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ANSI/ASAE S539 MAR1994 (R2008) Media Filters for IrrigationTesting and Performance Reporting


ASABE is a professional and technical organization, of members worldwide, who are dedicated to advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems. ASABE Standards are consensus documents developed and adopted by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers to meet standardization needs within the scope of the Society; principally agricultural eld equipment, farmstead equipment, structures, soil and water resource management, turf and landscape equipment, forest engineering, food and process engineering, electric power applications, plant and animal environment, and waste management. NOTE: ASABE Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data are informational and advisory only. Their use by anyone engaged in industry or trade is entirely voluntary. The ASABE assumes no responsibility for results attributable to the application of ASABE Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data. Conformity does not ensure compliance with applicable ordinances, laws and regulations. Prospective users are responsible for protecting themselves against liability for infringement of patents. ASABE Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data initially approved prior to the society name change in July of 2005 are designated as ASAE, regardless of the revision approval date. Newly developed Standards, Engineering Practices and Data approved after July of 2005 are designated as ASABE. Standards designated as ANSI are American National Standards as are all ISO adoptions published by ASABE. Adoption as an American National Standard requires verication by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by ASABE. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. CAUTION NOTICE: ASABE and ANSI standards may be revised or withdrawn at any time. Additionally, procedures of ASABE require that action be taken periodically to reafrm, revise, or withdraw each standard. Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. All rights reserved. ASABE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659, USA ph. 269-429-0300, fax 269-429-3852,

ANSI/ASAE S539 MAR1994 (R2008) Approved October 1995; reafrmed February 2008 as an American National Standard

Media Filters for IrrigationTesting and Performance Reporting

Developed by the ASAE Microirrigation Committee; approved by the Soil and Water Division Standards Committee; adopted by ASAE March 1994; revised editorially July 1994; approved as an American National Standard October 1995, reafrmed December 1998; reafrmed by ASAE December 1999; reafrmed by ANSI June 2000; reafrmed by ASAE January 2001, December 2001, February 2003; reafrmed by ANSI February 2003; reafrmed by ASABE and ANSI February 2008. Keywords: Filters, Irrigation, Testing
ASAE EP405.1 DEC93, Design and Installation of Microirrigation Systems ASAE EP458 DEC93, Field Evaluation of Microirrigation Systems ASAE S526, Soil and Water Engineering Terminology ASA/SSSA monograph, Methods of Soil Analyses, Part 1, Particle Size Analyses

3 Denitions and terminology

3.1 backwash: A procedure that ushes clean water through a lter tank in reverse direction to the normal operating direction so as to remove captured organic and inorganic particulates from the lter media. Filtered water from one or more tanks is used to backwash another tank. Only one tank is usually backwashed at a time. The process is also referred to as backush and as reverse ushing. 3.2 backwash control mechanism: A mechanism that initiates the backwashing action of the lter as determined by one or a combination of physical quantities, such as pressure differential, duration of ltration interval, or volume of water ltered. 3.3 backwash ow: A recommended rate of water ow through the media to maximize uniformity of backwashing, to maximize effectiveness of the backwashing activity, and to minimize loss of media. 3.4 backwash pressure differential: A pressure differential between two points, one upstream and one downstream of the lter tanks, that may initiate the backwashing cycle. 3.5 backwash water volume: A volume of water ushed from the entire media ltration system (two or more tanks) during one backwashing operation. 3.6 duration of lter ushing cycle: A period of time during which water ushes ltered material out of the media lter via the backwash action. 3.7 ltration level: The minimum particle size retained by the lters when operated according to lter manufacturers specications using a given media grade. Particle sizes should be expressed in units of micrometers rather than screen mesh sizes. 3.8 loading rate: The average concentration of suspended particulates in the inlet test uid, expressed in milligrams (dry mass) per liter of test uid, mg/L. 3.9 maximum operating ow: The highest inlet ow specied by the manufacturer that insures both proper ltration and proper backwashing. Expressed as ow per unit cross-sectional area of media, L/(sm2). 3.10 maximum operating pressure: The highest inlet pressure specied by the manufacturer that insures the proper and safe functioning of the device. 3.11 media: The ltration material used in a media lter. The media generally consists of crushed granite, silica, or quartz sieved to specic particle sizes. Media may also consist of many other materials such as cardboard or synthetic bers, woven textiles of various types, or synthetic particles. 3.12 media lter: A ltration device that uses a bed of media to remove suspended organic and inorganic particles from the incoming irrigation water. Each media lter is contained within a pressure vessel(s) or tank(s) that contains underlying drains (e.g., PVC plastic, stainless steel, or ceramic materials) with or without a gravel bed to facilitate the backwashing procedure. Media lter is sometimes referred to as a depth lter.

