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The Citizen Newsletter

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Issue # 342

April 26, 2012

Over 40,000 reads at

In This Issue:
Page Feature 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 11 Georgia Pundit: Online Survey TIA: No Guarantee of Federal Funds T-SPLOST Hitting Funding Snags Bill Toney Announcement Arm Yourself with Truth Locust Grove Day State of Georgia TEA Party Stanley for Henry BoE Rep. Steve Davis Cookout UFFIZI Comes to Atlanta Celebrate Georgia Cities Week Asa Brown: Class Warfare 13th District Mayhem!

Important Reminder

The 13th District GOP Convention is under appeal.


Next Regular Meeting May 1, 2012 at 7:00 PM Government Annex Community Room 116 South Zack Hinton Parkway, McDonough, GA 30253

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Georgia Pundit Online T-SPLOST

Interesting results. I ll leave the survey open for the time being to see if it changes over time, and will probably run the same survey several times between now and the election. It s not scientific, it doesn t screen voters and demographic data is minimal. I m not even releasing the crosstabs today. But major organizations on both sides were aware of it, I can tell you that from the email and IP addresses of votes, and both sides the opportunity to have as many of their supporters vote as possible. ~ Todd Rehm

No guarantee of federal funding for road, transit projects in transportation sales tax
Congress and the Obama administration have made it clear that Georgians will vote July 31 on the proposed transportation sales tax with no clue as to how much money the federal government may pay to support the projects. This news is significant in metro Atlanta. The 10-county region is counting on the federal government to pay nearly 12 percent of the total $7.1 billion cost (in today s dollars) of the road and transit projects to be built if voters approve a 1 percent sales tax for transportation. Without the federal funding, it seems unlikely that all projects will be completed. Neither a contingency plan, nor a priority list of projects, was part of the recommendation from the Atlanta Regional Roundtable, the group of 21 elected officials that created the construction list. The conflict crystallized April 18. The day began with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood predicting that Congress will not pass a long-term highway bill before the presidential election.


LaHood s comment was followed by a House vote for a measure with provisions the White House already had promised to veto.

Mindful of Denver: Atlanta s role model in transportation sales tax hitting snags in its program

In Denver, projected costs to meet the promised completion date of 2024 have increased from $4.7 billion to $7.8 billion. The sum includes the $2.1 billion portion being built through a public private partnership that s backed by $398 million in tax-exempt bonds. Nonetheless, escalating cost was a key reason Governing magazine this month cited the project as one of five major public works projects facing serious challenges. Denver s project was among those the magazine called the Five in Limbo. In Atlanta, the campaign message may eventually be that the proposed transportation sales tax will end by state law whenever it raises its targeted sum, or in a decade, whichever comes first. However, scant mention has been made so far of the likelihood of an effort extend the tax beyond 2024. Yet a call to extend the sales tax is almost a foregone conclusion because more money will be needed to build projects that receive money only for planning in the first round of the proposed tax, according to some of the elected officials who served on the Atlanta Regional Roundtable, which assembled the tax-and-construction package. In Denver, FasTracks officials have said the tax rate must be doubled to finish the transit system on time. The vote in 2004 was to implement a 0.4 percent sales tax, and the proposal would take the rate to 0.8 percent. Without the tax hike, two additional decades will pass before the system is complete, Denver transit officials have said. The plan in 2004 was to finish in 20 years; the current tax rate is projected to see the job done in 2042.

Bill Toney announces run for county commission post

Bill Toney, who describes himself as a conservative Republican and small businessman, has launched his campaign for the District 3 seat on the Henry County Board of


Commissioners. Randy Stamey, also a Republican, currently holds the District 3 commission seat. His term ends this year. Toney acknowledged his campaign centers on budgeting. He said in a statement announcing his bid for the elective office that he served Henry County on the Citizens Budget Review Committee, where he saw spending priorities and practices that were out of line with the needs of Henry County taxpayers. After serving on the Budget Committee, it was clear that our county s spending habits are not only off base with what we as taxpayers deserve, but out of line for the income the county brings in, said Toney. The out-of-control spending by the county commission, created a $10 million shortfall in the budget. So their solution is to lay off over 60 police officers while closing three fire stations, or they threaten to raise our taxes, he continued in a prepared statement. This is not leadership. Toney said that, if elected, he would act on his experiences in business to help lead the county. As a small business owner, I know how to balance a budget and make payroll, he said. I also know that when things get tough, you don t cut out priorities in order to afford luxuries. Toney, a long-time resident of Henry County, is owner of Jenco, a golf cart manufacturing company, and he is known to many in the community as The Golf Cart Guy. If elected, I will propose cutting the Commissioners salary in half, in order to afford more police officers and fire fighters to keep our community safe, said Toney. Obviously, more needs to be done, and throughout my campaign, I will be offering other alternatives to balance the county budget, but not on the backs of the taxpayers, or at the expense of public safety.

