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WikiPublisher PmWiki / Edit Variables Print

F om he WikiP bli he

PmWiki: Edi Va iable

To set many of the variables below specify them in c n i . h . ofgpp $nbeUBtos EalGIutn When set to 1 , turns on the graphical buttons in the Edit Page form. # turn on graphical edit buttons $ n b e U B t o s 1; EalGIutn = $nbeotuhreurd EalPsAtoRqie When set to 1 , posting of pages requires the author to provide an author name. Otherwise, authors can post without a name. # require authors to provide a name $ n b e o t u h r e u r d 1; EalPsAtoRqie = $nberfs EalDat When set to 1 , enables the Save draft button and built-in handling of draft versions of pages, where: 1. initial Save draft of an existing page (Page Name) saves changes to a new name (Page Name-Draft) 2. subsequent attempts to edit Page Name causes Page Name-Draft to be edited 3. subsequent selections of Save draft cause Page Name-Draft to be saved 4. pressing Publish causes Page Name-Draft to be posted to Page Name, and deleted. # turn on draft edits $ n b e r f s 1; EalDat = A related variable, $ n b e u l s A t , adds a new publish authorization EalPbihtr level to distinguish editing of drafts from publishing them. $rfSfi Datuf The suffix to use for draft versions of pages (default -Draft). $ifepas DfKeD The $ i f e p a s D f K e D variable sets the minimum length of time that a page s revision history is kept. By default it is set to 3650 days, or a little less than ten years. You can change this value in a customization file to be something smaller, e.g.: $ i f e p a s 30; # keep revisions at least 30 days DfKeD = Note that a specific page revision isn t removed from the page until the first edit after the time specified by $ i f e p a s DfKeD has elapsed. Thus, it s still possible for some pages to have revisions older than $ i f e p a s such revisions DfKeD will be removed the next time those pages are edited. $ifepu DfKeNm This variable contains the minimum number of changes to be kept in the page history, even if some of them are older than the limit defined by $ i f e p a s It prevents lost history of pages that are older, but have few DfKeD . changes. $ i f e p u = 50; # keep at least 50 revisions (default is 20) DfKeNm 1/3


WikiPublisher PmWiki / Edit Variables Print

$eeeePten DltK atr The pattern used to determine if a page should be deleted. The default is to remove pages that contain only the single word delete (and optional spaces). # change delete word to remove $ e e e e P t e n ^\\s*remove\\s*$; DltK atr = # delete any page with no visible text, i.e., empty $ e e e e P t e n ^\\s*$; DltK atr = $dtepaeFt EiTmltsm Name of the page (or an array of names) to be used as the default text for any newly created pages. #Ue'anNwaeepae a dfuttx o alnwpgs s Mi.ePgTmlt' s eal et f l e ae $dtepaeFt='anNwaeepae; EiTmltsm Mi.ePgTmlt' #Ue'epae i tecretgopfrnwpgs s Tmlt' n h urn ru o e ae $dtepaeFt='GopTmlt' EiTmltsm $ru.epae; #Ue'epae i tecretgopi i eit,ohrie s Tmlt' n h urn ru f t xss tews #ue'anNwaeepae s Mi.ePgTmlt' $dtepaeFt=ary'GopTmlt' 'anNwaeepae) EiTmltsm ra($ru.epae, Mi.ePgTmlt'; See Cookbook:EditT emplates for more information. $uorae AtCet Used in conjunction with the Auto Create T argets edit function, this array records any sets of pages which should be created automatically if they don t exist. The syntax is $uoraeRGX]=PG_AAEES AtCet[EEP AEPRMTR; where R G X is a regular expression which will identify the pages to be EEP autocreated, and P G _ A A E E S an array of attributes for the page to be A E P R M T R is created. For example, $uorae'^aeoy\/]=ary'tm'= $o) AtCet[/Ctgr\.' ra(cie > Nw; will create a blank page with a current creation time for any missing Category page. $ealPgT tm Dfutaee Ft The text that should be displayed when browsing non-existent pages. As default PmWiki uses the contents of Site.Page Not Found $ealPgTxFt=':nld ${StGop.aeoFud:' Dfutaeetm (icue [$ieru PgNton]); $dtucin EiFntos This array contains the sequence of functions that are called when a page is edited. It can be customized to provide additional functions to be called as part of the editing process. The standard setting is: $dtucin =ary'dtepae,'etrPg' 'elcOSv' EiFntos ra(EiTmlt' Rsoeae, Rpaenae, 'aetrbts,'otae,'oteethne' 'uoraeagt' 'rvePg'; SvAtiue' PsPg' PsRcnCags, AtCetTres, Peiwae) $OPten REatrs With this array you can add a pattern as ke and set a text value which replace it on every edit request, using preg_replace function. Specifically it is replaced when the page is loaded into the editform, whenever a preview is done, and when the page is saved (from PmWiki 2.2.0beta45). See Cookbook:ROEPatterns for examples. $OPten RSatrs With this array you can add patterns as ke and set a text value which will replace it when the edited page is posted (as signaled by $EnablePost). It is not replaced when the page is loaded into the editform nor when a preview is done, but it is replaced only when the page is saved. See Cookbook:ROSPatterns for examples.



WikiPublisher PmWiki / Edit Variables Print

$saeotd IPgPse Set to a true value if the page is actually saved (e.g., this is used to tell the Recent Changes handlers if they need to update). $aedtm PgEiFt By default, this is the HTML to be displayed for an edit form. $aedtom PgEiFr Specifies the edit form for ?action=edit. Defaults to $ i e r u .Edit Form . StGop $adedtm HnlEiFt Like $HandleBrowseFmt, this specifies the entire output format for ?action=edit for a page. $dteietm EiRdrcFt The page to which an author is sent after pressing Save or Cancel from an edit form. Defaults to $FullName, which sends the author to the page just edited, but can be changed to specify another page. #rdrc t Mi.oeae eiet o anHmPg $dteietm ='anHmPg' EiRdrcFt Mi.oeae; #rdrc t HmPg o cretgop eiet o oeae f urn ru $dteietm ='$ru .oeae; EiRdrcFt {Gop HmPg' Copyright 20052012 the Books wiki and its authors
Retriev ed from ht t p:// . Variables Page last m odified on 1 7 January 2 01 0 at 1 2 :05 PM


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