1 Purpose and scope

1.1 This Standard has the following purposes: 1.1.1 Dene a standard procedure to collect irrigation media lter test data. 1.1.2 Provide procedures to classify and characterize media lter test data from manufacturers and independent testing laboratories. 1.2 This Standard establishes a consistent basis to validate and support manufacturers statements on the performance, reliability, safety, and long-term effectiveness of individual irrigation media ltration systems. Sufcient data are to be developed so irrigation system designers and others can evaluate the suitability of a particular lter system for a specic application. 1.3 This Standard does not establish design criteria for irrigation media lters or specify media. It is not intended for use in ranking different products. 1.4 The scope of this Standard is to describe methods for obtaining sufcient, accurate data to determine performance characteristics of media lters used for irrigation. This Standard pertains only to media lters for irrigation water. 1.5 This Standard addresses the operation and performance of a system of media lter tank vessels, related valves, backwash mechanism, underdrains and manifolds. These components dene the containment and processing assemblies associated with media ltration systems that ensure proper hydraulic characteristics, ow balance, and adequate cleaning of the media for a specic product design that has been installed and operated as recommended by a manufacturer. 1.6 The selection of the actual ltration media used inside the ltration system is not part of this Standard, although it is extremely important to overall ltration performance. The ultimate effectiveness of ltration depends on the depth and type of the media bed, velocity of water through the bed, physical composition and characteristics of the media, and equivalent pore-size distributions. Testing of individual media for its efciency in ltration is likewise not part of this Standard. 1.7 Determinations of particulate composition of the outlet test uid are used to assess the potential effectiveness of the entire backwash system in cleaning the media after extended use, and are not an evaluation of media performance.

2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Standards organizations maintain registers of currently valid standards.

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3.13 media ltration system: A system of two or more media lter tanks manifolded together so ltered water from one tank can be used to backwash the other(s) by actuation of valves. 3.14 media grade: The classication of the media with respect to particles and their size distribution (percent of total mass). 3.15 minimum operating ow: The lowest ow into the lter system specied by the manufacturer that insures both proper ltration and proper backwashing functions. Expressed as ow per unit cross-sectional area of media, L/(sm2). 3.16 minimum operating pressure: The lowest inlet pressure specied by the manufacturer that insures proper functioning of the device, including backwashing without an additional higher pressure source. 3.17 nominal pressure loss: The normal pressure loss measured through a back-ushed, clean lter for efcient, long-term operation of the lter system. 3.18 outlet test uid: The suspended organic and inorganic particulates in the test uid that have passed through a lter and may also include particles from the media. May also be referred to as the ltrate. 3.19 suspended solids: Organic and inorganic particulates suspended in a moving water stream. Total suspended solids, TSS, is a measure of the concentration of suspended solids in the water expressed as mg/L. 3.20 test uid: The uid used for testing the lter system. 3.21 test particulates: The solids in the test uid that enter a media lter under test.

and construction material (e.g., PVC, stainless steel, ceramic) of underdrain assembly; total underdrain open area; underdrain slot opening or pore dimensions, if applicable; other descriptive information pertinent to the particular lters being tested. Descriptive schematic diagrams (front, top and side views) of the lter system with dimensions should be included.

