Newsademic CS Issue 158 A Classroom

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Issue 158, Dated November 17, 2011 American English edition FREE Classroom Activities
The international newspaper for the younger reader

Classroom Activities for



Issue 158 American English edition FREE Classroom Activities Advanced Version

Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Name: __________________________

Eurozone prime ministers resign (Page 1)

Instructions: Read the article Eurozone prime ministers resign. Answer questions 1-16. 1. What is the eurozone?


How many countries are members of the eurozone?


What is meant by monetary union?


What are fiscal policies, and if the eurozone had fiscal union what would it mean?


What is a central bank and what does it do?


What is the ECB and where is it based?


In what circumstances do central banks raise and lower interest rates?


Eurozone countries cannot set their own interest rates. Why is this? Why is it now thought to be a problem?

Issue 158 American English edition FREE Classroom Activities Advanced Version

Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Name: __________________________

Eurozone prime ministers resign (Page 1) continued

9. List some things on which a government needs to spend money. How does it get the money to pay for these?

10. Explain what is meant by growth and why is it important?

11. Explain what is meant by austerity measures.

12. What is the significance of a 7% yield on government bonds?

13. What are the money markets and why are they important?

14. For what reason do government bond yields start to rise?

15. Why do you think unelected economists have been appointed as the prime ministers of Italy and Greece?

16. What is a unity government?

Issue 158 American English edition FREE Classroom Activities Basic Version

Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Name: __________________________

Eurozone prime ministers resign (Page 1)

Instructions: Read the article Eurozone prime ministers resign. Fill in the boxes with the correct answers to find the mystery person. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Clues 1. Governments sell these to borrow money 2. To save money or reduce spending government introduce __________ measures 3. The Federal __________ is Americas central bank 4. Name for the annual interest charged on government bonds 5. City where the European Central Bank is based 6. Currently there is no __________ union between eurozone member countries 7. __________ Papademos is the new Greek prime minister 8. Mario __________ has been appointed as the new prime minister of Italy 9. Former Greek prime minister, George __________ 10. Both Italy and Greece have formed __________ governments

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