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MicroFlo User Guide

IES Virtual Environment 6.4


Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.1. Introduction to CFD .............................................................................................................. 6 1.2. Main Steps in a Typical CFD Analysis..................................................................................... 7
1.2.1. Stage 1: Pre-processing Stage Definition of the Problem ..................................................................................7 1.2.2. Stage 2: Solution Stage Solving the Governing Equations ..................................................................................7 1.2.3. Stage 3: Post-processing Stage Analysis of Results ............................................................................................7

1.3. Step 0: Preparing to Run MicroFlo ........................................................................................ 7 2. Internal Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 9 2.1. Step 1: Settings .................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1. Turbulence Model ...............................................................................................................................................10 2.1.2. Surface Heat Transfer ..........................................................................................................................................10 2.1.3. Boundary Conditions ...........................................................................................................................................10 2.1.4. Grid Settings ........................................................................................................................................................10 2.1.5. Initial Conditions .................................................................................................................................................10 2.1.6. Discretisation.......................................................................................................................................................10 2.1.7. Supplies and Extracts ..........................................................................................................................................11

2.2. Step 2: Select the Room(s) you wish to Simulate................................................................. 12

2.2.1. Surface Boundary Conditions ..............................................................................................................................14

2.3. Step 3: Defining Surface Boundary Properties ..................................................................... 15

2.3.1. Supply Diffusers and Extracts ..............................................................................................................................17 2.3.2. Fixed Pressure boundaries ..................................................................................................................................18 2.3.3. Fixed Temperature ..............................................................................................................................................18 2.3.4. Heat ...................................................................................................................................................................19 2.3.5. Porous Baffle .......................................................................................................................................................19

2.4. Room Gains ....................................................................................................................... 20 2.5. Step 4: Adding Components to the Model .......................................................................... 21 2.6. Step 5: Gridding the Model ................................................................................................ 23
2.6.1. Generate Grid ......................................................................................................................................................25 2.6.2. Add Grid Region ..................................................................................................................................................25 2.6.3. Remove Grid Region ............................................................................................................................................25 2.6.4. Edit Grid Region ...................................................................................................................................................25

2.7. Step 6: Running the Simulation .......................................................................................... 26

2.7.1. Graphical Display Monitor...................................................................................................................................27 2.7.2. Cell Monitor ........................................................................................................................................................28 2.7.3. Outer Iterations ...................................................................................................................................................28 2.7.4. Turbulence Model ...............................................................................................................................................28 2.7.5. Isothermal ...........................................................................................................................................................28 2.7.6. Variable Control ..................................................................................................................................................28 2.7.7. Boundary Conditions File ....................................................................................................................................28

3. External Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 31 3.1. Step 1: CFD Settings ........................................................................................................... 31

3.1.1. Wind ...................................................................................................................................................................32

3.1.2. Turbulence Model ........................................................................................................... 32

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3.1.3. Grid Settings ........................................................................................................................................................33 3.1.4. Discretisation.......................................................................................................................................................34

3.2. Step 2: Redefine the Model Grid......................................................................................... 34

3.2.1. Generate Grid ......................................................................................................................................................35 3.2.2. Add Grid Region ..................................................................................................................................................35 3.2.3. Remove Grid Region ............................................................................................................................................36 3.2.4. Edit Grid Region ...................................................................................................................................................36

3.3. Step 3: Running the Simulation .......................................................................................... 36

3.3.1. Graphical Display Monitor...................................................................................................................................38 3.3.2. Cell Monitor ........................................................................................................................................................38 3.3.3. Outer Iterations ...................................................................................................................................................38 3.3.4. Turbulence Model ...............................................................................................................................................39 3.3.5. Variable Control ..................................................................................................................................................39 3.3.6. Boundary Conditions File ....................................................................................................................................39

4. Post-processing with the MicroFlo Viewer ................................................................................ 41 4.1. Typical Parameter Display Variations with the MicroFlo Viewer.......................................... 43 4.2. Create AVI.......................................................................................................................... 45 5. Appendix A: Steps to Define Thermal Boundary Conditions from ApacheSim............................. 47 5.1. Step 1: Define Potential Rooms for MicroFlo Analysis ......................................................... 47 5.2. Step 2: Export Boundary Conditions ................................................................................... 47 6. Appendix B: Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 49 6.1. Difficulty in Achieving Converged Solution ......................................................................... 49 6.2. Judging When the Run has Reached Completion ................................................................. 50 7. Appendix C: Opening MicroFlo Results from an Earlier Version of the <VE> ............................... 51 8. Appendix D: The wind speed for external simulations. .............................................................. 52

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Table of figures
Figure 1: MicroFlo Interface8 Figure 2: CFD Settings Properties Box 9 Figure 3: A maximum dimension of 0.2m 11 Figure 4: A maximum dimension of 1m 12 Figure 5: Selected room plus components 13 Figure 6: Surface level of model 14 Figure 7: Selection of Boundary Conditions file generated in ApacheSim / Vista Figure 8: Import of MacroFlo openings and subsequent window opening position Figure 9: Dialogue box to define boundary conditions 16 Figure 11: Convective Heat Gains from ApacheSim. 21 Figure 12: Place Component Dialogue 21 Figure 13: Model with CFD Components added 23 Figure 14: Model displaying grid scheme. 24 Figure 15: Dialogue box to allow adding a Grid Region. 25 Figure 16: Interface to allow editing of a Grid Region. 25 Figure 17: CFD Grid Statistics 26 Figure 18: Simulation Control 27 Figure 19: MicroFlo Simulation Control Monitor 27 Figure 20: Simulation in Progress 29 Figure 21: Simulation Control 29 Figure 22: Grid for External Analysis 31 Figure 23: CFD Setting Properties Box for External Analysis 32 Figure 24: Grid Settings for External Analysis 33 Figure 25: Dialogue box to allow adding a Grid Region 35 Figure 26: Edit Grid Region 36 Figure 27: CFD Grid Statistics 37 Figure 28: Simulation Control 37 Figure 29: CFD Monitor for External Analysis 38 Figure 30: CFD External Analysis in progress. 39 Figure 31: Simulation Control 40 Figure 32: The MicroFlo viewer interface 41 Figure 33: The comfort conditions dialogue 42 Figure 34: The particle tracking dialogue 43 Figure 35:Velocity Vector Slice 43 Figure 36: Velocity Contour Slice 44 Figure 37: Temperature Contour Slice 44 Figure 38:Filled Velocity Slice 44 Figure 39: Temperature Contour Slice 45 Figure 40: Temperature Surface Net 45 Figure 41: The orbit create movie 45 VE 6.4 <Module>

