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5 the plot
Logan lurched forward, and fell off of the little stone cot in his cell. He looked around, uncomprehending. He suddenly gasped for breath, and grabbed at his throat. It was intact. Confused, he stood up, rubbing his head to relieve the pain. Grinding signified that someone was coming in to his room. Logan stayed sitting, cautious of what might come through the door. Last time, it was a giant Shaq-lizard that tried to kill him. This time, though, it was Apollo and Shannon. Shannon ran over and embraced Logan, who awkwardly patted her on the back. Apollo leaned casually against the door frame, but he looked at least slightly concerned that Logan had almost died. How ya feelin, mate? The Aussie prompted, looking at Logan, who was still sitting in an embrace with Shannon. Umm, Shannon? said Logan, twisting his head to look at her. Oh, right, Shannon blushed, letting go. Logan smiled, and turned his attention back to Apollo. Yeah, apart from getting my freaking throat torn open, Im just dandy! He asserted sarcastically. Shannon pouted. I knew it was too dangerous, especially for a newbie like you, Jiggles she said, leaning against the wall. She sounded slightly put out. Again with the Jiggles! Logan said exasperatedly, throwing up his hands. what about me is jiggley? I work outsometimes, Nothing, really, she said, smirking smugly. the name kind of just stuck. She was returning to her old self. Logan stood up and stretched. So, does every new recruit that dies come back to life? he asked, looking at Apollo. or is it just the amazingly handsome ones? Logan smoothed his hand over his hair, letting it spring forward with an almost audible boing. His hair had grown longer, before it was nearly buzz cut,

now it licked the bottom of his ears. Apollo roared with laughter, and swung his arm around Logans shoulders, forcing them both onto the cot. Apollo seemed to find this hysterical. He laughed for what seemed an hour. Shannon eventually left, and Logan was about to follow her lead when Apollo spoke. Good, the witch is gone, he said mischievously, a glint sparkling in his eye. how much do you fancy her, eh mate? It took Logan a moment to realize what the Aussie was implying. No, I dont- Logan protested, but Apollo shushed him. Apollo raised one eyebrow and gestured for him to go on. Logan deflated. A little, all right? he said, looking around to see if she was eavesdropping. Apollo grinned, showing off those flawless teeth, and clapped him on the back. The real reason I drew her off, mate, was to tell you my plan. I plan to get out of here. Logan looked at him quizzically. Like.. out of the dungeon? said Logan. Apollo rolled his obnoxiously blue eyes and snorted. Naw, I mean were escaping the cell, he said sarcastically. What daring adventures! Logan raised his eyebrows skeptically. Apollo explained. Look, mate. he said, using hand motions to encourage the point You dont want to be jammed up in this cell like a small, jiggly puppy in a cage, do you? Logan shook his head. Heres my plan The plan was for Logan to pick the lock again, if that failed, they could always get Shannon to figure it out. Then Apollo would go out, covering for Logan as he tried to locate a sword. Shannon would follow with arrows she had pilfered from one of the guards. Logan tried to say that he never actually picked the lock, but had stolen a key from Lizzie. Apollo didnt seem to listen. He heard words, took a beat, and jumped right back in. After Logan had his hands on some nice blades, they would escape the dungeon, either avoiding or picking off the guards

as needed. Once they had escaped the dungeon, they would enter the office of Master Keeper, steal the master key (Logan wondered if that was an intended pun), free one or two of the less evil prisoners for backup, and get the heck out of there. After that, it was up to Apollo and friends. Apollo grinned and leaned back, expecting an amazing response, full of honest-to-God freakin genius Apollo. Logan opened his mouth and was about to verbalize something like that report when Shannon walked back in. I heard the circus had ended, so I came to to send you my condolences, she said sitting down between Logan and Apollo. Apollo scooted over some, but she remained nearer to Logan. They explained the plan to her, and she seemed to approve. She improved it some, being the only real smart one in the group. She pointed out where there were a couple of storage closets, where they kept weapons and emergency medical aids, which was why Logan grew back his neck. He grimaced, remembering the event. Rubbing the new skin was going to become a habit for him. Apollo nodded, absorbing the information. Theres just one problem, though, Logan said. Shannon snorted. Just one? she said sarcastically. This plan will never work! Apollo asked her why she would say that she was on board with it. They argued and argued before Logan interrupted. Guys, he said, putting his arm around Shannon. the plan is great, but flawed. She rolled her eyes and shrugged his arm off. Howre we going to get past all the mutant guards? he continued Like the giant hippo thing. You mean the Embites? Shannon asked. Logan nodded slowly. Ohkay he said, If you say so, Shannon pursed her lips. Theyre tough, and only Apollos arrows can pierce their hides, She said. I had two swords, and they worked just fine Logan said.

