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The Secret Code of Abundance By Paul Bauer

Welcome to the Secret Code of Abundance. In this report you will learn what the Secret Code of Abundance is all about. Youll also learn how to tap into the power of your incredible Imagination. A power within you that is so profoundly and exquisitely powerful that it can bring to you literally everything youve ever dreamed of and more. The third part of this report is the Power of Intent. The amazing power of the Intent within you and Im not talking about Intent from the mind but Intent from the Heart. And then finally, were going to pull all those pieces together and review them and so you can apply this wonderful formula that Im about to share with you called the Secret Code of Abundance. So, what is the secret code?

Imagination + Intent = Manifestation

Now, its not secret in the sense that its been hidden away from you, its just that the mind doesnt understand the true power or the true meaning of the words Intent or Imagination. See, manifesting is actually really easy. You manifest stuff every day. You may not manifest the stuff that you want, I call it Manafesting because Mana is the Hawaiian word that means pure energy pure Spirit. So well talk about what Pure Intent throughout this report. What this formula is all about is how you harness the incredible and the Infinite levels of your Imagination and how you add that with Intent. In other words, focus, how you direct that energy, how you harness your own internal energy and you say, Okay, this is done!. Im going to go into specific meanings of each word of Imagination and Intent because when you understand the true meanings of how were using the word not the old classical conditioning of those words but the pure meanings, the original meanings of those words youll realize that youll be dialing into the very Intent that creates everything in this universe.

Without the need for you to have it, without the attachment to having it so its free to show up in a way that your higher self and whatever you call God creator, source, can create it for you when you step back and you allow him you let go. So, again the formula is Imagination plus Intent equals Manifestation. So lets talk about the incredible power of your Imagination. Its something that has been pooh poohed for quite some time, ever since we left probably the early age of 7, 8, 9 maybe 10. By that time most of our creative Imagination, the faculty of pure Imagination was dumbed down or dumbed out of us but now its being restored. Its being reawakened in such a way that when you begin to experience it youll go, Oh wow I get the feeling likeI get that youthful feeling!. So, pure Imagination brings your youth back when you know how to apply it. Heres one of the premises of everything that we share at Dreams Life. What you want already exists right now, not outside of you but within you What you want already exists right now and its here. Its inside of you right now. Im going to take you through an exercise in a few moments that youd be able to experience that palpably and feel the shift within you. Now, after while the mind somehow kicks in and says, hmm, no that may not be real hows that going to happen? Well, thats whats called a reversal. Now, those that are inevitable, its how you deal with them that counts. The real key is staying in that pure Intent and Ill teach you how to do that.

What is Felt Imagination?

Knowing that what you want already exists, all thats really required and I say required and I put quotes around that word, is your Felt Imagination. Its kind of an interesting mixture of two words. What I mean is that you feel It into reality. So lets give you an example. Close your eyes. Take a nice deep breath. Think of something that you would love to experience or have or create. Dont get too focused on the material, by the way, but more so the experience of something. So if its money you want whats that for? Is it for your family? Is it to pay off your taxes? Is it to make sure that all your bills are nice and paid off? Is it so you can start a new project? If its a relationship rather than just the person themselves, whats the feeling you want to feel? Tune into something that youd love to have or experience. Take a nice deep breath. And allow yourself to start feeling that. Notice it. Notice what that feels like and here is

the key statement and that is knowing that its already real right now even if your mind doesnt know how thats true. Take a nice deep breath into that; take a nice slow deep breath. Even if my mind doesnt know how this is real and allow yourself to begin to feel what it would be like in this moment, were it real as it is now? Because on the inside, it is real. So, continue breathing because your breathing is how you allow pure Source into your energy system and that is where the energy comes from. Its like Pure Intent. Allow yourself to feel the nature of your Intent. This is not a wish or a hope or a goal. This is Pure Intent that its already real, even if my mind doesnt know how. Good. Okay, now before you open your eyes just get a sense of what this feeling is all about. its maybe sending new information that you havent felt in a while. The question we ask people often is how often do you allow yourself to feel this feeling? Even if its not fully complete you can practice this and you can step deeper and deeper into it as I let go of my minds need for something and I step into the pure sense of Imagination. So, youre feeling it into reality.

