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of St.

Johns in Pine Meadow

St. Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian education, and in their relationship with God. The Rev. Salin Low, Rector May 2012

What kind of change?

Included with this newsletter is a sheet which can be cut to fit a coffee can. Its meant to be a do -it-yourself mite box, a way to collect loose change. The cans or other collection boxes are then brought to the church, presented at the altar, and used in the ministry of St. Johns - thus changing the church. The coins remind us that small things can accumulate to become big things that matter a great deal. If each household in the parish collected $1.00/week, we would receive $5,000. Just $4.00/ week and we would have a balanced budget without additional fundraising. And collecting coins daily and weekly makes the additional donation almost invisible in terms of our own finances. Even more important than collecting coins or balancing the budget is realizing the importance of daily and weekly attention to our faith and to our relationship with God. How much more meaningful the mite boxes become if every clink of a coin is accompanied by a prayermaybe for someone ill or hurting; maybe for wisdom in making a decision; maybe even for thanksgiving for being blessed with enough to share with others. And bringing the boxes to church at least once a month, maybe when that is the main reason for getting up on a Sunday morning, helps us to realize the power of praying with others and for one another. It also shows us that each of us has talent and gifts to be shared and received from others. Human beings are creatures of habit. Once we are in a routine, that routine has the power to shape our day, without having to make a conscious decision every time. Its amazing how much easier it is to do even challenging things like exercise, once they become habits, part of our daily routine. And if a routine is followed long enough, we can experience a void when something even as demanding as exercise is left out. So it can be if we make faith part of our lifes routine - a habit that is part of every day. The mite box can help us get into several good habits: the habit of sharing what we have with others, no matter how insignificant it may seem to us; the habit of praying regularly and informally; the habit of joining with others in our giving, praying, and expression of faith. If the mite boxes help strengthen us individually and as a parish in those fundamental habits of Christian community, they will have truly changed us into an Easter people, full of new life, ready to do our part in sharing that life with others. That is the sort of change God offers us and challenges us to accept and use for his purposes. Blessings & Peace,

Bits & Pieces

Prayer Requests Requests are handled confidentially through the Rector. Prayers continue for a month unless other time periods are specified. Fill out a prayer request form or call the rector. Wednesday Evening ServicesPlease join us at 7:30 PM for a quiet service offering time for reflection and prayer. Anointing for healing of mind, body & spirit is offered following communion GraduatesIf you or a member of your family is graduating from High School or College this Spring, please let the office know. Graduates will be honored during the 10 AM service on June 10. New Hartford Day in September 16- If you are willing to help, contact Judy Jones at 738-8775 or


Operating Income Operating Expenses Year-to-Date Income Year-to-Date Expenses $ 13,887 $ 15,540 $ 43,163 $ 49,844

Please remember to stay current on your annual giving. The Swell Car wash fundraiser was a tremendous success. We raised $1000 for St. Johns. Thanks to Donna Colavecchio and all who supported this fundraiser. Sue Bremer, Treasurer

Shopping Cards
An Easy Way to Help When you buy shopping/gift cards through St. Johns, you are making a contribution that does not cost you financially. Orders are taken the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and cards are delivered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Order forms are available in the narthex. Place them in the lockbox at any time. Profit on gift cards all goes to defray the budget deficit.

Garden News
You can help through the summer: We could use a few more volunteers to help with weeding and watering during the summer. Each volunteer will be responsible for one week. Let us know if you are willing to help. Call the office at 379-3062.

Altar Guild News

Did you know the cross hanging over the altar is draped 3 times during Holy Week? It couldn't be done without the help of volunteers, so many thanks to Ron Caine, Zachary Marek, Austin Marek, Nancy Butler, Barbara Henri, and David Henri. Thank you also to the Altar Guild members for polishing the brass and silver for Holy Week , and for stripping the palms for Palm Sunday. Thank you to Cynthia Welch, Nancy Butler, Barbara Patch, Barbara Henri, and David Henri's help with readying the church for Easter services. Interested in joining the Altar Guild? An additional member is needed to join the July/December team. Training will begin in July. Call Donna Colavecchio if interested. (860) 379-4643

Create your own mite box to collect loose coins with the wrapper attached to this file. This is a way to realize that the accumulation of small gifts can make a big difference in the work of the church. Bring your coins to the church anytime to be combined with others gifts and presented at the altar on the first Sunday of the month.


Thanks to those who help.

Each month a group from St. Johns coordinates and serves a meal to approximately 25 residents at Peters Retreat, an AIDS/HIV residence in Hartford. If you are a newcomer and would like to learn more about participating in this important outreach, please contact Deacon Denise Adessa. Special thanks to the Marek Family for the April meal. The Rector will be taking the meal on May 26th and would love companions for the trip. Thanks to Joan and Ron Caine and the April cleaning crew: Jill & Rick Smith, Lou Parrott & Tom Chappell (who also installed a new grate in the church basement.) Sign up in the parish hall to help clean and do your part to keep our church lovely for ourselves and visitors. Special thanks to Halyna & the choir for the wonderful music on Palm Sunday and Easter and also to all those who helped with the services. Many thanks to Barbara Freigant for helping with name tags on the first Sunday of each month. Thanks to Rick Smith for planting pansies in front of the church and fertilizing. Special thanks to Austin & Zak Marek for assistance in cleaning the church and yard work. Many thanks to Carol Wilson for helping with several recent funerals and laundering vestments. Thanks to Gary Pontelandolfo for putting up signs during Holy Week and helping with yard work at the church. Many thanks to Barbara Douglass who recently retired as 5th Sunday Chalice Bearer. Special thanks to Ron Caine & Mac Wilson for assembling storage shelves in the new building.