5 Site conditions and test equipment

5.1 Filter media and all necessary components shall be installed according to the manufacturers instructions. Media lter testing results shall be determined at three standardized inlet test uid compositions. 5.1.1 Filtering site. The lters shall be placed on a at, level, and stable surface. 5.1.2 Test uid. The test uid shall be water containing various standard concentrations of test particulates. Inlet test uid temperature. Recommended test uid temperature range shall be 10 C to 38 C. Average water temperature during the test shall be reported. Inlet test uid salinity. The electrical conductivity, EC, of the inlet test uid as introduced into the lter shall be not less than 0.25 dS/m or more than 2.0 dS/m. 5.1.3 Inlet test uid composition. After the test particulates have been added, the inlet test uid shall contain not less than 2 mg/L and not more than 5 mg/L organic matter by dry mass of total suspended material. Test particulate inorganic particle size distribution shall be 0200 m, 60% 2% by dry mass; 200400 m, 30% 2% by dry mass; and greater than 400 m, 10% 2% by dry mass. The added suspended test particulates shall not change either the specic gravity or viscosity of the water by more than 2% of the unaltered test uid. Inlet test uid reproducibility. The inlet test uid composition shall be consistently reproducible (total suspended solids, TSS, particle size distributions and concentrations). Inorganic particles. Inorganic particles shall be stable in water, and shall not change size during the testing process by fracturing, cracking, or disintegration. Organic matter. Organic matter (e.g., ground plant material or pulverized newspaper) is often brous but should pass through a 400 m dry sieve. Inlet test uid supply tank. The inlet test uid supply tank shall maintain a uniform concentration of test particulates to the inlet side of the ltration system. Mechanical agitation of the tank(s) will usually be required. 5.1.4 Maximum inlet water pressure. Maximum inlet pressure used in testing shall be at 100% of the manufacturers suggested maximum operating pressure or 80% of the maximum pressure rating of the tanks, whichever is less. 5.1.5 Pressure rating of tanks. Tanks should be certied to withstand at least 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure for safety considerations. Otherwise, the tanks shall be static pressure tested to at least 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure for 30 min before initiation of the tests. Successful completion of the pressure test shall be determined by the absence of leaks in any of the welds and/or connections. Results of the pressure test shall be reported. Pressure rating of tanks determined in accordance with other standards (e.g., ASTM) shall be clearly identied by reference or full description of the specic procedures used in establishing the rating. 5.1.6 Test station piping. The upstream and downstream piping shall conform to the recommended sizes and length requirements on the lter connections for that particular test. Inlet and outlet pipes shall be of the same material and general condition. The inside surface shall be free of aking rust, mill scale, and irregularities that could cause excessive

4 Irrigation media lter description

4.1 Number of tests. To establish a set of typical test data, at least one lter set of each model and size should be tested under the same operating and temperature conditions. Each test shall be recorded and reported separately, although tests on identical models may be combined in reports. 4.2 Selection of lters for testing. Filters used for testing and analyses shall be randomly selected from normal production runs. Unless specic conditions or manufacturers recommendations warrant otherwise, testing of two tanks per tested media lter system set is adequate. 4.3 Selection of media. The specic composition, depth of the media bed, velocity of water through the bed, physical composition, size distribution, and geometric characteristics of the media particles are specied by the manufacturer. 4.4 Tank safety factors. Design safety factor for the tanks should be stated as a ratio of the bursting pressure to the maximum recommended operating pressure (e.g., 4:1). 4.5 Description of lter. Each media lter system shall be described so specic references can be made to each system as tested at later dates. The system description shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: name of manufacturer; approximate date of manufacture; model name and number; date of testing; nominal inlet and outlet pipe sizes; material of tank construction (e.g., stainless steel, epoxy-coated steel with type and thickness of epoxy, painted steel, berglass, PVC); nominal diameter of tanks; dimensions, cross-sectional area or diameter, and type of inspection/lling and/or cleaning/media removal access port assemblies (e.g., clamps, threaded, bolted with gaskets); type of backwash automation, if applicable; description of backwash control mechanism; description of ltered water collector on tank bottom including type

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turbulence. Construction shall provide for full pipe ow through all instrumented sections during the tests. 5.1.7 Safety. The test layout shall be designed to maximize the safety of testing personnel. Filters and/or lter installations that may create a potential safety problem for testing personnel shall not be tested. Restraining rings, bolts, access port assemblies, pipe connections, etc., shall be checked for proper placement and installation prior to the start of a test. Potential safety hazards shall be identied and corrected prior to conducting any tests.

of a mesh sufcient to retain any media that might pass through the underdrain assemblies, but not smaller-sized particles. This lter shall be cleaned after completion of a set of tests run at one test condition and the size distribution and composition of the contents analyzed.