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Figure 42: The timed create movie 46 Figure 43: The slice create movie 46 Figure A 1: Selection of output variables and rooms 47 Figure A 2: Time selection for boundary conditions 48 Figure C 1: Menu Item 51

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1 Introduction
The purpose of this document is to summarise the principal steps in performing a MicroFlo CFD simulation.

1.1 Introduction to CFD

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is concerned with the numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer processes. The objective of CFD applied to buildings is to provide the designer with a tool that enables them to gain greater understanding of the likely air flow and heat transfer processes occurring within and around building spaces given specified boundary conditions which may include the effects of climate, internal energy sources and HVAC systems.

The mathematical simulation of air flow and heat transfer processes involves the numerical solution of a set of coupled, non-linear, second-order, partial differential equations. MicroFlo uses the primitive variable approach, which requires the solution of the three velocity component momentum equations together with equations for pressure and temperature, these equations being known as conservation equations. The numerical solution is conducted through the linearisation and discretisation of the conservation equation set, which requires the sub-division of the calculation domain into a number of non-overlapping contiguous finite volumes over each of which the conservation equations are expressed in the form of linear algebraic equations, this set of finite volumes is referred to as a grid. The resulting linear algebraic equation set for the entire domain is then solved in an iterative scheme, which accounts for the non-linear coupling. The finer the finite volume grid, the closer the solution of the algebraic equations will represent the original differential equations but the longer the simulation will take.

In summary CFD involves the numerical solution of the following governing equations:

Momentum Energy Mass continuity Turbulence Scalar/Mass Fraction

The benefits of using CFD include:

Software can be used as a what if tool. Scale-up issues are eliminated. User testing is safe and not intrusive to the process. Wind tunnel and experimental methods are usually more costly. VE 6.4 <Module> 6

Velocity components, pressure, temperature etc available throughout the domain. Flow field insight can be gained, which can be very difficult to measure. Design time and costs are usually lower.

1.2 Main Steps in a Typical CFD Analysis

1.2.1 Stage 1: Pre-processing Stage Definition of the Problem

Define the model geometry. Define the computational domain. Define the boundary and initial conditions. Define the grid / mesh. Define all the necessary solver parameters.

1.2.2 Stage 2:

Solution Stage Solving the Governing Equations

Inspect the progress of the run. Adjust solver parameter criteria if necessary to achieve convergence.


Stage 3:

Post-processing Stage Analysis of Results

Visualisation of results and reporting. The following are the various steps required to perform a MicroFlo CFD simulation.

1.3 Step 0: Preparing to Run MicroFlo

Things to do: Create/Open model for internal air flow, external air flow or both (not simultaneously). The detail of the model may be different e.g. in external flow the model may have little detailed information on each building. If users have included components for Radiance these will be included in the CFD model. Care needs to be taken because some IES Components are very detailed and could result in a much greater number of grid cells than would be necessary. Users can generate MicroFlo boundary conditions for any time from ApacheSim. Appendix A summarises the steps necessary to generate these boundary conditions. If ApacheSim boundary conditions are not being used users should decide the values of the boundary conditions.

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The MicroFlo Interface is shown (Figure 1). group.

MicroFlo is in the CFD Application

Figure 1: MicroFlo Interface Firstly decide whether an internal or an external analysis is required. Select from the combo box at the right hand side of the main MicroFlo toolbar located at the top of the MicroFlo view window. The decision made to the interface will change to reflect the current option. To make this document clearer the procedures for performing an internal and external analysis are described separately. There is some overlap. The internal analysis will be described first. An Apache simulation will also have been performed and a boundary conditions file created, for details (see Appendix A).

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2 Internal Analysis
In addition to studying the air flow through the space, it is possible to model the concentrations of CO2, moisture and CO, and the local mean age of air through the use of passive scalars. The CO, CO2 and moisture calculations are performed automatically when the appropriate boundary condition is set on a supply diffuser (see 2.3) or a source term is introduced via a fluid component (see 2.5). The Microflo viewer display options will be set appropriately. The local mean age of air is only calculated for ventilated rooms only, where there is an exchange with the outside. This is a measure of the time a parcel of air has been in the simulation domain, after allowing for advection and diffusion. Regions of high values indicate places of poor ventilation. The air change effectiveness is derived from the local mean age according to chapter 27 of the 2005 ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals. There are only two active buttons on the Toolbar that are important when selecting Internal analysis: Settings and Run. Step 1 is to define CFD settings.

2.1 Step 1: Settings

On the View Toolbar there is an option called Settings. Users can define the settings now, or at any time in the modelling process. Select Settings you get the following Properties box (Figure 2):

Figure 2: CFD Settings Properties Box Each item has sensible defaults but users can modify this information at any stage of the modelling process. The tabs have the following functions:

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2.1.1 Turbulence Model

There are two types of Turbulence Models: k-e: the most generally accepted and widely used turbulence model (Default). The k-e model calculates turbulent viscosity for each grid cell throughout the calculation domain by solving two additional partial differential equations, one for turbulence kinetic energy and the other for its rate of dissipation. Constant effective viscosity: This model does not attempt to account for the transport of turbulence but offers the user a much faster, much more approximate method of accounting for turbulence than the k-e model. The turbulent viscosity is assumed constant throughout the calculation domain and it can be defined either by specifying an absolute value or a multiplier, which is applied to the molecular laminar viscosity. This specification of turbulent viscosity is at best approximate but does allow a number of scenarios to be investigated for key features, prior to using the k-e model.