What are you noticing?

You can open your eyes when you choose and write down anything that came to you. What did I notice? Whats different now? What am I noticing? What shift is happening within me as I allow myself to feel this felt Imagination? Its real. Even though my senses dont yet notice it, even though my mind may doubt it. This is real because youre feelings are the most real part of you. Thats a sacred fact.

The Power of Your Incredible Imagination

So, lets talk about Imagination. The old definition of Imagination was something that you painting trees like when you were a kid on pieces of paper and you conjured up things that were like, imaginings and wonderings and what ifs and hopings and wishes and things like that. and when you get truly pure Imagination stuff, if you share with the wrong person in your life you may get someone either disagreeing with that thing that came to you, they dont understand it whatever it might be which has a tendency to silence those pure imaginings. Those are dreams. Those are just pure source information. So thats the old definition of Imagination, theres a small I.

The new definition

The new definition of Imagination, the one that is actually ages old, the one that was there before our true Imagination got dumbed down its got a capital I and that capital I is because it comes from your source. It is the truest part of you. It is your soul. So, when you step into pure Imagination, here is the cool part, you might want to write this down; you forgive yourself for never having attained it and Ill explain what I mean by that. But just write that phrase down. When I tap into my Imagination, with a capital I, I forgive myself for never having attained that thing Im imagining. And Im not talking about some basic imagining. Im talking about even better than the best you know. Beyond the dream. Its the dream beyond the dream. Its something that your mind doesnt understand, necessarily. It doesnt understand how youre going to attain it. It doesnt matter the how. The key is you go right to the end. You right to the Source. You go right to the essence of it already being real. We call that Essence Thinking. You begin with the end in mind.

What is Pure Imagination?

Pure Imagination comes from the highest part of you based on that little short meditation that we did earlier. When you tune into your higher self with Pure Intent, which well talk about in just a while, something happens. You open up a channel. You open up a conduit, a portal so to speak, to the higher parts of you that are way beyond your conscious mind. The ego mind. The parts of you that dont try to judge anything, anyone, any result that does or does not show up, it just is. Its pure in its nature. It doesnt have any positionality. It doesnt care whether its manifested or not in the third dimension because it already is in multi-dimensions. Why this is so important is because the more you tune into this energy the more that youre going to feel the very things you want to feel had you the stuff or the results that you want in your life. Feelings precede that having something so youre not going to get stuff because when you want it, its actually going to drain your energy by wanting it too much; it drains your Mana so to speak.

Happiness precedes you creating the stuff you want

What happens though, is when you tune into to already having it on the inside, the feeling of it, the key is the feeling. Then the shifts start happening. You start becoming

happier. Happiness precedes you creating the stuff you want. Being in tuned with what you want, being in tuned with your creation as Creator you allow things to spontaneously be drawn to you.

Source has no need to attract anything

You dont have to attract them. Theres no need to attract stuff because youre already Source. Source has no need to attract anything. Source creates, thats what God is. Not in the old religious sense of the word, but in the true sense. Youre already your source, youre already your God, if part of you feels that is sacrilegious take a nice deep breath and say thank you to that part of you. So, Pure Imagination is essentially going right to the feeling. You allow something greater than your mind could ever, ever experience and you step outside of that, that Island of the Known and you allow yourself to feel it. Its already real right now. Why not go ahead and just feel it. Right now everything you could possibly imagine, anything that you could hope for, wish for, for yourself, for humanity, for the planet, for the cosmos already exists. When we get into the Intent section in just a few moments, youll understand how you take this expanded sense of what is possible, your Pure Imagination. And then you actually start activating with your Intent. The Pure Imagination sense is that the more you enter into the feeling of it the better it makes you feel. Then it purifies you which then tunes into the next step which is Intent. So, the key to review what weve just learned is 1) Feeling it real, imagining it first, stepping into it taking a nice deep breath, allowing yourself to feel it feeling it into reality. 2) You let go, you breathe and you surrender to your Imagination with a capital I.