7 Testing procedures
7.1 After installation of media, the media lter system shall be lled with the test uid and all air bled off prior to the initiation of a testing sequence. Media lter testing shall be done in this sequence: pressure loss-ow relationships; backwash effectiveness; safe operation under extreme conditions. Tests shall be conducted following the manufacturers recommended specied media and general operating conditions to the fullest extent possible. Operating conditions not supplied by the manufacturer that are required for this Standard shall be identied; and, in these cases, the determination of the unspecied values shall be at the discretion of the testing laboratory and reported as such. 7.2 Test identication. Information sufcient to identify each particular testing sequence shall include: test number; manufacturers name; product description as outlined in 4.5; calendar dates; times of day; testing location (organization and address); name of the person in charge of the testing. 7.3 Flow. Flows used in the testing procedure are referenced to the maximum operating ow and the minimum operating ow [e.g., 0.6 m3/(hrm2) and 1.08 m3/(hrm2), respectively, based on the top surface area of media in the tanks]. 7.4 Inlet uid pressure. Inlet pressure shall be the maximum allowed under 5.4. 7.5 Inlet test uid composition. Test particulates shall be introduced at a constant loading rate throughout the test period, including during backwash cycles. 7.5.1 Introduction of test particulates. Test particulates shall be introduced immediately prior to the lter station so the distribution is uniform in time and density. The test particulate supply tank shall have constant mechanical agitation. 7.5.2 Loading rate. Tests should be repeated at inorganic inlet test uid loading rates of 0 mg/L (e.g., clean tap water); 100 mg/L ( 10 mg/L) plus organic materials; 10 mg/L) plus organic materials. 300 mg/L ( 7.5.3 Media. All tests of a lter system shall be conducted with a single ltration media (and support gravel if used) conforming to the manufacturers specied size, shape, etc. Synthetic material media shall be supplied by the manufacturer and clearly described in the nal reports. 7.5.4 Changing of media. New particle or synthetic ber media shall be installed prior to initiation of each testing sequence as stated below. The lters shall be thoroughly backwashed 3 to 4 times immediately after installation of new media and prior to the initiation of any tests to remove any nes or other particulates contained in the media that could inuence test results. After initial backwashing of particle media, the specic particle sizes, particle size distribution, depth, volume, and the initial mass of the new media shall be reported. 7.5.5 Sieve analyses of particle media. Prior to the start of each testing sequence for lters with sand-type media, random samples of the