Toney, and his wife, Jenny, are the parents of six children and 17 grandchildren. They are active members of Salem Baptist Church in McDonough.

Some people may find it odd, but some so-called Republicans (you know, RINOs) are running campaigns filled with nothing but innuendo against their opponent. Targeted half-truth, always avoiding the whole truth or real issues and always praying the voter is uninformed.

ARM YOURSELF. Know the facts.

The Hack Writer admits he "is helping" an opponent to Representative Steve Davis. Several hit pieces have been written, and every single one has been refuted with truth and accurate information.


The Hack Guy, in support of The Puppet we told you about earlier, is printing more innuendo - that's false and misleading information told as truth. Representative Steve Davis DID NOT single handedly foist T-SPLOST on the entire Atlanta Region. In fact only three members of the Georgia House voted against the measure. By the way, the Legislature voted to place the new tax on the July 31 Primary Ballot so that voters could decide the matter. Representative Steve Davis DID work to include an opt-out for Counties, but the idea was killed early and never saw the light of day. Mr. Hack is appropriately named. He calls Davis supporters crony bloggers. Speaking of Cronyism.... the newbie chosen by some hidden powers (we told you all about this earlier) must use innuendo - that is why he hired the Hack Guy, who is known for negative campaigns where truth has little meaning. IF the Puppet had eight years experience and a position of leadership in the Georgia House (which Rep. Davis does) THAT is what the Hack Guy would write about. IF the Puppet had any credentials or qualifications to serve as a State Representative (which Rep. Davis does), THAT is what the Hack Guy would write about. Before losing too much sleep over Rep. Davis forcing T-SPLOST on us, let's ask the Hack Guy WHY he supported T-SPLOST right up until it was clear that commuter rail into Hampton was cut from the project list. REP. DAVIS NEVER SUPPORTED COMMUTER RAIL IN HENRY COUNTY. So here goes, folks. In truth Rep. Steve Davis is endorsed by the Governor, Lt. Governor, Speaker of the House, former Senator John Douglas and many, many others. We need Rep. Davis to continue his Conservative, no strings attached leadership. He has my full support.

ARM YOURSELF. Know the facts. Re-elect Rep. Steve Davis, a real Conservative with no strings attached.
Notes: Hack Guy and Mr. Hack are monikers assigned to the author of The Hack Line online blog. The Puppet is an appropriate nickname for the newbie know-nothing that Mr. Hack supports for Georgia House District 109.

This Saturday, April 28th is

Locust Grove Day

Don't miss this great event. Lots of entertainment, food, crafts, and more. Parade starts at 10:00AM from the Library and travels though Downtown Historic Locust Grove to City Hall. Event is from 10:00AM - 11:00PM with a free evening dance featuring the Fine Line Band. See you there!!


State of Georgia TEA Party

Letter to the Editor:
On April 17, 2012 Governor Nathan Deal signed HB 48 Ad valorem tax; freeport exemptions; revise and change certain provisions into law. This law essentially repeals all laws that conflict with HB 48 governing state level inventory taxes and allows county commissioners to exempt all businesses from Freeport Level 2 ad valorem taxes. This may be the most positive economic legislation to help a recovery in Georgia. If this tax is relieved across the State of Georgia it will free up ten of millions of dollars for businesses to reinvest in capital, plant, and equipment to create jobs. Section 3: 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 48-5-48.6. (a) This Code section shall be known and may be cited as the 'Level 2 Freeport Exemption. (b) As used in this Code section, the term 'finished goods' means, for purposes of a level 2 freeport exemption, goods, wares, and merchandise of every character and kind constituting a business's inventory which would not otherwise qualify for a level 1 freeport exemption. (c) The governing authority of any county or municipality may, subject to the approval of the electors of such political subdivision, exempt from ad valorem taxation, including all such taxes levied for educational purposes and for state purposes, inventory of finished goods.

The method by which the Commissioners can exempt all businesses from Freeport Level 2 ad valorem taxes is through a referendum. From the Bill line 267; "The referendum ballot shall specify retail business inventory as the types of property as defined in this Code section which are being proposed to be exempted from taxation. The election superintendent shall issue the call and shall conduct the election on a date and in the manner authorized under Code Section 21-2-540."

