in a cardinal point,
as it is the center of all things, and thus
inside you.

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