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Queens County

Jackson Heights

84-18 37th Ave.

718.426.3000 Opening
Exam & x-rays

($300 value) with deep cleaning

Bleaching kit
Blanqueamiento dental



Consult + 2 x-rays Gratis Consulta y 2 rayos-x


We accept Medicaid, unions and most insurance

84-18 37th Avenue

Jackson Heights, NY 11372

718- 426-3000

Gentle, efficient, state-of-the-art


A Guide For your Health & Wellness Journey

Michael Ahdoot, MD lasiK CataraCts glaUComa DiaBetes eye eXams

Complete Family Eye Care

Progressive oPHtHalmology

FaCial aestHetiCs
BotoX JUveDerm 7 Train to 46th /Bliss St. Q32 or Q60 to 45th St. Q104 to 46th St. Se Habla Espaol
1 Long Island Citys Premiere LASIK & Cataract Surgery Practice!

46-01 Queens Blvd., Sunnyside, NY 11104 Tel: 718.565.2020 Fax: 718.565.2052

$19. Exam & Welcome Free Walk-ins426-3000 Free x-rays 37th Avenue Tel. No se necesita cita 84-18 718718$19.99 426-3000 p e n i n g O 84-18 37th Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372 4-18 37th Avenue Exam & Tel. 718- 426-3000
($300 value) with deep cleaning

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Exam & x-rays

Bleaching kit
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CleaningOLimpieza i n g / pen Bleaching kit Bleaching / Blanqueamientovalue) with deep cleaning ($300 Exam & Gratis Extractions / Extracciones Blanqueamiento x-rays dental



Dentures /

$300 value) with deep cleaning

Bleaching kit

Gratis Jackson Heights, NY 11372 Blanqueamiento dental

84-18 37th Avenue

Root Canal We accept Medicaid, / Tratamiento unions and most insurance de canal Jackson Heights, NY 11372 Consult + 2 x-rays
Tel. Crowns / Coronas permanente
Gratis Consulta y 2 rayos-x

Consult + 2 x-rays 99 Gratis Consulta We Dentaduras accept Medicaid, y 2 most unions and rayos-x insurance



Consult + 2 x-rays Gratis Consulta y 2 rayos-x

e accept Medicaid, nions and Cosmetic Dentistry most insurance

Bridges / Puentes fijos

kson Heights, NY 11372

Odontolgica cosmtica

($300 value) with deep cleaning

Bleaching kit
Blanqueamiento dental


x-rays Consult Tel. 718.426.3000 + 2 Fax. 718.426.3002Con $ .99 Gratisrayos y2


We accept Medicaid, We accept AETNA, Fidelis, MHI, Neighborhood, 1199, Medicaid, MetroPlus, unions and most insurance Health First, Metlife, Guardian, CSEA, DC 37, 32 BJ, Delta, Healthplex, UHC, SIDS, DDS, Empire BC/BS, Cigna, Amerigroup, GHI, UFT & many more 84-18la37th de seguros y las uniones Avenue Aceptamos Heights, NY 11372 mayoras Jackson

718- 426-3


QueensCounty Greetings: 2012isanexcitingyearforthegreatboroughofQueens.SITELMEDICALPAGES thisyearlaunchesitsfirsteverSITELMEDICALPAGES,afullandcomprehensiveGuideto YourHealth&WellnessJourney. SitelMarketinghasbeeninbusinesshereinNewYorkforoveradecadeproviding marketing,andpublishingservices.TheSITELMEDICALPAGESwascreatedtofillavoid andserviceoneofthemostbasicandimportantneedsofthousandsofpeopleinourlocal neighborhood,informationaboutHealthcareandweidentifywhosomeofthelocal providersare. HereatSITELMEDICALPAGESwerecognizehowchallengingitcanbetoresearch orreviewotherpublicationstofindaneededserviceamongstthousandsofpagesofads andlistings.SITELMEDICALPAGESwascreatedtosimplifyandstreamlinetheprocessof choosingaHealth&Wellnessproviderlikeaphysician,dentist,pharmacy,chiropractor, podiatrists,optician,vitaminshop,assistedliving,orotherhealthcareservice. Thisguideisunique,notonlydoweprovidelocalinformationwealsohave informativereportsonhealthylivingthatcanhelpyoumakethedecisionsyouneedtolive ahealthierlife.Weencourageyoutobrowseourpublicationandvisitthehealthproviders thathavesupportedthisguideandenabledustobringittoyoufreeofcharge. Sincerely,

Carina E. Meja

Catherine Lewis
A Guide For your Health & Wellness Journey MarketingAssistant

Thank you
The editorial staff of SITEL MEDICAL PAGES wishes to express our heartfelt appreciation to all the sponsors of our 2012 Health & Wellness Guide. SITEL MEDICAL PAGES was created to simplify and streamline the process of choosing a Health & Wellness provider like a physician, dentist, pharmacy, vitamin shop, or other health care service. It was our goal to provide the local community with this and to provide medical and dental providers with a forum to promote their business and services. This publication does just that. The providers listed in the guide are all local and interwoven within the fabric of our neighborhood. They are committed to the health and welfare of our community and have supported a medium to inform and educate. We hope you enjoy this publication which is provided free of charge. Heres to healthier and happier community. Thank you.

Sitel Medical Pages
Publisher & Founder / CEO Editor-in- Chief Associate Editor Graphic Designers Marketing Director Assistant Marketer Steven Rosen Penny Burns Lina Silverman, Lic. Ana Josefa Gil Mateo Nilda Tapia McKenna Andromeda Jones Csar Agramonte Carina Meja Catherine Lewis

Contributing writers:
Dr. Renan Macias, MD- Neurology Dr. Marissa T. Santos, MD- Internal Medicine Dr. Michael Ahdoot, MD- Ophthalmology Dr. Binod K. Verma, D.D.S- Oral Implantology Dr. Ruben Diaz, D.D.S, Dra. Aisel L. Felix, D.D.S. Western Queens Consultation Center- Mental Health Organization

El equipo editorial de SITEL MEDICAL PAGES desea expresar las gracias a todos los que han hecho posible este til proyecto: Gua de Salud y Bienestar Sitel Medical Pages. La misma ha sido creada para simplificar el proceso de elegir un proveedor especifico; ya sea un mdico, un dentista, una tienda de vitaminas, un terapeuta, o cualquier profesional del rea de la salud. Nuestra meta ha sido orientada a promover en nuestra comunidad todos los servicios mdicos y de salud. Estamos seguros de que Sitel Medical Pages cumple su cometido. Ofrecemos un listado de varios de nuestros proveedores localizados en cada comunidad donde circula nuestra gua; adems hacemos un gran esfuerzo para que esta gua sirva de medio informativo y educativo sobre importantes temas de salud. Nosotros esperamos que usted y su familia disfruten la presente publicacin que circula gratis por toda la vecindad. Aqu encontrar usted la mejor forma de tener una comunidad saludable y feliz!

Editorial & advertising offices

Sitel Medical Pages 37-25 56th Street Suite 2 Woodside, NY 11373 Tel. 718 506-7888 718-606-1833 Fax 718-606-2839
REPRINTS AND COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: No part of this periodical may be rreproduced without the consent of Sitel Medical Pages Magazine. To do so without permission is prohibited. To inquire about printing information contact 718-506-7888. ISSN# 0-9745005-6-9 COPYRIGHT2012 SITEL MARKETING & LITERATURE INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


38-21 Bell Blvd., Bayside NY 11361


Perennial and seasonal allergies Aalergas perennes y estacionales Allergic eye diseases Enfermedades alrgicas oculares Asthma evaluation and management Evaluacin del asma Allergy shots (immunotherapy) Vacunas antialrgicas (inmunoterapia) Sinusitis and related Sinus conditions Sinusitis y sntomas relacionadas Pet allergies / Alergias a las mascotas Insect allergy testing and management Pruebas de alergia a los insectos Mold Allergies/ Alergias al moho Hives / Urticaria Contact skin conditions Pngase en contacto con enfermedades de la piel Eczema Food allergies / Alergias a los alimentos Medication allergies Alergias a los medicamentos Latex allergies / Alergias al ltex

Allergy and immunology deals with problems caused by allergies and other disorders of the immune system. An allergist-immunologist evaluates, diagnoses, and manages disorders of the immune system. Some conditions that this specialist will treat include asthma, rhinitis, eczema, and allergic reactions to drugs, foods and insect bites. Alergia e inmunologa. Como lidiar con problemas causados por las alergias y otros trastornos del sistema inmunolgico. Evaluacion alrgico-inmunologca Diagnsticos de los trastornos del sistema inmunolgico. Tratamientos especializados: asma, rinitis, eczema, y reacciones alrgicas a medicamentos, alimentos y picaduras de insectos.

It is not always easy to recognize when your child may be struggling with social and emotional aspects of life such as friends, bullies, and keeping up with school work. Checking on your childs emotional health is important, just as important as having their vision and hearing tested or their yearly physical exam with your family doctor. Your childs social and emotional health can affect how prepared they are for school, their ability to connect with friends and family, and their ability to bounce back when faced with lifes setbacks.

Childrens Social and Emotional Health

Research tells us that with early intervention, we are more likely to: When kids go through hard Where do I go for help? times or periods of transition, Catch mental health probsuch as trouble with peers, famlems before they become ily difficulties or problems in problems to improve chilschool, they might feel more drens over all well being. Improve school supported if they talk to a theraperformance and perMany pediatric offices pist. sonal relationships provide or work with Mental Health Clinics to with family and They may be feeling sad, angry, offer social emotional friends or overwhelmed by what's been screenings. happening and need help sorting Keep problems Speak to your childs out their feelings, finding solufrom affecting emoschool guidance counselor tions to their problems, or just or Pediatrician to obtain a tional, intellectual, or feeling better. That's when therreferral to your local Menphysical development tal Health Clinic/ Behavapy can help. Regular counselior Health Facilities. Provide relief from ing with a licensed mental symptoms earlier health therapist can promote Contact your insurance rather than later, and emotional and social well-being company for information on local behavior health possibly prevent long- and can help you and your child facilities. term problems get the support you may need.


A Licensed OMH Facility Sponsored by Mental Health Providers of Western Queens, Inc.


