Up, Is What We Currently Have What We Would Come Up With - or Would It Be Something Different?

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From: Pristow, Thomas Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 9:25 AM To: DHHS Division of Children and Family

Services Everyone; Adams, Scot; Borer, Amy; Clough, Matt; DHHS Division of Children and Family Services Everyone; Maca, Vicki; Osterman, Kathie; Reno, Russell; Shanahan, Mary; Trainer, Pat; Winterer, Kerry Subject: Y1 #5 April 20, 2012 Hi everyone.. Heres whats happening. Over the past couple of weeks I talked about a structural change that I wanted to make in reporting and accountability throughout the Division. The immediate impact is on my direct reports that will shift some operational accountability as I realign this structure. The purpose of this is to give the Field and Central Office a way to do the work in a healthy, streamlined way to catch their breath from the past year-plus of changes and uncertainty. Im looking to use this structure to give me a foundation over the next 10 months when we will then come together to look at our Division and answer the question: If we were designing this Division today from the ground up, is what we currently have what we would come up with or would it be something different? Please see the attachment with the changes in the Field and CO. Id like your opinion. I would like to take the logo that was originally intended for the Child Welfare transformation Families Matter and use it as our DIVISON Logo. Heres my thoughts: Regardless of what we do in this Division, families do matter. Whether its taking an application for SNAP or emergency fuel assistance, investigation of child abuse or neglect, Child support, Adult Services, Research, Policy, administration or a host of other jobs we do I believe families do matter and this logo would represent us a Division well. Please go to this site https://www.research.net/s/63DDSXP look at the logo and tell me what you think. One more thing.. the logo has a . at the end of Families Matter.. I would look at removing that period. Attached is a brochure for the first annual Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund golf tournament. It is being organized and led by our neighbor and friend Mike Lewzader, a USMC Viet Nam vet. Getting a first annual event like this off the ground is a big job and important to its future success in fulfilling its mission of providing immediate financial support for injured service members and their families. Mike is wanting to fill the course with golfers. Would you pass this brochure along to others that would enjoy the camaraderie, golf, and supporting OIF and OEF service members. If golfing doesn't work in your schedule please consider making a donation to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. CONFIDENTIALITY Please be reminded that you have a responsibility to comply with all laws, regulations, and internal processes in providing access to records and maintaining the confidentiality of these records. You are only to access the records and information that are needed to do your job or that you have a need to know. If you gain access to a record, or information from a record, which has been designated by law or regulation as confidential, whether as part of your regular job duties or by

accident, you may not further share that information with anyone other than those people within the agency who have the right to know this information. I appreciate your continued cooperation of maintaining the highest level of confidentiality of our client records. Should you have a question regarding access or release of client information in the course of your job duties, please seek clarification from your supervisor. SAFETY Safety and well-being of children and families is at the heart of what we do. All work tasks and activities revolve around these basic concepts. If at any time safety is compromised, I have asked the Administrators to carefully review the circumstances in the case to determine if negligence in job performance occurred. If substantiated, appropriate disciplinary action will be pursued. Safety of our children is non-negotiable premise for me, as I know it is with you. I trust and support each and every Child and Family Support Specialist and management who perform this very important and extremely difficult job. However, if this trust is broken or safety is jeopardized, it creates an intolerable situation. Thank you for the work you do every day, as it truly makes a difference in the lives we serve. See Attached flyer regarding the USMCs 1st ANNUAL Heroes OF THE HEARTLAND MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT at EAGLE HILLS GOLF COURSE 501 Eagle Hills Drive Papillion, NE 68133 Saturday, May 26, 2012 Over the years Ive developed 5 value statements that I stand by and that all the work that I and you do can fit into. Theyre simple, basic and comprehensive. I will be closing each of my Friday emails with these 5 statements. 1. We deliver the best service in the country; 2. Staff and supervisors are supported and have a say in how they do their job; 3. We have programs that work and we know why; 4. We pay our bills on time and come in on-budget; and We treat each other, our families and children, with respect, kindness and compassion.


Have a good weekend everyone! Thomas. Thomas D. Pristow, MSW, ACSW Director, Division of Children and Family Services 301 Centential South-PO Box 95026 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 402-471-1878

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