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Words are indeed inadequate to convey my deep sense of gratitude to all those who have helped me in completing this project to the best of my ability. Being a part of this proejct has containly been a unique and a very productive experience on my part . I am really thankful to Dr. Sumita Mukherjee, H.O.D of chemistry department and Dr. Anupurna Kumari of jamshedpur Womens College , Jamshedpur of making all arrangement to help me carry out the project successfully.


Shaista Nikhat

1. Introuduction of cement industry Current scenario Top ten players in cement industry 2. Commodity cement profile Cement Composition of cement Varities of cement Properties of cement Manufacture of cement 3. Analysis of cement College laboratory analysis 4. Conclusion 5. Biblography



The cement industry is one of the main beneficiaries of the infrastructure boom with robust demand and adequate supply, the industry has bright future. The indian cement industry has a total capacity of 165 million tones and is the second larges cement producer after china. Cement industry in India has made tremendous strides in technological upgradation and assimilation of latest technology . recently 93% of the total capacity in the cement industry in based on modern and evironmental frindly process technology .


Acc/ambuja / holcium Ultera tech cement Jayvee group The india cements ltd. Shree cement Century industry ltd. Birla corporation ltd. Madras cements ltd. Lafarge india pvt. Ltd. J.k. cement


Cement is one of the most important materials used in teh construction of buildings, dams, bridges, road etc. In 1824, joseph Asplin , a mason working in leeds (U.K) for the first time , heated a mixture of limestones, clay and water and allowed the mass to stand for some time when it hardened into a stone like mass. It resembled porland rock which was an important naturally occurring buliding stone used in eggland during those days . He named it portland cement . in India, cement industry cane into existence in 1914.

Cement is a grayish fine powder consisting of a mixture of various silicates and aluminates of calcium such as tricalcium (3CaO.SiO2), tricalcium aluminates (3CaO. AI203) and declaim silicates (3CaO. Si02). On mixing with water , it sets into a hard mass with a good strength.

Different type of cement have different composition of metal oxides. The average composition of different oxides found in portland cement is Lime (CaO) = 50-60 % Silica (SiO2)=20-25 % Aiumina (AL2O3)=5-10% Magnesia (MgO)=2-3% Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3)=1-2% Sulphur trioxide (SO3)=1-2% Sodium Oxide (Na2O)= 1.0% Potassium Oxide (K2O)=1.0% The essential constituents of cement are lime (obtained from limestone),silica and alumina (present in clay). Form the cement of good quality , the oxides should be kept in the following ratio: % SiO2/% AI203 =2.5 4.0. %Ca0/%Si02+%AI203+%fe203=1.9-21. Cement containing no iron is white , but hard to burn . if less lime is present than is there, the cement cracks. Excess of silica produces a slow hardening cement , while excess of alumina gives a quick setting product.


There are some varities in cement that always fine good demand in market . to know their characteristics and in which area they are most required it will be better take a look at some of the details given below. High Alumina Cement : High alumina cement is a rapid hardening cement made by fusing at 15,00 to 1,600 C (2,730 to 2,910 F) a mixture of bauxite and limestone in a reverberatory or electric furnace or in a rotary kiln. It also be made by sintering at about 1,250C (2,280F). Suitable bauxites Contain 50 to 60 percent alumina , up to 25 percent iron oxid . not more than 5 percent silica, and 10 to 30 percent water of hydration. The limestone must contain only small amounts of silica and magnesia.The cement Contains 35 to 40 percent lime , 40 to ..........(100 of 4543 world) Oil Well Cement : Made of Iron . coke , limestone and iron scrap, oil well cement is used in constructing of fixing oil wells. This is applied on both the off shore and on shore of the wells. White cement : It is a Kind of Ordinary Portland Cement . the ingrredients of this cement are inclusive of Clinker, fuel

oil and iron oxide. The content of iron oxide is maintained below 0.4% to secure whiteness . white cement is largely used to increase the aesthetic value of a construction . It is perferred for tiles and flooring works. This cement cost more than grey cement . Portland pozolona cement (PPC): As it prevents creaks, it is useful in the casting work of huge volumes of concrete . the rate of hydration heat is lower in this cement type. Fly ash, coal waste or burnt clay is used in the production of this category of cement. It can be availed at low cost in comparison to OPC. Ordinary portland cement : Also referred to as grey cement OPC, it is of much use in ordinary concete construction . in the production of this type of cement in india, Iron (Fe203), magnesium (MgO), Silica (SiO2), Alumina (Al203), and Suphur Trioxide (S03) Components are Used. Clinker cement : Produced at the temponrature of about 1400 to 1450 degree Celsius, Clinke Cement is needed in the construction work of complexes , houses and bridges. The ingredients for this cement comprise iron , quartz, clay, limestone and bauxite.

