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South London healthcare trust managers are killing our 3 hospitals.

PATIENT ACTION GROUP = INVITE YOU TO DEMONSTRATE AGAINST CUTS IN OUR HOSPITALS, CUTS THAT HAVE AND WILL COST LIVES. FRIDAY 18th May 11AM UNTIL 1PM QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL WOOLWICH COMMON. SE18 DRESS CODE : BLACK CLOTHING OR BLACK ARM BANDS Since Dr Chris Streather became Chief Executive, then The Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary's and Princess Royal became one SLHT The hospitals have all gone into rapid decline, much needed services have been lost, wards closed, lack of vital/basic equipment, patients hidden to reach targets. Staff feeling intimidated not to raise concerns. Appointment Cancellations escalate. Patients are having to travel miles for certain operations, then discharged without transport, all because of local ward closures and severe cuts in the service. Closing of the A&E , maternity and Elmstead rehabilitation centre as well as many other vital services at Queen Marys Sidcup, services that need reopening. Elderly care is not improving, they deserve care, kindness and dignity. They are deprived of even basic care or compassion at times. Not being fed or given fluids- staff shortages!!? Stop cutting back on hospital staff - the hospital is short staffed as it is, patients will suffer and die. The dedicated Consultants, nurses and doctors did not train for years to join the dole queue or to be Forced into taking early retirement. Justice for John Howe 27/4/47- 26/7/2009 and all the patients who have died because of long unnecessary delays in their treatment. Patients are still experiencing delayed treatment, cancelled appointments in some cases this will of course equal deaths. Justice for a Dr Ramon Niekrash who was illegally and wrongfully suspended for complaining to management that services for patients were unsafe. He now has a legal bill of 185.000 for trying to save patients lives. The hospital has squandered hundreds of thousands of pounds defending their ILLEGAL action against him. Emergency Ambulances and patients will not have easy access to the Queen Elizabeth hospital during the Olympics because of road closures PUT LIVES BEFORE OLYMPICS Stop the privatisation, give us back our dedicated London ambulance Service. A service that has saved so many lives, for so many years. Contacts. Telephone 07873-801274 The day to link arms in support of saving our hospitals and services


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