Bruson Building 74-09 37th Avenue Suite 315 Jackson Heights, NY 11372 Tel: 718.672.1705 718.779.2263 Fax: 718.672.2027

44-04 Queens Blvd. 2nd Floor Sunnyside, NY 11104 Tel: 718.706.1663 Fax: 718.706.0635

We are a community-based, mental health agency serving individuals, children and families. We are committed to offering the highest quality services for those in emotional needs. We have made it a priority to provide a comfortable setting in which our clients will feel a sense of respect and caring.

Western Queens Consulation Center es una agencia de salud mental al servicio de las personas, los nios y las familias de nuestra comunidad. Estamos comprometidos a ofrecer la ms alta calidad de los servicios para las personas con necesidades emocionales. Nuestra prioridad es proporcionar un cmodo entorno en el que nuestros clientes se sientan atendidos con respeto y cuidado.

Adult Psychotherapy Child Psychotherapy Adolescent Psychotherapy Marriage & Family Counseling Group Therapy Psychiatric Evaluation/Consultation Medication Evaluation Community Education Professional Development Workshops Free Childrens Social & Emotional Screenings

Psicoterapia para adultos Psicoterapia para nios Psicoterapia para adolescentes Terapia de familia y de pareja Consejera para padres solteros Terapia de grupo Consulta y evaluacin psiquitrica Evaluacin de medicina Educacin de la comunidad Talleres para el desarollo profesional Evaluaciones sociales y emocionales ofrecidas gratis para nios

10 Things You Never Knew About Heart Disease....................................................................................................................................................................................................30 10 Datos Sorprendentes Sobre Las Cardiopatias...........................................................................................................................................................................................................31 Al Kosto Pharmacy.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................61 Alberto L. Rozo, DO...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................56 Allergy & Asthma Family Care Center..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Alzheimers Disease..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................36-37 Breast Cancer..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................57-58 Buckle Up for Life.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................39 Clinic Nueva Esperanza...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38 Community Prevention Alternatives.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................62 Como Harcerse Una Mamografia..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................53 Consejos Para una Vida Segura Y Saludable.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................50 Corona Vision....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 Dentista Hispano.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................44 Diabetes and Gum Disease.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................19 Diabetes and Pneumonia: Get the Facts...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................33 Dr. Marissa T. Santos, Article.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16, 18 Dr. Michael Ahdoot, Article...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................55, 62 Dr. Renan Macias, Article......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Elmcare Pharmacy......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23 Elmhurst Pediatric Dentistry.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Enfermedad de Alzheimer.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................37 Facts on Colon Cancer.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................43 Family Dental Rego Park.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 Flu Vaccine Facts & Myths.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................27, 28 Functional Physical Therapy Rehab, P.C.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................26 H & L Counseling Services, Inc...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................54 Healthy Teeth for Happy Smiles.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10-12 Help Me Mom!...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Hugo Ledesma, Cardiologist................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................32 How to get a Mammogram?............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................52 ISmile Dental Care.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Jackson Heights Orthodontics.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................68 Jorge Pina, LMHC........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................42 Know the Facts about High Blood Pressure.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................45-46 Lo Que Debe de Saber Sobre La Diabetes y La Pulmonia.................................................................................................................................................................................34 Marissa T. Santos, MD..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................17 My Pyramid: Steps to a Healthier You.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................14 New Rochelle Dental Studio.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................47 Novo Dent Dental Studio...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................40 Oral Implantology......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................55 Progressive Ophthalmology...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Pro Health Pharmacy................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................29 Renan Macias, MD.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 Re-Nu Rejuvenation & Wellness....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................51 Shake the Habit...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................24-25 Sitel Medical Pages...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................65 Sterling Medical & Dental Marketing............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................67 Steven Bernhard, DO................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................59 Still Smoking?.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 Tips for a Safe and Healthier Life............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................49 Todavia Fumando?.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Victory Pharmacy ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................48 Wash Your Hands...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................60 Well Care............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................66 Well-Child Visits are Important!..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................41 Western Queens Consultation Center............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Woodside Medical Practice, P.C..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................61

Dr. Pezhman Hourizadeh Dr. Jane Isakova Dr. Kathleen Johnson Dr. Jessica Handler
40-04 Case Street Elmhurst, NY 11373


Accepting most major medical insurance and unions. Aceptamos la mayora de seguros mdcos y uniones.

T: 718.685.2445
(89-26 Roosevelt Ave.)

103-06 Roosevelt Ave. Corona, NY 11368

T: 718.424.1333

Metro Plus Neighborhood Affinity Eyemed Health-Plus 32BJ HIP Healthfirst Local 1199

Medicare Medicaid Fidelis Wellcare VSP Aetna AmeriGroup & Many More...


72-59 Kissena Blvd. Flushing, NY 11367

T: 718.263.2020

(Some restrictions may apply / Algunas restricciones aplican)



Healthy Teeth for Healthy Teeth for Happy Smiles Happy Smiles
Oral Health Tips for Parents and Care givers

T ca

Fl st w fr


Department of Health Services Division of Public Health 10

The first steps to ensuring your childs oral health is taking care of your own oral health.

Keep your mouth healthy

Cavity-causing bacteria can be passed from parent or caregiver to baby. Visit your dental provider regularly. Brush and floss your teeth regularly. Avoid sharing toothbrushes and eating utensils. Babys teeth are forming around the fourth week of pregnancy. Take prenatal vitamins. Establish a dental home. Visit your oral healthcare provider regularly. Brush and floss your teeth daily. Be cavity-free at the time of delivery. Do not smoke. It causes gum disease which may lead to an early delivery. Eat a variety of foods from each of the food groups.

A message to expectant mothers

Eruption of teeth
Usually between 6 and 7 months of age, your infants baby (primary) teeth will begin to appear. Although this is the first visible sign of teeth, they began forming before your child was born. The first teeth to appear probably will be the front teeth, either on the top or bottom. By age 2 to 3 years, your child probably will have all 20 primary (baby) teeth.

Healthy primary (baby) teeth

Fluoride in drinking water is most important for a lifetime of healthy teeth. The first step towards healthy teeth is to ask your dentist or doctor if your babys drinking water has enough fluoride. If it does not, you should give your baby fluoride each day from 6 months of age. Proper use of the bottle is the next step in preventing dental problems. Bottles are used to feed babies who are not yet able to drink from a cup. Feed only formula, breast milk, or water from a bottle. Offer the bottle only at feeding times. Do not let baby carry a bottle around at other times. A bottle is not a toy or pacifier. Sleeping times are not feeding times. Do not put baby to bed with a bottle. Putting the baby to bed with a bottle may increase the chance of tooth decay and ear infection.

Early Childhood Caries (ECC) Baby bottle tooth decay

The baby who goes to bed with a bottle can get painful tooth decay. This is called baby bottle tooth decay or early childhood caries.

Care of teeth begins early in life

Birth 1 year
Wipe babys gums and teeth with a damp cloth or gauze daily. Ask your dentist or doctor about giving your child fluoride to build strong teeth.

The sugar in formula, milk, juice and sweetened drinks can decay the teeth if it stays in the babys mouth during sleep. Do not add sugar, syrups, sweeteners, soft drinks, or honey to the bottle or pacifier. If baby needs a bottle at night, fill with plain water; or offer a blanket, stuffed animal, or favorite toy at sleeptime instead of a bottle. Baby bottle tooth decay can be very serious.

1 2 years
Gently brush childs teeth with a soft toothbrush after meals and at night. First dental visit for oral exam and preventive health education no later than 12 months of age.

2 3 years
Take child to dentist for fluoride and sealant preventive care. Brush and floss childs teeth after meals and before bed. Begin to teach child to brush teeth with soft brush using a very small dab (pea-sized) of fluoridated toothpaste. Avoid sweet snacks.

Time for a cup

When your baby is able to sit well, begin offering water from a small cup. Be patientit will take your baby time to learn to drink from a cup. As baby gets used to drinking from a cup, offer formula, breast milk or juice in a cup. Take bottles away gradually. Most babies will not want to give up the bottle all at once. Babies should be drinking from a cup by their first birthday. By eighteen months of age, the bottle should no longer be used.

3 6 years
Take child to dentist regularly for fluoride and sealant preventive care. Help child brush and floss teeth after meals and before bed. Avoid sweet snacks. Encourage brushing after eating.

6 years and up
Remind child to brush and floss teeth after meals and before bed. Encourage brushing after eating sweets or sticky foods. Take child to dentist regularly for fluoride and sealant preventive care.
Department of Health Services Division of Public Health P-44078 (Rev. 05/09)

Approximate Age of Eruption Primary (Baby) Teeth

Upper Teeth central incisor 8-12 months lateral incisor 9-13 months cuspid 16-22 months first molar 13-19 months second molar 25-33 months Lower Teeth second molar 23-31 months first molar 14-18 months cuspid 17-23 months lateral incisor 10-16 months central incisor 6-10 months

Good Nutrition
Age appropriate nutritious foods and beverages are needed for healthy teeth and gums. Encourage good eating habits. Choose a variety of foods from each of the food groups. Set regular meals and snack times. Good snacks might include: popcorn, cheese, fruit, and dry cereal (low sugar). When your child is thirsty, offer water. Avoid sweet drinks such as soda pop, Hi-C, Kool-aid, Tang and fruit punch. Brush after eating, especially after eating those foods which stick to the teeth.

American Dental Association

Signs of teething
Teething may or may not be associated with the following: Biting or chewing on anything, including fingers. A tip for what you might do about it: Offer a clean, smooth object such as a rubber or plastic ring to help cut teeth and relieve possible gum soreness. This is preferable to using food as a pacifier. Use a bib to help keep clothes clean and dry. The salivary glands are just beginning to function to help your child digest solid foods. Dont urge your child to eat just because he/she is crying. He/she will eat when he/she is hungry. Your child may need extra love and attention during teething.

Help your child control a sweet tooth. Avoid: candy, cookies, cake, pastries, Jello, doughnuts, granola bars, baby desserts, raisins/dried fruit, peanut butter, syrup, honey, jelly/jam, crackers, soft bread.

Drooling, excess salivation.

Protect teeth with fluoride and sealants

Fluoride will help strengthen teeth and protect them from decay. If water in your area does not contain enough fluoride, ask your dentist or doctor about giving your child fluoride drops or tablets. Topical fluoride applications such as fluoride varnish help to prevent cavities starting at 9 months. Speak to a dental hygienist, dentist, nurse or medical doctor for advice about fluoride applications. Sealants will prevent decay on the biting parts of back teeth. A thin, plastic coating will seal out food and germs that cause decay. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist if your child needs sealants.

