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The Gospel of Thomas

The Secret Teachings of Jesus Interpreted through the Christ consciousness

The Gospel of Thomas was discovered along with other Gospels, in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in 1945. These Gospels were rejected by the established church and judged as heretical. You will come to understand what they were afraid of, when I disclose the correct interpretation of the Secret Teachings of Jesus, as given in the Gospel of Thomas. I have used the translation by Thomas O. Lambdin for my interpretation of the Secret Teachings. There are 114 sayings in the Gospel of Thomas, each is called a logion. Here you will discover the true Gospel of the Kingdom. It is the Gospel spoken of in Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. The end of the anti Christs rule and their false doctrines has come. The Truth will devastate all religious and political organisations that have been built on materialism and established through the use of tyranny, fear, deception and murder. They are the blind who blinded those that they converted. How much will they have to bear when those that they have blinded are given sight? I see a world on its knees praying for the end. I see those that have been blinded being led to the abyss, and even though there is a Bible in every nation, I see only wars, conflict, death, disease and famine. I see a world where children are abused and indoctrinated with materialism, Darwinism, and selfishness. I see a world being enslaved and conditioned in preparation for the total rule of the spiritually dead. These are the last days, for even as you read these words, the Gospel of the Kingdom is being received in all the world, in every nation. I am from the undivided. I have been anointed by the Holy Spirit. I have come to prepare you for your anointing, for a Christ seeks only to bring forth the Christhood in others. I am here to deliver the Truth that will set you free. I am your brother, the son of our Father, and the Gospel of the Kingdom is a witness to all the world, to all nations. My words are my witness. Prepare to see what has been hidden from you. The Secret Teachings are secret no more, for no-one can now silence them.

These are the hidden words that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote them down. Logion 1: He said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death." Meaning: Jesus said, It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries; Logion 62. That is to say, Jesus gave his teachings to those who were capable of understanding them. The sayings are allegorical references to spiritual knowledge, and can only be understood by those who have spiritual perception, in other words, those who are not ignorant of the spirit. The spiritually blind are those who are unable to perceive their true nature as a spiritual being, and therefore believe that they are no more than a physical being, and of the world. The spiritually deaf are those who cannot understand the language of the spirit. Jesus said quite often; Let those who have ears hear. When such people try to interpret the sayings, or indeed Bible scriptures, their logic and reasoning leads them to conclusions based on materiality and so the true meanings remain hidden to them, leaving them confused, and at best with false interpretations. Those who can interpret the sayings, because they have spiritual perception, have found life. Jesus said To those who have a little, more will be given. Jesus said in Matthew 11:25; O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, I thank you for hiding these things from the clever and intelligent and for showing them to mere children. KJV This is why Jesus said IN Matthew 18:2; Unless you change your whole outlook and become like little children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. KJV It should be noted here that the Church has taught that we are born sinners, and yet Jesus teaches that you must become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, which refutes the Churches teaching, because Jesus would not instruct people to become sinners. Will not experience death This refers to the avoidance of experiencing death. Those who believe that they are of the world (a physical being), will naturally assume that this refers to the death of the physical body. Those who believe that they are a spiritual being may come to the conclusion that their existence can also be terminated, but neither of these assumptions is correct, because spiritual beings do not cease to exist. Death is the absence of awareness. There are two conditions of death. The first is the complete absence of spiritual perception, experienced by those who believe that they are no more than a physical being, a 2

biological programmed machine. They see themselves as a part of materiality, hence, of the world. Jesus referred to such people as the dead. See: Matthew 8:21 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. 22But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. KJV As you can see, when Jesus referred to the dead burying the dead, he was referring to the spiritually dead burying the physically dead. The other condition of death is the time before reincarnation when the mind is completely emptied and awareness ceases until the Self is reborn as if a new soul. Those who find the interpretations of the sayings will not experience death in this world or in the afterlife. Because of this, they will have eternal uninterrupted life. The teachings have been hidden from the dead to prevent persecution of the living. Those who are able to understand the sayings, and believe with sincerity, will be known as the sons of God. See John1:3 Beloved, now are we the sons of God. KJV It is not enough to simply read the interpretations, one must see and understand the Truth in them, and recognise it in the heart. Also find in John 8:51 Believe me when I tell you that if anybody accepts my words, he will never see death at all. KJV It is quite clear here that Christians are required to accept the word of Jesus to gain eternal life. This is quite different to the Churches teaching that you are required to believe on his name. Jesus was killed because he challenged the authority of the temple priests who were materialistically minded and without spiritual perception. After Jesus was killed they began to eradicate his teachings and followers. Materialistically minded men then began a power grab for what remained of Jesus Church, but because they had no spiritual perception their reasoning led them to embellish and adulterate the teachings to suit their materialistic minds. In the scriptures you will find the word of Jesus and his disciples, (at least what is left of them), and you will also find the doctrines of the materialistic. Truly the blind have led the blind towards death. Those who have a little will now be given more, and they will live and not experience death, but eternal life. Logion 2: Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All." Meaning: Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds 3

To seek is to question. To continue seeking is to question beyond ones own beliefs and the beliefs of others. That which we desire to be true is not always true, and so one must look beyond what one personally desires to be true. But there is more than this because one must be prepared to be completely honest with the Self, even if what you find is not what you like. It is the beliefs that make the soul imperfect which are our demons, and so they must be found, recognised, and cast out. The Self is a perfect being, it is only that which is in the mind that is imperfect and the cause of imperfect actions. There are two things that you must search for. They are the Truth which is judged according to the laws of Love/God, as being good and right to all souls, and there is the true nature of the Self as a spiritual being, which is not a material/physical thing and not of the world. The Truth is that which cannot fall and it has no fear of questioning. Those who refute questioning with such sayings as; God works in mysterious ways, are those who fear to search, and require others to do the same also, for fear of what might be found or realised. The Truth is unchangeable. Knowledge of the material is knowledge of that which is without life. Jesus said, Whoever has come to understand the world has found (only) a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world, Logion 56. The knowledge that is profitable to life is knowledge of life itself, and that is why it was said that you must come to know yourself. It is the nature of ones own being that is eventually found. Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. KJV Ask, fearing not what will be given you. If you question with honesty when seeking the Truth you will receive the Truth. When you knock on a door it is because you desire that it be opened, so seek with the intention of finding. Those who ask for the Truth do so by questioning, and it is to these that Truth is given. When he finds, he will become troubled. When you find the Truth you will become troubled, because it is one thing to believe that you are a spiritual being, and another thing to have that belief confirmed. In that moment of Self realisation, your perception of reality is changed and as the veil falls, another part of reality is revealed and confirmed. Your consciousness will expand beyond the confines of what you will realise, was a small and ignorant space in your mind; a space almost overwhelmed by a virtual reality; an illusion in which conformity replaced freedom. It is the time when the Self is set free. It is also the time when many things held in belief begin to collapse and dissolve into nothing. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished Yes you will become troubled, but for only a very short time and as you realise that you are not in the world or a part of it, but instead as if on the outside looking in, you will realise that your mind is the domain that you exist in, and that it is both a fortress and a prison, a prison whose walls feel as far away as the edge of the Universe.

Yes, you will become astonished, and you will realise that you are like a gardener and your mind like a garden, in which you decide what is planted there. It is a place where only you have authority. You realise that you are its master, and your own master. You are an immortal spiritual being, blessed with free will and the creator of your own destiny. and he will rule over the All What now for a spirit that is truly free; truly their own master? It is sentient (living, conscious, aware) life that is able to rule over all that is not sentient. The Self controls its mind, through which it controls the physical body, which in turn, interacts with the world. The All is the substance from which all reality is formed, this includes both the spiritual and material forms, including of course the Self and mind. In Logion 77, Jesus said, Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there. He was referring to the All that he was a part of. The ALL is everything, everywhere. The All is the One, that everything, everywhere is a part of. To rule over the All is to become free. Free from conformity, fear and illusion, free from need, condemnation, conflict and suffering. Those who rule over the All become known as sons of God. To rule over the all a soul must become both Self realised and perfected in Love and Truth. Only this ends the cycle of death and reincarnation. Only this allows entry into Heaven, where the Self is released from its prison and shares Gods domain. What greater gifts can a man give another, that he teach him Truth, set him free, Love him as a brother, and suffer and die for these things. Logion 3: Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty." Meaning: Simply put, your mind is the Kingdom, or rather a part of it, as are other peoples minds. So you should not believe those who tell you that the Kingdom is in the material realm, for example in the sky or the sea. 5

The mind is the spiritual Selfs personal domain. Each spiritual being, including God, has their own personal domain (mind), and so the Kingdom is inside of you and outside of you. You are the king of your own personal domain. It is you who has complete authority over your mind. It is the place where the Self resides, and so the Kingdom is inside of you and outside of you, but the Kingdom outside of you, is not yours. What you have is a part of the Kingdom, and other souls have their parts too. That is why it is said that the Kingdom is spread across the earth, but people do not see it. The Kingdom that you have is finite, but the Fathers Kingdom is infinite. The Fathers Kingdom is known as Heaven, it is a place of absolute Love and Truth. How then can the Kingdom be in the sky or the sea, or anywhere in the material realm? Coming to know yourself requires the ability to discern the difference between the Self, the mind, and the things of the world. For this you must first realise what is physical/material, and what is not. When you come to know yourself then you will become known to those who already know themselves, it is then also that you get Gods attention. If you will not come to know yourselves, then your Kingdom is a place of poverty, and a poor Kingdom makes its King poor. Love and Truth are the only things of worth, they are the treasure that makes a King rich, and they are the treasures of Heaven. Those who are blind and deaf to the spirit (the dead), choose the things and the ways of the world, and because their mind is materialistic they are known as Kings of the earth. It is such people who have lost themselves. Jesus said in Matthew 6:36; For what does it profit a man that he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? KJV The teaching of materiality in place of spirituality is true heresy. Logion 4: Jesus said, "The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life, and he will live. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same." Meaning: The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life, and he will live.

The man always represents the spiritual Self, the I in I AM. The man old in days is the soul which pre-exists the physical body. The seven day old child is the physical body that the soul finds itself in. The soul, when it begins its life journey in the world, realises that it is the life and because of this, it lives. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same. There is the soul and there is the physical body. The soul existed before the physical body and so is first. When the soul comes to believe that it is the physical body it becomes last. It is then that the two become one, because the soul sees no difference. NB: The Self, the mind and the body are three separate and distinct things. Logion 5: Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest. Meaning: That which is in your sight is sight itself, the observer that is you. If you recognise this, your Self will become plain to you. In Truth you cannot hide from yourself, you can only choose to ignore or deny the nature of what you are. It is as if the Self hides from itself in plain view of itself. That which is obvious is usually the most difficult to see, but once pointed out, one wonders why it wasnt seen. The Self is incredibly obvious, but people are taught only to recognise things that are material, things of the world. If you look into a mirror it is not the Self that you see, but rather it is the outer shell of the physical body, you see the puppet but not the puppet master. Seeing the world begins with the physical eyes, but physical eyes can never see what is seen in the mind. Recognise what is in your sight; It is that which is looking; It is the Self. Logion 6: His disciples questioned him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we observe?" Jesus said, "Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of heaven.

For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered." Meaning: Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate You must do what is in your heart. To do otherwise is to do what you hate, and make yourself a liar and a deceiver. for all things are plain in the sight of heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered. That which is in the mind cannot be hidden from the Self, You must always be sincere in what you do. You can hide what is in your mind and heart from others, but you cannot hide them from yourself. Even when you live in denial of what you know, such things do not leave you, instead they wait silently to condemn you at the first chance they get. Honesty is Truthfulness, and it is only by recognising ones faults that they can be dealt with, and things made better. Logion 7: Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man. Meaning: The lion represents the Self image of being a physical body. The man represents the true image of being a spiritual being To consume is to overcome or destroy The mind is divided by two Self images until one is consumed and then the mind becomes undivided. Blessed is the man who knows their true identity Cursed is the man who believes that he is no more than a physical being, a child of the world. Jesus referred to them as the dead. See: Matthew 8:22 - But Jesus said to him, "Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead." KJV Logion 8: 8

And he said, "The man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of small fish. Among them the wise fisherman found a fine large fish. He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish without difficulty. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear." Meaning: The fish represents the souls of people. Their size is related to their spiritual awareness and their desire for Love and Truth. The small fish are left until they grow, change their hearts. The man is of course Jesus, the people that he chose to teach are represented as large fish. Logion 9: Jesus said, "Now the sower went out, took a handful (of seeds), and scattered them. Some fell on the road; the birds came and gathered them up. Others fell on the rock, did not take root in the soil, and did not produce ears. And others fell on thorns; they choked the seed(s) and worms ate them. And others fell on the good soil and it produced good fruit: it bore sixty per measure and a hundred and twenty per measure." Meaning: See also Matthew 13:3-8 The meaning is spelt out quite well in the Gospel of Mark Mark 4:13-20 - Then he continued, "Do you really not understand this parable? Then how are you going to understand all the other parables? The man who sows, sows the message. As for those who are by the roadside where the message is sown, as soon as they hear it Satan comes at once and takes away what has been sown in their minds. Similarly, the seed sown among the rocks represents those who hear the message without hesitation and accept it joyfully. But they have no real roots and do not last when trouble or persecution arises because of the message, they give up their faith at once. Then there are the seeds which were sown among thorn-bushes. These are the people who hear the message, but the worries of this world and the false glamour of riches and all sorts of other ambitions creep in and choke the life out of what they have heard, and it produces no crop in their lives. As for the seed sown on good soil, this means the men who hear the message and accept it and do produce a crop - thirty, sixty, even a hundred times as much as they received." Logion 10: Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes.