2.1.2 Surface Heat Transfer

Two options: MicroFlo will calculate heat transfer between solid surfaces and the air (Default). Users can define the surface heat transfer coefficients.

2.1.3 Boundary Conditions

Set the initial surface temperatures for all wall surfaces and windows (Default 20 Deg.C). These do not need to be set if users are using boundary conditions from Apache.

2.1.4 Grid Settings

Define the default grid spacing and merge tolerance. The merge tolerance enables grid lines that are separated by a distance less than the tolerance to be merged into a single grid line to minimise superfluous gridding. Both values default to the last values you entered. Ensure Grid merge tolerance is less than or equal to the thickness of the smallest component. For example the walls that are imported using Create multizone space partitions are set up using 0.1m thick components so grid merge tolerance should be less than or equal to 0.1m.

2.1.5 Initial Conditions

Define the initial velocity in the x-, y- and z-directions (Default 0.0, 0.0 and 0.0 m/s). The initial room air temperature can also be set. (Default 20 Deg.C). Quicker convergence may be achieved if the user chooses an initial temperature close to that of the converged solution.

2.1.6 Discretisation
Three options: Upwind (Default) VE 6.4 <Module> 1 0

Hybrid Power Law. This is an advanced option and is to do with the combined convection-diffusion coefficients that result from discretisation of the defining differential equation set. Early attempts to derive CFD solution schemes using the traditional central difference approach to discretisation were found to fail for flows with high absolute value of Peclet number, due to the highly non-linear relationship between the transported variable and the transport distance. The basic remedy for this behaviour is to allow the finite volume cell interface values of the convected properties to take on the upwind grid point values; this method is known as the upwind scheme. Advanced users who wish to use an alternative scheme may opt for the arguably more accurate but more computationally expensive hybrid and power-law schemes.

2.1.7 Supplies and Extracts

This sets the number of cell faces across a non-orthogonal inlet. Entering the command vcomp=on will show the inlet form. Then used as a mesh tool to assist in refining the grid.

Figure 3: A maximum dimension of 0.2m

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Figure 4: A maximum dimension of 1m

2.2 Step 2: Select the Room(s) you wish to Simulate

To simulate air flow in a space that comprises more than one room, users will firstly need to associate the rooms in order to form a multi-zone space. To do this, select the room that will act as the parent room to which you will attach any required adjacent rooms to form the multi-zone space, and then click on the Create multi-zone space toolbar button ( ) to open the Multi-Zone Space dialog box. Select the rooms that are to be added to the parent room and click on the dialog box Add button. Note that the rooms added to the parent room must be adjacent to the parent room. You will notice now that when selecting the parent room, all associated rooms will be displayed using the inactive system colour. Each zone can have gains associated with it which can either be imported from the thermal simulation or set by the user. When selected, the properties grid at the bottom gives the room name; ID; volume; floor area; total room heat, moisture and CO2; and total room heat, moisture and CO2 from all boundaries and components. There is a button to determine whether the total room gains should be applied ( ) or not ( ) through the introduction of source terms throughout the volume of each zone. The Create multi-zone space partitions button ( ) must be selected if there are internal partitions within any room or between selected rooms, otherwise they will be ignored. In the example model, the larger room in the ground floor is selected. Having selected the required room, step down to the Body level of decomposition, either by double-clicking on the room or clicking on the Move down one level view toolbar button. Once at the Surface level, MicroFlo displays the selected rooms plus all room components: VE 6.4 <Module> 1 2

Figure 5: Selected room plus components If components are defined then these will be picked up and used by MicroFlo. Care must be taken as the greater the detail of the components the greater the number of cells that will be created, increasing simulation time dramatically without any significant increase in accuracy. In this example partitions and desktops have been used but details such as table legs have been excluded. Components are initially thermally neutral they do not heat or cool the space. In MicroFlo there is the ability to define various attributes for components such as temperature or flux to components; this will be described in a later section. The second combo box from the left of the view toolbar (located at the bottom of the MicroFlo view window), which is known as the display mode combo box, contains four modes; Surface, Component, Grid and Slice: Surface: for entering/modifying surface boundary conditions (Default) Component: defining CFD components that exist within the volume of the room Grid: to create and modify the CFD finite volume grid Slice: post-simulation analysis of results. N.B. slice mode has been superseded by the MicroFlo Viewer and now when slice mode is selected the Microflo Viewer is launched. On first moving down to the Body level of decomposition, the default display mode is Surface, which allows users to define surface boundary conditions. Note that for multi-zone spaces, it is necessary to define surface boundary conditions separately for each constituent room (i.e. users will need to go back up to the Model level of decomposition and move down into each constituent room).

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Figure 6: Surface level of model An additional option is now enabled on the Toolbar for Surface mode operations Define Surface Boundary Conditions

2.2.1 Surface Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions, resulting from Vista exports, can be imported by selecting Import Boundary data from the File menu. There is also an option to clear imported boundary conditions. Please note that any boundaries that overlap with an opening will be removed by this action.

Figure 7: Selection of Boundary Conditions file generated in ApacheSim / Vista Import Room Gains will import the apache gains for each room. Checking the Import OpeningFlows box generates supply diffusers and extracts, as required, for the openings. It is possible to choose where to place them.