QUALITY: The quality of cement is expressed in terms of silica and alumina modules

Silicon module (n) =( %Sio2) ( % Al2 O3 + Fe2 O3). SETTING TIME-when cement is brought in contact with water it starts setting. the initial setting is gained within 24hrs, through hydration and crystallization of tricalcium aluminates and siphon aluminates ,followed by setting of declaim silicate is over within 28days declaim silicate and tricalcium silicate provide full strength at one year . SHRINKAGE Cement surface considerable shrinkage causing

fine cracks in the surface of concrete. The volume shrinkage depend upon water/ cement ratio during period and time fluctuation. SOUNDNESS - The capacity of the called soundness. set cement to resist this

integration all alternative exposure to wet and dry condition is


The quality of hardening of cement is best judges by

tensile strength and compressive strength of the cement through setting for a particular prior. HEAT OF SETTING OR HARDENING - The process of hard ration in cement is exothermic and the heat evolved is the resultant of the heats evolved during hydrolysis of various cement constituents. this is known as heat of setting or hardening. COLOUR - The greenish grey color of ordinary Portland cement is due to the presence of iron in it. ACID CORROSION types of acids. DISSOVED CO2 CORROSION Cement structure is greatly Cement construction are attached by all

affected by water containing dissolved Co2 because it dissolves the free lime present in the cement to calcium bicarbonate. SULPHATE CORROSION The hardened cement surface is

attached by water containing dissolved sulphate such as Mugs4 and Nabs4 and thus reduces the strength of the set cement.

The cement manufacturing process involves four distinct stages, and these are outlined below.

STEP 1 QUARRYING The raw material for cement manufacture is a rock mixture which is about 80% limestone (which is rich in CaCO3) and 20% clay or shale ( a source of silica, alumina and fe2O3).These are quarried and stored separately. The lime and silica provide the main strength of the cement, while the iron reduces the reaction temperature and gives the cement its characteristics grey colour. STEP 2 RAW METERIAL PREPARATION The steps involved here depend on the process used. There are two main cement manufacturing processes currently used in New Zealand: the dry process (used by Golden Bay) and the wet process (used by Milburn). The dry process uses more energy in grinding but less in the kiln, and the wet process has lower overheads than the dry process. The two processes are discussed separately below.

THE DRY PROCESS The quarried clay and limestone are crushed separately until nothing bigger than a tennis ball remains. Samples of both rocks are then sent off to the laboratory for mineral analysis. If necessary, minerals are then added to either the clay or the limestones to ensure that the correct amounts of alumiium , iron etc. are present . The clay and limestones are then fed IX Materials B Cement 5. Together into a mill where the rock is ground until more than 85 % of the material is less than 90Um in diameter. THE WET PROCESS The clay is mixed to a paste in a washmill a tank in which the clay is pulverised in the presence of water. Crushed lime is then added and the whole mixture further ground . Any material which is too coarse is extracted and reground . The slurry is then tested to ensure that it contains the correct balance of minerals , and any extra ingredients blended in as necessary. Reaction taking place in the rotary kiln can be divided into the following three parts : 1. Reaction taking place in moderate temperature zone . In this zone the temperatures is upto 800c . In this zone , free moisture is removed and clay (AL2O3.2SiO2.Fe2O2.2H2O) is broken into Al2O3, SiO2 and Fe2O3. Al2O3.2SiO2.Fe2O2.2H2O Al2O3 + SiO2 + Fe2O3 + 2H2O

2. Reaction taking place in average temperature zone . Here the temperature is 800 1000C . This zone , limestone (CaCo3) decomposes into lime (CaO) and CO2 CaCo3 CaO + CO2

3. Reaction taking place in maximum temperature zone . In this zone , where the temperature is 1000 1500 C , the oxide viz., Cao, SiO2.Al2O3 and Fe2O3combine together and form calcium silicates viz, 2CaO.SiO2; calcium aluminates viz, 2 CaO. Al2O3 ; 3CaO.Al2O3 and tetracalcium alumino ferrite, 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3.
2CaO + SiO2 3CaO + SiO2 2CaO + Al2O3 3CaO + Al2O3 2CaO.SiO2 3CaO.SiO2 2CaO.Al2O3 3CaO. Al2O3 (Dicalcium silicate) (Dicalcium silicate) (Dicalcium aluminate) (Tricalcium Aluminate)