Meaning: Jesus delivered the Truth which caused a fire in the minds of those who heard it, a fire that destroyed the lies in mens minds, and he was guarding that fire until it blazed. In the harvest the wheat (Truth) is separated from the tares/weeds (lies) and the tares are burnt, while the grain (Truth) is stored in the barn (heart). Logion 11: Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?" Meaning: This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. Heaven refers to the Kingdom within, which is generally known as the mind. The Self or that which you refer to as I, is a spiritual being. It is the Self that is aware. The mind is the place where the Self resides, it is the Selfs domain/Kingdom. The Kingdom is within and the Self is within the Kingdom. The Self is the King of its domain; the Self is the ruler of its mind/Kingdom. The mind is called Heaven because it was once a part of the Fathers Kingdom. The Self requires a mind of its own so that it can experience consciousness. Of course, the piece of Heaven that is given to each of us is first emptied of knowledge, and it becomes a Virgin Mind. Remember that the mind is a piece of Heaven. So, the divided mind that you have now will pass away, and the one above it (the undivided mind) will pass away, because eventually you will return to the Fathers Kingdom and share the Fathers Domain/Mind/Heaven. At that time of perfection, the barrier that encapsulates the soul is removed. The mind is a prison that you are released from. The dead are not alive and the living will not die. The living are those who have come to know themselves as a spiritual being. They are the ones that have searched for and found the answer to the most important question, WHAT AM I? This of course, changes the Selfs whole perception and understanding of life, which in turn effects desires and also frees the Self from fear. The dead are those who have not come to know themselves as spiritual beings, because of this they live as slaves to the world and materiality, never finding peace, always struggling and suffering, they live in the darkness of ignorance. The living will not die, they will not fall into the darkness of ignorance again, and their life journey will not have been wasted. They will not have to reincarnate back into the world with another Virgin Mind to try again. 10

In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. It is the mind that allows the Self to experience life, because without the mind the Self would experience nothing. It is the Self that is aware, and it is the things in the mind that the Self is aware of. There is the observer and the observed. The physical body has no life, it is the Self that animates the physical body and gives it the appearance of being alive. Now if the Self believes that it is the physical body, then it is actually experiencing being that which has no life. It is experiencing death and the Self is living in an ignorant mind. When you come to know yourself you consume that ignorance in the mind, you burn it up, and in doing so you make the Self what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? When you come to know yourself the darkness of ignorance is destroyed; it is then that you dwell in the Light of Truth, what will you do then? How will you live your life? How will this change your desires? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do? The day that you were one is the day that you saw the soul and body as one. When you become two you see the soul and body as two different things, in other words, you realise the difference between that which is spiritual and that which is material. So, when you realise the difference, what will you do? Logion 12: The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?" Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being." Meaning: Heaven and earth came into being for life and its perfection in Love and Truth. James was the only one capable of teaching as Jesus did, because he had come to know himself and the Father. When Jesus departed, it was James who became the new leader. The Universe was created to serve souls. Souls were not created to serve the Universe. Souls existed before the Universe came into being. Logion 13: Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to someone and tell me whom I am like. Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a righteous angel." Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher." Thomas said to him, "Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like." Jesus said, "I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have measured out." And he took him and withdrew and told him three things. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked him, "What did Jesus say to you?"


Thomas said to them, "If I tell you one of the things which he told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; a fire will come out of the stones and burn you up. Meaning: Compare me to someone and tell me whom I am like. Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a righteous angel." Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher They did not realise that Jesus was the son of God Thomas said to him, "Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like." Thomas held Jesus in such high esteem (recognising his Truth and Divinity) that he could not find the words to describe him. Jesus said, "I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have measured out." Thomas called Jesus master, but because Thomas had understood Jesus teachings on a deep and personal level, Jesus told him I am not your master, meaning that Thomas had become a free spirit. Thomas could see and hear what the others could not at that time. And he took him and withdrew and told him three things. The three things that Jesus told Thomas are: 1. They say to me what they think will please me, because they are still blind and do not yet realise who I am. They see the body which is the clothes, but do not see the one wearing them. 2. Satan is not a spiritual being. It is a Self identity created because of ones ignorance to their true nature as a spiritual being. Because of the self-created, false identity of being a physical body, the Self acts according to the rules of the world. It is this Satan consciousness that divides the mind, it blinds a person to the Spirit and Truth, and it is the cause of temptation and sin. When a person has a divided mind, it is because Satan is within them, and it is they who are Satan. 3. Those who have heard my voice and have understood are my true brothers. But those who have heard my voice and not understood are not yet my brothers. They listen and try to do as I teach them, but they merely conform to my will, rather than their hearts, which take them another way because they are little faiths. They do what they think is good seeking only acceptance. If I tell you one of the things which he told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; a fire will come out of the stones and burn you up. Stones represent hard words of judgement, the things that the disciples would say to Thomas. The fire represents the passion of anger, and it is such passion that causes fire in the mind. In the beginning, the disciples found the teachings of Jesus hard to understand which lead to Jesus becoming frustrated with them. The following scriptures should also be taken into account, concerning the reference to Satan being within the person.


Matthew 16:22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. KJV Logion 14: Jesus said to them, "If you fast, you will give rise to sin for yourselves; and if you pray, you will be condemned; and if you give alms, you will do harm to your spirits. When you go into any land and walk about in the districts, if they receive you, eat what they will set before you, and heal the sick among them. For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but that which issues from your mouth - it is that which will defile you." Meaning: If you fast, you will give rise to sin for yourselves To give rise to sin for the Self is to cause ones own temptation. See also Logion 6. If you pray, you will be condemned If you pray as you have been taught by others, then you will be condemned for your lack of faith in the Father to provide what you need. Jesus taught them the proper manner of praying when he taught them the Lords Prayer which is as follows: Our Father which are in Heaven, Hallowed by thy name (Praise the Father with Love, which is true worship) Thy Kingdom come (Let my Kingdom (mind) be as yours) Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Let us Love one another and live by the Truth) Give us this day our daily bread (Give us the food that feeds the hungry spirit) And forgive us our debts as we forgive others (Forgive us for what we have done wrong, as we forgive those who have done wrong to us) And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Guide us with your Spirit) For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen. (For yours is Heaven, and the greatest power (Love and Truth) and your greatness is unsurpassed). The correct way to pray then is to express ones Love for the Father and each other, to ask for guidance and forgiveness, and for strength. These things must be sincere, from the heart, and not merely to exalt the Self before others. It is wrong to ask for things of the world. It is wrong to offer the Father things of the world. It is wrong to ask the Father to act against the will of another, and thereby removing that persons freedom of will. It is wrong to ask the Father to punish another. It is wrong to exalt oneself over others, to the Father. So you see Jesus was teaching that if you pray in the old way you would be condemning yourself. If you give alms, you will do harm to your spirits What you have to consider is that this teaching was meant directly for the disciples, who must be beyond reproach. To be in a position to give charity, means that you have more than you need. To accumulate more than you need gives you security, but it is security that is dependent on worldly 13

things, which of course harms your spirit. The disciples were to teach others to give up the world, and they could only do this if they were seen to have given up the world themselves. Remember that Jesus was teaching a new way, different to the one that was taught by others. Alms are food, money or other donations given to the needy and poor, they are given as charity. There are two points to take note of here. If you are able to give material things to others then it is because you have more than them in the first place. Those who rely on charity are more blessed than those able to give it. Jesus told his disciples to go out in the world with nothing, see: Luke 9:3 And he said unto them, Take nothing for your journey, neither staves, nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece. To do otherwise would make them look like hypocrites when they taught others to turn from worldly things. The soul needs nothing that is of the world, to think that it does, is harmful to the spirit. When you go into any land and walk about in the districts, if they receive you, eat what they will set before you Ask for nothing for your services, and accept only the food that they give you freely. and heal the sick among them. It is not the physical bodies of the people that Jesus and the disciples were concerned with healing, but rather it was their souls. For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but that which issues from your mouth - it is that which will defile you. It is not what you eat or drink that harms your soul, but rather it is the words that you speak in error, so be careful of what you say. Logion 15: Jesus said, "When you see one who was not born of woman, prostrate yourselves on your faces and worship him. That one is your father." Meaning: The spiritual Self is not born of physical woman, not born of the flesh. It is the way of those without a degree of spiritual sight, that when they see a person they see them as a physical being. All spiritual beings were once a part of the Father who shed them as a flower sheds seeds. When a soul is perfected in the ways of the Father, it becomes a perfect image of the Father. The Father becomes the son, and the son becomes the Father. When you see such a persons spirit, you are seeing the Father. It is then with great humility that you should worship (Love) that person.


Logion 16: Jesus said, "Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire, sword, and war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the son against the father. And they will stand solitary." Meaning: There can be no peace in the world as long as there are those who hate the Truth or are unable to see it. Jesus delivered the Truth which caused the fire of torment in the minds of those who did not want it. The Truth turned people against each other. The sword is the Truth that wounds the Satan consciousness. When you stand alone with nothing that can be taken from you, then you will enter the Kingdom. It is those who have come to know themselves that stand alone. Love and Truth are the things that cannot be taken from you. Logion 17: Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind." Meaning: It is the physical senses that cannot see, hear or touch that which is spiritual, therefore the things to be given were spiritual, the secrets of the Self and the Kingdom. The human mind is the divided mind, and that which never occurs to the divided mind, is the Selfs true nature as a spiritual being. Logion 18: The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death." Meaning: The beginning was with the Father in Heaven and the end is that way also. Blessed is he who comes to know himself and chooses the way of the Father, for he will know the Father and Heaven and he will have eternal Life. Logion 19:


Jesus said, "Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. If you become my disciples and listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death." Meaning: Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. Blessed are the children of God, who existed as a part of God before they became Gods children. Consider this to be like a flower and its seeds. The flower produces the seeds which are a part of itself and from itself, and so the seeds existed as the flower before they then existed as seeds. So like Gods children they came into being before they came into being. If you become my disciples and listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. Jesus likened hard words to stones, saying that his words would minister to them i.e. take care of and guide, (as opposed to the words of other teachers that would harm them). For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall. The five trees that remain unaffected are trees of knowledge, in other words the five parts of the Absolute Truth. The five trees are: 1. Life Perfect awareness, seeing with clarity and from which nothing is hidden. This tree is reached through Self realisation. 2. Knowledge of good and evil, revealing all that is knowable, both right and wrong. 3. Wisdom Perfect reasoning, revealing the Absolute Truth of what is right. 4. Love Perfect desire, righteous pleasures. 5. Peace Perfect willpower, expressing righteous ways of contentment. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death. Whoever is a friend to these trees will not experience the death spoken of in Logion 1. Paradise refers to Gods Kingdom. These trees never lose anything that is of them, and they remain undisturbed in the good times and the troubled times.


Logion 20: The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us what the kingdom of heaven is like." He said to them, "It is like a mustard seed. It is the smallest of all seeds. But when it falls on tilled soil, it produces a great plant and becomes a shelter for birds of the sky." Meaning: Even the smallest of Truth likened to the mustard seed, can grow very large and eventually fill the mind. The tilled soil is the fertile mind where Truth can grow. When the Truth has grown it becomes a place of safety and rest (security and peace). Birds of the sky search for seeds to feed on just as souls search for grains of Truth which is spiritual food. A bird will always choose to rest close to its food supply. Think of the mind of Jesus when thinking of the great plant, and think of those that he taught as the birds of the sky. The seeds of Truth in Jesus mind fell into the minds of those he taught. Consider also the parable of the sower: Matthew 13:8 But others fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. KJV The Kingdom of Heaven is the mind filled with Love and Truth, i.e. the mind that has become like the Fathers mind. The Kingdom of heaven contains only Love and Truth. The field refers to the mind Birds of the sky, refers to disciples of the spirit. Logion 21: Mary said to Jesus, "Whom are your disciples like?" He said, "They are like children who have settled in a field which is not theirs. When the owners of the field come, they will say, 'Let us have back our field.' They (will) undress in their presence in order to let them have back their field and to give it back to them. Therefore I say, if the owner of a house knows that the thief is coming, he will begin his vigil before he comes and will not let him dig through into his house of his domain to carry away his goods. You, then, be on your guard against the world. Arm yourselves with great strength lest the robbers find a way to come to you, for the difficulty which you expect will (surely) materialize. Let there be among you a man of understanding. When the grain ripened, he came quickly with his sickle in his hand and reaped it. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear." Keywords: The meaning of the word FIELD 17