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Figure 8: Import of MacroFlo openings and subsequent window opening position

2.3 Step 3: Defining Surface Boundary Properties

Double clicking on a surface will give a Boundary view and an add boundary condition option ( ) is available on the Toolbar. Select the Toolbar and the following dialogue box appears (Figure 9):

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Figure 9: Dialogue box to define boundary conditions The following types of boundary conditions that can be added to a surface: Vent boundaries General Supply Diffuser: constant velocity inflow boundary 2-Way Supply Diffuser: 2-way air supply diffuser 4-Way Supply Diffuser: 4-way air supply diffuser Swirl diffuser Extract: constant velocity outflow boundary Fixed Pressure boundary Solid boundaries Fixed Temperature: for solid boundaries where temperature is known Heat: for convective heat sources where the heat output s specified Solid boundaries can have arbitrary polygonal geometries, but vent boundaries must be rectangular. Swirl diffusers are circular. There are two additional boundaries that can be applied to openings and holes to control the flow of air: VE 6.4 <Module> 1 6

Porous Baffle Fan

2.3.1 Supply Diffusers and Extracts

These are boundaries where the flow into and out of the simulation domain is specified. Supply diffusers define the entry of air into the simulation domain. The composition can be specified, for air from an external source, such as the moisture content and the concentrations of CO2 and CO as mass fractions. The local mean age of air from an external source is defined to be zero. General supply diffusers can be applied to surfaces of arbitrary orientation, but the others can only be applied to surfaces aligned with the primary Cartesian axes. Only the flow is required for extracts. They can be placed on surfaces of any orientation. General Supply Diffuser Specify either the air flow rate (m3/s) or flow velocity (m/s). Specify the X- and Y-Direction Discharge Angles. Specify the air composition and temperature for any external sources. Then draw the supply on the surface. 2-Way Supply Diffuser Specify either the air flow rate (m3/s) or flow velocity (m/s). Specify the Multiway Discharge Angle which is the angle to the normal and whether the discharge direction is aligned with the X- or Y- axis when the surface. Specify the air composition and temperature for any external sources. Then draw the supply on the surface. 4-Way Supply Diffuser Specify either the air flow rate (m3/s) or flow velocity (m/s). Specify the Multiway Discharge Angle which is the angle to the normal. Specify the air supply temperature, and the water vapour content if required. Then draw the supply on the surface. Swirl Diffuser

A swirl diffuser creates a circular flow where the throw can be specified with respect to the radius vector.

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N v

r n Figure 10: The velocity vector (v) for a position vector (r), zenith () and azimuth() Specify either the air flow rate (m3/s) or flow velocity (m/s). Specify the angle to the normal (N) and the azimuth angle between the projection on the discharge vector (v) and the radial vector on the plane of the boundary (r). Specify the air composition and temperature for any external sources. Specify a nominal number of vent elements (2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5) to use. Then draw the supply on the surface. Swirl diffusers are generated to second order using the generated mesh and so the actual number of cells may differ from that specified. Extract Specify either the air flow rate (m3/s) or flow velocity (m/s). Then draw the extract on the surface.

2.3.2 Fixed Pressure boundaries

The second type of vent boundary is the fixed pressure boundary where the pressure rather than the flow is prescribed. The gas composition and the temperature of the external source are given. The local mean age of air of the external source is defined to be zero. Specify the external pressure (Pa). Specify the air composition and temperature for any external sources. Then draw the supply on the surface.

2.3.3 Fixed Temperature

To a fixed temperature patch into the surface, first enter: The patch temperature (C). Then draw the temperature patch on the surface.

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2.3.4 Heat
To put heat source patch into the surface, first enter: Heat Flux (W/m2). Then draw the heat flux patch on the surface. Repeat as necessary on the same surface and change the properties as required.

2.3.5 Porous Baffle

Porous baffles can only be applied to holes. The pressure step for a flow of a given velocity through the baffle can be described by Darcys law with an inertial loss term:

where is the baffle thickness, is the pressure jump coefficient and The fluids viscosity and density are given by and .

is the permeability.

This is essentially a quadratic equation and so the simulation accepts the linear and quadratic coefficients. The curve is cut off at the stationary point, The user should: Enter the coefficients c1 and c2, Then draw the boundary over the appropriate hole. Since the behaviour of the porous boundary is symmetric irrespective of the direction of flow, it can be drawn on either side of the hole. , if c2 is negative.

2.3.6 Fan
A cubic equation is used to approximate the fan curve for a fan boundary.

The user must specify a target flow rate or target velocity since there can be up to 3 solutions for the velocity for a given pressure step. Any value can in principle be chosen for the coefficients, but it is strongly recommended that a monotonic decreasing function is supplied to obtain a well behaved solution. This is one where the gradient is never greater than zero ( ), and implies that be given. and . A quadratic or linear function can also

Set the coefficients to zero and set a target velocity if a constant velocity is required, independent of pressure. VE 6.4 <Module> 1 9

The user should: Specify either the air flow rate (m3/s) or flow velocity (m/s). Enter the coefficients Then draw the boundary over the appropriate hole. The direction matters here and the boundary must be drawn on the side where the flow is ejected. The view shows this directed arrow over the boundary.

2.4 Room Gains

If you press the Show Room Gains button following the dialogue box (Figure 11) will appear:

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Figure 11: Convective Heat Gains from ApacheSim.

This is useful when checking that convective gains have been included in the model.The gains may be added as heat boundaries on surfaces (on both rooms and components) or component heat sources.

2.5 Step 4: Adding Components to the Model

There are two types of CFD component: the solid and source. Solid components interact with the modelled fluid via surface boundary conditions, whereas source components exert their influence throughout their volume via source terms. It is possible to add pre-defined CFD components and to modify existing components to incorporate boundary conditions. It is necessary to define CFD components for each constituent room when dealing with a multi-zone space. Select Component mode from the display mode combo and select the place component icon on the Toolbar. Figure 12 is then displayed.

Figure 12: Place Component Dialogue The first tick box determines whether the component is a solid and determines the behaviour of the others. Selecting a tick box allows the user the input the relevant data. The surface temperature can only be set for solid components. The heat box determines the total thermal power output of the component. The moisture box is not used for solid components. The user is invited to input the mass of water vapour generated by the component (in kg/hour or lbs/hour), fluid (or air) components.