A change in your feeling is a change in your destiny

And as the old Sage Neville once wrote and shared, A change in your feeling is a change in your destiny. Once change of your feeling changes the whole direction of your Destiny Path. Yes, its that powerful but we give up on it so easily. But now youre learning to shift your Intent. Youre remembering how to shift it even moment to moment. If stuff doesnt go the way you want, you just shift your Intent. Take a nice deep breath into it and you say Ahh, thank you.

The Power of Intent

Now lets talk about the power of Intent. Im going to share with you what is it, how it works, and how you plug in your Imagination plus your Intent so your manifestation becomes natural. Just like breathing. Remember your manifesting all the time. You may not be creating consciously the way youd like, but with this redefinition of how were doing it on the inside itll get easier and easier every time you shift your Intent.

What is Intent?
Lets define what Intent really is. It is pure spirit in motion. It is the driving force of our universe. Intent is when you take stuff from this Pure Imagination, the world of possibilities which everything already exists, and you dial into it. In quantum physics terms, you collapse the wave. You focus on something, it becomes real. It may not be real in the third dimension the way youd like. All you have to do in that case is you take a deep breath into it and you say, Hmm, even though it hasnt shown up yet I still tune into the feeling which is the most real part of it. Thats the gift. The third dimensional piece is the last thing that shows up and is reallythats the banal achievement of it. Im not meaning to deprecate when the result show up, what I mean is that youve been in that field of Imagination many dozens of times before something shows up in the real world. So the key is aligning with this thing called Intent. So, Intent is the driving force of everything that works in our galaxy.

How Does Intent Work?

You take a nice deep breath and you start turning on some focus, not will power, but you just align with it. So, lets say you step into this Imaginal Field, you close your eyes, you say, Okay gosh, it would be really nice to have this... But you go beyond that and you go, Okay what would it be like if I already had this? Now youre dialing your Intent. Take another nice deep breath. Alright, Now Im going to allow myself to start feeling it. Now Im applying pure Intent because youre not going to create a bad feeling on purpose. It may happen accidentally but the more that you dial in with your Pure Intent youre going to start noticing the feeling start shifting.

The 2 Levels of Intent

There are two levels of Intent. Every thought is Intent. Good or bad, conscious or unconscious, everything that happens in your world happened because at some level you intended it. Now, some people dont like how that sounds at first because You mean everything in my life is because of me? In essence, yes. But thats not to hang a blame or a guilt trip on you. Its just happening and if the stuff that you dont want is happening, its happening unconsciously and its trying to reveal something thats stuck in your energetic pathways. Something thats stuck in the mind in the nervous system and its trying to reveal to you in the best way that it can but if you judge it, you start saying that thats a bad part of you and I cant stand this feeling anymore and I want to push it away and I dont like this. Youre judging it and youre blocking your own source. So, every thought is an Intent. How do you purify your Intent? If whats showing up in your life isnt what you want, then what do you do about it? Well, you start by taking a deep breath. You start noticing, wheres my Intent? What or hows this stuff happening in my life? Knowing that all this stuff is happening is because of Intent at some level. How can I take a step back and start writing down what are some of the things that are showing up that really arent in my liking? So, I can go into each of these and feel them and start shifting my Intent noticing them differently. Sounds complicated but it really isnt. You do them one at a time. You take a deep breath. You enter into a part of your life that isnt working the way youd like. You start making peace with it. Thats what shifting your Intent is all about. You ask yourself a real simple question: Can I be okay with this experience or this feeling or this thing thats already manifested thats already happening in my life? Can I just be okay with it? Even if nothing else changes can I be okay right now in this moment? I dont have to take care of anything beyond this moment, tomorrow or next week or otherwise. Just right now, in this present moment. Thats pure Intent right there. So, what Im sharing with you is different feelings, different handles, different ways of understanding what pure Intent is, how to apply it, how to notice it differently in each stage, in each step of your life How do you purify your Intent? You start noticing it. You take a deep breath into it as we stated. You start noticing that the feel is maybe not exactly where youd like it to be and you align with it. Now, you might want to touch your fingertips on your Heartpoint, that helps a lot as you breathe. As you breathe,