In a literal sense field does not represent the world, rather it represents a part of the world that is cordoned off and owned by someone. The owner of a field has full authority over it, and uses it to make a profit for himself. The owner of a field is therefore its controller. In the spiritual sense field refers to the mind, the mind of each individual spiritual being. So the mind belongs to the Self. Your mind belongs to you, my mind belongs to me. The meaning of the word THIEF A thief is one who tries to steal the field/mind of another person by taking control of it. If you take control of a persons mind you take control of the person/spiritual being. They then do your will. In effect, you become their master and they become your slave. Since the mind belongs to the Self, it can only be taken over by someone else with the use of deception. The basis of such deception relies on the one being deceived not knowing themselves as a spiritual being, and instead being led to believe that they are a physical being. When this is accomplished, a person may be manipulated by the use of fear or the promise of reward. If you hand over the authority over your life to someone else, or even the responsibility for your actions, then you have handed over control of your field/mind to someone else, and you are not free. Only the Truth will set you free. The mind is the Selfs Kingdom; the Self is its ruler until that authority is surrendered to someone else. It is then that the Self is no longer its own master. The meaning of the word UNDRESS The physical body is the clothes of the soul, the mind is the garments that cover the Self, i.e. the spiritual being that you are. These garments are made of all that you believe and have faith in. To undress is to lay down your beliefs and faith, because you have been convinced that they are wrong, but that doesnt necessarily mean that they were wrong, it just means that you didnt have enough faith. The meaning of the word WORLD In the spiritual sense, world refers to the collection of many minds, i.e. the collective consciousness, the Kingdom within that is spread across the world, but men do not see it. Meaning of Logion 21: They are like children who have settled in a field which is not theirs. Children are not their own master, they have not come to know themselves, and they are unsure what Truth is. The mind/field that they have settled into is under the control of others, and so it is not their field, because they have not taken ownership of it. They are not allowed to do their own will. When the owners of the field come, Jesus was giving them knowledge of themselves, thereby allowing them to take ownership of their minds/fields. However, other people like the Pharisees claimed the right of ownership to the disciples minds/fields, i.e. they claimed the right to control what the disciples believed and had faith in. Anyone


who claims the right to rule what a person believes or has faith in, is claiming ownership of that persons mind/field. they will say, 'Let us have back our field. This means, believe what we say and conform to our will. It means dont believe what that other person has told you, we are your masters. 'They (will) undress in their presence in order to let them have back their field and to give it back to them. To undress is to lay down your faith, and what you have been taught to believe and conform. Giving back the field means giving back authority and control of your mind/field, to those who had it before, and are now requesting it again. There were many times that Jesus lamented the weakness of faith in his disciples. He knew that in the beginning the disciples would find it very difficult, if not impossible, to defend their faith when challenged. The rest of Logion 21 is a warning that the disciples should be prepared to defend their faith. Therefore I say, if the owner of a house knows that the thief is coming, he will begin his vigil before he comes and will not let him dig through into his house of his domain to carry away his goods. You, then, be on your guard against the world. The house represents the mind; it is the place where the Self lives. It is also known as domain or field. To dig through into the house, means to challenge the basis of a persons beliefs with materialistic logic and reasoning. The Pharisees tried such tactics on Jesus. To carry away a persons goods is to steal their treasure, which is the Love and Truth that they have. It is to destroy the beliefs and faith that a person has, leaving them with nothing. Arm yourselves with great strength lest the robbers find a way to come to you, for the difficulty which you expect will (surely) materialize. To arm yourself with great strength is to have faith and the wisdom to defend it. You must be certain that what you believe is true, not simply because you prefer it to be true, but because you have tested it and have seen or experienced the results. Let there be among you a man of understanding. A man of understanding is a person who has gained true wisdom, through unbiased contemplation, and through the Holy Spirit. When the grain ripened, he came quickly with his sickle in his hand and reaped it. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."


Grain means Truth, and so when the grain ripens it is quickly reaped and stored in the heart. It is then that a persons desires are made good and righteous Those who have ears to hear are those who recognise the Truth that they always had within them, but it was hidden. The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Logion 22: Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom." Meaning: These infants being suckled (also referred to as little children) do not have divided minds. They are innocents who have no darkness in their minds. They hide nothing and do not deceive. Their minds and their actions are pure and honest, and their light can be seen because they are in the Kingdom. When you make the two one What are you, a spiritual being or a physical being? If you have not come to know yourself, i.e. become Self-realised, then the Truth is that you are not absolutely certain one way or the other. This leaves you struggling with two egos, two Self-identities, each taking their turn as the master, and each driven by different desires and reasoning. It is our beliefs that we serve, and it is our beliefs that motivate our desires, and form a bias for our reasoning. If you have not come to know the true nature of your being, then you live in uncertainty serving two masters which divide the mind, the Christ consciousness and the Satan consciousness. First you serve one master (the spiritual Self-identity/ego) and then you serve the other (the physical Self-identity/ego). Both these identities act in opposition to each other, and they naturally cause the Self to sin and then repent. There can be no peace in a house with two masters, and so you must make the two divided minds into one undivided mind, i.e. you must come to know yourself; the true nature of your being as a spiritual entity. Self realisation is not merely believing that you are a spiritual being, because Self realisation requires the actual confirmation of experiencing/feeling the nature of the Selfs reality. It is realising the true meaning of I. When you make the inside like the outside It is not enough to make yourself appear to be good and righteous on the outside, you must also be good and righteous on the inside. You must not hide your true beliefs and feelings, simply to please others and gain their acceptance, because you would be deceiving others into accepting a lie, and you would be gaining what does not rightly belong to you, thereby making you a thief. It cannot be hidden 20

from the Self, that what you have gained is not rightly yours, and you will not feel a benefit from such actions, other than temporary security. and the outside like the inside This part is connected to the previous one. To make the outside like the inside is to be honest with others, and show your true feelings, just as little children do. You must throw away the masks that you wear. You must be who you are, and not what you want other people to believe you are, but are not. If you live in pretence then you live in the bondage of Self-hate. If you wear a mask it will hide your light, and cast a shadow on your mind and the Self. When you see someone not wearing a mask, you are seeing their heart. Children do not wear masks. the above like the below You must not exalt yourself above others. It is the little children that you look down on as if somehow you are superior to them, but it is those that you must become like, for it is they who are in the Kingdom, and therefore more superior. For all that the world has taught you, what is that knowledge worth? If it has not taken you into the Kingdom and it has not freed your spirit and brought you peace and knowledge of the Self, what has it profited you? If you are not as a little child, then you are superior to no-one. How then can you look down on anyone? And who but a little child can you look up to? Therefore, until you enter the Kingdom once more, be humble and when you do enter the Kingdom, you will neither look up to anyone, nor down at anyone, except for the one who is above them all, our Father. when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female There is no gender in the soul, and so regardless of the gender of the physical body, all souls are the same. Souls are made in the image of God that means there is only one image. It is only physical bodies that have a gender, as in male physical body or female physical body. When gender is used in relation to the spiritual, it is no more than an allegory. In spiritual terms the spiritual being is likened to the male, and the mind/domain is likened to the female, together they represent the soul. The supreme and first spiritual being is known as the Father. The Fathers mind/domain is known as Heaven, the Mother. Together they are known as God. It is the spiritual beings mind/domain that allows it to experience life. The experience of life is consciousness. So in relation to the soul, the male and the female are one and the same, and yet the soul is neither male nor female in relation to the physical body. when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye When you see beyond that which is physical/material with the spiritual eyes. and a hand in place of a hand, And when you give instead of taking 21

and a foot in place of a foot, And when your quest for knowledge/journey is a spiritual one, instead of a worldly one. and a likeness in place of a likeness; And when you come to know yourself as a spiritual being rather than a physical one. Then will you enter the Kingdom." Logion 23: Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one. Meaning: Only 1 in a 1,000 was capable of understanding and accepting the Truth, and out of those, only 2 in 10,000 had the Love required to live by the Truth. Those who are capable of understanding and accepting Truth are those that can come to know themselves as a spiritual being, and therefore can enter the Kingdom within. This Kingdom, which is within is like a room. It is their domain/mind, and in there, there is a doorway leading to Heaven, which is Gods Kingdom, Heaven, Home. However, this doorway will not open unless there is perfect faith in Love. The doorway is guarded by cherubim (Love) and the flaming sword of passionate Truth. So there is one in a thousand that recognise and accept Truth, but out of these, there is only 2 in 10,000 who are loving enough to become disciples, Sons of God, teachers. It is these that Jesus chose, and they became brothers and stood as one. Logion 24: His disciples said to him, "Show us the place where you are, since it is necessary for us to seek it." He said to them, "Whoever has ears, let him hear. There is light within a man of light, and he lights up the whole world. If he does not shine, he is darkness." Meaning: There is light within a man of light, The place where Jesus was as a spiritual being was of course, in his mind that had been made in the image of the Kingdom of Heaven. It was the mind of one who was Self realised as a spiritual being, and it was full of light because it contained only Love and Truth. His mind was like that of the Fathers. The soul that is full of light is Self realised, completely confident and fearless with an undivided mind that is at peace. That is to say, the Satan consciousness has been overcome and discarded. and he lights up the whole world.


The light from the mind radiates outward. It is not light that is visible to the physical eyes, but other souls are aware of it. Words cannot describe it other than they are somehow shining or glowing, and so other souls are left experiencing what they cannot explain. What is actually being realised by the observer is in a state of grace, confidence, fearlessness, peace, a free spirit that is full of Love and Truth, one who needs nothing, one whose search has ended. To a lesser degree it is like the effect felt when in the presence of someone of great fame. If he does not shine, he is darkness. It is that which is in the mind that determines the nature of the Self. If there is only light, then that person becomes as the light, because the light permeates the spiritual being. If a person does not shine it is because the Satan consciousness is still present in the mind, therefore that person becomes the darkness and they are unable to lead anyone into the light. All that is not perfect light is the darkness. Where there is loss of light, there is loss of spiritual sight, to the same degree, in other words, a measure of ignorance of unknowing and uncertainty. Logion 25: Jesus said, "Love your brother like your soul, guard him like the pupil of your eye. Meaning: Love your brother like your soul You must first Love yourself completely, because if you dont then what measure of love are you being asked to love your brother by? You cannot enter heaven while wearing the garments of Self-condemnation. It is not vanity to Love yourself for the Love and Truth that you carry. It is those who have no Love and Truth and yet exalt themselves above others, who are vain. Love others as you are loved by our Father, for we are all Gods children and not one of us is loved less than another. Love is not dependant on being pleased by someone. Guard him like the pupil of your eye The pupil of your eye is that which sees with spiritual sight, it is the awakened Self. So guard your brother as you guard yourself, i.e. Love one another as I have loved you. Logion 26: Jesus said, "You see the mote in your brother's eye, but you do not see the beam in your own eye. When you cast the beam out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to cast the mote from your brother's eye." Meaning:


You see your brothers ignorance of Truth, but you do not see your own, which is far greater. So when you have realised and corrected your own ignorance, then you can correct the ignorance of others. Until then, you are not qualified to teach or judge your brother. This saying also relates to the blind leading the blind. A person who believes that they have the Truth is one that has usually not questioned that Truth, but has merely accepted it as Truth from someone else, because it is what they prefer to be true. If you have not come to know yourself as a spiritual being, then how can you be sure what is true? If you believe that you are no more than a physical being then your reasoning will be based on that, and that is like a beam in the spiritual eye, preventing you from seeing the whole picture. In other words, your Truth comes from biased reasoning. Logion 27: Jesus said, "If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the father." Meaning: If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the Kingdom If you do not turn you attention from the world that is outside of you, you will not find the Kingdom which is within you. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the father If you do not observe the time of rest from the world, as a time for inner contemplation, then you will not be able to enter the Kingdom and be with the Father. Logion 28: Jesus said, "I took my place in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found all of them intoxicated; I found none of them thirsty. And my soul became afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts and do not have sight; for empty they came into the world, and empty too they seek to leave the world. But for the moment they are intoxicated. When they shake off their wine, then they will repent." Meaning: I took my place in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I came into the world as a spiritual being, but they saw only the physical body that I was using to interact with the world, and this is how they saw each other, as physical beings. They did not see the real me inside. I found all of them intoxicated.


I found them all under the influence of the world. I found none of them thirsty. I found none of them searching for spiritual knowledge, for all were looking outward instead of inward. And my soul became afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts and do not have sight. I felt sorrow for them because they cannot see what they are doing to each other and themselves, for they are lacking empathy because they do not have spiritual sight and only pay attention to their own feelings. Sons of men refers to those who believe their physical father is their true father. Son of man refers to those who know their true Father in Heaven. For empty they came into the world, and empty too they seek to leave the world. For without recognising the Truth they came into the world, and without recognising the Truth they seek to leave it. But for the moment they are intoxicated. When they shake off their wine, then they will repent. For the moment they are under the influence of the world. When they realise their true nature and turn from the world, they will feel sorrow for what they have done to others. Logion 29: Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty." Meaning: This is the big question isnt it? Is your awareness, desire, will, consciousness, no more than the product of a biological programmed computer called the brain? Which would mean that what we call the Self and the Mind came into being because of the flesh, and to serve the flesh, (a wonder of wonders). Or Is your awareness, desire, will, consciousness the product of something that is not biological, which existed before the flesh, and merely uses the flesh/body to interact with the world (a wonder)? If our beginning was that we first crawled out of some primordial swamp on to the land and then evolved into what we are today, then what would that mean?