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The CO2 box is not used for solid components. The total mass of CO2 gas (in kg/hour or lbs/hour) generated by the component is required for source components that generate CO2. The CO2 and moisture source terms should balance when there is no ventilation. The net sources should be zero when there is no external ventilation. Table 1 Component properties for solid and fluid components.

Temperature SOLID SOURCE C or F N/A

heat W or Btu/h W or Btu/h

Moisture N/A kg/h lbs/h or


kg/h or lbs/h

It should be noted that the values entered for the CO2 or H2O mass fractions are meaningless and not allowed for solid components as solid boundaries are impervious to air. There are a number of pre-defined CFD components: Radiator Generic Heat, CO2 and moisture source component Generic Solid Heat Source Having selected a component from the drop list, any associated attributes will be checked in the attribute list box. Attributes may be added or removed by checking/unchecking the entry. When an entry is selected and checked, the attribute value will be displayed below the list box (e.g. Surface Temperature in Figure 12). The scale or actual dimensions of the component can be entered in the dimension group box. Having defined the properties you can then place the component in the model. Repeat this process to define other components. Attributes of placed components can be changed at a later date by selecting the component - adding, removing or modifying any required attribute and then clicking on the Update Selected Components button. You will notice that the Place Component dialog has a similar Room Heat Gain display to the Add Surface Boundary Condition dialog described under section 2.3.8. In the example model we have to distribute 2.1 kW of equipment gains via components. There are seven desks and seven computers at 300W each. These are all solid heat sources. The result after entering these components is shown below (Figure 13).

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Figure 13: Model with CFD Components added It is possible to add supply or extract boundary conditions to the constituent surfaces of components by selecting the required component and moving down through the decomposition levels of the component in a similar way to adding surface boundaries to a room surface.

2.6 Step 5: Gridding the Model

Select the Grid mode from the display mode combo box. The finite volume grid used by MicroFlo is created in the form of a number of regions. Each region can be spaced using the following options: None no cells Uniform spaced uniformly using the default grid spacing, which can be defined under Settings. Increasing Power Law the x-coordinate location of the faces of each grid cell within the region increases as the power of the spacing number, which starts at the beginning of the region. So that if i represents the index number of the grid line counted from the start of the region, the x-coordinate of the ith face is calculated using the following relationship: Xi=(region length)(i/n)power+xs Decreasing Power Law MicroFlo sets the spacing to decrease as the power of the spacing number counted from the end of the region: Xi=(region length)[1-(i/n)power]+xs Symmetric Power Law the x-coordinate of the ith face is calculated using both increasing and decreasing power- law relationships that meet at the middle of the region: For i <= n/2: VE 6.4 <Module> 2 3

Xi=[(region length)/2](2i/n)power+xs For i >= n/2: Xi=[(region length)/2][2-(2i/n))power]+xs

With a default grid spacing of 0.1m the following grid scheme is automatically created:

Figure 14: Model displaying grid scheme. Resetting the default grid spacing in the CFD Settings (Step 2), allows users to recalculate the default grid. The basic rules for defining the default grid co-ordinates are: A region end point is placed at the co-ordinate of each object in the model e.g. surface, supply or component. These regions are fixed and shown as red. Regions are uniformly spaced with grid cells using the default grid spacing defined in the CFD settings. In this case 0.5 m. A smaller spacing would generate more grid cells. These spacing grid cells are displayed in grey. The grid setting window to the left hand side of the interface has a number of features to allow modifications to the grid. The principal features of this grid interface are as follows:

X-Grid, Y-Grid and Z-Grid tabs allow users to select the grid scheme in each of the X, Y and Z dimensions. Only one can be active at a time. Each of these tabs list the end co-ordinate of each grid region in the dimension plus the spacing type used to space the region. In addition there are four options above the co-ordinate tabs. These are:

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2.6.1 Generate Grid

This option will automatically re-generate the grid based upon the current default grid spacing. Note all custom grid refinements will be lost when generating the grid.

2.6.2 Add Grid Region

If users select a grid in the Grid tabs and select the add grid region option then Figure 15 appears:

Figure 15: Dialogue box to allow adding a Grid Region. The end co-ordinate is where the new region needs to be placed in the currently selected region. The spacing drop down list enables users to define the spacing throughout this new region, using one of the five options described above; None, Uniform, Increasing Power Law, Decreasing Power Law and Symmetric Power Law.

2.6.3 Remove Grid Region

Grid regions can only be removed that have been added by the user. These are shown as unlocked. Highlight an unlocked grid region and it will be automatically removed if this option is selected.

2.6.4 Edit Grid Region

You can edit the spacing within a grid region via the following dialogue box (Figure 16).

Figure 16: Interface to allow editing of a Grid Region. VE 6.4 <Module> 2 5

Users have the same five padding options as defined above: None, Uniform, Increasing Power Law, Decreasing Power Law and Symmetric Power Law. In addition users can define the minimum spacing to override the default value defined in the CFD Settings. Note the graphical display of the gridlines is for visual purposes only.

2.7 Step 6: Running the Simulation

Select the Run simulation icon on the Toolbar. The grid statistics dialog will be displayed which shows the available system memory and the amount of memory required for the simulation. If a red cross appears beside the Physical Memory Available entry, you will need to simplify the problem formulation and/or grid to reduce memory requirements. The CFD Grid Statistics dialog also displays the maximum aspect ratio of cells within the grid and again if a red cross appears next to this entry, you will need to modify the formulation/grid to reduce this value you can also use the merge tolerance to eliminate very close grid lines (see Section 2.1).

Figure 17: CFD Grid Statistics

If you have an existing simulation in your directory then Figure18 will appear next:

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Figure 18: Simulation Control Resume will allow users to restart the simulation from the conditions paused/stopped the simulation. Save will allow users to save the file for later use. Delete will remove the file.

Prior to displaying the main simulation control panel, see Figure 19, MicroFlo will calculate all the grid cells for the model.