I would suggest that you organize your community and press your Commissioners to put this on the ballot in your county for Nov 2012. This will get people out to the polls to end a tax on all their businesses.
-It's always hard to educate anyone to believe that there are some instances in which the Constitution, correctly read, does not yield the outcome they'd prefer. - Kevin R. C. Gutzman, JD, PhD

Bill Evelyn
Director State of Georgia Tea Party, LLC




Larry Stanley will consistently apply a conservative social and fiscal voice to the Henry County Board of Education.
Contributions are appreciated. Campaign Committee:

Rep. Steve Davis Cook Out

with Speaker David Ralston and Ag Commissioner Gary Black

I would like to invite everyone to join the Speaker of the House David Ralston, Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, and myself for a nice family friendly steak dinner with live entertainment.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 -- 5:00pm until 8:00pm JP Moseley Park Pavilions 1042 Millers Mill Rd Stockbridge, GA 30281

$10 Dinner includes steak, potato, salad, corn, dessert, and tea. (kids eat free with other selections) Family event with secured fenced in playground facilities Live entertainment and festive atmosphere

Please RSVP:



UFFIZI Comes to Atlanta


After it's New York run, Strawberry One-Act Festival Finalist play, UFFIZI, comes to Atlanta, presented as part of Fringe Festival Atlanta, and produced by Bottled Lightning

By Britton Buttrill Directed by Dusty Brown In a claustrophobic hotel room overlooking the Duomo in Florence, Italy, American couple, James and Eve, take desperate measures in order to heal their deep sexual scars. Based on Sandro Botticelli's Renaissance painting "The Birth of Venus", UFFIZI asks "Is there really a difference between sex and art?" CAST: JAMES: Kyle Brumley EVE: Elizabeth Lanier LORNA: Heather Burgess DATES: Thursday 5/10 at 11:00 PM Friday 5/11 at 11:00 PM Saturday 5/12 at 2:00 PM and 11:00 PM Sunday 5/13 at 2:00 PM * This play contains smoking, nudity, and mature sexual themes.

Please join us to celebrate Georgia Cities Week on the Square. Come for the Fun, Food and Festivities.
About Georgia Cities Week
Cities across Georgia are encouraged to celebrate Georgia Cities Week April 2228. The theme for 2012 is The Magic of Cities.


Georgia Cities Week gives cities an opportunity to share information about the valuable services cities provide to resident and how cities positively impact their quality of life. The theme reflects the transformational properties of cities and how they provide quality of life through infrastructure, economic development and essential services.

DATES AND TIMES------ WED. 4-25-12 / Thur. 4-26-12 / Fri. 4-27-12.-----all events are from Noon--4:00pm. Free Hot Dogs/Hamburgers, chips and drink each day. Join us Friday this will include Ice Cream with your food. Departments will set up earlier than Noon for the start of each of the 3 days on the Square.
Wednesday---Waste Water Treatment Plant on Square (Noon-4pm) Thursday Public Safety Fire & Police (Noon-4pm) Friday Community Development (Noon-4pm) Saturday Rufus Stewart Park (8am-3pm)

The fourth day, Saturday, 4-28-12, Rufus Steward will be doing something over at Rufus Stewart Park from 8:00am to 3:00pm. (8-11:00am will be a volunteer clean up in some designated area close to the park followed by a relaxing time for food and fun until 3).

Class Warfare still Rages In Henry

On May 3, 2012 the Henry County Chamber of Commerce s is holding a drawing for $10,000 cash prize. They said in the newspaper article that no one from Henry won the Mega Millions Lottery, so they would have a chance to win $10,000. The event is going to be at the Conference center in Stockbridge and the food will be catered by Shane s Rib Shack and beer from the Jailhouse Brewing Co. The HCCC is still out of touch with the people of Henry County and they will be until the get better people running it. The tickets for this event will set you back $125.00; that will be for two people to eat and drink. Not all of the people that want to win will be able to join in because they can t afford to by the over priced tickets. But that s what the HCCC wants. Their friends that have money will be one of the people to win and not an everyday person. Again the HCCC is acting on class warfare and it must stop. These people are acting like they are all that and they are just thugs and donkey droppings. Look at the companies they have let slipped thru their hands and went other places and not Henry. Just how many jobs have they let go to other Counties and people here are doing without? Remember these are the people that are in bed with the Board of Commissioners to take more of your hard earned money and put it in their pockets. This is just another reason we need to elect better people to these boards the ones we have now are just a bunch of crooks steeling us blind!!

Asa Brown


13th District Mayhem.wmv


Watch the short video of Chip Flanegan and Sahar Hekmati breaking convention rules. Follow the narrative.


The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government Larry Stanley, Editor Please report broken links or other problems Email: HC.CITIZEN@HCCITIZEN.ORG To Unsubscribe: send email to HC Citizen Write UNSUBSCRIBE in Subject: line

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