Well first of all, crawling onto land would necessitate a conscious decision, which would mean that awareness, desire, will and consciousness were already in place. So if awareness, desire, will and consciousness were already in place as a biological program, then you have to consider how that complex program could possibly form. Could such a complex program form simply by chance from an infinite amount of random permutations? Can you imagine how many components would have to fall into perfect order that results in a program that creates awareness? If you took just 6 dice and threw them in turn, how many times would you have to do this until they all landed in sequence 1 to 6? Then of course, that program would need another program to replicate itself. If the flesh came before the spirit, then the flesh would not even know that it existed or in what environment it existed in. How and why then would it need to form awareness? Why would it need to change, why would it need to survive? You have heard the question; what came first, the chicken or the egg, now try this one; what came first, physical senses or awareness? Why would the flesh form physical senses if it had not yet developed awareness? If awareness had not yet developed then what would be the need to form physical senses? The flesh is made of atoms which have no useful purpose for awareness. The Self and the mind are not made of atoms, but they have a useful purpose for the flesh. What do you think came first, awareness or that which serves awareness? The great wealth is of course awareness, desire, will, consciousness, the Self. The poverty is the physical body. Logion 30: Jesus said, "Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him." Meaning: Where there is one God it is the Father. Where there are two Gods, it is the Father and the son of God At the time this saying was made, Jesus was the only one in the world who had eaten from the Tree of Life, which is the tree that is reached through Self realisation. Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. KJV


Jesus had become like the Father, he was the child of God who had come of age, having the same mind and desires of the Father. He was claiming to be a God. The Father becomes the son, the son becomes the Father. So where there are two Gods or one God, Jesus was with him, because the Kingdom of Heaven was within Jesus. Where there were three gods, they were false beliefs, hence the lower case g in gods. To be in perfect harmony with God is to be one with God, Jesus said, I and the Father are one. John 10:30 KJV A child cannot speak on behalf of his father, but a son can when he is of the same mind. In 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God This was the mission of Jesus, to give others the knowledge that would show them how to become sons of God, how to become one with God. Children are returned to the world, Sons go to be with the Father. Logion 31: Jesus said, "No prophet is accepted in his own village; no physician heals those who know him. Meaning: Here Jesus relates himself to the prophets. The people, who Jesus grew up around, could not accept that he was so special. They had become too familiar with him and saw him as an ordinary person, in the same way that they saw themselves. A physician is a healer and all healing requires an amount of faith from the person being healed. It is a thing that would be absent in close acquaintances. You cannot heal by faith those who have no faith in you. Logion 32: Jesus said, "A city being built on a high mountain and fortified cannot fall, nor can it be hidden. Meaning: A church being built on Truth and fortified with faith cannot fall, and the light within those of the church cannot be hidden. Logion 33:


Jesus said, "Preach from your housetops that which you will hear in your ear. For no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel, nor does he put it in a hidden place, but rather he sets it on a lamp stand so that everyone who enters and leaves will see its light." Meaning: Tell others the things that I teach you, do it openly and without fear. Let them see the light of your new mind and dont try to hide it. Do not be afraid to make public what is in your heart. There are some who hear the Truth, and in recognising it and understanding it, their lives are changed. Yet they try to hide the light it has created within, and they fear to speak the Truth they have received. The Truth is meant to be shared not hidden. To hide the Truth is to be ashamed of it, yet who can reject the Truth but those in most need of it. No-one hides a light unless they fear those living in darkness will reject them. What favour then will you have done them? What goodness will you have brought into their lives? Do not hide the Truth you have learned as if it were a sin. Do not hide your light, because those living in darkness will have no way out of the darkness, when they eventually realise where they are. Some will be drawn and some will not, but even one drawn to the light will mean you have become a saviour. Logion 34: Jesus said, "If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit." Meaning: If a man who does not have Truth, teaches a man who seeks the Truth, then both will suffer for their ignorance, and both will fall into the darkness. If a man who is spiritually blind becomes the teacher of a man searching for Truth, then they will both end up spiritually dead. To be spiritually dead is to be in complete ignorance of the spirit, and therefore the spiritual nature of the Self also. Logion 35: Jesus said, "It is not possible for anyone to enter the house of a strong man and take it by force unless he binds his hands; then he will (be able to) ransack his house." Meaning: The house represents the mind. The strength of the man is his confidence in his beliefs. You cannot make a man change his beliefs and accept yours unless you first destroy that confidence. If you can 28

show the man that his beliefs are in error, then he will be unable to argue and you can change his mind. It should also be realised that the houses of many loving souls are being ransacked by materialists. Think of how Jesus dealt with those who opposed him such as the Pharisees. Logion 36: Jesus said, "Do not be concerned from morning until evening and from evening until morning about what you will wear. Meaning: The morning until the evening is the time of light, it was the time that Jesus was with his disciples. His coming was the morning, and his leaving the world was the evening. The evening until the morning represents the darkness in the world that the disciples would have to endure, after Jesus left the world. It would last until the disciples found their own light within and became sons of God also. The physical body is the clothes that the soul wears, and you should not be concerned if these clothes (the physical body) is torn or stripped from you, because your true body is your spiritual body. What does it profit a man when he puts more importance on his physical body than on his soul, because there comes a time for everyone when their body is taken from them? It is the garments that the Self as a spiritual being wears that matters, and these garments are not physical or material. Logion 37: His disciples said, "When will you become revealed to us and when shall we see you?" Jesus said, "When you disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments and place them under your feet like little children and tread on them, then will you see the son of the living one, and you will not be afraid" Meaning: When will you become revealed to us When will the true nature of the Self become revealed to us? and when shall we see you? And when will we see the son of God? When you disrobe without being ashamed It is with the physical body that we hide the soul, and it is with the things in our mind that we hide the Self. We hide ourselves from others by putting on masks, and we hide from ourselves because we fear 29

what we may find and are afraid of. These are the garments of Self-condemnation, they are garments that the world gave you to wear, because you came into the world as an innocent, having made no choices and therefore innocent of any sin. It is with complete honesty that we must look at what the world has done to this child. We should accept the errors that we made in ignorance due to what we were taught, and not taught. When you see the Truth that Love teaches you, and you repent then are forgiven, and there is no shame in a debt paid for. and take up your garments Love one another, forgive others and you will be forgiven, and Love yourself for doing so. Then take your garments of Self-condemnation which have also led you to condemn others. and place them under your feet like little children and tread on them And discard them as little children discard their clothes and are not ashamed. then will you see the son of the living one Then you will see the son of the living one, the son of God that you have become. and you will not be afraid And you will be fearless, knowing that you are immortal and indestructible, knowing that you need nothing that is of the world. Logion 38: Jesus said, "Many times have you desired to hear these words which I am saying to you, and you have no one else to hear them from. There will be days when you will look for me and will not find me." Meaning: It is the Truth that Jesus delivered to the world, for the word was incomplete, hidden in part to hide the iniquity of those who chose to ignore it for the sake of Self pleasures, and because of those who interpreted it in good faith, but out of ignorance. Those who have not known God were unable to teach Gods word. There was no-one on earth but Jesus who was qualified to deliver the Truth that would bring salvation. There would be many days when the disciples would look for the soul of Jesus, but the real Jesus as a soul, would not be found until their perfection. The suffering in the world occurs because too many souls do not see each other. Instead they see only the physical. Logion 39: Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves." 30

Meaning: The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. In the Old Testament there is secret spiritual knowledge, but the Scribes and the Pharisees were blind to it because they were materialistically minded. They only understood things in materialistic terms and they would neither consider anything spiritual, nor allow the people to either. They had not recognised the Kingdom within, and so had not entered it, neither would they allow those who had become spiritually aware/awakened, to enter. The Scribes and the Pharisees taught of a god made in physical mans image, an all-powerful physical being that lives in the sky; a god with the mind and ways of selfish, ignorant, animalistic instincts; a god who was angry, vengeful and jealous; a god who incited murder, theft, and all kinds of atrocities; a god who was cruel and materialistic; a god who was a tyrant and was to be feared; a false god. This is not the God that Jesus spoke of; not the God who is loving, forgiving and understanding; not the God who revealed himself to Moses. If Abraham had known such a God of Love he would not have considered sacrificing his son, and instead, would have given his own life first. It is the way of the blind that they find peace only in power over others, and comfort in worldly possessions. They know nothing but their own feelings. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. Be as wise as those with evil hearts (serpents), and as innocent as those who do no harm (doves), for the Holy Spirit does no harm, and like a dove, it descends on those who are loving and truthful. The Law of God is the Law of Love, and from this Law comes all knowledge of righteous action. By this Law all suffering is ended, and peace is found in equality and harmony. The True Temple is not made of bricks or stone, it is not built by men with their hands. It is not even found in the world, and no earthly treasures may be stored there. The True Temple is the mind, and its treasure is Love and Truth and the keeper of such a Temple, leaves no suffering outside its door. It is this Temple and its Treasure that was hidden from the people, for in it is the revelation of those without Gods Word, and from such a place, the hearts of all souls are seen. Some build a temple to God, and some build a temple to the world. On my door it is written Dedicated to you. On the doors of the blind it is written; Dedicated to me. Prepare your Temple, throwing out all that is not of Love and Truth; make a place that is fit for the Holy Spirit to enter.


It is they who are blind to the House of God, that build temples in the world. Matthew 23:15. They search the world for a convert and when they find one, they make them twice as damned as they were; as it was, so it is, but for how long? The world has suffered enough through blind guides who build temples in the world, where they exalt themselves and their false gods. Lay down your weapons and tend to your brothers, for God is Love and it is by Love that all souls are judged, and every soul is a child of God. Logion 40: Jesus said, "A grapevine has been planted outside of the father, but being unsound, it will be pulled up by its roots and destroyed. Meaning: The grapevine referred to the teachings of the Pharisees and Scribes. Jesus was the true grapevine whose fruit were loving souls, (disciples and in fact all who would follow him). The vine that would be pulled up by its roots and destroyed was the teachings of the Pharisees and Scribes who were teaching a different way (the adulterated word). At the last supper Jesus said in Matthew 26:29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom. KJV. The fruit of the vines drink (the wine) is Love, and it is plain from what occurred after the last supper until his crucifixion, that he didnt feel the Love of others. How much does a soul have to endure to show the way? Jesus suffering and death was enough for the unloving to discard their guilt for their sins, but those who are loving and have heard the true message, would not let another suffer or die for what they have done wrong. They know that Jesus suffered and died to show the Way, not to avoid it. Logion 41: Jesus said, "Whoever has something in his hand will receive more, and whoever has nothing will be deprived of even the little he has. Meaning: Whoever has something in his hand will receive more Whoever has Love in their heart, will be able to invest that Love by giving it to others. When that Love is returned, he will have increased the Love in his life. and whoever has nothing will be deprived of even the little he has Whoever has no Love in their heart, will be derived of feeling the Love given to him by others.


Love is not just a warm fuzzy feeling. It is much more than that. It requires empathy so that one may share the feelings of others, and in feeling what the other person feels you become as one with them. Because of this, you share their sufferings and joy. Only by loving one another are we led to end suffering and care for each other, so that we may live in peace, harmony and mutual joy. Love is the Way that will end all of mankinds trouble. Those who have no empathy cannot experience the feelings of others, they cannot feel what others feel, so cannot feel any love given to them. It is such people who are capable of committing the most evil acts upon others, because they are blind and selfish. They are blind to the spirit and because of this, they see only the physical/material which they worship and hold to be the only realty, a reality that they believe they are a part of. It is people like this who force their beliefs on the world and our children. They are no respecters of life but their own, and they rise to positions of power and authority, seeking dominance rather than equality. If you have something in your hand, then dont let them take it away, dont let them set you against others, for that is their way. Logion 42: Jesus said, "Become passers-by." Meaning: Becoming a passer-by does not mean passing by those in need, because loving one another requires us to be compassionate, to care for each other. We must help those who we can and not pass them by. As a spiritual being we existed before this life journey in the world began, and we will still exist after this life journey has ended. We are here to learn how to love each other, how to live together in peace and harmony. We are here to learn the Truth about good and evil, about what is right and what is wrong, and to experience the results of each, thereby realising where these two paths that we may follow eventually end. That is to say, the end result and situation that mankind will experience by following one path or the other. If you follow both, you will never get to the end of either path. We are not here for the sake of the world, but for the sake of our own and each others souls. We must choose Love and Truth and pass the rest by. We must have no care for worldly things, because when this life journey is over all worldly things are left behind, including the physical body. Why then spend a lifetime competing for, arguing over and clinging to, things you cannot keep; things that will rob you of your place in Heaven? All that is of the physical/material is dead; it has no life, no sentience, except for that which the soul gives it the appearance of having. So place no importance on the world, pass it by, caring only for that which is living; the souls that the world was made for. You are just passing through it into the light. Logion 43: 33

His disciples said to him, "Who are you that you should say these things to us?" Jesus said to them, "You do not realize who I am from what I say to you, but you have become like the Jews, for they (either) love the tree and hate its fruit (or) love the fruit and hate the tree. Meaning: You do not realize who I am from what I say to you Jesus rebuked his disciples because they did not realise who he was, even though his teachings made it plain. They saw only his physical body. but you have become like the Jews, for they (either) love the tree and hate its fruit Love the tree and hate its fruit, is to Love what you are being taught, but hate living according to those teachings. What does it profit a man that he Loves the Truth but hates living according to it? People Love the Truth when it doesnt hurt them or is easy to live by. (or) love the fruit and hate the tree. To Love the fruit and hate the tree, is to Love living according to what you are taught, but hate the teachings when you are condemned by them. There are many who follow religious teachings because they enjoy being a part of a community. It makes them feel secure, accepted and righteous, but when those teachings cannot be adhered to in their personal lives, it reveals their unrighteousness, and so they secretly hate those teachings, because they have to hide their deficiency from others. If you desire Truth then you must be prepared for what it may reveal; you must be completely honest with yourself and be prepared to be humbled. Physical pain reveals harm to the body, and it is only by recognising that harm that we seek to treat it and make the body well again. Spiritual harm to the soul is no different. If we ignore the pain the harm can only get worse. Therefore, face yourself with honesty and seek the healing needed revealed by Truth, then you will Love the tree and its fruit. Logion 44: Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes against the father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven either on earth or in heaven. Meaning: A person may curse God or Gods son, and they will be forgiven if they have Love in their heart, because they are still able to accept forgiveness. However, to curse the Holy Spirit is to curse Love. It is only possible to curse Love with sincerity if Love is absent from the heart and when it is absent, that person can neither give or receive forgiveness, and indeed sees no need to. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit


of Love, it is that which reveals and delivers the Word of God, and anoints with Gods Love. To be anointed is to become a Christ, a Son of God. Love reveals all Truth necessary to enter Heaven. Logion 45: Jesus said, "Grapes are not harvested from thorns, nor are figs gathered from thistles, for they do not produce fruit. A good man brings forth good from his storehouse; an evil man brings forth evil things from his evil storehouse, which is in his heart, and says evil things. For out of the abundance of the heart he brings forth evil things." Meaning: Followers are not gathered from unloving souls, because they are unable to spread Love. It is what is in the heart i.e. a persons true desires that determine his/her actions and attitude towards others. A person will act according to their desires which are based on their perception of what is true and the nature of their being. There are loving souls and souls with no Love. There is no point in teaching unloving souls to spread Love. Jesus was teaching his disciples about which kind of person they should invest their time teaching to, and the ones that they should not waste their time on. Note: Jesus refers to the heart as the storehouse which, in the reaping, is the barn where the grain (Truth) is stored. Logion 46: Jesus said, "Among those born of women, from Adam until John the Baptist, there is no one so superior to John the Baptist that his eyes should not be lowered (before him). Yet I have said, whichever one of you comes to be a child will be acquainted with the kingdom and will become superior to John." Meaning: Among those born of women, from Adam until John the Baptist, First of all, notice that it says that Adam was born of a woman. This of course does not refer to a physical woman. It refers to the female aspect of the soul, which is the mind. The soul has no gender, so any references to gender are merely analogies. For instance, Father, Mother, Son, Wife. So, Among those born of women means spiritual beings born of the mind. It is the spiritual being (the Self) that is capable of awareness, but unless there is something to be aware of, the Self remains in a dormant state, not even knowing of its own existence. The mind is required so that the Self has something to be aware of, and so the Self is born of the mind. It is through the mind that the Self experiences life.