Figure 19: MicroFlo Simulation Control Monitor Principal features of this simulation control panel:

2.7.1 Graphical Display Monitor

This monitor will graphically display the residual errors, at each iteration, for selected variables and for defined cells. This helps users estimate how long a simulation may take or identify if the simulation is converging or not. VE 6.4 <Module> 2 7

2.7.2 Cell Monitor

Allows users to define which cell or cells to monitor. The cell monitor can be very useful in identifying problems to do with convergence, see Troubleshooting.

2.7.3 Outer Iterations

Set an upper limit of simulation that will be performed if full convergence is not reached.

2.7.4 Turbulence Model

Facility to change the default turbulence model.

2.7.5 Isothermal
If this is checked, the temperature/energy equation will be removed from the solution scheme.

2.7.6 Variable Control

Allows users to define the rules for controlling the convergence of individual variables

2.7.7 Boundary Conditions File

Boundary conditions file will display the name of the boundary conditions file if applied. Now press Run, the simulation will be performed. As the simulation proceeds, the progress towards convergence is displayed in the CFD Monitor window.

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Figure 20: Simulation in Progress

Users can Pause the simulation at any time in order to modify one or more of the CFD control variables to assist convergence. To re-run the simulation you simply press the Run button again. The simulation will automatically stop when the number of Outer Iterations are reached or where the Termination Residual has been reached for all variables i.e. convergence has been achieved. Review the results (see Analysing the Results in the next section) at any stage. Click on the Pause button, the simulation will be suspended, and then click on the Close button, users will be able to review the results by selecting the Slice mode from the display mode combo box. To restart a simulation, users need to return to the Grid operating mode. Press the Run icon to see Figure 21:

Figure 21: Simulation Control The software has found an existing simulation results file and gives four options: VE 6.4 <Module> 2 9

Resume: re-start most recent simulation from where it was paused. Save: Allows users to make a copy of this file for archival purposes. Delete: removes current MicroFlo results file and allows users to start from the beginning. Cancel: closes the window and does not 'Run' the simulation. If any changes made to the model need to be incorporated into the simulation, then the last option, to delete the existing file and carry out the simulation using a regenerated file, should be selected.

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3 External Analysis
External air flow is similar, but in some ways simpler, than internal air flow. To switch from internal analysis to external analysis the MicroFlo window changes as follows:

Figure 22: Grid for External Analysis Depending upon the size of the model a 3D boundary is assigned around the model and a grid is automatically assigned depending upon the CFD setting (see below). Step 1 is to re-define CFD settings.

3.1 Step 1: CFD Settings

On the View Toolbar select CFD Settings, the following Properties box is displayed (Figure 29):

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Figure 23: CFD Setting Properties Box for External Analysis Each item has sensible defaults but users can modify this information at any stage of the modelling exercise. The tabs have the following function. Note that Turbulence and Discretisation are all the same as the internal analysis.

3.1.1 Wind
There are three parts: Define Wind Direction Define Wind Velocity Define Exposure type (options: Open country, Suburban and Urban) The wind model in ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals (2005) is used. (See Appendix D: The wind speed for external simulations.) The input wind direction and speed are those observed by a weather station, in open countryside, at a height of 10m.

3.1.2 Turbulence Model

There are two types of Turbulence Models available at present: k-e: the most generally accepted and widely used turbulence model (Default). The k-e model calculates turbulent viscosity for each grid cell throughout the calculation domain by solving two additional partial differential equations, one for turbulence kinetic energy and the other for its rate of dissipation.

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Constant effective viscosity. This model does not attempt to account for the transport of turbulence but offers the user a much faster much more approximate method of accounting for turbulence than the k-e model. The turbulent viscosity is assumed constant throughout the calculation domain and it can be defined either by specifying an absolute value or a multiplier, which is applied to the molecular laminar viscosity. This specification of turbulent viscosity is at best approximate but does allow a number of scenarios to be investigated for key features, prior to using the k-e model.

3.1.3 Grid Settings

Define the default grid spacing and merge tolerance. The merge tolerance enables grid lines that are separated by a distance less than the tolerance to be merged into a single grid line to minimise superfluous gridding. Both values default to the last values you entered.

Figure 24: Grid Settings for External Analysis Ensure Grid merge tolerance is less than or equal to the thickness of the smallest lengthscale required in the simulation. MicroFlo will recommend the extensions beyond the model for the external CFD domain; in the directions upwind, downwind, to the sides of, and above the model. This is called the Domain Extent. These values can be adjusted by the user depending on the particular model / flow domain to be run. The recommended values for these extents are based on the building height (h): Upwind Downwind Sides Above 5 h 15 h 35 h 57 h

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3.1.4 Discretisation
Three options: Upwind (Default) Hybrid Power Law This is an advanced option and is to do with the combined convection-diffusion coefficients that result from discretisation of the defining differential equation set. Early attempts to derive CFD solution schemes using the traditional central difference approach to discretisation were found to fail for flows with high absolute value of Peclet number, due to the highly non-linear relationship between the transported variable and the transport distance. The basic remedy for this behaviour is to allow the finite volume cell interface values of the convected properties to take on the upwind grid point values; this method is known as the upwind scheme. Advanced users who wish to use an alternative scheme may opt for the arguably more accurate but more computationally expensive hybrid and power-law schemes.

3.2 Step 2: Redefine the Model Grid

The display mode combo box, which is located on the View toolbar at the bottom of the window, contains two options: Grid: to create and modify the CFD finite volume grid Slice: post-simulation analysis of results. This option has no meaning without an available results file, (see Step 4).

