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When and where this occurred? For those who do not know of this callous act, innocent Australian Aboriginal, Torres Strait and half-caste children who cling to their mothers since birth have been taken by white authorities since 1869. Children have been taken from their rightful families; generation after generation will be stolen, until the coloured skins will be out-bred. This atrocity arose when Anglo-Saxons judged people only by the colour of their skin. Why are Aboriginal children taken from their families? The majority of children are the under the age of five years old when they are taken from their families. So why are the authorities stealing these children? It is an attempt to re-educate and assimilate them to the white society. Anglo-Saxons poison these children with their beliefs, food, culture and ultimately transforming their way of life and identity. They believe that their mothers are careless and cannot not care for them, love them and cherish them. How are the children stolen by authorities? The removal policy is managed by the Aborigines Protection Board (APB). The APB was a government board established in 1909 with the power to remove children without parental consent and without a court order. What effects does it have on the children and their families? Despite the claims that separating families was for their own good, children and families are suffering long term consequences such as: attracting attention by police greater chance of developing low self-esteem, depression and mental illness the stolen generation are more vulnerable to physical, emotional and sexual abuse the children were taught to reject theyre Aboriginality no chance to see family ever again Feelings of depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress and suicide are commonplace among victims. Statistics show that 50% of Aboriginal deaths are people who are removed from their family. Why do the authorities think it is a good idea? Authorities assumed by taking the Aboriginal, Torres Strait and especially half-caste children would help them. By removing them from their uncivilised families and placing them into a broader society the children will assimilate so that eventually there will be no trace of indigenous people left. Your own opinion on whether it was wrong and why Everyone should agree that this sort of behaviour towards those of the same kind and only different to the colour of the skin is absolutely despicable. I believe it isnt wrong, just ill-informed and very, very racist. Personally I think it should continue throughout the future, but only under the circumstance that the parent/guardian who cannot bring up the child/children in a manner suitable to society or where the child/children are deprived of the normal, moral standards applicable to the society they live in. Authorities should take action and take the child away from irresponsible the parent/guardian. I believe it is for the betterment of the child/children, parent/guardian and the society as a whole itself.

By the time you finish reading this brochure think to yourself: if you were in their shoes, would you be able to go through the pain and heartache theyre going through?

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