At the time when John was baptising people there was no other soul so superior to him that their eyes should not be lowered in his presence. Even Jesus lowered his eyes when he was being baptised by John. This was because at that time, Jesus had not yet entered the Kingdom. If he had, he would not have had to go into the desert to fast from the world, and be tempted. John the Baptist was perfected in the Word (Love and Truth), but he had not come to know himself as spiritual being. Little children know themselves as a spiritual being, and therefore they are in the Kingdom. They have not yet been wrongly convinced that they are physical beings. This is why it was said that a child, or someone that becomes like a child, (comes to know themselves as a spiritual being once more) will become superior to John. Logion 47: Jesus said, "It is impossible for a man to mount two horses or to stretch two bows. And it is impossible for a servant to serve two masters; otherwise, he will honour the one and treat the other contemptuously. No man drinks old wine and immediately desires to drink new wine. And new wine is not put into old wineskins, lest they burst; nor is old wine put into a new wineskin, lest it spoil it. An old patch is not sewn onto a new garment, because a tear would result." Meaning: It should be realised that the Pharisees were teaching a materialistic religion, which included a God who was a physical being; that Heaven and hell were material places, and that people, angels and demons were physical beings, this is why he referred to them as being blind because they were spiritually blind. Whereas Jesus taught that all these things were spiritual in nature. It is impossible for a man to mount two horses It is impossible for a man to be both materialistic and spiritual at the same time. or to stretch two bows. Because the strength of his faith would be halved And it is impossible for a servant to serve two masters; otherwise, he will honour the one and treat the other contemptuously. A person may believe that they are a spiritual being, or that they are a physical being. Whichever he believes in will honour, and he will treat the other contemptuously. Where there is uncertainty as to the true nature of the Self, the person may first choose to believe he is a spiritual being, and then choose to believe he is a physical being. What he believes, at any given time, depends then on what serves his desire. Having alternating beliefs creates a divided mind, and in it no peace can be found. It is the belief that you are a physical body that causes you to sin, and it is the belief that you are a spiritual being that causes you to suffer repentance. When you serve two opposing 36

beliefs alternately, you will honour each in turn and hate their opposite. It is who we believe we are that we serve. No man drinks old wine and immediately desires to drink new wine. No man who has been taught that he is a physical being (and has experienced pleasure through those beliefs) immediately desires to be taught that he is a spiritual being. And new wine is not put into old wineskins, lest they burst; Spiritual teachings are not taught to those whose faith is in the belief that they are physical beings, because it would be to much for them to accept. nor is old wine put into a new wineskin, lest it spoil it. Old teachings concerning materiality were not given to those being taught spiritual knowledge in case they spoiled the new spiritual teachings. An old patch is not sewn onto a new garment, because a tear would result." The Old Testament way of interpreting scriptures should not be used to interpret the New Testament or damage would occur as they pull apart. Logion 48 Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, 'Move Away,' and it will move away." Meaning: When the Self is uncertain of its true nature, either as a spiritual being or a physical being, it finds itself trapped between two opposing beliefs, which give rise to two Self-identities, i.e. I AM a spiritual being, I AM a physical being. This results in a split personality, a divided mind, and a divided heart. The two personalities are in a constant battle with each other, and whichever one is chosen for a while by the Self, the other condemns the Selfs actions. The Selfs only choices are either to accept the condemnation and suffer repentance, or to live in denial and ignorance. Some people actually create multiple personalities and act as if they were possessed by someone else, thereby allowing them to avoid blame for their actions. A divided mind means that the Self can find no peace, but the mind is only divided because the Self is unsure of its nature. The mind is the house that the Self, as a spiritual being, resides in. If there is to be peace in this house, then the Self must come to know its true nature as a spiritual being. It is then that the Selfs true personality becomes the master and the physical body becomes the contented servant. When there is peace and certainty in the mind, the will of the Self has no opposition and the mountain of uncertainty is moved away on command.


Uncertainty of ones true nature also causes uncertainty of what is Truth and so to be certain of what Truth is, you must first come to know yourself. The Kingdom that awaits within, is the undivided mind, it is the place of peace where Truth is revealed. Logion 49 Jesus said, "Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you will find the kingdom. For you are from it, and to it you will return." Meaning: Blessed are those who have come to know themselves. To be solitary is to realise that you are alone in the place that you inhabit as a spiritual being, alone in your mind, which is your domain. The mind is a fortress of solitude, a prison, it has been since you came into the world, and it will be that way until you are worthy of being released into Heaven. The Self cannot leave the mind until that time. You are not in the world or of it, even though you have the illusion that you are. Oh the world is real, just as real as you are, but it is of a different nature. That place that you reside in (the mind), is not a situation to be feared. It doesnt mean that when you come to know yourself you can no longer interact with the world, but it does mean that you realise that you are indestructible and immortal. It means that the world cant harm you. It cant touch you, and you do not depend upon it for your life. If you believe the illusion of being a part of the world, then you will remain a prisoner of the illusion, a servant of the illusion with all of its fear and temptations. If you have the courage to face who, what and where you are, then you will know Truth, and you will become counted with the elect, and you will find the Fathers Kingdom, for you are from it, and to it you will return. Your mind/domain was once a piece of Heaven, your Mother, it was given to you so that you may experience life outside of Heaven. In Genesis this piece of Heaven that was given to you, is referred to as Eve, your wife, but its a place you are afraid to look upon because you fear it will reveal your solitude. The illusion of being in the world and a part of it may help you feel more secure, but it will repay you with suffering. If you Love the world so much, then you will return to it for other life journeys, until you come to know yourself, and stand in the Holy Place, for denial cannot change the Truth of who you really are, a child of God, whose Father waits patiently at the gates for your return, while your will is done. Logion 50 Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where did you come from? say to them, 'we came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you? say, 'We are its children, we are the elect of the living father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father in you? say to them, 'It is movement and repose.'" 38

Meaning: The light is the first and Supreme consciousness. It is the union between the first and most powerful Spiritual Being (the Father), and the Fathers infinite domain/mind, (the Mother). It is known as God, the Self-begotten and God became known through its images, which are its children. we are the elect. We are Gods children who are favoured, because we have found Love and Truth and seek salvation. We have freely chosen the will of God of our own accord, without fear or coercion, because we know it is all that is good and right. We worship the Father through our Love and we Love each other. The sign of our Father in us is that we have searched and have found, and in that finding, we have found rest and peace. Logion 51 His disciples said to him, "When will the repose of the dead come about and when will the new world come?" He said to them, "What you look forward to has already come, but you do not recognize it. Meaning: If a person has not come to know themselves, and has not realised that they are a spiritual being, then they will naturally come to the conclusion that their whole being is a product of the material world. Following such conclusions will lead that person to reason that even their consciousness, their awareness of their existence and of the world, is a product of the physical body, and therefore a product of the material world. Material things are made of atoms, and atoms cannot experience awareness, consciousness or life, no matter what structures they are formed into. That which is material, cannot experience life, it cannot live, and therefore all that is of the material world is regarded as dead. If a person regards themselves as being a part of the world, then they regard themselves as dead also, and it is such people who are referred to as the dead. Awareness, consciousness, thoughts and that which is experiencing them, are not material things, they are not made of atoms, therefore, they are not a part of the world. If a person cannot consciously recognise the difference between their soul and their physical body, then they become blind to the Self and to other souls also. How can a person experience life if they do not recognise what it is that is living? And how confined and restricted is their consciousness, reasoning, and understanding, when they cannot even recognise the Self? The dead walk amongst us, digging graves for all that they find. They worship the world for they think it is their creator. They wound those who are seeking life. They blind those who struggle to see. They ridicule the loving for they have no empathy. They wash their hands in the blood of the innocent in their pursuit of wealth and power. When they come to know themselves, how much will they have to bear? The dead can find no rest in the world because they can never satisfy their desires. They see only a finite life that has no purpose, other than to be enjoyed regardless of the feelings and needs of others. The whole of mankind remains in death or near death until one finds life and raises others to life. He is the Christ, the one who has found life and has risen from the dead. He is the fully awakened soul, a Saviour. He is a Christ anointed by the Holy Spirit, calling others to their Christhood; their anointing. 39

As a Christ Jesus stood before them, and he saw in his mind a new world, but they did not recognise that what they had looked forward to, was in their presence. When you come to know yourself and realise that Love is the Way, you too will become anointed by the Holy Spirit, and you will see a New Heaven and New Earth, and you will realise that it is you who is a son of the living Father. No soul is born anointed, it was as difficult to achieve for Jesus as it is for any soul, and even more difficult for him, because he found the Truth without the help of teachers. It was the same for Buddha in his quest for enlightenment. Did Jesus not call others brothers? Did he not refer to his father as our Father? Did he not say you too can become like me? Logion 52 His disciples said to him, "Twenty-four prophets spoke in Israel, and all of them spoke in you. He said to them, "You have omitted the one living in your presence and have spoken (only) of the dead." Meaning: The twenty four prophets had all spoken righteousness as Jesus did, but Jesus referred to them as dead because they had not come to know themselves. The prophet that the disciples had not mentioned was Jesus, who stood in their presence, and because he had come to know himself as a spiritual being, he referred to himself as the one living. There are many who speak the Truth, but they have no foundations for that Truth, they have no empirical evidence for themselves concerning the validity of what they teach. They were in effect, teaching from unconfirmed faith/beliefs, whereas Jesus was teaching from confirmed faith/belief. It is not enough to simply rest in your faith/beliefs for that is what the foolish do. It is the wise person who tests his faith/beliefs, seeking confirmation. That which is true cannot be made untrue, and that which is untrue cannot be made true. Truth is indestructible and so there should be no fear of testing or questioning it. Is it not written, let those who seek keep seeking and they will find. You too should keep seeking, until you discover the reality of what you are. Logion 53 His disciples said to him, "Is circumcision beneficial or not?" He said to them, "If it were beneficial, their father would beget them already circumcised from their mother. Rather, the true circumcision in spirit has become completely profitable." Meaning: Circumcision in spirit requires cutting away everything that is not the Self. It requires the realisation of the difference between the Self that is seeing, and that which the Self sees. People cling to the world as if they are a part of it. They cling to their thoughts/images in their mind, as if those thoughts and images were a part of the Self. When you come to recognise what is outside of you and not a part of you, then you will recognise yourself.


There are many who claim that they have made a covenant with God by physical circumcision, but the True Covenant is made in the heart, it is made with the desire to be true to Love, and the ways of Love. Removing that which is not of Love from the soul, is far more profitable than removing parts from the physical body, for what would you have given up, but that which is already dead, and not a part of the soul? Logion 54 Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor, for yours is the kingdom of heaven. Meaning: The poor do not have the worldly possessions and power that close the gates of Heaven to the lovers of such things. They are those who have very little of the world because they were not drawn into it, rather they were drawn into themselves and into the Kingdom within. One must leave all that is of the world behind to enter into the Kingdom, the less that you cling to, the closer you are to the Kingdom, and the easier it is to lay down worldly desires and possessions and enter. People are poor because they do not have the will or desire to compete for the things of the world, they do not want conflict with others, but rather they prefer inner peace. Logion 55 Jesus said, "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not hate his brothers and sisters and take up his cross in my way will not be worthy of me." Meaning: The mother and father of flesh is flesh. The brother and sister of flesh is flesh. The father and mother of souls is God. You cannot become a disciple of Jesus unless you hate the flesh. It is the soul that you must recognise and Love, and you cannot follow Jesus and be worthy of him unless you realise that your brothers and sisters are souls. Love the soul, hate the flesh; know your true family. The cross refers to the suffering that must be endured for the Love of others and the teaching of Truth. When you come to know yourself you will realise the true nature of all other souls, which is spirit and not flesh. Why should you hate the flesh? It is because we are tempted through the flesh, and it is the flesh that blinds a person to their true nature as a spiritual being. Logion 56 Jesus said, "Whoever has come to understand the world has found (only) a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world.


Meaning: The Self has the ability to understand the world, but the world does not have the ability to understand anything. That which is physical/material (the world) is incapable of awareness, therefore it has no life, and so is dead, it is a corpse. Whoever comes to understand the world has awareness, and so is superior. You know the world, but it never knew you, or those like you.