The finite volume grid used by MicroFlo is created in the form of a number of regions. Each region can be spaced using the following options: None no cells Uniform spaced uniformly using the default grid spacing, which can be defined under Settings. Increasing Power Law the x-coordinate location of the faces of each grid cell within the region increases as the power of the spacing number, which starts at the beginning of the region. So that if i represents the index number of the grid line counted from the start of the region, the x-coordinate of the ith face is calculated using the following relationship: Xi=(region length)(i/n)power+xs Decreasing Power Law MicroFlo sets the spacing to decrease as the power of the spacing number counted from the end of the region: Xi=(region length)[1-(i/n)power]+xs Symmetric Power Law the x-coordinate of the ith face is calculated using both increasing and decreasing power- law relationships that meet at the middle of the region: For i <= n/2: Xi=[(region length)/2](2i/n)power+xs VE 6.4 <Module> 3 4

For i >= n/2: Xi=[(region length)/2][2-(2i/n))power]+xs Reset the default grid spacing in the CFD Settings (Step 2) to recalculate the default grid. The basic rules for defining the default grid co-ordinates are: A region end point is placed at the co-ordinate of each object in the model e.g. surface, supply or component. These regions are fixed and shown as red. Regions are uniformly spaced with grid cells using the default grid spacing defined in the CFD settings. In this case 1.0 m. A smaller spacing would generate more grid cells. These spacing grid cells are displayed in grey. The browser window to the left hand side of the interface has a number of features to allow modification to the grid. The principal features of this grid interface are as follows: X-Grid, Y-Grid and Z-Grid tabs allow users to select the grid scheme in each of the X, Y and Z dimensions. Only one can be active at a time. Each of these tabs list the end co-ordinate of each grid region in the dimension plus the spacing type used to space the region. In addition there are four options above the co-ordinate tabs. These are:

3.2.1 Generate Grid

This option will automatically re-generate the grid based upon the current default grid spacing. Note all custom grid refinements will be lost when generating the grid.

3.2.2 Add Grid Region

Selecting a grid in the Grid tabs and selecting the add grid region option Figure 25 is displayed:

Figure 25: Dialogue box to allow adding a Grid Region The end co-ordinate is where you want the new region to be placed in the currently selected region. The spacing drop down list enables users to define the spacing throughout this new region, using one of the five options described above; None, Uniform, Increasing Power Law, Decreasing Power Law and Symmetric Power Law.

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3.2.3 Remove Grid Region

This allows the removal of grid regions that have been added. These are shown as unlocked. Highlight an unlocked grid region and it will be automatically removed if selected.

3.2.4 Edit Grid Region

Select this option to edit the spacing within a grid region via the following dialogue box (Figure 26).

Figure 26: Edit Grid Region The same five padding options as defined above: None, Uniform, Increasing Power Law, Decreasing Power Law and Symmetric Power Law. In addition users can define the minimum spacing to override the default value defined in the CFD Settings. Note the graphical display of the gridlines is visual only.

3.3 Step 3: Running the Simulation

Select the Run simulation icon on the Toolbar. The grid statistics dialog will be displayed which shows the available system memory and the amount of memory required for the simulation. If a red cross appears beside the Physical Memory Available entry, you will need to simplify the problem formulation and/or grid to reduce memory requirements. The CFD Grid Statistics dialog also displays the maximum aspect ratio of cells within the grid and again if a red cross appears next to this entry, you will need to modify the formualtion/grid to reduce this value you can also use the merge tolerance to eliminate very close grid lines (see Section 2.1).

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Figure 27: CFD Grid Statistics If there is an existing simulation in your directory then Figure 28 will appear next:

Figure 28: Simulation Control Resume will allow users to restart the simulation from the conditions that paused/stopped the simulation Save will allow users to save the file for later use. Delete will remove the file.

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Prior to displaying the main simulation control panel, see below, MicroFlo will calculate all the grid cells for the model. The principal features of this simulation control panel shown in Figure 29 are as follows. Figure 29: CFD Monitor for External Analysis

3.3.1 Graphical Display Monitor

This monitor will graphically display the residual errors, at each iteration, for selected variables and for defined cells. This helps users estimate how long a simulation may take or identify if the simulation is converging or not. Note that it is assumed that external air flow is isothermal i.e. uniform temperature.

3.3.2 Cell Monitor

Allows users to define which cell or cells you wish to monitor. The cell monitor can be very useful in identifying problems to do with convergence, see Troubleshooting.

3.3.3 Outer Iterations

Set an upper limit of simulation that will be performed if full convergence is not reached. VE 6.4 <Module> 3 8

3.3.4 Turbulence Model

Facility to change the default turbulence model

3.3.5 Variable Control

Allows users to define the rules for controlling the convergence of individual variables

3.3.6 Boundary Conditions File

Will display the name of the Boundary Conditions file if applied Now press Run, the simulation will be performed. As the simulation proceeds progress towards convergence will be displayed in the CFD Monitor window.

Figure 30: CFD External Analysis in progress. Pause the simulation at any time in order to modify one or more of the CFD control variables to assist convergence. To re-run the simulation simply press the Run button again. The simulation will automatically stop when the number of Outer Iterations are reached or where the Terminal Residual has been reached for all variables i.e. convergence has been achieved. Results can be reviewed (see Analysing the Results in the next section) at any stage if the user selects pause. After pausing the simulation results will be written to file. If there is an existying CFD results file when users press the Run icon the following window is displayed (Figure 37): VE 6.4 <Module> 3 9

Figure 31: Simulation Control The software has found an existing simulation results file and gives four options: Resume: re-start most recent simulation from where it was Paused. Save: allows users to make a copy of this file for archival purposes. Delete: removes current MicroFlo results file and allows users to start from the beginning. Cancel: closes the window and does not 'Run' the simulation.

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4 Post-processing with the MicroFlo Viewer

The MicroFlo viewer application can be used to display your CFD results. This option is similar to the display model viewer button in ModelIT. The user can rotate the model using the orbit button and zoom in and out as necessary to concentrate on any particular area in the model. On the upper left hand side of the window, there are various options to select that the user can display, for example velocity and temperature contours or filled contours as required. A combination of vectors and contours can be chosen for the one image. On the lower left hand side of the window, the user can select the grid locations in the x, y and z axes for displaying the slice results. Scrolling up and down the list of available grid locations can be done using the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard. The display settings option can be modified here; the user can change the scale of the velocity vectors and the maximum displayed value. The range for the velocity and temperature contours can also be modified here by adjusting the upper and lower values for display.

