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La sfrsitul anului 2011 in Istanbul s-au inregistrat 8.570.

879 turisti, in crestere cu 16% fata de anul precedent, pe primul loc in topul nationalitatilor care au vizitat Turcia aflandu-se nemtii urmati indeaproape de rusi, americani, italieni si francezi.
YEARS SHARE % 2010(*) 12 403 2008 0,10 2009 0,16 2010(*) 0,04 RATE OF CHANGE % 2009/2008 55,07 2010(*)/2009 -70,58


2008 27 183

2009 42 152

What brings tourists to Turkey, what they like to eat, drink or do most and what visitors dislike most are no longer a mystery. A survey titled Tourist Profile held by Efes Pilsen reveals some interesting facts about tourists. Forget Turkish rak, shish kebabs and belly dancers, the majority of foreign tourists that visit Turkey drink beer and listen to Tarkan. The part about kebabs is true, though. Recently, research was conducted by Turkish brewery brand Efes Pilsen into the habits of tourists in Turkey. The survey included 2,500 people and covered many topics, such as what they liked or did not like about the country, what they ate and drank, and what kind of music they listened to while in Turkey. Only 17.8 percent of participants said they drank rak, surpassed by 64 percent who said they drank beer. Wine and vodka also ranked above Turkeys national drink. The situation was rather different when it came to eating, 84.9 percent of participants said they liked Turkish food. Turkeys trademark meal, the kebab, held a comfortable lead as favorite at 46.6 percent, dessert trailed at 30 percent. Tourists also were asked why they visited Turkey. Turkey's natural beauty ranked first among reasons. The sea and sunny weather during summer months were a major factor for 58.7 percent of the participants. Economic factors ranked second with 24.9 percent of those surveyed said relatively the low prices were the reason they visited. Historic and cultural riches ranked third and next came advice from friends. When it came to what tourists did with their time in Turkey, a large majority surveyed said they spent their time by the sea, taking sailing trips or going to the beach. Next in line was visiting historic and cultural locations, then nightlife and then shopping. Despite enjoying the Turkish nightlife, only 18.1 percent of participants liked Turkish musicians. Of those, pop-star Tarkan was appreciated by 11.8 percent, while similar acts Mustafa Sandal, Kenan Doulu, Serdar Orta trailed. Pop and dance artist Hande Yener was the highest ranked female singer liked by 0.6 percent of those surveyed. Shopping choices As to shopping choices, 47.7 percent of tourists surveyed bought textile goods such as clothes, shoes or accessories, 42.4 percent bought souvenirs, while 21.3 percent did not shop while they were in Turkey. As to the particular areas within Turkey tourists visited, 19.3 percent of those surveyed went to Alanya, Kemer, another well-known tourist destination in the city of Antalya, followed with 15.7 percent. Manavgat was third with 13.5 percent, trailed by Istanbul. Surprisingly, Bodrum, considered to be the heart of tourism in Turkey, was fifth. Most tourists surveyed, 69.1 percent, stayed in four- and five-star hotels, while 14 percent opted for two- and three-star accommodations. Smaller hotels, motels, camping or renting a house followed in popularity. A majority, 76.1 percent, utilized hotels "everything included" packages and the satisfaction rate among them was remarkably high, 68.2 percent were highly satisfied and 24.1 percent were fairly satisfied. However, the same satisfaction rate was nowhere to be found when it came to shopping, 60.7 percent of visitors felt they had to pay more than locals and only 39.3 percent thought they were treated fairly. A striking amount of those surveyed, 73.3 percent, said they had given up on buying something as they had felt deceived. The situation was not as dark in security related matters, 87.2 percent of tourists surveyed said they did not experience any issues with security when they were in Turkey. Overall, an impressive number of tourists would consider visiting Turkey again, 40.2 percent would visit the same location within Turkey, while 47.4 would go somewhere different. Only 5.2 percent of survey participants said they would not consider traveling to Turkey again.

An award-winning integrated 360 campaign promoting Turkey as a travel destination.

Unlimited Turkey", a fully integrated campaign with the goal to raise awareness about Turkey as a travel destination in North America. It included prime time TV, prominent billboards in New York City in key DMA, print and newspaper ads, taxi-top banners, and double-decker bus displays. The Times Square digital billboard piece was designed to showcase Unlimited Turkey mini-movies on 17 digital screens for a month. Times Square attracts an estimated 26 million visitors per year, so it was an ideal location to spread the key message to a broad spectrum of people New Yorkers and visitors alike. The videos contained beautiful imagery of the country, focusing on the upscale luxury of Istanbul, millennia-old ruins and spectacular natural wonders of the country, and the campaign landed the 2009 Adrian Award for excellence in travel marketing.

Turkey 1% 1% 1% Total Number of U.S. Travelers ** 28,507,000 23,889,000 6,243,000 U.S. Resident Traveler Characteristics All U.S. Travelers For Leisure & VFR For Business & Conv

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