6 Measurements
6.1 Pressure. Pressures at selected points in the system shall be monitored and recorded for each test. 6.1.1 Pressure measuring device(s). Pressure measuring device(s) capable of measuring pressure with an accuracy 2% of the anticipated reading shall be used. Each instrument shall be calibrated (bench tested) as necessary to maintain accuracy. If two or more pressure measuring devices used to determine pressure are not located in the same horizontal plane, a correction shall be made for the difference in elevation. The instrument(s) shall be operated between 30% and 70% of the full operating range. 6.1.2 Pressure taps. Pressure taps or ttings shall be provided for measurement of static pressure and pressure loss across the lters and across lter backwash valves. Taps shall not protrude inside the pipes. The edge of each hole shall be clean and sharp or slightly rounded. All taps shall be identical in design. A pressure averaging ring with multiple taps is recommended. Taps shall be located a minimum of ve pipe diameters downstream of any tees, elbows, valves, ow measuring instruments, etc. Measurements shall be made at a minimum of three locations: upstream of the lters; immediately downstream of the lters; and at locations where pressures can be measured across lter backwash valves. Additional locations may be measured at the testers option. 6.2 Temperature. Any device that measures water temperature with an accuracy of 1 C of the reading may be used. This device shall be located more than ve (5) pipe diameters immediately downstream of the system ow measuring instrument. 6.3 Flow. Water ow through the system and backwash ow rates shall be measured and reported for each test. 6.3.1 Flow measuring instrument(s). The ow measuring instrument(s) shall be any device that measures ow (or volume over time) with an accuracy of 2% over the ow range being evaluated. The instrument(s) shall be installed with proper lengths of straight, unobstructed pipe upstream and downstream from the instrument(s) as recommended by the manufacturer of the ow measurement instrument(s). The instrument(s) shall be calibrated to ensure the specied accuracy. The instrument(s) shall operate under full pipe ow conditions. The instrument(s) should cause minimum pressure loss. 6.3.2 Location of ow measuring instruments. One instrument shall be located upstream to measure total system inow and total volume. A second instrument shall be located to measure backwash ow and total volume. 6.3.3 Throttling device. A downstream throttling device shall be used to control ow through the test lters. Full pipe ow shall be maintained within the inlet and outlet during the testing process. There are no restrictions on the size or style of this device. 6.3.4 Sample collection. The use of a valve on the side of the outlet pipe is recommended for collection of water samples during a test for compositional and particle size analyses. The sampling valve shall be located on the horizontal centerline of the outlet pipe. 6.3.5 Air relief. The location, type, and size of any air relief device used or recommended by the manufacturer shall be clearly stated. 6.3.6 Downstream ltration. A screen lter shall be located downstream of the media lters to prevent the recirculation of particles back through the media lters, and to catch lost media. This lter shall be

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new and backwashed (see 7.5.3) media used shall be taken from the tanks in sufcient quantities for the sieve analyses. The data will characterize the media. 7.5.6 Where support gravel is specied, provide sieve analysis, compositional purity (e.g., % silica or % quartz), chemical, physical, and geometric description of media and any support gravel used in the testing procedure. In no case should the size of the support gravel be smaller than 90% of the ltering media. 7.6 Outlet uid composition. Samples shall be collected, and the outlet test uid compositional purity shall be determined. The sample analyses shall include the particle size distribution of the introduced test particulates in the test uid entering the test lters, and the particle size distribution in the outlet test uid. One set of outlet test uid samples shall be taken at the end of the testing period for each ow at each loading rate. The samples shall be analyzed for TSS and particle size distribution in accordance with procedures outlined in ASA-SSSA monograph. Turbidity meters to determine relative outlet test uid compositional purity shall not be used. 7.6.1 Samples shall be collected 30 min or more after completion of the last backwash cycle. Sample size shall be at least 50 mL and collected into a sample bottle that has been thoroughly cleaned, rinsed with distilled water, and allowed to dry prior to the test. Outlet uid composition samples shall be collected downstream of the lter but above the downstream throttling device and the downstream ltration. 7.6.2 Removal efciency shall be calculated in accordance with 3.4.1,,, and in ASAE EP458. This equation is:

E r 100* 1

S outow , S inow

Er is the removal efciency; S outow is outlet concentration of suspended solids in mg/L; S inow is the inlet concentration of suspended solids in mg/L.
7.6.3 An example of reporting TSS in the outlet water for each size range of the test particulate material after a typical test might be (assuming no media was removed from the tanks by the backwash process):
Particle size 0200 m 200400 m >400 m Organic Total concentrations Removal efciency, E r Inlet concentration 60 30 10 5 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Outlet concentration 20 5 2 1.5 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