Logion 57 Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a man who had good seed. His enemy came by night and sowed weeds among the good seed. The man did not allow them to pull up the weeds; he said to them, 'I am afraid that you will go intending to pull up the weeds and pull up the wheat along with them.' For on the day of the harvest the weeds will be plainly visible, and they will be pulled up and burned." Meaning: The Kingdom of the father is like a man who had good seed. The man represents the Self. The good seed is the Truth that is in the mind. His enemy came by night and sowed weeds among the good seed. The enemy of those who have Love and Truth are those who teach what is not true as if it were. By night means when the Self does not realise what is happening, and cannot tell what he is being taught is not true. The man did not allow them to pull up the weeds The Self did not allow anyone to interfere with his beliefs. 'I am afraid that you will go intending to pull up the weeds and pull up the wheat along with them.' Not seeing the difference between the Truth and false beliefs, he was afraid that he would lose the Truth along with the lies. For on the day of the harvest the weeds will be plainly visible, and they will be pulled up and burned.


On the day that the Self comes to know itself as a spiritual being, it will see plainly that which is untrue and these things will be destroyed. Self realisation causes the harvest, which is the collecting and storing of Truth (the grain) in the heart. I see no conflict between Matthew13:24-30 and Logion 57, but there is an obvious conflict between my interpretation of Logion 57 and the presumed interpretation of Jesus in Matthew 13:36-43, which is obviously a literal interpretation, and a materialistic one that supports the Churchs doctrines of fear, un-forgiveness and cruelty, which are used for the purposes of controlling the masses, which is contrary to Love. The interpretation in the New Testament is as follows: Matthew 13:36-43 Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the Kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. The good seed is the Truth which produces more good seeds. The field is the mind The weeds are lies, un-Truths which are planted in the mind also. The harvest occurs when a person comes to know themselves as a spiritual being. The devil is the evil heart that serves the Satan consciousness. The Son of man is the Self-realised Son of the Father The end of the world refers to the end of the divided mind, it is then that the Self sees a new Heaven (mind) and a new earth, as the world is seen differently. The sons of the kingdom are not the seeds, they are the ones that are filled with Truth.


Logion 58 Jesus said "Blessed is the man who has suffered and found life. Meaning: Blessed is the man who has Love, empathy and Truth, for he will have suffered and repented because of them, and because of them, he will have found life. Logion 59: Jesus said, "Take heed of the living one while you are alive, lest you die and seek to see him and be unable to do so. Meaning: This is a warning to those who have come to know themselves. It is a warning not to become so involved with the world (while completing your life journey) that you once more forget that you are a spiritual being. If you do forget, you will be as dead once more, and when you look for yourself that was Self realised, you will not find it. Be on your guard, keep the world at a distance, become a passer-by to it, but not to others souls. Logion 60 <They saw> a Samaritan carrying a lamb on his way to Judea. He said to his disciples, "That man is round about the lamb." They said to him, "So that he may kill it and eat it. He said to them, "While it is alive, he will not eat it, but only when he has killed it and it has become a corpse. They said to him, "He cannot do so otherwise." He said to them, "You too, look for a place for yourself within repose, lest you become a corpse and be eaten." Meaning:


The lamb is a soul that is innocent because it carries no guilt. To kill is to convince a soul that they are a physical being. To eat is to control and manipulate a person for Self-gain. Jesus was the lamb that the Pharisees wanted to kill, by challenging his teachings. Jesus warned his disciples that the Pharisees may try to do the same to them, and so they should look for the place of rest within, the place of faith in Love and the Truth he had taught them. When you come to know yourself as a spiritual being, then your mind becomes a place of peace and a place to rest. Logion 61: Jesus said, "Two will rest on a bed: the one will die, and the other will live." Salome said, "Who are you, man that you ... have come up on my couch and eaten from my table?" Jesus said to her, "I am he who exists from the undivided. I was given some of the things of my father." <...> "I am your disciple." <...> "Therefore I say, if he is destroyed, he will be filled with light, but if he is divided, he will be filled with darkness." Meaning: The unperfected mind contains both the Christ consciousness and the Satan consciousness. They are the two that rest on the bed. In the end there can be only one and so one will die and one will live The undivided is the undivided mind. Some of the things of my Father refers to Love and Truth, the Self and a piece of Heaven. If the Satan consciousness is destroyed then the whole mind will be filled with light (enlightenment). But if the mind remains divided, the whole of the mind will be filled with darkness. Where there is only light, there is peace. Where there is both light and darkness, there is no peace. It may help to think of the light as being like clear water, and the darkness as being like black ink. If you mix even a drop of ink in the clear water and stir it, the clarity is lost. Now think of the clear water as consciousness.


Logion 62: Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing." Meaning: Do not let your receiving hand know what your giving hand is doing. Do not measure what you give and compare it to what you receive. The Satan consciousness is only concerned with what it will receive, whereas the Christ consciousness is only concerned with giving without the need for reward. Therefore do not bring the Satan consciousness into your reasoning, because it will either condemn you for giving freely without interest, or it will try to convince you not to give freely and without interest. To a loving soul, there is always a greater reward in giving than receiving.


Logion 63: Jesus said, "There was a rich man who had much money. He said, 'I shall put my money to use so that I may sow, reap, plant, and fill my storehouse with produce, with the result that I shall lack nothing.' Such were his intentions, but that same night he died. Let him who has ears hear." Meaning: As soon as a person begins to think only of their own pleasure and security, they bring spiritual death upon themselves.


Logion 64: Jesus said, "A man had received visitors. And when he had prepared the dinner, he sent his servant to invite the guests. He went to the first one and said to him, 'My master invites you.' He said, 'I have claims against some merchants. They are coming to me this evening. I must go and give them my orders. I ask to be excused from the dinner.' He went to another and said to him, 'My master has invited you.' He said to him, 'I have just bought a house and am required for the day. I shall not have any spare time.' He went to another and said to him, 'My master invites you.' He said to him, 'My friend is going to get married, and I am to prepare the banquet. I shall not be able to come. I ask to be excused from the dinner.' He went to another and said to him, 'My master invites you.' He said to him, 'I have just bought a farm, and I am on my way to collect the rent. I shall not be able to come. I ask to be excused.' The servant returned and said to his master, 'Those whom you invited to the dinner have asked to be excused.' The master said to his servant, 'Go outside to the streets and bring back those whom you happen to meet, so that they may dine.' Businessmen and merchants will not enter the places of my father." Meaning: The Spirit has spoken to many, but they were too busy with the world to listen. It is such people that will not enter Heaven. They will not come to know themselves or the Father. If a man makes his worldly life more important than his spiritual life, then what of that mans life when his life journey is over? What will his time in the world have been worth? Many are called to life, but they prefer death. Many are called to the Kingdom, but they prefer the world, and it is those who prefer the world that will be returned to it, to reap what they have sown. Would you like to come back as a child, into the world the way it is?


Logion 65: He said, "There was a good man who owned a vineyard. He leased it to tenant farmers so that they might work it and he might collect the produce from them. He sent his servant so that the tenants might give him the produce of the vineyard. They seized his servant and beat him, all but killing him. The servant went back and told his master. The master said, 'Perhaps he did not recognize them.' He sent another servant. The tenants beat this one as well. Then the owner sent his son and said, 'Perhaps they will show respect to my son.' Because the tenants knew that it was he who was the heir to the vineyard, they seized him and killed him. Let him who has ears hear." Meaning: The good man is the Father. The vineyard is the world. The tenant farmers are those entrusted to teach the word (Pharisees) The servants are the prophets. The son is Jesus. It was Jesus who was to take over the teaching of the word, but they killed him rather than let him do so.


Logion 66: Jesus said, "Show me the stone which the builders have rejected. That one is the cornerstone." Meaning: The cornerstone is the first to be laid in the building of Gods temple. It is Love, for it is written that God is Love 1 John 4:8 KJV Love built on the solid foundations of Truth gives Life. Jesus said; I am the way, the Truth and the Life. John 14:6 KJV The Way is Love, so Jesus was the cornerstone that the Pharisees rejected. They rejected the Way, the Truth and the Life. Seek the Truth of what and who you are, and upon that Truth, build a house (mind) of Love, then it will be filled with the Light of True Life.


Logion 67: Jesus said, "If one who knows the all still feels a personal deficiency, he is completely deficient." Meaning: Knowledge alone will not get you into the Kingdom of Heaven, you must also Love yourself completely. Any doubt as to ones worth, will make you completely unacceptable for entry. What does it profit a man that all the world accepts him, yet he does not accept himself? When you come to know yourself, and Love yourself, then you will discard from your mind, all that is not worthy of you. If you feel any personal deficiency then you are judging yourself according to worldly requirements. It is from the Father that you came, and there is nothing of the Father that is imperfect. Realise who and what you are (a perfect spiritual being), and then you can make your little piece of Heaven perfect also. It is then that you will share the presence of your Father, for the Father only enters places of perfection. But you will clean up your house quickly when you realise who is knocking on your door. It is the Father alone who brings the fulfilment of Absolute Perfect Love.


Logion 68: Jesus said, "Blessed are you when you are hated and persecuted. Wherever you have been persecuted they will find no place." Meaning: Those who are loving and speak the Truth, are hated and persecuted by those who have neither. Those who suffer hate and persecution for Love and Truth are blessed with life. Wherever you have been persecuted, they will find no place in the Kingdom. It is only those who are blind to the soul who persecute, hate, hurt and kill others. We should not hate them, but rather we should look at their tormented souls and feel sorrow for them, for they too were once innocent little children. Their life has been stolen by the world. It is the way of the world that the ignorance of the fathers is passed on and learnt by their children, and this is how ignorance and selfishness is perpetrated through the generations. They are victims as all who are born into this world are. They have suffered enough and we should not add more suffering to their lives. We should show them Love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding, and we should not get into quarrels with them. We should be ready to show them Love, when they are capable of receiving it, otherwise we should keep our distance from them so that our souls may not be harmed by them. Our Father has done no less for us. Love your enemies, for if you Love only those who are like you, what have you done that they have not done also? The sufferings for Love are truly the cross that we must carry, for it is from this cross, that we are resurrected to life.


Logion 69: Jesus said, "Blessed are they who have been persecuted within themselves. It is they who have truly come to know the father. Blessed are the hungry, for the belly of him who desires will be filled." Meaning: Blessed are those who have a conscience and suffer for it, because that suffering is true repentance. It can only occur in those who know Love and Truth and in knowing these things, the Father is known also. Those who are hungry for Truth will be filled with it. Those who hunger for Love will have their Love fulfilled. Where there is no empathy there is no Love or Truth. Such a person is blind to themselves and blind to the sufferings of other souls and because of this, no guilt is felt when hurting others. How then can such a person repent? How can they become more than an animal? When you become persecuted within, realise that it is the Love and Truth that you carry that is persecuting you, and it is by these things that you know you are blessed. It is through repentance that we learn and are made more righteous and forgiveness is gained through repentance. Accept that forgiveness, as you would expect another to accept your forgiveness of them. A loving heart can be a painful thing to endure at times, but I tell you, none of that suffering is left unrewarded.


Logion 70: Jesus said, "That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves. That which you do not have within you will kill you if you do not have it within you." Meaning: The Love and Truth you have within will save you if you have faith in it and act upon it. If you do not have Love and Truth within you, then you are already dead (spiritually). Logion 71: Jesus said, "I shall destroy this house, and no one will be able to build it [...]." Meaning: I shall destroy the divided mind, and no-one will be able to rebuild it as a divided mind again. The Satan consciousness will be banished forever. An undivided mind is one full of light, one that has seen the Truth. Darkness can no longer enter the mind, because light destroys it immediately. Therefore, the Self with an undivided mind can no longer be deceived. How then can it be divided again? The house of course represents the mind in which the Self resides.


Logion 72: A man said to him, "Tell my brothers to divide my father's possessions with me. He said to him, "O man, who has made me a divider?" He turned to his disciples and said to them, "I am not a divider, am I?" Meaning: Jesus was not a divider, it was division that he sought to end, especially the division in the mind between light and darkness. The things that are in the light are true and their nature is plainly revealed, but the things in the darkness do not reveal their nature, and so the Self is left uncertain whether they are true or not. It is only by bringing those things into the light that we can be sure of their nature. The darkness in the mind remains only as long as we fear to question. There are beliefs that reside in the light, and there are beliefs that reside in the darkness. All beliefs must be questioned if those of the darkness are to be recognised and discarded. Until then, the Perfect Light will not shine. Jesus was not a divider, he was a conqueror of the darkness. There can be no peace in a divided mind, for there also are two masters and two ways, each tearing at the other for supremacy. Jesus I am the way, the Truth and the life. John 14:6 KJV It is the Christ consciousness that becomes the Way (Love), the Truth and the Life.


Logion 73: Jesus said, "The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Beseech the Lord, therefore, to send out laborers to the harvest." Meaning: The harvest occurs when the Self come to know itself, it is then that the Truth is stored and that which is untrue is destroyed in the mind. This of course is when the mind becomes undivided. The laborers are those who seek Self realisation. There were many people who could discern the Truth, and with their spiritual sight they were able to understand the parables and secret teachings given by Jesus. It is the minds of such people that contain the harvest, which of course means that in their minds the seeds of Truth had grown into ears of wheat. The Truth within those people had grown to produce more Truth. Let him who has ears (of wheat) hear. It is the Self-realised Self that is the reaper and gatherer of the harvest. It is the Self that has come to know itself as a spiritual being that is the Angel that reaps. An Angel is a disembodied soul. It is disembodied because the illusion that led it to believe that it was a physical body has been broken. If a person attempts to reap the harvest in his mind, before he comes to know himself as a spiritual being, the harvest will not be ready and there is a danger that if he attempts to pull up the lies, he will damage the roots of the Truth. It is the gathering in of the harvest that results in enlightenment.


