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Deena Farnam Industrialization #2

1) handouts 2) how did the union develop? A- the workers feel mistreated and realized there is power in numbers B- the met and discussed there options and desires C- workers wanted: safe working conditions, fair wages, less hours and to end child labor D- labor unions wanted to protect the rights of workers, written contracts, rights to bargain with their employers united we stand, divided we fall. (collective bargaining) E- methods of union and management weapons of the union- handout 3)what are progressives? (late 1800's- early 1900's) A- they want positive change for the country they can be democrats or republicans B- they wanted a sense of fairness in politics, in the work places and n the country C- muckrakers, unions, and women supported the idea D- they were politicians that were progressives 1. Governor Robert La Follette of Wisconsin (republican; 1901-1908)- wanted to end political machines secret ballets- he didnt want people influencing or imitating the votes primary- bracket system to choose candidates- no longer appointed by the political party initiative- a group of citizens can ask to have something put on the ballet to be voted on - the government- local, state- can say no, if the public can vote on it referendum- a topic is put in the ballot to be voted on ex: school building to pay for a new group of people, bus garage, 6th grade wing...... recall election- is when people are dissatisfied with a politician and want to vote him OUT of office (not every has recall) E- President Theodore Roosevelt (republican 1901-1909) known as a trust buster- used the Sherman anti-trust act; broke standard oil believed in square deals- wanted a sense of fairness between the owners and workers he regulated the railroads and enforced the ICC 1906- made sure the food and drug act and the meat inspection act were passed teachers, doctors, and lawyers has to take a test and be certified (professionals) land conservation- national parks F- William Taft (1909-1913; Republican) 1911- triangle shirtwaist factory fire building safety codes and laws G- President Woodraw Wilson (1913-1921; democrat) federal reserve act- regulating banking- interest rates federal trade commission- investigated companies for unfair business practices Clayton Anti-trust Act 16th amendment- income tax will be collected to run the country- infrastructure, wars, etc. - graduate/progressives- original idea - trickle down or pump priming 17th amendment- direct election of senators by the publicnot chosen by the political leaders 18th amendment- prohibition temperance movement 19th amendment- womans suffrage(womans right to vote)- 1848- Seneca falls convention- Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth-Katy Stanton

4) results of industrialization: more invention safer working conditions railroads and automobiles mass production/assembly line/standard sizes/interchangeable parts infrastructure immigration unions education system middle class developed minimum wage tariffs we started taking natural resources from other countries (imparalization)

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