OGO Dual Mode MAP-MAF Sensor Enhancer

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Dualtode ltAPrilAFSensor OGO Enhancer ReadytoInstall

Enhancer builtdiredlyftor fte OGOspecifications was manual.lt hasseparats "l-lwy" fhis MapSensor & 'Cit/ edjusfnentsalongwith an "Ono& 'Offl (OriginalFaclorySetttDg) switch. Thig devicewis des[ned in accodance OGOto ulorkwithan HHO with generator (Hydrogen Cc[). Fuel Alsoincluded a detailed is installation, usage, guftl,e tuning& maintenance pmvided basedon information fiomWater4Gas manuals.Evenif youharre goodmechanical skills,youshouldhane repairmanual the for your vehicleto hglp tind lhe Map sensorand locatethe wirc thdt gos from the Map'sensorto the cgmpyter. lmproper Inetallation thh MapSensorEnhancer of may causeprobbmswigr your vehicle'e electrical slatem.


with a qualifiedmechanicbeforeinstallingthis device.


TheManifold (MAP) Absolute Preosure sensor dgnalis electrically usedin a similar to the useof way ylf! AiLqlggIMAF) (attnughintemaily is builtdifferently). takesa s-vott sensor.sklnal it lt signat ftrom rhe ECMor ECU(Environmental Control or Module) Unit computer, returiisa lowerdirecto.rrLntsignat and in with accordance tte vacuum theengine.A higher in ouhut voltage means louerengine rrao;um, wiicfr is thencalculated a$'morefuelis needed'.Lo\ryer outprrt signalindicates higher englne vacuum, which @uires bss fuel. |fg nd ju8tfuelcontrol.The[fAP sensor signalgi\res computer dynamic lhe a indicatiofl engine of load. Thecomputer usesthisdatato control onlyfuelinjection, aisogearsninanAcyfinjerbniUon then not but liming.

Theinvention rc talking we aboutheteis a simple playwithresistors. ristor is a littlepieceof carbon A Ieduq? gune$.Higher tha! valuemeans esists more.Thepotentiorneter for sh-ort) a variable it ('pof is resbtor'wttichvariesitsvaluebyfumingtheknob. Thereis another rcsistor, l-fixed valrre re'sistor, in sedes thepotto increase dialrange. to the TheMAPor Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor a litUe is though expensive device inetall6d yourintake in manifold, installed lhe fireurall connecied themanibtdri,ittr thinho6c. lt ha35 V6ftsor .12 or on and io a Voltscoming andit simply in, senses vacuum themanifold etenuates the in (reduces, and weakens) this incoming voltage_byoertein a fador.In olherwods it reduces supply the vottage a oire&.cunent io ,ioftege in therangqof 15olo 60%gf.re supely.rcltaSe to (depending theiir's deaifnthesenumbaswil varyi on (but andthisvarying non-pulsir) signalis thensentbackto thecomputer. ! Theanangement resietors of simply taftee aheady this (reduced, attenuatd weakened) eignal and attenuatee further. Toomuchaltenuation theengine; willsimply lt kilts it strutom.Vei if iou contotit you conEc'tfy, canleandownthe-mixturs thebalance ingredients ftom i/rrhich hc{orysetat 14.7:1 oJ is (14.7 partB air to 1 partgasolirc)- downto 20:1, maybe of erren 1. S0;

lfiO Dovelognent El*r{|cor Spocifrcations 5% t


Thisgraph the demonstrates linearproperties the of HHODevelopment / MAF$ensorEnhancer. By MAP tuming Enhancer dials,youcanreduce attenuate or the vottage the ECM. Please notethalthe thesignal to higher dialsetting greater increase theair the the the in to fuelratio. ,l! \r1/ithout attenuation, is whenthedialis setto 0 or that is the thelower switch setto "Fac'tory", air to fuelratio partsair to 1 padfuel. l/Vhen wiflbe maintaindat 14.7 youbegin turnthedial,thisratioincreases to according graph.lf youturnthedialtoofar,theengine will to this of shutdowndueto lad< fuel.