Restlessness, fussiness, loss of appetite.

Your baby is changing and growing in many other ways at the same time teething happens. Parents who see fever, stuffy or runny nose, cough, rash or changes in bowel movements at the same time as teething may think its all due to teething. These conditions are probably not related to teething, but should be reported to your babys doctor if they continue.


lm E

rst Pediatric hu


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Most insurance accepted including Medicaid, Metroplus, Fidelis

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Dr. Marissa T. Santos

Dr. Marissa T. Santos has been in practice for 17 years now and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. She has hospital privileges at Long Island Jewish Medical Center and New York Hospital of Queens. She specializes in the treatment of Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, Cholesterol and Cancer Preventive Screening for Men and Women including Pap Smear, Prostate test, referrals for Colonoscopy and

Internal Medicine
Mammogram and In-House Bone density test for Osteoporosis and Sonograms. She treats patients from as young as 15 years old and above and accepts most insurances including Commercial and Private insurances, Medicare , most Medicaid plans, and Self pays at a discounted rate. She works with the following specialists on premises: Cardiologist, Gastroenterologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, General and Breast Surgeon, Podiatrist, Urologist, Neurologist , Physical Therapists and a Certified and Licensed Physician Assistant Mario Nova. The office is fluent in English, Spanish, Tagalog, and Russian with convenient office hours 6 days a week, including evenings and Saturdays. Dr. Santos goal is to spread health screening awareness for a healthier community.

Dr. Renan Macias

Dr. Renan Macias, M.D. a neurologist, has been in private practice for over 37 years. He attended medical school in Ecuador where he graduated from the University of Guayaquil in 1968; then he came to the United States to get his medical internship at Booth Memorial Medical Center, Flushing, NY in 1971; later on he started the neurology residency training for 3 years at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, Brooklyn VA Hospital and Kings County Hospital. He had special training in digital electro diagnostic testing such as Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram

(EMG), Nerve Conduction (NCV), Evoked Potentials: Visual, Auditory, Somatosensory and sleep studies. Dr. Macias is currently a full-time physician in private practice and does neurology consulting at The Brooklyn Hospital Center, 121 DeKalb Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11201; he obtained the New York State license in 1975; maintains affiliations with the American Academy of Neurology, the American Medical Association, New York State Medical Society, and Medical Society County of Kings. So if you suffer with persistent migraine headaches, sleep disorder (insomnia), memory difficulties, fainting spells, seizures, strokes, double vision, neck pain, back pain, any injuries sustained in a car accident or work related accident; please feel free to make an appointment to visit with Dr. Macias at (718) 592-0449 or send an e-mail to requesting further information.

New office opening soon at 69-14 41St. Ave., STE C1, Woodside, NY 11377


Dra. Marissa T. Santos

Dra. Marissa T. Santos ha ejercido su profesin durante los ltimos 17 aos; ella est certificada por la Junta de Medicina Interna. Ha tenido el privilegio de trabajar en el Long Island Jewish Medical Center y en New York Hospital of Queens. Dra. Santos est especializada en tratamientos de diabetes, asma, hipertensin, colesterol y tratamiento preventivo contra cncer de la prstata; as como en mamografa, papanicolaou, pruebas de densidad de los huesos y sonogramas. Ella ofrece

Medicina Interna
sus servicios mdicos a personas con edad de 15 aos en adelante, ya sea a travs de los ms importantes seguros mdicos comerciales o de forma privada, a los que de manera personal cubren sus costos de salud; tambin recibe los planes de Medicare y Medicaid. Dra. Santos trabaja con los siguientes especialistas: cardilogos, gastroenterlogos, ortopedas, cirujanos, pediatras, urlogos, neurlogos, terapeutas; y con Mario Nova, asistente certificado y licenciado en tratamientos fsicos. El personal de su oficina presta atencin en ingls, espaol, tangalo y ruso durante seis das a la semana, y eventualmente los domingos. Promover la salud en su comunidad es la meta primordial de la Dra. Santos.

Dr. Renan Macias

Dr. Renn Macas, MD; es un neurlogo que ha desempeado el ejercicio mdico privado por ms de 37 aos. Asisti a la escuela de medicina en Ecuador, donde se gradu en la Universidad de Guayaquil en 1968, y luego lleg a los Estados Unidos para realizar en 1971 su internado mdico en Booth Memorial Medical Center, Flushing, Nueva York; ms tarde se especializ en neurologa, capacitacin que alcanz tras tres (3) aos en Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, Brooklyn VA Hospital y en el Hospital del Condado de Kings. Tambin, obtuvo el Dr. Macas una formacin especial en formato digital de pruebas electro diagnstico, como Electroencefalograma (EEG), electromiograma (EMG), con-

duccin nerviosa (NCV), potenciales evocados: visuales, auditivas, somato sensoriales y los estudios del sueo. Actualmente es un mdico dedicado tiempo completo a la prctica privada y ofrece consultas de neurologa en el Centro Hospitalario de Brooklyn, 121 de DeKalb Avenue Brooklyn, Nueva York 11201. En 1975 obtuvo, el Dr. Renn Macas, la licencia para ejercer en Nueva York; actualmente es miembro de la Academia Americana de Neurologa, de la American Medical Association, New York State Medical Society y la Sociedad Mdica del Condado de Kings. As que si usted sufre de migraas persistentes, trastornos del sueo (insomnio), dificultades de memoria, desmayos, convulsiones, derrames cerebrales, visin doble, dolor de cuello, dolor de espalda, las lesiones sufridas en un accidente automovilstico o accidente de trabajo, por favor no dude en hacer una cita para consultar al Dr. Macas; contctele al (718) 592-0449 o enve un email a Si desea, solicite informacin adicional.


Diabetes and Gum Disease

Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to properly use and store Glucose. This causes glucose to back up in the blood stream causing blood sugar to rise high. There are two types of diabetes - Type I ,Type II, Type I - Also called Juvenile Diabetes (Body stops producing Insulin ) Type II Diabetes - Also called Diabetes Mellitus. Gestational Diabetes - female patients who develop diabetes while pregnant, is called Gestational Diabetes. These patients are more likely to develop full blown diabetes later in life. Diabetes patients are more likely to develop Periodontal disease, which in turn can increase blood sugar and diabetes complications. A study from the Journal of Periodontology found that poorly controlled Tyle II diabetes patients are more likely to develop periodontal disease than well controlled diabetes. Gum disease is an inflammatory process in which micro-ulcerations are produced in the inner lining of the gums, which can travel to the arteries and start the same inflammatory condition and can cause heart disease and Dr. B.K. Verma, DDS, MAGD Master Fellow and Diplomat stroke. Gum disease can also cause Osteoporosis, Premature birth in pregnant women. Silent signs of Gum disease (1) Red swollen tender Gums (2) Bleeding while brushing, flossing or eating hard food (3) Gums that are receding or pulling away (4) Loose or separating teeth (5) Pus between gums & teeth (6) Soreness in mouth (7) PersDental implant resistent bad breath (8) A change in the way teeth fit together when patients bite (9) Change in the fit of partial denture What you should do There are many new treatments available to control and help reverse Gum disease. Keep your mouth healthy. See your dentist twice in a year. For complimentary consultation you can call us at (718) 699-8268 and visit our web -
International College of Oral Implantology



Still Smoking?
Cigarettes are eating you alive.
10 Reasons to Quit
1. Live a healthier life. Smoking causes heart disease, stroke, lung and other cancers, and many other diseases. Your health starts improving the minute you quit. 2. Live a longer life. Cigarettes really are eating you alive. Smokers killed by tobacco die about 14 years sooner than non-smokers. 3. Be free of addiction. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known. 4. Improve the health of people around you. Second-hand smoke kills. It causes cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. Children whose parents smoke are more likely to have bronchitis, asthma, ear infections, and pneumonia. 5. Save money. Smoking a pack a day costs more than $3,200 a year. You could do a lot with that cash. 6. Feel better. Get rid of your cough, breathe easier, and stop feeling sick all the time. Look better, too: Quitters have younger skin, whiter teeth, and more energy. 7. Quality of life. Your clothes, car, and home wont stink. Food will taste better. 8. Have a healthy baby. Babies of women who smoke are more likely to be sick or die, and to be born too small or too soon. 9. Better sexual and reproductive health. Men who smoke can have trouble getting and keeping an erection. Women who smoke have more difficulty getting and staying pregnant. 10. Stop feeling like an outcast. There are fewer and fewer places where smoking is allowed. Most smokers have already quit. You can, too.

10 Ways to Make It Easier

1. Prepare yourself. Make a list of your reasons for quitting and read it often. 2. Pick a quit date. Get rid of ashtrays and lighters, and throw out all cigarettes. 3. Have a smoke-free car and home. It is healthier for others and will help you resist smoking. 4. Get support and encouragement. Tell your family, friends, and coworkers that you are quitting and ask for their support. 5. Get a quit buddy. Ask a smoker to quit with you, or find someone who has already quit who you can talk to for support. 6. Notice what triggers cravings. Alcohol, coffee, and stress can make you feel like smoking. So can seeing others smoke; ask smokers you know not to light up in front of you. 7. Consider using medications. The nicotine patch or gum, and medications such as Zyban (bupropion) and Chantix (varenicline) greatly reduce cravings and double your chance of success. Talk to your doctor. 8. Help yourself cope. Drink a lot of water to help with cravings. Exercise to relieve stress and improve your mood and health a brisk walk often does the trick. 9. Get your mind off smoking. Talk to a friend when you feel like smoking. Get busy with a simple task, eat a healthy snack, take a walk, or chew gum.Avoid places and situations you associate with smoking. 10. Stay away from that first cigarette! Having even one can make you start back up. Cravings will lessen the longer you dont smoke.