Logion 74: He said, "O Lord, there are many around the drinking trough, but there is nothing in the cistern." Meaning: Jesus was referring to the temples where the Pharisees taught. He was saying that there was nothing of value to the soul there, no spiritual knowledge or teachings. There was nothing there for those who were thirsty for spiritual knowledge, because all of their teachings related to physical/material things.

Logion 75: Jesus said, "Many are standing at the door, but it is the solitary who will enter the bridal chamber." Meaning: The door is the door to Heaven, it is only those who have realised that they are one and alone, in the space that they occupy as a spiritual being, who will enter the enlightened mind (which is referred to as the bridal chamber). It is the place where communion with the Father occurs. It is where the soul is bonded with the Father, and perfect Love is experienced as it is fulfilled. 57

Heaven is our Mother, but we left heaven which is the Fathers Kingdom/domain/mind, and we were given our own piece of Kingdom to rule. That Kingdom/domain/mind, is known as Eve, our wife. It was Eve who gave us the knowledge of good and evil. It is with our free will that we are able to choose and decide for ourselves, which we will follow. When we have come to know ourselves as a spiritual being, and have learned through experience, what is right and wrong, and realise how we should behave and treat others, then we enter the bridal chamber, which is the enlightened mind. It is the mind made virgin and perfected; it is mind that has no children, because it has neither given birth to a Satan consciousness or a Christ consciousness. It is as a new wife, and being full of Light it awaits its New Bridegroom, the Self that has come to know itself as a spiritual being. It is the Self that enters the Bridal Chamber as a son of the Father. It is there that he is anointed by the Holy Spirit, the Light of Love and Absolute Truth. It is in the joining of these two that the Self becomes a Christ, a perfected Son of God. The knowledge of Love and Truth in the enlightened mind is the Tree of Life, and once it is eaten from, the life it gives is everlasting. Until this is achieved, the soul walks in the shadow of death. Come to know yourself, then you will stand alone (solitary), and then it will be you, who is able to enter the Bridal Chamber.

Logion 76: Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a merchant who had a consignment of merchandise and who discovered a pearl. That merchant was shrewd. He sold the merchandise and bought the pearl alone for himself. You too, seek his unfailing and enduring treasure where no moth comes near to devour and no worm destroys." Meaning: The Kingdom is the mind 58

The merchant is the Self (or spiritual being) The merchandise is the knowledge in the mind The pearl is the Truth of Self realisation. Knowledge of the Self is worth more than all the other knowledge that you have acquired. If you are to come to know yourself as a spiritual being, you must first realise how unimportant the rest of the knowledge in your mind is. For all that the world has taught you, what has it done for you? Do you know who and what you really are? Do you know why you exist? Has it brought you peace? Has it taken away all of your fear and brought you lasting happiness? At the end of your life journey, what worth will that knowledge be to you? Knowledge of the Self is unfailing and enduring, whereas all other knowledge is susceptible to deceit, and it relies on faith in that which the Self is uncertain of. You have to trade what the world has taught you to clear your way to Self realisation. Only then, can you be certain of any Truth.

Logion 77: Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." Meaning: Jesus had become like the Father, a perfected Self through a perfect undivided mind, full of the Fathers Love and Truth. He was the Light that revealed the True Way. The Father becomes the son, and the son becomes the Father. 59

The ALL is everything that exists, everywhere throughout infinity. Therefore everything is a part of the ALL. All spiritual beings and their Kingdoms are a part of the ALL, even the Universe and all that is in it, is a part of the ALL. It is in the form of sentient beings that the ALL came forth, so that it may know and be known. Even a piece of wood, a stone, or that which is under a stone, is a part of the ALL. Try to imagine the ALL as an infinite ocean of energy from which all things are a part of. There is now only the Father, his children, and the infinite Kingdom of the Fathers mind. Some of which was given to the Fathers children. We are all one in respect of the ALL.

Logion 78: Jesus said, "Why have you come out into the desert? To see a reed shaken by the wind? And to see a man clothed in fine garments like your kings and your great men? Upon them are the fine garments, and they are unable to discern the Truth." Meaning:


The reed shaken by the wind is a reference to the soul whose desire and therefore will, is bent to and fro by the world. Those referred to as rich and powerful, are the ones who have everything that is of the world but they cannot see that which is Truth, because they are spiritually blind. After Jesus was baptised by John, he did not immediately begin teaching because he was not yet ready, instead he went into the desert to find solitude and to overcome any worldly desires by fasting from the world. It was in the desert that he achieved Self realisation and made his mind undivided. Because of this, the Satan consciousness had no power over him, he had silenced its voice and destroyed its temptations of desire; he had crushed the head of the serpent.

Logion 79: A woman from the crowd said to him, "Blessed are the womb which bore you and the breasts which nourished you." He said to her, "Blessed are those who have heard the word of the father and have truly kept it. For there will be days when you will say, 'Blessed are the womb which has not conceived and the breasts which have not given milk.'" Meaning:


The woman was referring to the physical body of Jesus mother. Jesus instead, blessed those who knew that they were not the physical body because they had heard the word of the Father. Jesus said there will come days when those, who because they see themselves as physical beings, would curse their mother for bringing them into the world. It is those who do not know their true Father that will one day curse their physical mother and father for bringing them into the world.

Logion 80: Jesus said, "He who has recognized the world has found the body, but he who has found the body is superior to the world." Meaning: Those who recognise the world see themselves as a physical body but the one who has found the body, is of course the soul, the Self, which is superior to that which it has found.


That which sees, recognises and knows the nature of the world, is superior to the world, because material things are not aware of anything. Recognise the difference between that which is inside the mind and that which is outside of it.

Logion 81: Jesus said, "Let him who has grown rich be king, and let him who possesses power renounce it". Meaning: Let him who has grown rich be king


Love and Truth are the treasures gathered into the soul, and it is in these things that a persons true worth is found. They are treasures that can be stored in Heaven. Self realisation is the pearl of Truth that is of the greatest worth. It is with this pearl, that the Self comes to know its true identity as a spiritual being and in doing so, it becomes the only master of its domain/mind; it becomes the King of its domain/mind. And let him who possesses power renounce it The power that must be given up is the power over other souls. If a soul seeks power, it means they are either insecure and feel the need to dominate, or they feel inadequate in themselves, or they are obeying their Satan consciousness and its desire for worldly pleasures. When a soul has Love and Truth, it does not seek power, for there is no power greater than Love and Truth. If you seek power over another soul, then you seek to make them powerless over their own lives. Whatever you do to another soul, you give them the right to do to you also. You can destroy another souls treasure, but you cannot take it into yourself, but if that soul has become Self realised, you will not even be able to reach that treasure, not even with the use of fear or deceit. It is the search for power that takes away peace within yourself and the peace within others.

Logion 82: Jesus said, "He who is near me is near the fire, and he who is far from me is far from the kingdom." Meaning: He who is near me is near the fire 64

Those who were near Jesus were near to the time of the harvest, the time when the weeds/tares/lies, are separated from the Truth, and the weeds/tares/lies are burnt, while the Truth is retained. Those that were near to Jesus were near to Self realisation, they were near to coming to know themselves as spiritual beings. It is when you come to know yourself that you harvest what is in your domain/mind, and you separate the Truth from that which is not true. and he who is far from me is far from the Kingdom. Those who were far from Jesus and his teachings were far from coming to know themselves or the Kingdom within them.

Logion 83: Jesus said, "The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light." Meaning: You know that you exist as something that is separate and different to the things that you see in your mind and in the world, yet what you are, remains concealed from your sight. To be aware of awareness is to be aware of that which is aware, that is to say, to be aware of the Self. This creates a single thought in the mind, one that is light, without form. It is pure light, a moment of realisation, a moment when the Selfs existence is truly felt. If you search for images in the mind of the Self before the moment of Self realisation, you will not find one, because you will attempt to construct an image that has form. You will attempt to construct an image based on worldly things. The true image of the Self is perfect white light, and even when you come to know yourself, you will be hidden in the light. You will feel your presence, your individuality, your separateness from all other things, and your aloneness, but you will also feel how immortal and indestructible you are. We are made in Gods image, a spiritual being with a mind/domain. As a spiritual being we are made in the Fathers image, our light is the light of our Father, for we are the Fathers children. We are concealed by the light, as is our Father. The things that are outside of the Self are not the Self, and we know what is not of the Father or his children, because the images that are not of the Father or his children are plain to see in their forms. When you come to know yourself, you will recognise your Father and all of his children, your true family.


Logion 84: Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die not become manifest, how much you will have to bear!" Meaning: When you see your likeness When you share the company of those who are likeminded and of the same status as you in the world, you are happy, even though you see them as physical beings But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die not become manifest, how much you will have to bear! But when you come to know yourself as a spiritual being, that came into being before your physical body, and you realise that you neither die nor become seen in the world, how much will you have to bear? At first you will become troubled, then you will become astonished, and they you will rule over the ALL.

Logion 85: Jesus said, "Adam came into being from a great power and a great wealth, but he did not become worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have experienced death." Meaning: 66

Adam is the name given to every new soul, so you were once Adam, a new spiritual being that came into being from the Father. All of the Fathers children eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and all experience death, because all lose their spiritual identity and become tempted by their Satan consciousness; all fall into sin. Jesus was speaking to those who had become spiritually aware, he was saying that their old Self is not worthy of their new Self. If your old Self had known what it knows now, you would not have experienced death. People can change, they can become different to what they were.

Logion 86: Jesus said, "The foxes have their holes and the birds have their nests, but the son of man has no place to lay his head and rest." Meaning:


Those that believe they are a physical body find places in the world to rest, but those that have come to know themselves as a spiritual being, also know that they are not of the world, and not in it. Therefore there is no place in the world where they can rest.

Logion 87: Jesus said, "Wretched is the body that is dependant upon a body, and wretched is the soul that is dependent on these two." Meaning: 68

Wretched is the spiritual being that believes that it is the physical body and is therefore dependant on the physical body. The word soul represents the spiritual being and the mind, so wretched is the soul that depends on the soul and the physical body.

Logion 88: Jesus said, "The angels and the prophets will come to you and give to you those things you (already) have. And you too, give them those things which you have, and say to yourselves, 'When will they come and take what is theirs?'"


Meaning: The angels and the prophets will come to you and give to you those things you (already) have. How can you be given the things that you already have? It is of course what is given is remembrance of things that you once knew, but had forgotten about. We cannot recognise Truth unless we have its likeness to compare it with. You already have the Truth inside of you, but it remains buried and forgotten in your field/mind, until you search for it and find it, or until you are reminded and remember where you put it. Realisation is remembrance. How many times have you heard something and realised that you already knew it? And you too, give them those things which you have, and say to yourselves, 'When will they come and take what is theirs? And you too (be like the angels and prophets) and give others the things which you have realised. And say to yourselves, when will others come and take from us, the remembrance of the Truth that they have within them. The Light is seen when the eyes of realisation open.

Logion 89: Jesus said, "Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not realize that he who made the inside is the same one who made the outside?" Meaning: 70

The outside of the cup represents the physical body, and therefore its appearance. The inside of the cup represents the soul. Both were made by God. Of what worth is a man who looks good on the outside, and yet on the inside he is full of corruption and ignorance? Cleansing the body does not cleanse the soul. It is not the body that God judges, rather it is the soul. Logion 90: Jesus said, "Come unto me, for my yoke is easy and my lordship is mild, and you will find repose for yourselves." Meaning: Jesus did not suffer the oppression and subjection of the Scribes and Pharisees, and he was not in servitude to them, and Jesus did not demand that others conform to what he taught. He did not threaten to punish them for disobedience. His lordship was mild. Neither did he carry the burden of worldly desires, and all of the worry that comes with them. His burden was light. Those who came to Jesus found rest from the world. The references to Scribes and Pharisees do not relate to them alone, but rather to all teachers and masters who are spiritually blind, and therefore believe only in that which is physical/material. Logion 91: They said to him, "Tell us who you are so that we may believe in you." He said to them, "You read the face of the sky and of the earth, but you have not recognized the one who is before you, and you do not know how to read this moment." Meaning: They had sight and understanding of the world. They could recognise the things of the world, and so could see what the moment held and what was to come concerning the world. For instance, they could tell what the weather would be like tomorrow by reading the sky. But concerning spiritual things they were blind, and so were unable to comprehend the soul of Jesus or know of the spiritual things that were unfolding in their presence. They could not see that the Messiah stood before them, and that salvation had come. Logion 92: 71

Jesus said, "Seek and you will find. Yet, what you asked me about in former times and which I did not tell you then, now I do desire to tell, but you do not inquire after it." Meaning: Seek and you will find. It is the true nature of the Self as a spiritual being that must be sought, and it is something that can only be found by questioning and deep inner contemplation of the Self. If you keep searching you will find. It is in understanding ones true nature as a spiritual being, that all things spiritual are confirmed. It is in understanding ones true nature that one realises that they are not of the world, not a material thing, and therefore has no need of material things. In the beginning the disciples had asked questions concerning the soul, but they were not at that time ready for such knowledge. When they were finally ready to receive and understand such knowledge, they no longer enquired about it. You too should be careful that you do not stop searching for knowledge of the Self, and instead seek knowledge that is less important. Logion 93: <Jesus said,> "Do not give what is holy to dogs, lest they throw them on the dung-heap. Do not throw the pearls to swine, lest they [...] it [...]." Meaning: Do not give my teachings to those who are spiritually blind, for they will be worthless to them and they will treat them as rubbish and become hostile to you and try to make you look foolish and liars. There is no point in teaching spiritual knowledge to those who cannot comprehend the spirit, for all that they are able to understand is knowledge of the material world. They will think that you have lost your mind and become deluded fools. They will treat anything that you say, which conflicts with their way of life as rubbish, and because the things that you reveal, challenge their view of reality, beliefs, and way of life, they will retaliate with verbal abuse, and even violence. By Truth they are judged, and by judgement they are hurt. It is because of their hurt that they seek to hurt the one delivering the Truth.

