1 Brand Guidelines

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Brand guidelines December 2007

1. Brand guidelines
1.0 Introduction ....................................................................... 2 1.1 Using the guidelines ......................................................... 3 1.2 Brand strategy .................................................................. 4 1.3 Tone of voice..................................................................... 5

1. Brand guidelines

1.0 Introduction

Welcome to the new Grant Thornton brand guidelines. The guidelines are designed to provide member rms with comprehensive technical information and guidance to implement the brand. They contain information on the core visual identity standards (including the logo, typefaces, colours and imagery), as well as specic guidelines for individual applications of the brand, enabling you to use each element correctly, consistently and imaginatively.

Each of us now has a role to play in consistently applying the new brand across Grant Thornton member rms so that we are seen as a cohesive global organisation. I look forward to working with you to successfully implement it in every member rm.

Jonathan Geldart Global Director Marketing Communication Grant Thornton International

Grant Thornton International brand guidelines December 2007

1. Brand guidelines

1.1 Using the guidelines

So who are these guidelines for? These guidelines are designed to help, inspire, guide and inform everyone producing any form of communication in Grant Thornton member rms. They should also be shared with external designers and suppliers who are producing materials for member rms. How will these guidelines help me? The guidelines set out everything you need to know in order to present the Grant Thornton brand in a consistent and coherent way. This applies across all media and forms of communication, from stationery to PowerPoint presentations, internal and external communications.

Why should we use these guidelines? A strong global identity makes us look consistent and coherent and helps give clients condence in the ability of member rms to deliver consistent services wherever they operate in the world. Using these guidelines will help rms deliver to a key global business strategy objective to become a more cohesive global organisation. A strong global visual identity helps us to achieve this.

Grant Thornton International brand guidelines December 2007

1. Brand guidelines

1.2 Brand strategy

There are three objectives within the global business strategy that have particular relevance to the brand: to become a recognised leader in our chosen markets and within the global profession to become a more cohesive global organisation to strengthen the brand. The role of the Grant Thornton brand is to explain to stakeholders who we are and what we stand for. Those stakeholders include our people, clients of our member rms, regulators and the media. Their judgements may be based on face to face meetings with individuals, from searching Grant Thornton member rm websites, from written or electronic communications or from reading the media.

The role of the brand is to demonstrate the global strategy and prompt recognition, respect and trust. We now have a common, unied brand the visible face of Grant Thornton which will be used consistently around the world.

Grant Thornton International brand guidelines December 2007

1. Brand guidelines

1.3 Tone of voice

Enormous energy has gone into developing a brand which is bold, clear and positive. It is important that we have an individual voice a way of writing and speaking that separates us from others. If we want to lead the profession by speaking out on matters of public interest we need to do so clearly and differently. To behave boldly, we need to express condence in common beliefs and expertise, be prepared to take a position and make clear that we have a point of view. We want the services of our member rms to be viewed by their clients as distinctive; this requires us to be clear and conversational and to demonstrate not only that we know exactly what we are doing, but are willing to actively share relevant expertise in an open and equal manner.

The quality of people in our organisation has always been a strength of the brand. By being condent and positive individually we build trust within the global organisation and amongst the clients and stakeholders of our member rms.

Grant Thornton International brand guidelines December 2007

2007 Grant Thornton International Ltd. All rights reserved. Grant Thornton International and Grant Thornton refer to Grant Thornton International Ltd. Grant Thornton International Ltd is not a worldwide partnership. Member firms of Grant Thornton International Ltd are independently owned and operated.

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