Todava fumando?
Los cigarillos estn acabando con su vida.
10 razones para dejar de fumar
1. Viva una vida ms sana. Fumar causa enfermedades del corazn, derrame cerebral, cncer de pulmn y otros tipos de cncer, y muchas otras enfermedades. Su salud empieza a mejorar en el momento en que deja de fumar. 2. Viva una vida ms prolongada. Los cigarrillos realmente estn acabando con su vida. Los fumadores que mueren por causa del tabaco mueren cerca de 14 aos antes que los no fumadores. 3. Librese de la adiccin. La nicotina es una de las sustancias conocidas ms adictivas. 4. Mejore la salud de las personas que lo rodean. El humo de segunda mano mata, causa cncer, enfermedades del corazn y otras enfermedades. Los nios cuyos padres fuman tienen ms probabilidades de tener bronquitis, asma, infecciones en los odos y neumona. 5. Gane dinero. Fumar un paquete diario cuesta ms de $3,200 al ao. Usted podra hacer mucho con ese dinero. 6. Sintase mejor. Deshgase de la tos, respire mejor y deje de sentirse enfermo todo el tiempo. Tambin luzca mejor: quienes dejan de fumar tienen una piel ms joven, dientes ms blancos y ms energa. 7. Calidad de vida. Su ropa, su auto y su casa no olern mal. La comida tendr mejor sabor. 8. Tenga un beb sano. Los bebs de mujeres que fuman tienen ms probabilidades de enfermarse o morir, y de nacer demasiado pequeos o demasiado pronto. 9. Mejor salud sexual y reproductiva. Los hombres que fuman tienen problemas para conseguir y mantener una ereccin. Las mujeres que fuman tienen ms dificultad para quedar y permanecer embarazadas. 10. Deje de sentirse rechazado. Cada vez hay menos lugares en donde se permite fumar. La mayora de fumadores ya han dejado de fumar. Usted tambin puede.

10 maneras de lograrlo ms fcilmente

1. Preprese. Haga una lista de sus motivos para dejar de fumar y lala con frecuencia. 2. Escoja una fecha para dejar de fumar. Deshgase de ceniceros y encendedores, y bote todos los cigarrillos. 3. Tenga un auto y una casa libre de humo. Es ms saludable para otros y le ayudar a resistir el deseo de fumar. 4. Busque apoyo y nimo. Cuntele a su familia, amigos y compaeros de trabajo que est dejando de fumar y pida su apoyo. 5. Consiga un compaero para dejar de fumar. Pida a un fumador que deje de fumar con usted, o encuentre a alguien que ya ha dejado de fumar con quien usted pueda hablar para pedir apoyo. 6. Identifique qu provoca las ansias de fumar. El alcohol, el caf y el estrs pueden hacer que usted sienta ganas de fumar. Lo mismo puede suceder al ver fumar a otros; pdale a los fumadores que conoce que no enciendan cigarrillos frente a usted. 7. Considere tomar medicamentos. El parche o chicle de nicotina, y medicamentos tales como Zyban (bupropion) y Chantix(varenicline) reducen mucho el deseo de fumar y duplican su oportunidad de xito. Hable con su mdico. 8. Aydese a manejar la situacin. Beba mucha agua para reducir las ansias. Haga ejercicios para liberar el estrs y mejorar su estado de nimo y salud una caminata rpida con frecuencia lo logra. 9. Elimine su deseo de fumar. Hable con un amigo cuando tenga ganas de fumar. Ocpese en una tarea sencilla, consuma un refrigerio saludable, salga a caminar, o mastique chicle. Evite lugares y situaciones que asocie con el hbito de fumar. 10. Aljese del primer cigarrillo! Fumar aunque sea un cigarrillo puede hacer que vuelva a empezar. Las ansias se disminuirn entre ms tiempo deje de fumar. Si usted puede dejar de fumar por 3 meses, probablemente dejar de fumar por completo.


Shake the Habit

...some simple tips to lower salt in your diet
Salt youve likely heard that we eat too much of it. But whats the issue?
Salt is about 40% sodium. While sodium is needed to regulate water balance and blood pressure, consuming too much may: raise blood pressure and increase our risk for heart disease and stroke; increase our risk for other diseases like stomach cancer and osteoporosis.
Healthy adults should have less than 2300 mg of sodium daily (equal to 1 tsp salt), but most Canadians are consuming about 3500 mg every day. Sodium is found in many of the foods we eat. About 80% comes from processed and packaged foods, fast foods and restaurant meals. Many staples we eat on a daily basis provide a lot of sodium. Check food labels you might be surprised at the sodium level of some of these foods.

Find more healthy tips and recipes at


Heres how you can reduce your sodium intake:

Try to cook at home as often as you can. By preparing more homecooked meals, you can have better control of your sodium intake. Eat more vegetables and fruit these are naturally low in sodium. Reduce your intake of processed meats, gravies, sauces, seasoned rice and pasta, bouillon and canned soups. Drain and rinse canned vegetables and beans. Buy plain meats, poultry and fish rather than pre-seasoned or breaded types. Have a no added salt rule at the table 3 dashes of salt provides about 20% of the recommended daily intake. Season foods with herbs and salt-free spices, lemon, vinegar, garlic and onion. Cook rice, pasta and hot cereal without adding salt to the cooking water. Some bottled salad dressings can be high in sodium and fat. Make sure you check the Nutrition Facts table to compare products and make a wise choice. A good alternative is to make your own dressing; that way you control all of the ingredients and can season it with fresh herbs and spices. Eat fewer salty snack foods such as salted crackers and pretzels, and instead choose low-sodium snacks such as fresh fruit, cut-up vegetables with low-fat, low-sodium dip, and unsalted nuts and dried fruit. Condiments such as pickles, relishes and soy sauce can also be high in sodium. Read the ingredient list. Look for ingredients that contain sodium such as salt, baking soda, baking powder, monosodium glutamate and soy sauce. Foods that contain these ingredients will likely be high in sodium, particularly if they are high on the ingredient list or listed multiple times. Check the Nutrition Facts table on food packaging and compare products choose foods with a lower % Daily Value (%DV). Also, look for the Health Check symbol foods that carry this symbol are lower in sodium. When eating out, try to avoid foods that have been marinated, pickled, smoked, breaded, brined or served in au jus, teriyaki sauce or broth. These foods tend to be higher in sodium. Ask your server for nutrition information before ordering your meal, and consider the lower-sodium options. Look for Health Check items, as they are lower in sodium.
25 Find more healthy tips and recipes at

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Joaquin Charris

Registered Physical Therapist

81-31 Baxter Ave. Suite CD Elmhurst, NY 11373 Se habla espaol

on the corner of 41 Ave. & Baxter Ave. by the back entrance of Elmhurst Hospital

Phone: 718.424.5151 Fax: 718.424.9119

e-mail: 26

MYTH The flu isnt a serious disease.

nose, throat, and lungs, and it can lead to pneumonia. Each year about 200,000 people in the U.S. are hospitalized and about 36,000 people die because of the flu. Most who die are 65 years and older. But small children less than 2 years old are as likely as those over 65 to have to go to the hospital because of the flu.

FACTS Influenza (flu) is a serious disease of the

MYTH The flu shot can cause the flu.

get a little soreness or redness where they get the shot. It goes away in a day or two. Serious problems from the flu shot are very rare.

FACTS The flu shot cannot cause the flu. Some people

Facts & Myths

MYTH The flu shot does not work.

scientific studies, the effectiveness of the flu shot has ranged from 70% to 90% when there is a good match between circulating viruses and those in the vaccine. Getting the vaccine is your best protection against this disease.

FACTS Most of the time the flu shot will prevent the flu. In

MYTH The side effects are worse than the flu. FACTS shot is a sore arm. The nasal mist flu vaccine flu
The worst side effect youre likely to get from a might cause nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat and cough. The risk of a severe allergic reaction is less than 1 in 4 million.

MYTH Only older people need a flu vaccine. FACTS diabetes, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease need to
Adults and children with conditions like asthma,

get a flu shot. Doctors also recommend children 6 months and older get a flu shot every year until their 5th birthday.

MYTH You must get the flu vaccine before December.

season. The best time to get vaccinated is October or November. But you can get vaccinated in December or later. 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) Website

FACTS Flu vaccine can be given before or during the flu

Department of Health and Human Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

For more information, ask your healthcare provider or call

Preguntas y Respuestas sobre la gripe (Influenza) y la la Preguntas Respuestas sobre la gripe (influenza) y Vacuna contra la gripe ((lavacuna contra lala influenza) Vacuna contra la gripe la vacuna contra Influenza)
Qu es la gripe (Influenza)? La gripe es una enfermedad de la nariz, la garganta, y los pulmones. Lo puede dejar a usted enfermo por una semana o ms con tos, fiebre, dolores corporales, y otros sntomas. Puede provocar neumona y empeorar problemas existentes de salud como diabetes, asma, y cardiopata. Por qu hay que vacunarse? Cada ao en los Estados Unidos mueren alrededor de 36.000 personas por causas relacionadas con la gripe. Vacunarse contra la gripe es la MEJOR manera de protegerse contra esta enfermedad. Quienes deben vacunarse? Toda persona mayor de 6 meses puede beneficiarse con la proteccin de una vacuna contra la gripe Los Centros para el Control y la Prevencin de Enfermedades (Center for Disease Control en ingles, o CDC) recomienda que las siguientes personas sean las primeras en vacunarse cada ao, ya que presentan alto riesgo de complicaciones serias a causa de la gripe: Personas de 50 aos o ms Personas de cualquier edad que hayan sufrido un infarto o que sufran de cardiopata, asma, enfisema o bronquitis crnica, diabetes, infeccin por el VIH/SIDA, trastornos sanguneos, enfermedad en los riones o que tengan el sistema inmunolgico dbil Bebs de 6 meses o ms hasta su 5to. cumpleaos Mujeres embarazadas Personas que vivan en hogares para ancianos vivienda con servicios de asistencia Personas que presentan condiciones de salud donde es difcil respirar o tragar Los CDC tambin recomiendan la vacuna contra la gripe a quienes cuidan o viven con cualquier persona mencionada anteriormente. Esto incluye a los profesionales de la salud. Vacunarse contra la gripe ayudar a evitar que la enfermedad se transmita en la casa o en el trabajo Como funciona la vacuna contra la gripe? La vacuna ayuda a su organismo a combatir los virus que causan la gripe. Ensea a su sistema inmunolgico a identificar este virus, y as ste preparado para luchar contra la gripe en caso de exposicin al virus. Qu tan efectiva es la vacuna contra la gripe? La mayor parte del tiempo, la vacuna previene la gripe. De acuerdo a estudios mdicos la vacuna es efectiva entre el 70% y el 90% de las personas sanas menores de 65 aos, cuando coinciden bien los virus que circulan y aquellos que se hallan en la vacuna. La vacuna puede ser menos eficaz en las personas mayores o personas con sistemas inmunolgicos dbiles. Sin embargo, estas personas tambin se benefician al vacunarse, porque ayuda a prevenir las enfermedades severas, hospitalizacin, y muerte a causa de la gripe. Qu efectos secundarios tiene la vacuna? Los efectos secundarios ms frecuentes son dolor y enrojecimiento de la zona donde se inyecta la vacuna. Estos sntomas desaparecen a los pocos das. Otros efectos secundarios, como la fiebre o dolores corporales, son muy poco comunes. En los estudios clnicos, no se observaron diferencias en las reacciones entre personas que recibieron la vacuna contra la gripe y las personas que recibieron un placebo. La probabilidad de que ocurra una reaccin alrgica grave es una en un milln. La vacuna puede causar la gripe? No. Los ingredientes de la vacuna no pueden causar la gripe. El virus que contiene la vacuna es destruido. Cuando hay que vacunarse? Los meses ideales para vacunarse son octubre y noviembre. En la mayora de los aos, no es demasiado tarde vacunarse en diciembre. La vacuna puede protegerme contra los resfros y otras enfermedades respiratorias? No. La vacuna contra la gripe slo protege contra el virus de la gripe que contiene la vacuna. Que es la vacuna nasal contra el gripe? La vacuna nasal es rociada dentro de la nariz de la persona, en lugar de ser inyectada. La vacuna nasal est aprobada para las personas saludables de 5 a 49 aos de edad que no estn embarazadas. Es una vacuna segura y efectiva.
Para obtener ms informacin, consulte a un profesional de la salud o llame al 800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) Pgina de Internet:

