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Lau Tsz Lok Lam Ka Chun


AIS4024 (B) Forests, Floods, and the Environmental State in China (Summary)

In the article, author has pointed out that the deforestation problem is really serious nowadays, especially in the South areas. Most of these areas are developing countries which do not have strict logging polices. Although the deforestation rate is decreasing in recent year, the actual deforestation areas are still increasing. For instance, some Southeast Asia countries such as Indonesia is facing serious deforestation problem which is driven by the export of timber products to developed countries.

In Case of China, central government has taken a widespread ban logging after 1998 flood. As the results, the deforestation problems have obviously mitigated. China is a regime where has quick and effective environmental policies action based on sufficient relevant scientific and technical knowledge. Moreover, the national network of forestry bureaus has set up branches to different region no matter provinces or states. The strongly centralized regime in China is the successful reason for taking effective principal initiatives to ban logging and starting reforestation. Externally, China central government is starting to connect with intergovernmental agencies and hosting some environmental conferences since 1990s. We can find that the successful environmental polices require a national level rather than in the regions and the provinces. Also, close international connections are also required. An authoritarian regime with strong technocratic and scientific bases may be better to implement environmental policies than open and democratic electoral system. It makes the environmental polices do not need long period public discussion and launch in short

period and an effective way.

After the ban on logging in China, the deforestation rate is sharply decreased. However, it brings a global deforestation problem at mean time. As the result of the logging ban, the import of logs and swan wood are greatly increased. China government only controls domestic logging companies behaviors. Due to the great domestic wood and paper demand, many china logging companies are moving to Southeast Asia. That means the deforestation problem is only transferred to other developing countries. It is really unfair. China government should look in a big picture and consider the global problems. Limit China companies logging quotas on other countries is necessary to protect the global forest and mitigate the deforestation problem.

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