Logion 94: Jesus said, "He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in." Meaning: Those who search for themselves will come to know themselves. Those who desire to enter the Kingdom with sincerity will be let in. Those who search for spiritual things, do so because the world is


not enough. It is the world that closes the mind, and it is Love and Truth that opens it. It is the world that hides the Spirit and rejects Love and Truth. He who seeks represents the one who seeks the Spirit, Love and Truth, the very things that are needed to enter Gods Kingdom. Those who seek these things have a measure of these things already, and are already knocking on Heavens door. Those who have found the fullness of these things will be let in. So seek with honesty, sincerity and determination. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7

Logion 95: Jesus said, "If you have money, do not lend it at interest, but give it to one from whom you will not get it back." Meaning:


Do not make others indebted to you. Do not seek profit in another persons poverty. Love is given without the requirement for its return. There is material wealth and there is spiritual wealth. By increasing material wealth, you lessen your spiritual wealth. There is poverty of material things, and there is poverty of spiritual things. The Self is a spiritual thing, and so it is far more profitable for it to seek spiritual wealth. That is why it was said, What does it profit a man that he gains the whole world, yet loses his soul? Matthew 16:26 When money is lent at interest, its return decreases the wealth of the spirit. Even when money is lent and returned without interest, it represents a returning of poverty to the spirit, and so it is better to not require the return of money that has been lent. When you give Love to those who already have Love, it is given freely and always with the hope that it will be returned, but its return is never a condition that is required. Rather there is profit enough found in the giving, which alone increases ones own spiritual wealth (Love). This is how Love grows, that in giving, Love grows within ourselves and with its return from others, it grows even more. In giving Love we are repaid with interest. In leading money at interest we are repaid with poverty and animosity.

Logion 96: Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a certain woman. She took a little leaven, concealed it in some dough, and made it into large loaves. Let him who has ears hear." 74

Meaning: The Kingdom of the father is like a certain woman Father is referred to as male. Kingdom/mind is referred to as female. The certain woman referred to is the Kingdom/mind of Jesus. So: The mind of Jesus took a little knowledge (leaven), and concealed it in a parable (some dough), and made bread (spiritual food) to feed the souls of the spiritually hungry people. Now you know how Jesus fed the five thousand, with five loaves (parables) and two fishes (disciples). Let him who has ears (which is ears of wheat, i.e. many seeds of Truth grown from single seeds) hear (understand). Jesus also said; Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Mark 16:6 KJV. Beware of their knowledge. In other words, do not eat their bread. Logion 97: Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a certain woman who was carrying a jar full of meal. While she was walking on the road, still some distance from home, the handle of the jar broke and the meal emptied out behind her on the road. She did not realize it; she had noticed no accident. When she reached her house, she set the jar down and found it empty." Meaning: A certain woman represents the mind of a certain person. It is in the mind that we carry Truth while on our life journey. If we do not pay attention to it and look after it, then we will lose it along the way and when we reach the end of our life journey, we find that we have no Truth, and the life journey has been for nothing. Logion 98: Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a certain man who wanted to kill a powerful man. In his own house he drew his sword and stuck it into the wall in order to find out whether his hand could carry through. Then he slew the powerful man." Meaning: Here we look into the mind of Jesus, when he withdrew into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to overcome the last remnants of his Satan consciousness, so that his faith could be perfected. In his own house (mind), he tested the Truth that he carried. On leaving the desert, the Satan consciousness tried to tempt him, but it stood no chance and was destroyed, leaving only Light in a perfected mind; a mind in perfect harmony with the Fathers.


Why do you think Jesus went into the desert? Why do you think Satan would even attempt to tempt Jesus? Jesus is the brother of all who go his way. Did Jesus not say, I assure you that the man who believes in me will do the same things that I have done, yes, and he will do even greater things than these, for I am going away to the Father. John 14:12 KJV Jesus said I am the way, the Truth and the life. Believe in what he taught, believe in him. He did not die to personally pay for the sins of others, but rather to show you that Love and Truth are the destroyers of sin. Did he not call those who followed him, brother? Did he not refer to his Father as OUR Father? The only mission of a Christ is to bring others to Christhood, to show them the way back to the Father. Logion 99: The disciples said to him, "Your brothers and your mother are standing outside." He said to them, "Those here who do the will of my father are my brothers and my mother. It is they who will enter the kingdom of my father." Meaning: Those who have not come to know themselves, still have the belief that they are physical beings, and the physical body is neither brother or mother or father to any spiritual being. In the mind of anyone who does the will of the Father, is found the true Mother, which is the Kingdom of Heaven. Logion 100: They showed Jesus a gold coin and said to him, "Caesar's men demand taxes from us." He said to them, "Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar, give God what belongs to God, and give me what is mine." Meaning: The gold coins belonged to Caesar who had claims on the things of the world. God has claims on his children. That which belonged to Jesus was peace. Logion 101: <Jesus said,> "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not love his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. For my mother [...], but my true mother gave me life." Meaning: Whoever does not hate his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. Whoever does not hate the flesh cannot become a disciple to me, for in loving the flesh, Satan is loved also. 76

And whoever does not love his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. Whoever does not Love the souls of others, cannot become a disciple to me. For my true mother gave me life For my mother gave me my body, but my true mother (which is the Kingdom within) gave me life. It is not the flesh that gives life, for that which has no life of its own cannot give life. Life is experienced through the mind, without the mind there is no experience. It is the experiencing of life that is consciousness. Logion 102: Jesus said, "Woe to the Pharisees, for they are like a dog sleeping in the manger of oxen, for neither does he eat nor does he let the oxen eat." Meaning: The Pharisees were in the temple and in control of the Word (spiritual food) but they would not live by the Word themselves, and they wouldnt give it to anyone else. Those who are supposed to teach and guide Gods children are spiritually blind. They have not found the Truth for themselves, and they will not let others search for themselves. People are simply not allowed to question what these blind guides proclaim as Truth. Instead the people are oppressed into conforming to their authority - blind faith in the blind. While they guard the manger they are safe, but when the oxen find another manger, they complain and condemn. Let them sleep for their awakening is coming. Logion 103: Jesus said, "Fortunate is the man who knows where the brigands will enter, so that he may get up, muster his domain, and arm himself before they invade." Meaning: Fortunate is the person who knows and is ready with, the answers to the questions asked by those who would attack his faith. The domain is the mind. Always question what you believe, for the answers to those questions will allow you to defend your beliefs. Ask the questions yourself before others ask you them. Logion 104:


They said to Jesus, "Come, let us pray today and let us fast." Jesus said, "What is the sin that I have committed, or wherein have I been defeated? But when the bridegroom leaves the bridal chamber, then let them fast and pray." Meaning: One prays for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus had not sinned so didnt need to pray for forgiveness. One fasts to overcome the world. When one is overcome by the world, then that person has been defeated by their Satan consciousness. Jesus had not been defeated, so he didnt need to fast. The temptation of Jesus had previously ended during his time of fasting in the desert. He would not have gone into the desert to fast for 40 days and nights, if he hadnt previously fallen into temptation. The bridal chamber is the enlightened mind, one that contains only Love and Truth. It is the mind of one who is Self realised and does the will of the Father, and by their own free willed choice. While in the bridal chamber, the Self can do no wrong, and it needs nothing of the world. The Self becomes the bridegroom; he is married to the Kingdom of the Father. As long as he remains in the bridal chamber, he can neither sin nor want anything that is of the world. Logion 105: Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot." Meaning: He who knows his mother and father as physical being only, will be called the son of a harlot, for his mind and all that he is, has been prostituted to the world. Logion 106: Jesus said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away,' it will move away." Meaning: When your mind is undivided between the Christ consciousness and the Satan consciousness, you will have made the two one. Then because of that faith in what you are and what you hold to be true, the mountain of despair will move away on your command. Logion 107: Jesus said, "The kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them, the largest, went astray. He left the ninety-nine sheep and looked for that one until he found it. When he had gone to such trouble, he said to the sheep, 'I care for you more than the ninety-nine.'"


Meaning: The Kingdom referred to the mind of Jesus and it was Jesus mind that was the guardian of many souls, his flock. Jesus was the good shepherd who cared for his flock more than he cared for himself. The sheep that went astray was described as the largest. The same allegory can be found in the Logion 8, in the parable of the fisherman who had no problem choosing the large fish. You see, the largest sheep and largest fish, refer to the soul that has grown in the ability to understand spiritual teaching, and who is the most receptive to the teachings of Jesus. The largest sheep was a reference to Mary Magdalene. It was Mary that Jesus loved more than the others. She was a disciple of Jesus before he saved her from being stoned, but she had gone astray. After Jesus saved Mary from the stoning, she stayed with him, and learnt from him, until the end. Logion 108: Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him." Meaning: He who will listen to and understand my teachings will become like me, we will become as one and the knowledge of the ALL will be revealed to him. The teachings of Jesus were like a spiritual spring to those thirsty for the Truth. Logion 109: Jesus said, "The kingdom is like a man who had a hidden treasure in his field without knowing it. And after he died, he left it to his son. The son did not know (about the treasure). He inherited the field and sold it. And the one who bought it went ploughing and found the treasure. He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished." Meaning: The kingdom is like a man who had a hidden treasure in his field without knowing it. The man represents those who were teaching the Torah who had Truth hidden in their teachings that they did not know about. And after he died, he left it to his son. The teachers passed their teachings to the next generation when they died. The son did not know (about the treasure). Those who continued with the teachings didnt know about the hidden Truth either.


He inherited the field and sold it. They took their place as teachers and taught for worldly profit, i.e. wealth, power and status. And the one who bought it went ploughing and found the treasure. Jesus learnt their teachings from them. He searched for the true meanings in the teachings and found them. He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished. Jesus shared the Truth he had found with those who he chose. The interest was of course their brotherhood and their Love. What you have to remember is that the saying is allegorical: A representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another. For instance the words, field, treasure, ploughing etc., are allegorical and so you must keep this in mind when considering the word money, which is used for trading. The saying now becomes simple. Jesus found in the established religious teachings, the Truth that the teachers had missed, because they were blind to it. Logion 110: Jesus said, "Whoever finds the world and becomes rich, let him renounce the world." Meaning: Whoever finds the world and becomes rich has found that which has no life and in realising that he is life, he has found a great treasure; he has come to know himself; he has found the hidden pearl of Truth. Let him renounce (give up, reject, relinquish, abandon, forsake, surrender, disown) the world, for he is not of it; not a part of it and needs nothing of it. Logion 111: Jesus said, "The heavens and the earth will be rolled up in your presence. And the one who lives from the living one will not see death." Does not Jesus say, "Whoever finds himself is superior to the world?" Meaning: The heavens and the earth will be rolled up in your presence. How can one describe this? How do you describe a paradigm shift in consciousness? All things are made new, nothing is seen the way it was, and it is there in the Light, that the presence of the Father is felt, and every part of your being is permeated with His Love. If you could glimpse but a moment of that beauty, you would realise that all you have endured was a small price to pay for such a reward. You would realise how precious all life is, and that it is you who are the children of the living Father. Whoever finds himself is superior to the world 80

Whoever comes to know themselves will have found life, and will realise that he is superior to the physical/material world. It is then that all things are revealed. And he will not experience the death that is complete ignorance, or a complete loss of spiritual awareness and a loss of the ability to discern Truth. Logion 112: Jesus said, "Woe to the flesh that depends on the soul; woe to the soul that depends on the flesh". Meaning: The flesh will eventually die no matter how much the soul takes care of it. The soul that depends on the flesh for its life will have already experienced spiritual death. The physical body has no life, for it is the soul that has life, and it is the soul that animates the body, thereby giving it the appearance of life. Logion 113: His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." Meaning: The Kingdom is the mind, and because there are many minds, the Kingdom is spread across the world. The Kingdom is the mind but men do not see or realise it. People think that they are in the world and a part of it, they do not realise that they are separated from the world by their mind. The Kingdom will come when you realise that you are already in it. The mind is your Kingdom. It is a piece of the Fathers Kingdom, given to you to do with as you will. It is a place where you rule. It is the Selfs Kingdom/domain/mind. Have you realised where you are yet? Have you realised why you are here? If you Love someone, let them go, if they Love you they will return. Isnt it time that you put aside the world, and realised what you are and where you came from? The Kingdom is within you, and you are within the Kingdom. Turn to Home. Logion 114: Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life." Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven." Meaning: 81

All spiritual beings are regarded as male because they are of the Father. The mind is regarded as female because it gives birth to life (consciousness). There is no gender in a soul and the use of gender, when referring to spiritual things, is purely allegorical. When a soul takes possession of a physical body, it acts according to the gender of that physical body. If the spiritual being (Self) cannot distinguish the difference between itself and its mind, it will believe that it is the mind, and it will take on the identity of the mind, and the identity of the physical body that is represented in it. To make Mary a male was to make her Self-realised as a spiritual being (of the Father and not of the mind or the physical body). Only those who realise what they are can enter the Kingdom. If you were the mind, how could you enter it or leave it to re-enter it? The mind is a part of the Fathers Kingdom given to you. The Father who is perfect, will not enter that which is imperfect. It is up to each to make their mind perfect. Only then can you commune with the Father. When you come to know yourself you will become known. Mary believed that she was female because she hadnt come to know herself as a spiritual being. If you do not realise that you are a spiritual being, then what good are any spiritual teachings to you?


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