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10 Things You Never Knew about Hear t Disease

1. Laughter is therapeutic. Doctors from the University of Maryland School of Medicine found that watching a funny movie for even 15 minutes can increase your blood flow. Remember to laugh every dayit can keep your heart happy and healthy. 2. Heart disease is the leading cause of death of American women. A recent survey found that fewer than one in five physicians knew that more women than men die each year from the disease. Be your own health advocate. Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure and blood cholesterol level. 3. Chest pain isnt the only warning sign of a heart attack. Symptoms for most heart attacks include mild chest pain, some shoulder discomfort, or shortness of breath. Other signs can be nausea, lightheadedness, or breaking out in a cold sweat. If you experience these symptoms, call 911. It could save your life. 4. Know your numbers. If youre over 20, you should know your blood cholesterol number. If its high, there are treatments (including medication and exercises) that can help. You should also get your blood pressure and your blood sugar levels checked regularly. 5. Less is more. Researchers found that people tend to eat everything on their plate. Since maintaining a healthy weight is important for heart health, watch those calories! Measure out your servings and use smaller plates for automatic portion control. 6. Restaurant portions are getting largerand so are we. The average pasta portion 20 years ago was two cups. Today your plate is loaded with twice as much. Have an appetizer as your meal, share an entree, or ask the waiter to wrap up half of the meal to go. 7. Diabetes, a major risk factor for heart disease, is affected by what you eat. Research has shown that eating more fruits, vegetables, and fiber can actually change the bloods sensitivity to insulin within as little as two weeks. So listen to what your mother told you and eat your veggies! 8. Walking can save your life. A recent study found that a sedentary 40-year-old woman who begins walking briskly half an hour a day, four days a week, can enjoy almost the same low risk of heart attack as a woman who has exercised regularly her entire life. Start walking! Your heart will love you for it. 9. Even children can suffer from hypertension. About five out of every 100 children have higher than normal blood pressure. Make sure to get your childrens blood pressure checked when they visit their doctor. 10. Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic. The percentage of overweight children has increased substantially in the past two decades. Get your family off the couch and reduce the amount of time spent in front of computer and TV screens. Walking, biking, or playing active games are great ways to spend some quality time together.


10 datos sorprendentes sobre las cardiopatas

1. La risa es el mejor remedio. Unos mdicos de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Maryland descubrieron que el ujo sanguneo aumenta con pasar tan slo 15 minutos viendo una pelcula cmica. Rase todos los das: mantendr el corazn sano y contento. 2. En Estados Unidos, las cardiopatas (enfermedades del corazn) son la primera causa de muerte entre las mujeres. Segn una encuesta reciente, menos de uno de cada cinco mdicos saba que ms mujeres que hombres mueren cada ao de cardiopatas. Encrguese usted de cuidar su propia salud. Pdale al mdico que le mida la tensin arterial y el colesterol. 3. El dolor de pecho no es el nico signo de infarto. Entre los sntomas ms comunes de infarto (es decir, ataque de corazn) se incluyen los dolores leves del pecho, la sensacin de malestar en el hombro, o la falta de aire. Otros posibles signos son nuseas, mareos o sudores fros. Si usted llega a tener estos sntomas, marque el 911. Le podra salvar la vida. 4. Conozca sus cifras. Si ya cumpli los 20 aos de edad, debe saber cul es su concentracin de colesterol. Si sta es elevada, existen tratamientos (entre ellos, medicamentos y ejercicios) que podran ayudarle. Tambin es importante que se haga medir la tensin arterial y la concentracin de azcar en la sangre (glucemia). 5. El que come menos vive mejor. Segn los investigadores, la gente suele comer todo lo que haya en el plato. Para tener un corazn sano, es importante mantener un peso saludable. Ojo con las caloras! Mida bien las porciones y srvaselas en platos ms pequeos para evitar el exceso. 6. Las porciones que se sirven en los restaurantes son cada vez ms grandes igual que nosotros. Hace 20 aos la porcin media de espaguetis era de dos tazas. Hoy en da est al doble. Se recomienda comer un aperitivo en vez de un plato fuerte, compartir un plato fuerte con alguien ms, o pedirle al mesero que le prepare la mitad de la comida para llevrsela a casa. 7. La diabetes, que gura entre los principales factores de riesgo de las cardiopatas, tiene mucho que ver con lo que se come. Las investigaciones han demostrado que se puede mejorar la sensibilidad de la sangre a la insulina con tan slo dos semanas de comer ms frutas, hortalizas, legumbres y bra. Cunta razn tena mam: hay que comerse las verduras! 8. Caminando se puede salvar la vida. Segn un estudio reciente, una mujer de 40 aos que pase la mayor parte de sus das sentada pero que empiece a caminar a paso ligero durante media hora al da, cuatro das a la semana, tendr casi el mismo riesgo reducido de infarto que una mujer que haya hecho ejercicio en forma constante durante toda la vida. Pngase a caminar! Ver que el corazn se lo agradece. 9. Hasta los nios sufren de hipertensin. Aproximadamente cinco de cada 100 nios tienen la tensin arterial superior a la normal. Haga revisar la tensin arterial de sus hijos cuando acudan al mdico. 10. La obesidad infantil se vuelve epidemia. La proporcin de los nios con sobrepeso ha aumentado signicativamente en los ltimos 20 aos. Haga que sus hijos se levanten del sof y no los deje pasar tanto tiempo frente a la computadora o al televisor. Para pasar juntos un rato agradable, pueden dar un paseo a pie o en bicicleta, o hacer juegos de actividad fsica.


Hugo Ledesma, M.D.

Cardiology and Internal Medicine
37-26 76th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11371 Tel: 718.507.2300 Fax: 718.507.1351

By appointment only


Diabetes And
Get the

Pneumonia: Shot



Did you know that a pneumococcal (new-mo-Koc-kal) shot (or pneumonia shot) can be a lifesaver if you have diabetes? People with diabetes are about 3 times more likely to die with flu and pneumonia. Yet, only one third of them ever get a simple, safe pneumonia shot. Pneumonia is a serious illness for anyone, but if you have diabetes, you are more likely to be sicker longer, go to the hospital, or even die. One pneumonia shot can help protect you against getting sick.

People may have mild redness or swelling in the arm where the shot was given. This goes away in a day or two.


The pneumonia shot is very safe. It does not contain any live bacteria, which means there is no way to get pneumonia from the shot.

Pneumonia Shot?

Who The
Should Get

A pneumonia shot is recommended for anyone aged 2 or older who, because of chronic health problems (such as diabetes) or age, has a greater chance of getting and dying with pneumonia.


A pneumonia shot can also protect you against other infections caused by the same bacteria. Consider the risks everyone faces: 1 out of 20 adults who get pneumonia (a lung infection) dies 2 out of 10 adults who get infection of the blood (bacteremia) die 3 out of 10 adults who get infection of the covering of the brain (meningitis) die


A pneumonia shot is available through your And doctors office, your community health clinic, hospitals, To Get and some worksite programs. You can get it anytime during the year. For most people, one shot is enough protection for a lifetime. People under 65 who have a chronic illness or a weakened immune system should ask their doctor about getting another shot 510 years after their first one.

Where When



Insurance Cover

The pneumonia shot is covered by Medicare Part B and by some other health insurance plans.

Shot ?

You may already be planning to get a flu shot this fall another lifesaver for people with diabetes. Ask your doctor about getting a pneumonia shot at the same time.

About 10,000 people die each year because of these bacterial infections. A pneumonia shot, however, can help protect you against getting these illnesses. In fact, it is about 60% effective in preventing the most serious pneumonias, meningitis, bacteremia, and death.


Lo que debe saber

sobre la
y la






Saba usted que si padece de diabetes, la vacuna neumoccica (llamada vacuna contra la pulmona) le puede salvar la vida? Las personas que tienen diabetes tienen casi tres veces ms probabilidades de morir con complicaciones de la gripe y la pulmona. Sin embargo, solamente un tercio de las personas que padecen de diabetes se protegen vacunndose con esta simple y segura vacuna contra la pulmona. La pulmona es una enfermedad seria para cualquiera, pero si usted tiene diabetes, la enfermedad puede ser prolongada, tal vez necesite hospitalizacin y hasta puede causar la muerte. Una vacuna contra la pulmona le puede ayudar a protegerse contra esta enfermedad. La vacuna contra la pulmona es recomendada para toda persona mayor de 2 aos que se debe tenga problemas contra la crnicos de salud (como la diabetes) o que sean mayores de edad (ancianos), estas personas tienen ms probabilidades de padecer y morir de pulmona.

