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Renewable energy source Question bank Unit-1 1. What is meant by Renewable energy?

What are Primary and Secondary energy sources? 2. What do you understand by Greenhouse effect? What are its consequences? How it is caused? 3. Explain in detail about Energy cycle of Earth. 4. Energy scenario in India, discuss in brief? 5. Write short notes on trade off between energy and environment. 6. What are the advantages and limitations of Non-conventional Energy sources? 7. Write short notes on Global warming. 8. Write the difference resources of energy. between renewable and non-renewable

Unit-2 1. Explain the working of a Solar Pond Electric Power plant with a neat sketch. 2. How solar collectors are classified? Explain the working of a Flat plate collector with a neat sketch.

3. Explain the working of a Central tower receiver power plant with a neat sketch. 4. Write short notes on The Sun., The Earth. Sun, Earth Radiation spectrums. 5. Explain the working of a Solar Pond Electric Power plant with a neat sketch. 6. Explain any one Line focus type solar collector with a neat sketch. 7. Explain any one Point focus type solar collector with a neat sketch. 8. Explain the working of a Solar Water Heater with a neat sketch. 9. Explain the working of Solar furnaces with a neat sketch.

Unit-3 1. Explain the liquid dominated Single flesh steam system with a neat sketch. 2. Describe with a neat sketch the working and main components functions of a Wind Energy Systems (WES). 3. How Wind Energy Systems classified? Discuss in brief. 4. Explain the liquid dominated double flash steam system with a neat sketch. 5. Explain Open cycle and closed cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) with a neat sketch. 6. Explain with a neat sketch, the various methods of tidal power generation. Unit-4 1. Explain the working of a power plant operated by utilizing municipal waste with a neat schematic diagram. 2. Write short notes on Anaerobic digestion, Fermentation, Chemical reduction 3. How energy is utilized by agricultural waste? Explain in detail with neat sketch. 4. How biogas plants are classified? Explain Continuous type biogas plant (both single stage and double stage) with a neat sketch. 5. What do you mean by Gasifier? Explain Fixed bed Gasifier in detail with a neat sketch. 6. Name the different types of biogas plants. Explain any two biogas plants in detail with a neat sketch. Unit-5 1. What do you mean by fuel cell? Explain Hydrogen fuel cell with a neat sketch. 2. Explain closed cycle Magneto Hydro Dynamic power generator with a neat sketch. 3. Explain Thermionic generator with a neat schematic diagram. 4. Explain Open cycle Magneto Hydro Dynamic power generator with a neat sketch. 5. What are the different methods adopted for hydrogen storage? Explain any three in detail. 6. Explain Thermo Electric power generator with a neat sketch.

7. What are the different methods adopted for hydrogen storage? Explain any three in detail.

ASSIGNMENT Write short notes on Global warming. Explain any one Line focus type solar collector with a neat sketch. Explain any one Point focus type solar collector with a neat sketch. Explain Open cycle and closed cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) with a neat sketch. What do you mean by Gasifier? Explain Fixed bed Gasifier in detail with a neat sketch. Explain Thermionic generator with a neat schematic diagram.

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