0 1 0

INSTALLING & TUNING rotation theknob.The of calls and The ATTENTION: tuningprocedure for dochrvise counter-doclffvise 'enhance" "reduc'the or voltage. ideaiethatturning knob will or the on TheEnhancer be inetalled thedashboard sit ontheconsole.To eliminate workandpo$sible can the better contol, place boxbeside drivefsseat Thismakes the and damage thedashboard, to enable to quiteeffofiless. tuning to LoAte the3 wire6connec{ed the MAPsensor. voltage, supply There beonefor thepositive will will 5 usually or 12volts.Thesignal bethewirewith $/ith theWEAKER voftage willchange RPM and is will whenthe engine started.There alsobe a ground wilh wire.Youcansolder crimpthese or elecldcal connectors. wire get lf youcannot the or locate sensor thewires,or you'renotsure,you'dbetter thecar'smanual.DONOT - youmaydamage computer. to AutoZone purcftase your Go and the IMPROVISE GUESS OR gpecific thefuelinjec{ion (Haynes) of to maintenance manual system yourcar. like to Signal Wire,usea Circuit Tester theoneabove findtheconectwire. You Tofindthe MAP$ensor of with to voltage ihewiree coming of the out canhookthistesterin sen'es yourmulti+neter findtheac'tual \roltage theonewitha voltage varies or that when Sensor.Theconedwireis theonewiththelourest MAP procedure damage MAPSensor usetheTeslerto may the so theengine Note:This RPMis increased. voltage 5 volts. Tfie remaining is the MAPS(pal wire. of wire locate ground 0 voltsandttle supply the with ACTUAL TUI.IITTIG THE ROAD ON point is to'0'). Make sureyourHHO Generator Tumlhe knob thewayto 'ri"h;6Ih" Dialshould all with aborre and Wam uptheengine drivea whilebefore experimenting theknob.Forspeds operational. 40 mph,adjust "Highryaf the dial.

STOPS t. DO THENEXT$TEPWITHCARE- OI{ A SIDEROAD. JUSTIN CASEYOURENGINE UNEXPECTEDLY. will the the 2. Now,startturning knobclockwise; mixture turnleanerandleaneruntilthe car stallsor and afterthe bucking chugging. youdrive. Backthe knoboff slightly bucksas set yourHHOdeviceis non-operational, temporarity the in of 3. Keepthe danger overheating mind. lf (rich). setting factory enhancer or nearoriginal at etc. cold weather conditions, engine, fuel pointscanchange fromonegas station to another, 4. Set and you'reon the edge,thenthe car will buckor vibrate, you'll are The differences not large,but if device' lhat the needto change set pointa bit. Remember thisis a simple turnson, the "checkenginelight",and it WILLdo that,you canturnoff the 5. NOTE: Whenthisdevice (1996carsor newer). or lightusinga ScanGauge-ll an OBD-2Connector

on ,eceiriset of roadtestsaveraged 52.4%bettermileage.But,testsfroma weekearlier the same C,-'e youdiscount idling.WHYsuchgreatdiffeence? Actually, 22o/oit oniy24.5o/o. car averaged one Thelaterandmoresuccessful got between twotestgroups: the The secretof the BIG DIFFERENCE gainbecause MPGwas notdialedto nearchokepoint. lt was the the MORETHANDOUBLE average it until by the setting!Don'toverwork engine leaning too much- playaround about1,.turncloserto factory youfindthe PERFECT BALANCE Point. This Enhancer is built for functionality and is a must have for anyone installing a Hydrcgen Fucl Cell in vehicles 1996 and newr.