Es posible que las personas vacunadas experimenten enrojecimiento o inflamacin en el brazo donde la vacuna fue administrada. Esto desaparecer en uno o dos das. La vacuna contra la pulmona puede estar disponible en el consultorio de su mdico, las clnicas de salud comunitarias, los hospitales y a veces por medio de campaas de salud en el trabajo. Usted puede obtener esta vacuna cuando lo desea durante el ao. Para la mayora de las personas, una dosis es proteccin suficiente para toda la vida. Se les recomienda a las personas mayores de 65 aos que padecen de una enfermedad crnica o tienen un sistema inmunolgico dbil que pregunten a su mdico si se deben vacunar dentro de 5 o 10 aos despus de esta primera vacuna.


La vacuna contra la pulmona es bien segura. La vacuna no contiene ninguna bacteria viva. Esto significa que no hay manera de contraer la pulmona por medio de esta vacuna.

debo acudir para recibir esta

Dnde cundo



vacunar pulmona?


La vacuna contra la pulmona tambin le puede proteger contra otras infecciones causadas por la misma bacteria. Considere los riesgos que todos enfrentamos:


el costo de esta vacuna

Uno de cada 20 adultos que contrae la pulmona (infeccin de los pulmones) muere
O Dos de cada 10 adultos que contraen infeccin en la sangre (Bacteriemia) mueren

La vacuna contra la pulmona est cubierta por el Medicare Parte B y por algunos planes de seguros de salud.

el seguro mdico?

Tres de cada 10 adultos que contraen infeccin en la membrana que cubre el cerebro (meningitis) mueren


Casi 10,000 personas mueren cada ao a causa de las infecciones de esta bacteria. Sin embargo, una vacuna contra la pulmona le puede ayudar a protegerse de contraer estas enfermedades.

Usted podra estar planeando vacunarse contra la gripe este otoo, sta es otra vacuna que podra salvar la vida de las personas que tienen diabetes. Pregunte a su mdico si se puede vacunar contra la pulmona al mismo tiempo.


(718) 446-4278


Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimers Disease is the most common type of dementia. Dementia occurs as a result of changes in the brain that affect a persons ability to think and remember. It can become severe enough to affect daily activities.

Alzheimer's Disease is not a normal part of aging. No one knows what causes Alzheimers Disease, but much research is being done. You may be more at risk if you had a family member with the disease.


The signs start slowly and can vary or worsen over time. A person cannot control the signs. Treatment can help, but it does not cure the disease. Signs may include:

Memory loss, especially about recent events Confusion about time and place Poor judgment

Trouble learning new information

Changes in being able to do such things as drive, handle money, take medicine, cook, dress and bathe

Your Care

Your doctor may order tests to check your brain such as a CT scan, a MRI or a PET scan. Your doctor may also:

Use tests to eliminate other causes of memory loss and confusion

Look at the pattern of memory loss and the persons awareness of the changes

Get a list of medicines and information from the family Do a physical exam Check the persons mental status by asking memory and thinking questions

There is no cure for Alzheimer's Disease, and it will not go away. Medicines may help with some of the signs or delay the progress of the disease. Other medicines can treat problems with sleeping, depression or nervousness. Exercise, good nutrition and social activity are also important. For more information and support contact:
Talk 24-Hour Helplinenurse if you have questions or concerns. to your doctor or 1-800-272-3900

Alzheimers Association

36 Central Ohio Helpline

(614) 457-6003

Enfermedad de Alzheimer
Enfermedad de Alzheimer
La enfermedad de Alzheimer es el tipo ms comn de demencia. La demencia ocurre como resultado de cambios en el cerebro, que afectan la capacidad de pensar y recordar de una persona. Puede agravarse lo suficiente como para afectar las actividades diarias. La enfermedad de Alzheimer no es una parte normal del envejecimiento. Nadie sabe por qu se produce, pero se estn realizando muchas investigaciones al respecto. Usted puede tener un mayor riesgo si tiene un familiar con la enfermedad.


Los signos comienzan lentamente y pueden variar o empeorar con el tiempo. La persona no puede controlar los signos. El tratamiento puede ayudar, pero no cura la enfermedad. Los signos pueden incluir:

prdida de la memoria, sobre todo de hechos recientes; desorientacin sobre el tiempo y el espacio; criterio deficiente;

problemas para aprender informacin nueva;

cambios en la capacidad para realizar tareas como conducir, manejar dinero, tomar medicamentos, cocinar, vestirse y baarse.


Su mdico puede indicar pruebas para controlar su cerebro, como por ejemplo una tomografa computarizada, una resonancia magntica o una gammagrafa por emisin de positrones. Su mdico tambin puede

usar exmenes para descartar otras causas para la prdida de memoria y desorientacin; evaluar el patrn de la prdida de memoria y la conciencia de la persona acerca de los cambios;

Alzheimers. Spanish.

obtener una lista de medicamentos e informacin de parte de la familia; realizar un examen fsico; evaluar el estado mental de la persona a travs de preguntas de memoria y de pensamiento.

No existe cura para la enfermedad de Alzheimer, y tampoco desaparece por s sola. Los medicamentos pueden ayudar con algunos signos y retrasar el progreso de la enfermedad. Otros medicamentos pueden tratar los problemas del sueo, depresin o nerviosismo. El ejercicio, la buena nutricin y la actividad social tambin son importantes. Para obtener mayor informacin y apoyo, comunquese con:

Alzheimers Association

Hable con su medico o enfermera si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.

37 Central Ohio Helpline

Lnea de ayuda las 24 horas 1-800-272-3900

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Abrchese por su vida!

Infants Infantes Use a rear-facing car seat to at least age 1 year and 20 pounds.
Use una silla de seguridad viendo hacia atrs hasta que el nio tenga 1 ao y pese 20 libras.

Buckle Up for Life!

Toddlers - Nios de 2 aos Use a forward-facing car seat until the harness no longer fits. Preschool & older -

Use una silla de seguridad viendo hacia el frente hasta que el cinturn ya no le sirva.

Preescolares o nios de ms edad

Use a booster seat until your child weighs between 80-100 pounds and is about 4 9 tall.
Use una silla aumentadora hasta que el nio pese entre 80 a 100 libras y mida cerca de 4 9.

Teens and Adults - Adolescentes y adultos Buckle up with lap and shoulder belt.
Abrchese con la correa del hombro y regazo.


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Service You Deserve!

Las Visitas de Buena Salud son Importantes!

Routine medical visits help keep your child healthy and up-to-date on immunizations. Visits may be scheduled every 2 - 4 months during infancy.
Las visitas mdicas de rutinas ayudan a mantener a su nio sano y a tener las inmunizaciones al da. Las visitas pueden ser de 2 a 4 meses durante la infancia.

Well-Child Visits are Important!


Facts on Colon Cancer

Fast Facts
Colorectal Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Datos bsicos
Las pruebas de deteccin de cncer colorrectal salvan vidas
Entre los tipos de cncer que afectan tanto a hombres como a mujeres, el cncer colorrectal es la segunda causa de muerte por cncer en los Estados Unidos. En el ao 2007 (ltimas estadsticas disponibles) 53.219 personas (27.004 hombres y 26.215 mujeres) en los Estados Unidos murieron de cncer colorrectal. Tambin el cncer colorrectal es uno de los canceres que ms se diagnostica en los Estados Unidos. En el ao 2007, 142.672 personas en los EE.UU (72.755 hombres y 69.917 mujeres) fueron diagnosticadas con cncer colorrectal. Las pruebas de deteccin se recomiendan para hombres y mujeres a partir de los 50 aos. A menudo, el cncer colorrectal es prevenible. Las pruebas de deteccin ayudan a encontrar plipos precancerosos para que puedan ser removidos antes de que se conviertan en cncer. Las pruebas de deteccin ayudan a encontrar cncer colorrectal en sus primeras etapas, cuando el tratamiento puede ser ms eficaz. Su riesgo de tener cncer colorrectal puede ser mayor de lo normal si usted o un pariente cercano ha tenido plipos colorrectales o cncer colorrectal, si tiene enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal o si tiene algn sndrome gentico. Si piensa que su riesgo es mayor de lo normal, pregntele a su mdico a qu edad y con qu frecuencia debera hacerse las pruebas de deteccin.

Of cancers affecting both men and women, colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States. In 2007 (the most recent year for which statistics are currently available), 53,219 people (27,004 men and 26,215 women) in the United States died of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer also is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the United States. In 2007, 142,672 people in the U.S. (72,755 men and 69,917 women) were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Screening is recommended for men and women beginning at age 50. Colorectal cancer often can be prevented. Screening helps find precancerous polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. Screening helps find colorectal cancer early, when treatment can be most effective. You may be at increased risk for colorectal cancer if you or a close relative have had colorectal polyps or colorectal cancer, if you have inflammatory bowel disease or if you have certain genetic syndromes. If you think you are at increased risk, ask your doctor at what age and how often you should be screened.

For more information, please call 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) or visit

CDC Publication #21-1029 March 2011

Para obtener ms informacin, llame al 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636oprima 2 para espaol) o visite
CDC Publicacin #21-1292 Marzo de 2011


Limpieza Coronas Dentaduras Extracciones Odontolgica Esttica Dra. Aisel L. Felix, DDS Dr. Ruben D. Diaz, DDS
Se habla espaol

(718) 505-0934
40-10 National Street 2do Piso Corona, NY 11368


High Blood Pressure

What is high blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the force of blood against your artery walls as it circulates through your body. Blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day, but it can cause health problems if it stays high for a long time. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and strokeleading causes of death in the United States.1

What are the signs and symptoms?

High blood pressure usually has no warning signs or symptoms, so many people dont realize they have it. Thats why its important to visit your doctor regularly. Be sure to talk with your doctor about having your blood pressure checked.

How is high blood pressure diagnosed?

Your doctor measures your blood pressure by wrapping an inflatable cuff with a pressure gauge around your arm to squeeze the blood vessels. Then he or she listens to your pulse with a stethoscope while releasing air from the cuff. The gauge measures the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart beats (systolic) and when it rests (diastolic).

Are you at risk?

About one in three U.S. adultsan estimated 68 millionhas high blood pressure.2 Anyone, including children, can develop it. Several factors that are beyond your control can increase your risk for high blood pressure. These include your age, sex, and race or ethnicity. But you can work to reduce your risk by eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and being physically active.

