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April 26, 2012

[Report On Problems Faced During Usage Of Various Facilities Within UCTI TPM Campus Of UCTI]

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION REPORT ON PROBLEMS FACED DURING USAGE OF VARIOUS FACILITIES WITHIN TPM CAMPUS OF ABOVEMENTIONED INSITUTION TERMS OF REFERENCE To investigate problems faced during usage of various facilities inside the TPM campus building of UCTI as requested by Mr. SEE THO PUK LIM, Lecturer, Introduction to Business on 3 April, 2012 PROCEDURE 1. The existing Air-Conditioning system in the building was perceptually evaluated. 2. The lifts system was similarly evaluated. 3. Internet services were accessed. 4. An interview was held with Mr. Adnan, Technical Assistant, on 20th April, 2012 concerning some of the observed problems. FINDINGS 1. Air-Conditioning 1.1 During the course of studies, various classrooms were used for various modules, and during these it was experienced that the AIR-CONDITIONING in all of them were not maintaining similar temperatures. 1.2 Some rooms were definitely colder than other rooms whereas some were actually warm. 2. Lift System 2.1 The lifts that are in service do not function with required speed and accuracy. Often, they cannot carry the declared number of passengers.
TP024853 Mohsin Latif | Introduction to Business 1

April 26, 2012

[Report On Problems Faced During Usage Of Various Facilities Within UCTI TPM Campus Of UCTI]

2.2 The speed is sub-par with any other lifts implemented in other similar service situations. 3. Internet services 3.1 Internet are at the best slow or not present at all. Erratic behavior leads to problems in accessing most online based services, such as online attendance and course material. 3.2 The lecture timetable, that is posted online, is often not accessible, leading to problems in attending classes timely. CONCLUSION 1. Air-Conditioning system is centralized, so each classroom temperature cannot be controlled separately. The number of ducts in each classroom has no relation with the size of classroom, thereby causing excessive cooling or inadequate cooling. 2. Lift system is hydraulic by nature. These types are prone to repair services over short periods of time. So down-time for maintenance is quite high. The inconvenience caused by their slowness and queues for lifts cause irritation, especially during warm afternoon hours. 3. Internet services are the backbone for functioning of an institution like UCTI. The lack of proper internet leads to frustration, both on the part of students and staff alike. Often, the system shows limited connectivity, and time and energy is wasted in waiting for the service to function properly. RECOMMENDATION 1. Air Conditioning controllers should be installed in each room or the number of ducts should be increased or decreased according to the size of the classroom. When the air-con is cooling excessively, the alternate exposure to a chilled room and outside heat often causes students to have physical difficulties such as headache, cold etc. Personnel should be employed in evaluating the situation of each room so that the adjustment can be done appropriately.

TP024853 Mohsin Latif | Introduction to Business

April 26, 2012

[Report On Problems Faced During Usage Of Various Facilities Within UCTI TPM Campus Of UCTI]

2. Lift system cannot be replaced completely. But it can definitely be improved by employing newer hydraulic technology. The latest hydraulic lifts are much faster than the ones used in the building and this should be investigated by maintenance personnel. The existing service says "maximum 10 people", but often fails to take even 5 or 6. This is definitely a maintenance issue and if the currently employed maintenance personnel are inadequate, they should be replaced accordingly. 3. Reportedly 20Mbps connection for average 200 to 250 users at any point of time appears to be inadequate due to complexity of internet web sites being loaded. Even blocking certain websites which consume high data volume does not help much. This should definitely be improved by carrying out a research on the internet usage characteristics of the students in the college foyer, to gain an insight into the available upgrade options of the internet services. Positioning of wireless routers and repeaters may also play an important role, since certain areas of the building do not receive any wireless strength at all. Muhammad Mohsin Latif UCFF1110 G2 student ML/tlh 20th April 2012

TP024853 Mohsin Latif | Introduction to Business

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