1. Purpose To estimate lime in the cement samples. 2. Apparatus Balance , weight box, dessicator , Crucible , pipette, Burette, Conical Flask, Beaker, Glass rod. 3. Chemical Required Cement, NH4Cl, Conc. Hai, Methyl indicator , H2SO4, Ammonium Oxalate , 1 : 10 ammonia, 1 ; 9 Hal , AgNO3. 4. Procedure 1 gm sample was weighted out accurate and 1 gm of NH4Cl was added to the mixture . The mixture was stirred & any lunges produced were broken up with a glass rod . It was then heated on a boiling H2O bath & beaker was covered with a watch glass. It was heated for about 30 min , after removing the beaker from the water bath it was filtered through at man filter paper no. 41. Then the residue was taken in a beaker & 1 gm NH4Cl was added & same process was repeated . The filtrate was acidified with dil. HCl using methyl red indicator.

The solution was evaporated by adding to 250 cc & 1 cc of conc. HCl was added then CA was precipitated by adding 50cc of hot 4 % ammonium oxalate solution slowly to the boiling solution. Then 1 : 10 ammonium solution was added until the solution became neutral or slightly alkalaine. Now the ppt. was allowed to settle for an hour. It was then filtered & dissolved in H2SO4. Them solution was made up to 250cc. 25cc of the solution was taken in a conical flask , to this 25cc of water and 40cc of dilute H2SO4 was added . Then warmed up to 50 60 C to liberate oxalic acid. It was then titrated against N/10 KMnO4 solution . The first pink colour which remains for about 15 second was the end point.

1 ) Sample of ACC Cement S.No. Vol. of Burete reading in ml Solution in cc Initial Final Difference Burette Burette reading 25cc 0 23.0 23.0 25cc 0 22.2 22.2 25cc 0 22.2 22.2 Concurrent reading in ml

1 2 3


1 ) Sample of LAFARGE CEMENT S.No. Vol. of Burete reading in ml Solution in cc Initial Final Difference Burette Burette reading 25cc 0 21.0 21.0 25cc 0 20.2 20.2 25cc 0 20.7 20.7 Concurrent reading in ml

1 2 3


CALCULATION OF LIME PRESENT IN THE SAMPLE : SAMPLE OF ACC CEMENT Strength of KmnO4 solution is 1.2 (N/10) 25 cc of the KMnO4 solution = 22.2 * 1.02 (N/10) = 2.26 (N) KMnO4 solution Since , 1 cc (N) KMnO4 solution reacts with 0.0284 gm CaO Therefore 2.26 (N) KMnO4 solution reacts with 0.0284 * 2.26 g = 0.0641 gm CaO Therefore 1 gm of sample contain = 0.0641 = 0.0641 gm of CaO = 0.0641 * 100 = 6.418 gm of CaO

SAMPLE OF LAFARGE CEMENT Strength of KmnO4 solution is 1.2 (N/10) 25 cc of the KMnO4 solution = 20.7 * 1.02 (N/10) = 2.11 (N) KMnO4 solution Since , 1 cc (N) KMnO4 solution reacts with 0.0284 gm CaO Therefore 2.26 (N) KMnO4 solution reacts with 0.0284 * 2.11 g

= 0.05996 gm CaO Therefore 1 gm of sample contain = 0.05996 gm of CaO = 0.05996 gm of CaO = 0.05996 * 100 = 5.996 gm of CaO

Result 100 gm of ACC cement contains 6.418 gm of Lime 100 gm of Lafarge cement sample contains 5.996 gm of Lime present in it. Our college lab. Analysis reveals greater % of Lime in ACC cement seems to be of better quality than Lafarge cement.

Practice makes more perfect
Thus we conclude that this projection on cement analysis is reliable and of consistent quality. The ACC Cement proves to be of better quality , durability and better compressive strength than LAFARGE CEMENT . Thus ACC ACC Limited Rightly says BUILD WITH CONFIDENCE!!

The research Books
Engineering Materials Industrial Chemistry Cement Industry of India Cement Age

S.C. Ranghwala B.K. Sharma Kumar Bardas Dr. Eddy

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