How is it treated?
If you have high blood pressure, your doctor may prescribe medication to treat it. Lifestyle changes, such as the ones listed above, can be just as important as taking medicines. Talk with your doctor about the best ways to reduce your risk for high blood pressure.

CDC: Deaths: Final Data for 2008. data/nvsr/nvsr59/nvsr59_10.pdf

CDC: Vital signs: prevalence, treatment, and control of hypertensionUnited States, 1999 2002 and 20052008.

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention 45


High Blood Pressure

What blood pressure levels are healthy?
To determine whether your blood pressure is normal, your doctor examines your systolic and diastolic pressures, which the gauge measures in millimeters of mercury (abbreviated as mmHg).
Blood Pressure Levels Normal At risk (prehypertension) High systolic: less than 120 mmHg diastolic: less than 80 mmHg
l l

Be physically active. Visit CDCs Physical Activity Web site for more information on being active. index.html Limit alcohol use. See CDCs Alcohol and Public Health Web site for more information. Dont smoke. CDCs Office on Smoking and Health Web site has information on quitting smoking. Prevent or manage diabetes. Visit CDCs Diabetes Public Health Resource for more information.

systolic: 120139 mmHg diastolic: 8089 mmHg systolic: 140 mmHg or higher diastolic: 90 mmHg or higher

Can high blood pressure be prevented?

You can take several steps to maintain normal blood pressure levels:

Get your blood pressure checked regularly. Eat a healthy diet. Tips on reducing saturated fat in your diet are available on the Web site for CDCs Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity. everyone/basics/fat/saturatedfat.html Maintain a healthy weight. CDCs Healthy Weight Web site includes information and tools to help you lose weight. index.html

For More Information

Learn more about high blood pressure at the following Web sites:

Centers for Disease Control and Preventions Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention: American Heart Association: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:


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Limpieza Coronas Dentaduras Extracciones Odontolgica Esttica

Dra. Aisel L. Felix, DDS Dr. Ruben D. Diaz, DDS Se habla espaol

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Tips for a Safe and Healthy Life

Take steps every day to live a safe and healthy life.
Eat healthy. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day. Limit foods and drinks high in calories, sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol. Eat a balanced diet to help keep a healthy weight. Be active. Be active for at least 2 hours a week. Include activities that raise your breathing and heart rates and that strengthen your muscles. Help kids and teens be active for at least 1 hour a day. Include activities that raise their breathing and heart rates and that strengthen their muscles and bones. Protect yourself. Wear helmets, seat belts, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Wash hands to stop the spread of germs. Avoid smoking and breathing other peoples smoke. Build safe and healthy relationships with family and friends. Be ready for emergencies. Make a supply kit. Make a plan. Be informed. Manage stress. Balance work, home, and play. Get support from family and friends. Stay positive. Take time to relax. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Make sure kids get more, based on their age. Get help or counseling if needed. Get check-ups. Ask your doctor or nurse how you can lower your chances for health problems based on your lifestyle and personal and family health histories. Find out what exams, tests, and shots you need and when to get them. See your doctor or nurse as often as he or she says to do so. See him or her sooner if you feel sick, have pain, notice changes, or have problems with medicine. For more information about these tips, visit:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Womens Health 404-498-2300 (tel) (e-mail)

Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos

Consejos para una vida segura y saludable

Tome medidas a diario para vivir sano y seguro.
Coma alimentos saludables. Coma diariamente frutas, verduras y granos integrales variados. Limite el consumo de bebidas con muchas caloras, azcar, sal, grasa o alcohol. Consuma una dieta balanceada que le ayude a mantener un peso saludable. Mantngase activo. Realice actividad fsica al menos dos horas y media a la semana. Incluya actividades que aumenten las frecuencias cardaca y respiratoria y que fortalezcan los msculos. Anime a los nios y adolescentes a que practiquen ejercicio al menos una hora al da. Incluya actividades que aumenten la frecuencia cardaca y respiratoria y que fortalezcan los msculos y huesos. Protjase. Use cascos, cinturones de seguridad, filtro solar y repelente de insectos. Lvese las manos para detener la propagacin de los grmenes. Evite el cigarrillo y el humo del tabaco de otras personas. Mantenga relaciones sanas y seguras con familiares y amigos. Preprese para enfrentar emergencias. Mantenga listo un kit de provisiones. Prepare un plan y mantngase informado. Controle el estrs. Procure un equilibrio entre el trabajo, el hogar y las actividades recreativas. Busque el apoyo de familiares y amigos. Mantenga una actitud positiva. Tmese tiempo para relajarse. Duerma de 7 a 9 horas por la noche. Asegrese de que los nios duerman ms, de acuerdo a su edad. Busque ayuda o atencin sicolgica si la necesita. Hgase sus chequeos. Pregunte a su mdico o enfermera cmo puede reducir el riesgo de problemas de salud teniendo en cuenta su estilo de vida y antecedentes personales y familiares. Entrese de los exmenes, anlisis y vacunas que necesita, y cundo se requieren. Hgase los chequeos con la frecuencia que le indique su mdico o enfermera. Haga una cita mdica tan pronto se sienta enfermo o con dolor, note cambios o experimente problemas con algn medicamento.
Para obtener ms informacin visite: (en ingls) (en espaol)

Centros para el Control y la Prevencin de Enfermedades

Centros para el Control y la Prevencin de Enfermedades, Oficina de Salud de la Mujer 404-498-2300 (telfono) (correo electrnico) CS 118681 12/08

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Take care of yourself! Your loved ones need you.

How to get a mammogram

A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray picture of the breast that can detect breast cancer at an early stage when it can best be treated. A mammogram can detect a lump that is too small for you or your doctor to feel.

What should I do on the day of my mammogram appointment?

Wear a top and pants or a skirt so that you only have to undress from the waist up. Do not wear any deodorant, perfume, lotion or powder under your arms or on your breasts. These things can make shadows on your mammogram.

How is a mammogram done?

You stand in front of the X-ray machine. The technician taking the picture will place your breast between two X-ray panels. The plates gently press your breast and make it flat. You will feel pressure on your breast for a few seconds. You will have two pictures taken of each breast. Each X-ray takes less than a minute.

How do I get a mammogram?

Ask your doctor today about a referral for a mammogram. You will then make an appointment with a mammography center approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Your doctor or nurse should be able to help you find one. You can also call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345.

After your mammogram, a radiologist will review your results. Tell the facility the name of the doctor who should receive your results and ask for your own copy. If you do not get the results within 10 days, call the facility.

What happens after my mammogram appointment?

See your doctor today about a mammogram!

Other tips
Try to schedule your mammogram at the same facility each year or ask that your mammogram films be sent to your new facility. If follow-up exams or procedures are recommended, schedule them promptly. About 93 percent of women have normal results. You should continue to have a mammogram every year along with monthly breast self-examinations and yearly breast exams by your doctor.


Cmo hacerse una mamografa

La mamografa es una imagen del pecho producida por bajas dosis de rayos X que puede detectar el cncer del seno temprano, cuando es el mejor momento para tratarlo. La mamografa puede detectar un bulto demasiado pequeo para que usted o el mdico lo sienta.

Cudese! Sus seres queridos la necesitan.

Qu debo hacer el da de la mamografa?

Cmo se hace una mamografa?

Hay que pararse delante de la mquina de rayos X. El tcnico que toma la imagen colocar su pecho entre dos paneles radiogrficos. Estas placas aprietan el pecho suavemente y lo aplastan. Sentir presin en el pecho durante varios segundos. Se le tomarn dos imgenes de cada pecho. Cada radiografa tarda menos de un minuto.

Use un pantaln o una falda con una blusa para que slo tenga que desvestirse de la cintura para arriba. No use desodorante, perfume, locin o polvo debajo de los brazos ni en los pechos. Esas cosas pueden producir sombras en la mamografa.

Cmo consigo una mamografa?

Pdale a su mdico hoy una orden para una mamografa. Despus programar una cita con un centro de mamografa aprobado por la Food and Drug Administration de los Estados Unidos. Su mdico o enfermera puede ayudarle a encontrar un centro. Tambin puede llamar a la Sociedad Americana del Cancer al 1-800-227-2345.

Despus de la mamografa, un radilogo examinar los resultados. Dgale a la oficina donde se hace la mamografa el nombre del mdico que debe recibir los resultados y pida una copia para usted. Si no recibe los resultados en 10 das, llame a la oficina.

Qu pasa despus de la mamografa?

Consulte a su mdico hoy sobre una mamografa!

Ayudas adicionales
Trate de programar la mamografa en el mismo lugar todos los aos, o pida que se enven las pelculas de su mamografa a su nuevo proveedor de atencin mdica. Si se recomiendan exmenes o procedimientos de seguimiento, progrmelos enseguida. Alrededor del 93 por ciento de las mujeres tienen resultados normales. Debe seguir hacindose mamografas cada ao. Tambin debe examinarse los pechos cada mes e ir a la oficina del mdico cada ao para que l los examine.



Dr. Michael Ahdoot

Dr. Michael Ahdoot es un cirujano oftalmlogo certificado, afiliado a la Associate Adjunct Surgeon en la prestigiosa New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, as como en los hospitales en Long Island y Queens. Realiza su prctica mdica de manera integral con la naturaleza y se destaca tanto por sus excelentes servicios mdicos y quirrgicos de los ojos; como en la esttica facial. Realiz, en el Monte Sina, especialidad de Ciruga de Catarata y Refractiva. El Dr. Ahdoot tambin se especializ en la ciruga de cataratas sin puntos, con implantes de lentes de alta calidad, y en todos los bladless lser con Lasik para correccin de la visin; y en el tratamiento del ojo seco y la superficie de los trastornos oculares, junto con el glaucoma diabtica e hipertensiva, degeneracin macular y todos los dems aspectos necesarios para el cuidado de los ojos. Otra especiliadad con la que destaca el Dr. Ahdoot es en el rejuvenecimiento facial esttico con Botox y Juvederm. Haga una cita y observe usted mismo por qu somos Sunnyside de Long Island City, pioneros de la ms novedosa y completa prctica oftalmolgica para el cuidado de los ojos de la familia, la catarata y la ciruga de LASIK. No se limite a ver... Vea mejor!