news from

church school

What a wonderful spirit filled Lent and Palm Sunday our children had learning about prayer and exploring their prayer life. Many of you might have seen our children waiving their Lords Prayer Sticks - a tool to help one pray the meaning to the words of the Lords Prayer (not just recite the prayer) The unit has been so well received that we have extended this theme through the spring. Still to come: Finger labyrinths, Anglican Prayer Beads, etc. PARENTS MEETING SUNDAY MAY 20TH after the 10 AM service for all parents of children and youth through middle school. As we plan for next years program, we want to hear from parents about what you what you feel is important to included in our faith formation program for your children. You are the greatest influence on your childs faith formation. It is extremely important that teachers and leaders work with you to enrich and strengthen your child/youths Christian Formation. Childcare available, and there will be healthy snacks for the children. A letter will go out shortly with additional details and a survey for you to complete and bring with you. We hope that you will join us as we design a Christian Formation program that meets the needs of the families at St. Johns. Church School Awards & Picnic June 3rd

(Broadly Defined)
The register is broadly defined, because there are events in the lives of parishioners and their families which may not be recorded in St. Johns register. Deaths
Dolores Dery Alice Hainline (Mother of Sue Hall) Joe Henri (Father of David) Janet Kenney

Jillian Lee Kenney (Granddaughter of Janet & Joe)

Flea Market
Bargains,TreasuresandHiddenGems FoodFunFabulousFinds
WecanuseyourTreasures Furniture*Jewelry*BricaBrac
Ifyoucanhelpbeforeorduringthemarketorneedpickupofa largeitem,contactJillSmith(3794920)orPamTooke(3792455) ProceedsbenetSt.Johns&CommunityOutreach VendorSpaceAvailablecall3794920

Saturday May19 9a.m.3p.m. OntheGreen

P. O. Box 27 O. Box 27 P. Pine Meadow, CT 06061 CT 06061 Pine Meadow, Phone: 379-3062 860 379-3062 Phone:

Address Correction Requested

The Episcopal Church Were Here For You

Sunday Worship 8 & 10 a.m.
Nursery at 10 a.m. Wednesday 7:30 pm

Coffee Hour Hosts 10:00 a.m. Service Openings on May 6, 13, 20 & 27
Help us welcome visitors and newcomers. Preparation instructions are posted. Coffee supplies other than cream are available in the kitchen. Baked goods are terrific, but not always necessary. A sign-up sheet is posted in the parish hall or you can contact the office if you wish to host.

Community Thank You

Mark your Calendars
Sunday June 10th 1:00-4:00 On the Pine Meadow Green Food * Friends * Music * Games
Help St. John's thank town volunteers and their families. Contact Lucie Martocchio at (860)3790629 for more information and to volunteer.

May 2012
St. Johns Church - Calendar of Events
Anniversaries in Italics








Holy Eucharist 7:30 PM AA 8:00 PM

AA 8:30 PM

8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist

Garden Comm. 7:00 PM

Polly & Paul Pobuda

Holy Eucharist 7:30 PM AA 8:00 PM




AA 8:30 PM


8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist



Holy Eucharist 7:30 PM AA 8:00 PM


Nancy & Joe Russo AA 8:30 PM


Flea Market 9-3 pm On the Green


8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist



Holy Eucharist 7:30 PM AA 8:00 PM



Peters Retreat

AA 8:30 PM


8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist


Memorial Day Office Closed Mae & Iggy Makarevich



Skip & Frank Misiorski Holy Eucharist 7:30 PM AA 8:00 PM

Allison & Ken Kimmerle

May Birthdays
4-May 4-May 5-May 6-May 8-May Luke Healey Zachary Phillips Nancy Russo Brian Phillips Matthew Moraski

8-May 9-May 10-May 10-May 10-May 10-May 11-May

Norma Pappalardo Phil Walker Matthew Russo Katharine Jessen Sarah Jessen Michael Budny Joseph Russo

12-May 16-May 19-May 22-May 23-May 25-May 26-May

Paul Patch Helen Kurau Sherri Johnson Brian Hester Madeleine Toro Sasha Moraski Sue Hall

26-May 28-May 29-May 29-May

Peter Freigant Howard Truax Molly Lukiwsky Guy Hayes

For some people Easter is the main item in Holy Week. For others the choirs special music on Palm Sunday and the Palm Sunday procession and lessons made Easter far more meaningful.

Because of the unusual warmth in the past few weeks, the garden has been colorful much earlier than in prior years. Its a treat to enjoy it from the walkway to the addition or from the road while driving by. And taking time to sit in the gazebo or on one of the benches in warmer weather is very peaceful. Soon invitations to care for the garden will be sent out. Take your turn and keep this wonderful space beautiful all summer.

We Can Make a Big Difference!!!

What Mite St Johns Do With YOUR Gift??

Cutonthelineaboveandtapethepanelonacoeecantocreateamiteboxtocollectloose coins.Thisisawaytorealizethattheaccumula onofsmallgi scanmakeabigdierenceinthe workofthechurch.Bringyourcoinstothechurchany me.Theywillbecombinedwithothersgi s andpresentedatthealtarontherstSundayofthemonth.

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