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SWR LA 019

Gen. Claire L. Chennault

3rd Quarter 2010 NEWS
Resource of Choice

KTVE Channel 10 News

Commanders Watch
Chennault Squadron had a busy few weeks in August and September. We look forward to an even busier time in October, November, and December. Listing only a few of the activity highlights during August and September, let me mention that we had good attendance at the Academy in Lafayette; John Benton has continuously rotated as Safety Officer for the Predator Program at Alexandria; the Air Force evaluation of Wing scheduled for December prompted two SAREXs in Alexandria, both of which Chennault had good attendance and participation. Earl Welch recently successfully passed his Form 5, which now gives us 5 Pilots. We have two prospective new members resulting from the KTVE publicity Joe Jacobs engineered, and Billy Powell launched our Squadrons first web site. While we are not where we want to be in some areas, our professional development efforts are improving through John Bentons guidance and with N96725 out of MX, our flight crew training will increase in preparation for the Air Force Evaluation. One upcoming fun activity includes hosting a static display of a CAP glass cockpit aircraft at the Southern Heritage Air show.

Kayleigh Klaustermeier, anchor for KTVE news, interviewed local members of Chennault Sr. Squadron. Kayleigh and camera man, Justin Fletcher, got a first-hand plane experience by Mission Pilot Ralph Abraham. Members were interviewed as to their various professional occupations and how they serve the Civil Air Patrol.

Chennault Veterans Day Event Planned

HOBBS: Hours January to September 2010

30 25

November 6th is planned to honor Veterans and celebrate CAPs birthday. Civil Air Patrol will host a booth and serve food to honor veterans. The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall will be on display during this event. More than 58,000 heroes are commemorated. Plan to attend and get a chance to honor and reflect on the lives of those who sacrificed to serve our country.

Christmas Party and Awards Night Planned

The annual CAP Christmas party is scheduled for th December 9 at 6 pm at the Chennault Aviation Museum. The food has been donated by Dans Barbeque and several awards will be presented. Looks like Public Affairs will get all the awards since they planned the event. Upcoming Events:
October 23, 2010 November 6, 2010 November 8, 2010 December 3-5, 2010 December 9, 2010 December 13, 2010
Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Months Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10





Monthly Training Day, 9am-4pm Chennault Veterans Day, 9am-2pm Monthly Meeting, 7pm Wing Eval - USAF Awards Night/Christmas Party, 6pm Monthly Meeting, 7pm

Link to National Civil Air Patrol website: Link to Monroe CAP website: Link to LAWG calendar: CAP Gold Wing Sponsors We would like to thank Elvis Stout, Monroe Air Center, Rockland Burks, Inc and McCain Farms, Inc.



Recovery Day Cookout

The Chennault Squadron showed up to support the th 20 Anniversary of Recovery Month on September 24, 2010. The event was to celebrate the success of treatment and support services to those with addictions. CAP volunteered by serving hamburgers to approximately 250 people in attendance. Assistant cooks and Indians are pictured above.

Great American Award

This newsletter is dedicated to W. D. Lucky Counselman, Sr., 2/24/1921 8/11/2010, for his service to this country and community. The Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel landed in Monroe one time during World War II, ran out of fuel later that night during a black out and crashed over West Texas. All crew members walked away. Lucky returned to Monroe in 1998 and lived here with his wife, Yvonne, thereafter.

Public Affairs Officer-Joe Jacobs, Consulting Editor-Andi Pyle

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