105 mg/L

28.5 mg/L 72.9%

7.6.4 The data from 7.6.2 will be used to determine (calculate) the particle size for which 90% of the total mass of particles (test particulates and media) passing the lter are smaller. 7.7 Pressure loss-ow testing. Data of pressure loss vs. ow shall be reported for the purpose of establishing pressure-ow relationships across the lter system. Backwash initiation (if necessary) and optimal cycle duration criteria shall follow manufacturers recommended operating procedures. The specic criteria used for each test period and general test conditions shall be reported. The pressure loss vs. ow tests shall be conducted with newly installed, backwashed media. 7.7.1 Test period. The duration (time) for testing each pressure-ow combination depends on the time required for the entire system to reach

conditions of hydraulic equilibrium. These conditions will normally occur after about 20 to 30 min as determined by monitoring pressure and ow uctuations. 7.7.2 Loading rate. The lter system shall be tested at each ow with clean water only (0 mg/L loading rate). 7.7.3 Flows. Tests shall be conducted at a minimum of seven ows ranging in nearly equal increments from about 75% of the manufacturers minimum recommended operating ow per unit area to about 125% of the manufacturers maximum recommended operating ow per unit area. All ows used shall be reported. 7.7.4 Inlet and outlet pressures. Inlet pressures shall be maintained at the manufacturers maximum recommended operating levels. Inlet and outlet pressures shall be reported at each ow once equilibrium conditions have been established. 7.7.5 Testing sequence. Tests shall proceed from the lowest to the highest ow. Backwash, if necessary, to maintain the manufacturers recommended post-backwash pressure differentials. 7.8 Backwash testing. Backwash initiation and optimal cycle duration criteria shall follow manufacturers recommended operating procedures. These criteria shall be reported. 7.8.1 Test period. Each test lter shall be tested continuously for a minimum of 48 h and have at least 20 complete backwash cycles during the test period. The specic criteria used for each test period, general test conditions, and the total volume of test uid that passed through the lters during the entire test shall be reported. 7.8.2 Flows. Tests shall be conducted at two ows: the minimum manufacturers recommended operating ow per unit area, and the maximum recommended operating ow per unit area as dened above. It is not necessary to replace the media between ow changes at the same loading rate. Tests shall proceed from lowest to highest ows. 7.8.3 Loading rate. Backwash effectiveness shall be tested for two loading rates (100 10 mg/L and 300 10 mg/L). Loading rates shall proceed from lowest to highest loading. Each loading rate sequence should start with newly replaced and backwashed media. 7.8.4 Pressure differentials. Pressure losses across the media lter system shall be measured and reported for each ow at the two loading rates (see 7.5.2). 7.8.5 Backwashing. The lters shall be backwash between each test condition until the manufacturers recommended post-backwash pressure differential is achieved. Backwash valve closure. In multi-tank systems, the time required for the backwash valve to close following backwash (e.g., dwell time between tanks) shall be reported for each ow and pressure combination used in the testing sequence. Backwash valve pressure losses. Backwash valve pressure losses during normal lter operation as well as during backwash shall be measured and reported. Backwash initiation. Initiation of individual backwash operations for a lter system shall be in accordance with the manufacturers criteria with respect to specied timing (e.g., h) between backwash events; achieving a specied pressure drop across the lter system; both timing and pressure drop. Backwash interval. The times (h:min) between individual system backwash cycles and the average frequency (during the entire testing sequence) of backwashing required to clean the ltering media to the manufacturers recommended post-backwash pressure differential shall be determined and reported for each tested loading rate. Backwash duration. The duration (time) required for actual lter system backwash operations shall be reported for all backwash conditions. Backwash duration of an individual lter system backwashing operation shall be in accordance with the manufacturers criteria with respect to specied ushing times (min) for individual tanks and post-