Installation to Sensor Enhancer

you to before catalytic the modiffthesignal thesensorc the When adjusting 02 sensors, onlyneed and afterthecatalylic on Manynewer carshave02 sensors themanifold 02 sensors converter. that thenobviously is theonethatureadjust. lf converter. youhavean oldercarwithonlyone02sensor

tho olllrhrnlwire froxr rs a AP Selsor to tta EtU ls solldodh6r{ lo rh6 REDwfue 0I tIe il/\P Ext.rrrer.

*,, uon,
5 Voltsto ECU

A|rck Whe

only. Bluc Ulrr lr forlstftq puryoie to llo neod conncct


w i r t s t l , t ! , 1 . ' F 1t n t h c | ' l l ' . . l ' l i


l ' , l f u e l j l i r I v ' u l lv , ' i r r i r * [ , r h r n r ,t .

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ElcLorl. Comrolllod$le.Uof ECTTECU

Frequently AskedQuestions
Answer:Thisunitcanbeswitched theodginal to factory settings putting switcfr theOriginal by the in position is usedin thisposition coldstarts whereconditions as passing, for and such and steepgrades or performance needed. Enhanced position usedin coniunc'tion that is The anysituation requiree Switch is and which withihe Highway CitySwitch, the Highway CityPotentiometers areleaned to achieve in the zl() in respect cityor highway to the'Highwa/ setting speeds bestmileage speeds.Use for above mph. Sensopneedto be dlsabled I ueean Enhancer? if 2. Dothe Oxygen Answer:I recommend using02 extenders shown above.
l.llUhen should I use the "High$a!,f'and"Enhaneed"setting?

worlr on any makeand modelvehlclewlth a MAPSensor? 3. Wll the Enhancer Answer:lt willworft MAPSensorc operate varying voltage theECU.lt willnotworkif the on that by a to MAPSensor frequency is varied only. i
4. Will the Enhancerwork with a MAF - Masr Alr Flow Seasor? operates varyinga voltageto the ECM, it shouldwork gglgg the IVIAFSensor f!quency by is Answer: If the sensor Next Page... variedonly. See

The Air FloruSensoror MassAirflowSensor(MAF)is one of the components an elec'tronic injection fuel of The MassAir Flory systemand is fodndin manyof modern vehicles. sensoris usuallyinstalled insidethe intakeair duct between air filter and the engine.The MassAir Flowsensoris usedto measure the the This meaeurement usedby the enginecomputer ECMto calculate is amount air entering engine. of the or properamountof fuel injecledinto the cylindersin orderto provideoptimumcombustion and lfl| emissions. lf your MAF Sensoris voltagevaried,incorporate MAF Enhancerto rcducevoltageto the ECM. (See the Belour.) purposes contained theseinstructions for educational in is Note: The information only and cannot substitutefor the adviceof professionalmechanicor authorizeddealer. Don't attemptto repair your car if you don't haveproperknowledge tools,you can be injuredand your vehiclecould and to be damaged.Takeyour ca.r a dealeror a repairshop for properinstallation.

MaseAir FlowSensorDetail



OC lblla. Sceh

lho +B Wnind s/,qdics rolfue lo. thg MAF Scnw. VC b tl' MAF sigt]c'tti(,e .nd E2G b tla gound. fHA tamhat sqdies 5 Vol/Elo, dra lAf sons,,rand E2 b the Uo,t d.


. E2cl Vg lllA E2 Ftg! 2.39 ',6?nd

MAF @ottd Cirantt

$AF erwnd circuit dto.* is Ntotmact with an onn netar -



Chcdting lUF @atffir,

Lto6t MAF s.nso6 cm b dltrlcd bt snplfin? pover and e grourd to ttb titla its/minal4 connocling a wltmcd to tha .*th4 MG) ra e, Md t'leving * otrough



] Page 3 C Tqpta yotor sde!, U.S/r, trE_ADRbhb Rlstnrad.

Flgr I 2.,{ r!!!! -..


Af Fbv f.iro.

Foad rifor. rar@.


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