New Racism Is Not New Racism

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by janzbizzare

through Apartheid was seen as unjust and perceived as racial discrimination imposed on them by people who claim themselves as highly cultured and civilised nation.

Take up the White Man's burden, The savage wars of peace, Fill full the mouth of Famine, And bid the sickness cease...

The notion of New Racism is not widely covered by mass media but in reality they embed this type of racism through their texts subtly. New Racism gradually increases partially because of power control which exists in constructing and delivering news or information to the public. As opposed to the old-fashioned racism, where it is commonly related to slavery, segregation and systematic discrimination, New Racism occupies distinct forms of racial discrimination.

poem titled The White Mans Burden by an English poet

New Racism uses derogatory term or disparaging expression but in

Rudyard Kipling (1899) illustrates Western Imperialistic slogan where they declared people from the Western

countries are far more well-educated and civilised than people from other parts of the world, thus they believe they are the sole saviour to civilise and salvage Eastern people from poverty and holocaust. Racism is not a new issue it has become headlines and main topics covered by mass media. Racism is the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race or group of people especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to another race or group of people. The blatant manifestation of this old racism by White people to the people of South Africa a more subtle and implicit manner. New Racism is not a new racism any longer as it is broadly practised by mass media by focusing on negative issues with regards to minorities, immigrants or people with less power of difference races. Headlines of Malaysias newspaper such as Illegal immigrants Arrested for Various Crimes, Malaysia is a Pot

of Gold for Criminal Immigrants. This suggests that, illegal immigrants especially from (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Cambodia etc) are the main perpetrators which escalate crime rates rapidly throughout the country. These bias reports are unfair towards them as there are still (legal) immigrants more or less contribute towards Malaysias economic growth. The social problems amongst Immigrants can be highlighted but it has to be in proportion with their sum of contribution. As New Racism employs unobvious discrimination as one of myriad forms to oppress others but it is much performed on racial basis, however discrimination can also be imposed on people belong to a different or similar group in everyday life. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was first introduced by Norman Fairclough in (1989). In general, Critical Discourse Analysis is concerned to examine the way in which meaning is socially or politically constructed in a text or talk. CDA is beneficial to reveal inapparent expressions or rhetoric devices used in formulating numerous number of bias texts. There is vast number of principles which can be applied to conduct Critical Discourse Analysis, thus scholars do not stipulate certain principles are better than the others. The use of special code-word such as (Mat Rempit) in todays written/spoken discourse by mass media enables audiences to interpret this word in terms of minority and the problem attributed to them. Implied or presupposed meaning such as Business Slow Due to Students Protest is another technic of reporting news to

convey indirect illocutionary act/indirect speech as mentioned by Searle (1975) which is used for reason of impression management. The examples discussed earlier are new methods of discrimination associated with social basis which means discrimination is not bound to race we belong to but it is also imposed by majority against minority. In CDA, New Racism discourse can also be detected through the use of implied sarcastic device. For example, a non-government television channel in Malaysia has arisen viewers uneasiness especially Muslim viewers where the public-service message about the Muslim holy Ramadan which was broadcasted on that channel had depicted implied sarcastic racism. That public-service commercial showed a Chinese girl wore vest-top was acting in a rude manner while saying Do not wear tights and revealing clothes. Eventhough the mentioned public-service commercial has been withdrawn due to Muslim viewers complaints but it has promoted provocation and among them. New Racism as discussed above is mainly disseminated inapparently by mass media. As responsible news disseminators they should be more aware and sensitive of the consequences of New Racism where it can cause political and social unrest in a multiracial country. inconvenience

Fairclough, N.(1989).Critical Discourse Analysis.Longman. Holliday, A.,Hyde, M. & Kullman J.(2004).Inter-cultural Communication.Routledge . John, R.S. (1975). A Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts.Gnderson. Kipling, R.(1899). The White Mans Burden.McClures Magazine.

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