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backwash pressure differentials across the system (inow-outow: nominal pressure loss). The differential pressure loss and/or ushing time criteria shall be reported for each tested loading rate. Backwash volume. The total volume of test uid used for backwashing shall be measured (see 6.3.2) and recorded. The average volume of test uid used per backwash cycle shall be calculated and reported for each ow and loading rate. Visual inspection of particle media. Upon completion of each set of backwash tests at each loading rate, as stated above, the particle media shall be visually inspected for the appearance of dishing, depressions, uneven upper surface media, channeling, tunneling, or other problems that may reduce the ltration effectiveness. The existence, nature, depths, and sizes of these occurrences shall be measured, recorded, and reported. Loss of particle media. Upon completion of each set of backwash tests at each loading rate, as stated above, the mass of particle media remaining in the tanks shall be measured. The loss of media per backwash cycle shall be reported as mass of media lost divided by the total number of backwash cycles and as a percent of initial ll media mass. The downstream screen lters shall be inspected and amount (dry mass) of any media or media-sized particles present shall also be measured and reported. Percent of residue remaining in media. Upon completion of the backwash test at each loading rate, media shall be examined for accumulated, ltered (trapped) residues. Extracted, residual particle sizes remaining in the media shall be reported for the same distributions specied in 7.6, as well as a percentage of the total mass of media and residue in the lters. These analyses should be determined by extraction of four cores (two near the center and two at the sides of the tank) that are at least 5 cm in diameter for approximately the full depth of any particle or synthetic media. The media cores shall be evaluated for organic matter content, silts, clays, etc. Particle media will require drying, sieving, and measuring volume and sizes of the material that was not a part of the media prior to initiation of the test as compared to the media particle size analyses. Analyses of synthetic ber media shall utilize methods to remove any accumulated material consistent with the chemical composition of the media (describe methodology). Particle characteristics of the extract shall be analyzed and described. Backwash valve operation. The operation of backwash control valves during backwashing operations shall be observed. The creation of water hammer in the backwash discharge system due to the valve operation under testing conditions shall be reported. 7.8.6 Rinse cycle valves. Some media lters may have rinse cycles after the backwash process to prevent carry-over of contaminants into the irrigation system. The operation of rinse control valves as well as the volume of water used for this operation shall be observed and reported. The creation of water hammer in the piping system due to the valve operation under testing conditions shall be reported. 7.9 Safe operation under extreme conditions. Starting with new media, a backwash test shall be conducted at only the highest loading rate (see 7.8) for both the manufacturers maximum and minimum recommended ow rates per unit area. Backwashing shall be manually initiated when the lter system has developed a pressure differential of not less than 0.5 times the manufacturers maximum recommended operating pressure to ensure backwash valve operation and safety under extreme conditions. These data shall be recorded and also presented in the pressure loss table section of the testing report. Other testing parameters and reporting criteria contained in 7.8 also apply to these tests.

by the testing organization. Supplemental data describing the conduct of the test may be included on the testing forms or in the test report. Copies of all laboratory test results shall be made available on request. 8.2 Sufcient data should be recorded and retained to support published performance specications so perceived or apparent conicts can be resolved or further evaluated. The use of photographs of the testing setup is highly recommended. 8.3 Interpolation of data. No interpolation between lter sizes or models shall be used for the standard specications. Each size and model shall have its own test record.

9 Published data
9.1 Data obtained and recorded in accordance with the methods and procedures as described by this Standard may be published as the minimum performance specications of specic irrigation media lters. Much of the requested information in this clause is supplied by the manufacturer and is not part of the testing process, however, it is necessary to have it combined into one document for making appropriate design decisions. 9.2 Units. Results shall be presented in SI units; however, the manufacturer may also include inch-pound system units. 9.2.1 Pressure. Data shall be listed in kilopascals, kPa. 9.2.2 Flow. Flow shall be listed in liters per second, L/s, and/or cubic meters per hour, m3/h. Data shall be listed to at least the nearest 1 L/s, 0.06 m3/h, for ow over 15 L/s, 0.9 m3/h. Otherwise, ow shall be stated to within 2% of the actual ow. 9.2.3 Flow velocity. Flow velocities through the media shall be reported as ow divided by cross-sectional area, m3/hm2. 9.2.4 Outlet test uid composition. Measurements of the particulate sizes and their distribution in the outlet test uid should be listed in micrometers, m. 9.2.5 Water temperature. Water temperature shall be reported in C. 9.3 Supplemental data. In addition to the information listed in 4.5, the following data (see 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, and 7.9) shall be reported: 9.3.1 General test information and conditions including: date; location; inlet test uid temperature; electrical conductivity (dS/m) of the inlet test uid; test period (h); loading rates; ows. 9.3.2 Maximum pressure rating, kPa, of the tanks and manifolds including the designed safety factor (ratio of the bursting pressure to the maximum recommended operating pressure) and a description of the method (or identifying national or international standard) by which it was determined. 9.3.3 Filtering media (sand, silica, gravel, synthetic material, etc.). The media shall be determined by the manufacturer and shall be clearly specied and labeled as manufacturers recommended ltering media. Manufacturers recommended media bed depth and nominal cross-sectional area of ltration media in tanks. Description of the manufacturers recommended media and support gravel (if applicable) to be used. Particle media should include particle size distributions, geometric and physical denitions of media. Manufacturers recommended media replacement intervals and/ or criteria to be used to determine media replacement needs. 9.3.4 Manufacturers recommended minimum and maximum system ow.

