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Work Based Assignment By Craig Mitchell

Task 1 A) Mains water supply tests : Hong Kong Cricket Club, pH ..7.4 Total Alkalinity .30 ppm Calcium Hardness .30 ppm Total Dissolved Solids 253 From the results of the water test on the mains supply show water that is slightly Alkaline with a pH value of 7.4. This might not be too bad for the piping as it may cause some slight scaling which can be desirable. 7.4 is also at the upper end of the preferred range for Swimming pools. The tests also show that the water is soft as it contains less than 50 mg/L (30ppm) of Calcium. Soft water can damage the fixtures in and around the pool by leaching the metal. B) Pool Tests : Temp Total Alkalinity Calcium Hardness Total Dissolved Solids . 27c .120 ppm .50 ppm 1021 1 7.3 2.3 2.4 0.1 2* 7.5 2.7 2.9 0.2 3 7.3 2.3 2.7 0.4

pH Free Chlorine Total Chlorine Combined Chlorine

*#2 Reading was taken shortly before a pool side BBQ party and so shock dosing was is place. *#3 Was taken the following morning after the pool party.

The Pool at the Hong Kong Cricket Club uses the following chemicals for disinfectant and pH correction. Sodium Hypochlorite Hydrochloric Acid Aluminum Sulphate Sodium Bicarbonate The pool uses an O-Zone system which is unfortunately getting repaired currently so Troclosene Sodium dehydrate is also being used. After looking at the results of the water testing there are a couple of interesting points. Firstly the temperature might be slightly cooler than recommended for a leisure pool in the UK (especially outdoors), however in Hong Kong where the temperature in summer is around 33c and 95% humidity, a cooler pool is desirable. The alkalinity level in the pool is within the ideal range although in the lower end of the scale when using Sodium hypochlorite. The Calcium hardness levels look rather low at 50ppm when the recommended values when using Sodium hypochlorite are 75-150ppm. This means that the water could be corrosive and damage plaster etching and dissolve grouting. Should the Calcium hardness levels need to be raised to avoid problems then Calcium chloride could be used. The TDS readings are acceptable and the pool was due for a backwashing cycle that evening which would reduce the figure further when diluted with fresh water. Perhaps most interestingly are the Chlorine levels. The Free Chlorine levels are slightly higher than the ideal results as stated in ISRM folder (0.5-1.5ppm) however they fall within the ideal range set out by NSPI (2.04.0ppm). As the pool at the Hong Kong Cricket Club is outdoors and right next to the playing fields where mud

and dirt can easily enter the water, a slightly elevated Chlorine level is needed to help combat germs. The cooler temperature of the water will also reduce the effectiveness of the available Chlorine. The three samples where taken a day before and just before a pool party as well as the following morning. It shows higher levels of Free and Total Chlorine in the second sample which was taken just before the Pool Party in anticipation of the large number of children about to use the pool. The third sample which was taken the morning after the party shows the Free Chlorine levels returning to the original level, however the Combined Chlorine levels have risen suggesting that the pool water should be superchlorinated, however a backwash cycle was due that evening and the pool water will be diluted so any action should be done after the backwash. Langelier Temp Calcium Alkalinity pH TDS 27c 50 mg/L 120 mg/L 7.4 1021 Lang Index 0.7 1.3 2.1 7.4 12.1 0.6

The Langelier test shows that the water is imbalanced and is scale forming. Although slight scaling might be preferred to corrosive water, the level of 0.6 might be too high. The obvious factor which should be look at is the Calcium which is far lower than the recommend levels. By adding Calcium chloride and raising the Calcium levels in the pool from 50 to 200ppm the Langelier index would drop to neutral and the water would become balanced. In order to raise the calcium levels an extra 150ppm the recommended amount of Calcium Chloride for a pool of 600m3 (our pool size) is 129.6Kgs which seems an awful lot. Task 3: Swimming Pool Energy Efficiency Measures

There are a number measures in place to reduce the energy used at the pool at the Cricket club. During the winter months, using a heat blanket over night greatly reduces the heat loss from the water. The heating system is turned off for most of the night to save energy and the blanket really helps to retain the heat in the water. During recent annual maintenance, the pool upgraded the lights inside the pool to more efficient low-energy bulbs. All lighting is turned off when closing and only used the following evening when low light levels require.

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