Figure 32: The MicroFlo viewer interface The full list of output variables the MicroFlo viewer displays is listed below: Velocity vector Velocity contour Temperature contour Pressure contour H2O mass fraction contour CO2 mass fraction contour VE 6.4 <Module> 4 1

Local Mean Age of Air contour Filled velocity contour Filled temperature contour Filled pressure contour Filled H2O mass fraction contour Filled CO2 mass fraction contour Filled Local Mean Age of Air contour Dry resultant temperature contour PMV contour PPD contour Comfort contour Filled dry resultant temperature contour Filled PMV contour Filled PPD contour Filled comfort contour The user can specify the comfort conditions for the comfort display options.

Figure 33: The comfort conditions dialogue The MicroFlo viewer can also be used to create surfaces of temperature, velocity, pressure, H2O and CO2 mass fractions, and the local mean age of air. These are displayed as virtual nets (see the following page for an example). The MicroFlo viewer can display animated particle tracking where the user can specify the number and length of the particle tracks.

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Figure 34: The particle tracking dialogue

4.1 Typical Parameter Display Variations with the MicroFlo Viewer

Figure 35:Velocity Vector Slice

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Figure 36: Velocity Contour Slice

Figure 37: Temperature Contour Slice

Figure 38:Filled Velocity Slice

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Figure 39: Temperature Contour Slice

Figure 40: Temperature Surface Net

4.2 Create AVI

Users can create 3 types of avi to make a video of their CFD results. The 3 types are orbit, timed and slice. It is the users discretion what results are displayed during the avi creation process.

Figure 41: The orbit create movie

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Figure 42: The timed create movie

Figure 43: The slice create movie

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5 Appendix A: Steps to Define Thermal Boundary Conditions from ApacheSim

Users may wish to use Boundary Conditions from ApacheSim to improve the quality of the information used by MicroFlo. This section summarises how you generate the MicroFlo boundary conditions from ApacheSim.

5.1 Step 1: Define Potential Rooms for MicroFlo Analysis

Figure A 1: Selection of output variables and rooms In the ApacheSim simulation controller, select Output Options and choose the rooms for surface temperature output. This additional information will provide the boundary condition information for use in MicroFlo.

5.2 Step 2: Export Boundary Conditions

In Vista select the Export Boundary Conditions options from the File menu. The following dialogue box appears: VE 6.4 <Module> 4 7

Figure A 2: Time selection for boundary conditions Users define the time on a specific date they want the boundary conditions for MicroFlo. Users can also define the Averaged Duration i.e. the length of time you want to average the simulation results. Users are then asked to name the Boundary Conditions file for use by MicroFlo.

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6 Appendix B: Troubleshooting
6.1 Difficulty in Achieving Converged Solution
Problem Residuals continuously increasing Residuals fail to reduce Cause False time steps set too high Oscillating flow pattern Remedy Reduce false time steps for velocities and possibly temperature Reduce false time steps for velocity

Unrealistic initial values Check initial values under Settings Internal heat source without sink, e.g. radiator in room with adiabatic surfaces

Check that the problem is realistic. Set cell monitor points and check for continuously increasing/decreasing values, which would indicate imbalance Reduce false time steps for velocity. Increase number of inner iterations for pressure Increase false time steps

Erratic convergence

Unstable flows, e.g. strong jets or buoyancy driven plumes Various causes False time step set too low

Mass residual reduces very slowly Residuals all reducing steadily but very slowly

If the MicroFlo solver experiences numerical difficulties during the calculation run the following items should be checked and may need to be changed or altered: Physical model shape Boundary Conditions Make use of sensible initial values Quality of the grid Solver parameters

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6.2 Judging When the Run has Reached Completion

Check the residual history printed on screen. The sum of the normalized absolute residuals should diminish steadily. Check the monitoring cell location for the dependent variables at the user set location within the fluid domain. These should stabiles to the converged solution. It is very important that checks are made during the initial stages of the analysis to monitor progress of the solution run. In cases of solution divergence, the run should be terminated and appropriate adjustments made to the relevant control parameters such as relaxation factors, false time steps etc. Neglecting this can result in lost time and unproductive simulations. Note, however, that increases in residuals and oscillations in the computed variables during the early stages of a run are not uncommon and should disappear after a few iterations. The run should therefore be given sufficient time to stabilise before any judgement is made on its progress.

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7 Appendix C: Opening MicroFlo Results from an Earlier Version of the <VE>

The following procedure is used to import MicroFlo CFD results that have been created in an earlier version of the <VE>.

Figure C 1: Menu Item Open model in new version of the <VE>. Enter MicroFlo and select zone(s) to be used for internal analysis. Go to File > Translate Output File and choose the .cfd file to be translated. Click OK to confirm geometry change and then select the filename for the new .cfd file export. Enter the MicroFlo viewer and select Open File. Choose the new .cfd file and the available grid slices will appear under the X, Y and Z tabs. All MicroFlo results can now be viewed as per normal

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8 Appendix D: The wind speed for external simulations.

The model from the ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals *2005+, (16.3 Airflow around Buildings) was used to obtain the wind speed (u) profile with height (h).
amet a


u met



where = 270 m is the Layer Thickness for the meteorological site (assumed to be of type Country)

amet = 0.14 is the Exponent for the meteorological site (assumed to be of type Country) hmet = is the measurement height for the meteorological site (assumed to be 10 m)
The values for the atmospheric boundary layer () and the exponent ( a ) are given in the table below. Terrain Type Country Description Expon ent a 0.14 Layer Thickness (m) 270

Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less than 10 m, including flat open country typical of meteorological station surroundings Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas, or other terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of single-family dwellings or larger, over a distance of at least 2000 m or 10 times the height of the structure upwind, whichever is greater Large city centres, in which at least 50% of buildings are higher than 21m, over a distance of at least 2000 m or 10 times the height of the structure upwind, whichever is greater







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