Dr. B.K. Verma

Dr. B.K. Verma informa que dispone de excelentes tratamientos nuevos para controlar y ayudar a revertir la enfermedad de las encas, la cual actualmente muchos adultos padecen; y consiste en un proceso inflamatorio que puede causar enfermedades cardacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares. La enfermedad periodontal puede causar osteoporosis y nacimiento prematuro en mujeres embarazadas; y los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 son ms propensos a desarrollarla. La enfermedad de las encas puede iniciar con una simple

Oral Implantology
gingivitis, la cual si no es tratada puede pasar a la periodontitis, donde las encas se despegan de los dientes por causa de graves daos en los tejidos y en los huesos donde estos se incrustan, y de no tratarse, en el peor de los casos, puede provocar la prdida de los dientes. El Dr. Verma, tambin realiza implantes dentales, procedimiento que permite que el diente se vea natural, ya que la parte de la raz del diente se sustituye en el hueso por la raz de titanio u otro bio-material compatible. Estos implantes dentales pueden durar toda la vida si se mantienen adecuadamente, para lo cual el Dr. Verma brinda una excelente asesora. Para ms informacin y consulta gratuita contctelo al (718) 699 8268 y/o visite la web


Breast Cancer
Basic description
A breast cancer is a cancerous tumor that develops from cells in the breast. The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass; however, most breast lumps are benign. Other physical signs include a generalized swelling of part of a breast (even if no distinct lump is felt), skin irritation or dimpling, nipple pain or retraction, redness or scaliness of the nipple or breast skin, or a spontaneous discharge other than breast milk.

Prevention We do not know how to prevent breast cancer, but it is possible for a woman of average risk to reduce her risk of developing the disease. Lifestyle factors, such as reducing alcohol use, breast-feeding, engaging in regular physical activity, and staying at a healthy weight are all associated with lower risk. Studies have also shown that estrogen-blocking drugs, such as tamoxifen and raloxifene, can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in some high-risk women. However, some risk factors cannot be changed, such as age, race, family history of disease, and reproductive history. Detection The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chances for successful treatment. A mammogram can often show breast changes that may be cancer before physical symptoms develop; however, some cancers that are not seen on a mammogram may still be felt by a woman or her health care provider. For this reason, the American Cancer Society recommends the following guidelines for finding breast cancer early:
Women age 40 and older should have a mammogram every year and should continue to do so for as long as they are in good

Women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam (CBE) by a health professional at least every 3 years. After age

40, women should have a CBE every year.

Women should know how their breasts normally look and feel and report any breast change to a health care provider right

away. Breast self-examination (BSE) is an option for women starting in their 20s.
Screening MRI is recommended for women with an approximately 20% to 25% or greater lifetime risk of breast cancer,

including women with a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, those with a known breast cancer gene mutation, and women who were treated for Hodgkin disease. Treatment Treatment is most successful when breast cancer is detected early. Depending on the situation and the patients choices, treatment may involve breast conservation surgery or mastectomy. In both cases, lymph nodes under the arm may also be removed. Women who have a mastectomy have several options for breast reconstruction. Other treatments are radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and monoclonal antibody therapy. Often 2 or more methods are used in combination. Patients should discuss all treatment options with their doctors.

Who is at risk?
Gender Being a woman is the greatest risk factor for breast cancer; however, men also can develop breast cancer. Age The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. About 2 out of 3 invasive breast cancers are found in women age 55 or older.

Breast Cancer
Other risk factors Breast cancer risks are higher among women with a family history of the disease. Having a first-degree relative with breast cancer increases a womans risk, while having more than one first-degree relative who has or had breast cancer before the age of 40 or in both breasts increases a womans risk even more. However, it is important to remember that most women with breast cancer do not have a first-degree relative with the disease. Studies also show that 5% to 10% of breast cancer cases result from inherited mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Women who carry these rare mutations have a lifetime risk of developing breast cancer as high as 80%. Additional risk factors include:
Post-menopausal hormone therapy (especially combined estrogen and

progesterone therapy)
Overweight or obesity, especially excessive weight gain after menopause More than one alcoholic drink daily Physical inactivity Long menstrual history Never having children or having first live birth after age 30 Previous chest radiation to treat a different cancer Previous history of breast cancer or certain benign breast conditions

Breast cancer in the United States: 2011 estimates


Women:230,480 Men:2,140 Women:39,520 Men:450 localizedstage:98%


5-yearrelativesurvivalratefor 5-yearrelativesurvivalrateforall


Quality-of-life issues
From the time of diagnosis, the quality of life for every cancer patient and survivor is affected in some way. They may be affected socially, psychologically, physically, and spiritually. Concerns that patients and survivors most often express are fear of recurrence; chronic and/or acute pain; sexual problems; fatigue; guilt for delaying screening or treatment, or for doing things that may have caused the cancer; changes in physical appearance; depression; sleep difficulties; changes in what they are able to do after treatment; and the burden on finances and loved ones. Women with breast cancer often feel uncertainty about treatment options and have concerns about their fatigue, sexuality, and body image.

Bottom line
Nearlyallbreastcancerscanbetreatedsuccessfullyiffound early.Today,themosteffectivewaystodetectbreastcancer earlyaretohaveyearlyscreeningmammogramsstartingat age40andtohaveregularclinicalbreastexamsbyadoctor ornurse.Althoughrisksforgettingbreastcancerinclude thingsthatcannotbechanged,somethingsthatmayreduce awomansriskofgettingbreastcancercanbecontrolled; theseincludebeingphysicallyactive,stayingatahealthy weight,andlimitingalcoholuse.

2007,AmericanCancerSociety,Inc. No.300202-Rev.11/11 Modelsusedforillustrativepurposesonly.




El Lavado de las Manos

Wash Your Hands


Rub soap all over your hands. Make a lot of lather and bubbles.
Pasa el jabn por toda tu mano. Has mucha espuma y burbujas.

Rinse your hands under running water.
Enjugate las manos debajo del agua.

Rub all over, under, and between fingers.

Estrgate toda la mano. Arriba, abajo y entre los dedos.

Use a clean towel or paper towel to dry your hands.


Usa una toalla de papel limpia para secarte las manos.

Put the used paper towel in the trash can.

Pon el papel que usaste para secarte las manos en la basura.


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Dr. Michael Ahdoot

Dr. Michael Ahdoot is a Board Certified Ophthalmic Surgeon and serves as an Associate Adjunct Surgeon at the esteemed New York Eye and Ear Infirmary as well as hospitals in Long Island and Queens. Our practice is comprehensive in nature - spanning the range of medical and surgical eye conditions as well as facial aesthetics. As a Mount Sinai trained specialist in Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Dr. Ahdoot specializes in nostitch cataract surgery with premium lens implants, bladless all-laser custom LASIK vision correction and treatment of dry eye and eye surface disorders along with glaucoma, diabetic & hypertensive eye care, macular degeneration and all other aspects of eye care. We also specialize in facial aesthetic rejuvenation with Botox & Juvederm. Schedule an appointment and see for yourself why we are Long Island Citys (Sunnyside) premiere ophthalmology practice for complete family eye care, cataract and LASIK surgery. Dont just see...See Better!

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NAME Allergy & Asthma Family Care Center Al Kosto Alberto L. Rozo, DO Clinic Nueva Esperanza Community Prevention Center Centro Medico Latino Corona Vision (Corona) Corona Vision (Elmhurst) Corona Vision (Kew Gardens) Dentista Hispano Elmcare Pharmacy Elmhurst Pediatric Dentistry Family Dental Rego Park Functional Physical Therapy Rehab, P.C. H & L Counseling Services Hugo Ledesma, MD I Smile Dental Care Jackson Height Orthodontics Jorge Pia, LMHC Marissa T. Santos Michael Ahdoot, MD Novo Dent Pro Health Pharmacy Re-Nu Rejuvenation & Wellness Renan Macias, MD Sergio Martinez, MD` Sitel Medical Pages Sterling Marketing Group Steven Bernhardt, DO Victory WellCare Western Queens Consultation Center Western Queens Consultation Center (Sunnyside) Woodside Medical Practice, PC SPECIALTY Allergy & Immunology Pharmacy Internist & Pulmonologist Counseling Service Counseling Service Medical Center Optometry Optometry Optometry General Dentistry Pharmacy General Dentistry Oral Implantology &Cosmetic Dentistry Physical Therapy Psychology Cardiology & Internal Medicine General Dentistry Orthodontics Psychology Internal Medicine Ophthalmology/Facial Aesthetic Dental Studio Pharmacy Dermatology Adult Neurologist Internal Medicine & Pulmonologist Health & Wellness Guide Medical & Dental Marketing Osteopathy & Neuromusculoskeletal medicine Pharmacy Health Insurance Psychology Psychology Medical Center

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Here at SITEL MEDICAL PAGES we recognize how challenging it can be to research or review publications like the Yellow Pages to find a needed service amongst thousands of pages of ads and listings. Our guide will advertise to local residents who are seeking information about the services provided locally. We can help you draw new clients in 2012.



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WellCare remains focused on providing access to quality health care to some of our nations most vulnerable populations and on the many opportunities to provide health care coverage to the growing number of low income and elderly.

WellCare will:

Enhance our members health and quality of life Partner with providers and governments to provide quality, cost-effective healthcare solutions Create a rewarding and enriching environment for our associates


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Medical & Dental Marketing

Medical Marketing Solutions Marketing Plans, Direct Mail, Commercials & Everything In-Between Strategic Planning Medical & Dental Marketing that Engages & Entertains

Internal Marketing. Building Value for Your Brand

Logo/Brand Identity Design Signage, Stationery Design Custom Patient Photography/Wall Art Practice Brochures/New Patient Packages Holiday Cards, NCR Forms Professional Referral Pads Newsletters, Promotional Items

External Marketing. Getting Your Message to the Masses

Newspaper Inserts and Shared Mail Programs Direct Mail Campaigns, Billboards/Outdoor Advertising Magazines, Print Ads, Newspaper Radio Spots, TV Commercials

Web, SEO & Social Media Marketing. Everything You Want is Now Online
Custom Website Development, Web Hosting and Email E-Newsletters, Website On Page Optimization Search Engine Positioning/Back Linking Campaigns Social Media Page Setup and Fan Campaigns Google/Yahoo/Bing Places Optimization

For All your Marketing Needs



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