make sure you let yourself breathe in deeply through your nose (take a deep breath now through your nose) and then make the Hahhhh sound (breathing out). Now that sound is very important. And the depth of that breath is also very important. If you dont find yourself breathing that deep thats one of the reasons why, you feel either stuck or you may be judging yourself or the stuff that you want isnt showing up. Its because youre literally holding your own breath. It took me years to understand that. It took me quite a while. Ive had a few wonderful mentors help me notice my breathing. When my breathing is tight and constricted it feels like the valve is closing. When the breath is open, you notice that the pathways open up and I mean the pathways of manifestation. The Mana opens up. You get the Mana moving, you get into a groove. You get your game back. You get your groove back, so to speak. And thats what were all really looking for is to get that energy so we can do the thingsbecause you know how to focus Intent. You know it intuitively. You know how to manifest. Thats not the question. Its what happens when your Intent gets a little clogged. The clarity just kind of like falls off. So what do you do then? You simply tune in, take really nice deep breaths, you settle your energy field down, you get connected again back in your body so youre not up in your mind. So lets review

The formula for the Secret Code of Abundance is:

Imagination plus Intent equals manifestation.

Thats step one. Step two is you let go and surrender to your Imagination in the purest sense, the word Imagination with a capital I. Then three, the real key is you feel it into reality. So as I mentioned earlier its like Felt Imagination. Every time you Imagine something you go right to the feeling. Not hoping for it, not wishing for it but you feeeel it. As you activate your Intent throughout your day, (this is a really cool tip) this is what I do every day. I must do this probably dozens of times throughout my day. If something isnt happening the way youd like, if you notice that a phone call ended the way you didnt like it, if you notice that you got off the phone and youre not feeling the way you want to feel. If something isnt happening, isnt manifesting, hasnt shown up yet the way youd like it take a nice deep breath, and just allow yourself to Re-imagine it.

In other words, what is the way youd prefer it to be? And you dial in your Intent. Thats when you really turn up your Intent in times like that because you can harness the so called, negative energy and align it back into your energy field towards something focused that you really want but then you transcend the want and its pure Intent. Its done. Pure Intent is its done already. All Ive got to do is call upon it and feel the feeling of it already being real Thank you... And you take a deep breath into that. Thank you so much... Youre not thanking something outside of you. Youre thanking you for tuning back in again. Youre thanking yourself for noticing and remembering that you are Pure Source. Thats what the true word Imagination really means with a capital I.

Before You Sleep Tonite

So, heres the second piece. This is a wonderful little tip. Before you sleep, before you close your eyes at night just enter into a quiet state of peace. A little feeling of like reverie. Almost like a meditation but not quite and then just kind of like notice how the day went. Breath into that and now how do you want to go to sleep? Whats the feeling you want to take into your sleep state with all the seeds that are attached to that feeling of thank you and gratefulness and its already done and a smile on your face? And the morning when you wake up that youve got that smile, that feeling of Ahh, that rejuvenated feeling, that feeling of alive. So, before you go to sleep you just take a nice deep breath. If you want to do like four deep breath cycles, really nice deep in and deep out and each time just say to yourself as I fall asleep, as I get sleepier and sleepier I now enter into a deep state where my Intent is already real. My Intent is already real, thank you. Mahalo. And whatever youd like to conclude thats a prayer to the true essence of the word. Prayer in its original Intent was feeling. So this concludes this part of the Secret Code and if you want to do more exercises on Intent, click on Manifest to Intent and you can go through another exercise that helps you feel it in even more detail.

Mahalo and Blessings, Paul Bauer

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