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Promotional Expenditure and methods: What were the intial (durin launch) promotional objectives of the co?

e co? Did the promo obj nge change over time? whe did they change ans to wht? What were the initial promo methods (e.g advertising,sales,promotion,personal selling etc) applied by this co? Did the methods change over time?were there inclusions of new methds? When did the methods change and to what?if it changed more then 1nce plz specify each of them What type of promo expenditure did this co incur durin launch?wht were the promos expenses of the co in the following years?

MKT Research and understanding of the MKT: When did the co start mkt research actitvity? wht was the budget?did the research budget change over time?to what amount? Did the co carry out brand and or product awareness studies for the diff offered products?wht were the awareness levels? Did the co carry out quality perception studies for the brand and the diff offered products?did the consumers favor the co (in such research findings) Did the co. carry out research to find out abt elasticity of its offerings?how elastic is the demand for the co. products?

Promotion Advertising media Banglalink became a leader in terms of its advertising quality and setting very high standards for competition and others. To campaign their product most effectively. banglalink uses combination of different media to reach the highest percentage of the customers the combination would include : Print media Television Print media It is the habit of our people to go through some kind of newspapers or magazines and


of the year according to the leading dailies of the country like Prothom Alo and New Age. This TV Commercial has become a matter of national pride for Bangladesh as it has been nominated for the best TV Advertisement of the year with 4 other international television commercials at the GSMA Award 2007. GSMA Award is considered to be the Oscar of mobile industry Billboards Billboards are the cheapest and easiest way to catch the attention of the moving people of the city. The billboards of Banglalink are hung beside the busiest of roads and streets of the city where people travel frequently such as Gulshan, Banani, Dhanmondi, uttara etc. Transit Advertising One of the most popular ways of advertising today is transit advertising, which are the ads on body of the big buses as majority of the people of the country uses them for traveling

Health link They provide 24 hours health link service or telemedicine for Banglalink customers by dialing 789. Other Promotional Activities Banglalink continues to play an active role in the area of corporate social responsibility. Banglalink has given Dhaka International Airport-the gateway of Bangladesh a completely new look. Provision of high quality passenger trolleys, phone booths, emergency charging stationand beautification of the premises is an exemplary initiative which no other multinational has taken. Banglalink also contributed to an important tiger conservation project in the Sundarbans, and

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