Shannon and Apollo stared. No you didnt, Apollo said simply. Logan retracted his head a little, surprised. Yeah, it worked just- Logan started, but Shannon interrupted. The only weapons that work against the Embites are Master Keepers mega saw blade Logan shivered, remembering the huge guillotine of a sword, and the Keeper Sword, which is housed in Master Keepers quarters, she finished, scooting back and slumping against wall. Dont forget my arrows! Apollo said, letting one fly just to show them what they look like. Again. They both stared pointedly at Logan, who shook his head, still in belief of the two swords he held when he killed it. Im telling you, these worked great, he said. He explained how they had pretty much slid into the Embites back, and how the Death Hippo had dissolved into the broken ore. Yeah, thatll do it, Apollo said. Good, properly dead, aye? Shannon nodded. She started slowly. Well, there is one more kind of sword, the Twin Sword, she said scooting back up and leaning forward, elbows on the knee of her black jeans and hands clasped together. Logan noticed that she had several bracelets, one being a friendship bracelet, the cheesy kind with the a broken heart. But the books say it disappeared centuries ago. Its the oldest sword, besides the Divine Sword, Jeez, how many ultimate swords are there? Logan asked, and putting a finger up as Shannon opened her mouth to respond. Rhetorical, he stated simply. Shannon nodded and closed her mouth. And what books? This isnt like a library or something, Apollo got up, and motioned for Logan to get up, too. Shannon followed suit, behind Logan. Apollo led them towards his cell, and took an unexpected

right. He went down a long hall, towards a large, open cavern filled to the brim with books. This thing was huge! Shelves filled with books about trains, training, swords, there were even books about how to read! That made no sense. Shannon directed them towards one of the smaller shelves, and a book all about swords. She flipped open the book, skimming the pages. She found what she was looking for and motioned from them to sit down. The Twin Swords, she said, pointing to two crossed illustrations on the page. The Divine Sword, another sword, wreathed in light. The Keeper Sword, she finished, indicating a large, two-handed sword. Logan bit his lip and nodded, absorbing the information. Go back to the Twin Swords, he said, reaching for the book. Shannon pulled it away, and flipped to the desired page. Yeah, those swords are the ones I used, he said leaning back against the shelf. It rocked back and forth, and steadied. Logan stood up. Shannon was still adamant that he had not used the Twin Swords. Apollo was bored. Death Hippo was a killer. Master Keeper was a huge jerk. Everybody was just jolly. Great talk, now lets figure out how were going to escape, aye? Apollo said, clapping his hands together and shaking a little. Logan nodded and looked at Shannon. Can we shift gears? he asked, holding out a hand. Shannon pushed it away and stood back up. Apollo laid out the plan again. Pick the lock, kill guards, find swords, blah blah blah. Logan was mindlessly agreeing when he heard laughter. Deep, booming laughter. The kind of laughter that sends chills up your spine and down your throat, freezing your entire body. The kind of laughter that accompanies metallic clapping, and the slow grating of large, booted feet on the stone floor. The kind of laughter that came from Master Keeper. Well done, he shouted from across the room, his voice

resonating around the room like a bass. Smaller footsteps came running, and Tony DiVencio joined his master. Logan gritted his teeth at the sight of that deiceitful little- I can understand you are not happy at the return of Markless, Master Keeper boomed. Well, yeah! He had tricked him, beat him up, and kidnapped him to fight in this hellhole. Why wouldnt he hate him? Master Keeper stepped back, and said, Go ahead, kill him. I have no more use for this, Logan reached into the shelf, grasping for a sword. He found two. He pulled out the Twin Swords, and readied for battle against this thing. This was going to hurtTony.

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