8 Test records and data reduction

8.1 Information to be reported. The information requested in clauses 4, 5, 6, and 7 shall be recorded on suitable forms selected or designed

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9.3.5 Manufacturers recommended minimum and maximum operating pressure. 9.3.6 Manufacturers recommended minimum and maximum ow velocities. 9.3.7 Manufacturers recommended allowable pressure drops (head loss) across the irrigation media ltration system: at the above maximum recommended ow for clean media; at the above minimum recommended ow for clean media. 9.3.8 Expected outlet test uid composition. The particle size for which 90% of the total mass of particles (test particulates and media) passing the lter are smaller. The particle size distributions of material in the outlet test uid. Removal efciency calculated for the selected loading rates. 9.3.9 Backwashing performance according to the manufacturers operational recommendations. Ratio of backwash volume to total ltered volume at selected loading rates. Volume of backwash water required at selected loading rates. Maximum and minimum backwash ows as rates and velocities through the specied media. Backwash duration: length of time required for proper backwash. Recommended backwash frequency (days and hours). Maximum allowable pressure differential across the media lter system to initiate backwashing. Particle size distribution, composition (e.g., organic and inorganic), and mass of residue remaining in media as a percent of total mass of media at the end of a test. Mass of original particle media that has been lost from the tanks and results of visual inspection of particle media. Backwash valve pressure losses. Characteristics of backwash valve operation including closure rates, dwell time, occurrence of water hammer, and leakage during operation. Maximum allowable pressure differentials for automatic backwashing when using system water to backwash adjacent tanks. Safe operation under extreme conditions (see 7.9). Manufacturers recommended size of pipe and valves for disposal of backwash water. Requirements for valves to isolate the lter system from the irrigation system during backwashing. 9.3.10 Estimated lifetime (years) and resistance of tanks, ttings, valves etc., to abrasion and corrosion under adverse water conditions. 9.3.11 Other pertinent, supporting data as specied in this Standard. 9.4 Other supplemental data may be published in the manufacturers performance specications. However, such data shall not be referenced to this Standard.

10 Certication
10.1 Published performance specications should be revised if product design changes alter the performance of that particular lter model and conguration. 10.1.1 Certication statement. Company name, testing laboratory or testing service certies that pressure, ow rate, composition of discharge water, removal efciency, pressure drop through system, and backwash requirements for this product (model identication, manufacturer) were determined and listed in accordance with ASAE S539, Media Filters for IrrigationTesting and Performance Reporting on (testing dates). These results are representative of performance of production lters at the time of this publication. Actual product performance may differ from the published specications due to normal manufacturing variations and test sample selection. All other specications are solely the recommendation of Company name. Copies of specic testing results for this lter (actual test identication numbers, etc.) may be requested in writing from the above Company. 10.1.2 Data certication. The statement in 10.1.1 shall appear on each specication page referencing ASAE S539. Each model complying with this procedure shall be appropriately referenced to this statement. 10.1.3 Each tank shall bear markings in accordance with this Standard. 10.1.4 A declaration as to whether the lter is equipped with some type of protective mechanism to prevent repeated, unnecessary backwashings, if automated.

ANSIASAE S539 MAR1994 R2008


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