Air Compressors

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AirCompressors Air Compressors

TwoTypes Two Types

Positive Displacement PositiveDisplacement
Reciprocating Rotary Screw RotaryScrew

Centrifugal Axialflow

RotaryScrewCompressors Rotary Screw Compressors

RotaryScrewCompressors Rotary Screw Compressors

Direct Injection,Oilinjected,Direct DirectInjection Oil injected Direct cooled,Flooded
Various names are suggestive of the direct contact Variousnamesaresuggestiveofthedirectcontact oflubricating/coolingoilontotherotatingscrew p parts Requiresaseparatorjustaftercompressionto removeoilfromthecompressedair

Oilfree,Oilless,Drycompressorsalso available(foodindustry,hospitals,etc.) available (food industry, hospitals, etc.)

http://www compair ca/info php?section=com pressor

Duetooverlappingandcontinuouscompressioncycles,therotaryscrew designgeneratesvirtuallynovibration.Disturbingnoiseisminimized, providingawiderchoicefortheunit'slocationonthevehicle.

Theendsofthe rotorsuncover theinlet:air entersthe compression chamber. chamber

Theairis Astherotorsturn, Compressedair entrappedinthe thecompartment leavesthroughthe 'compartment' becomes outletport formedbyamale progressivelysmaller, lobeandafemale therebycompressing flute. flute theentrappedair. the entrapped air

CentrifugalCompressors Centrifugal Compressors

CentrifugalCompressors Centrifugal Compressors

http://www youtube com/watch?v=L65Fwh9c w50&feature=PlayList&p=43D84745F420D43F &index=14

CompressorControls Compressor Controls

On/Off(Start/Stop) On/Off (Start/Stop) Modulated Load/Unload d/ l d VariableDisplacement VariableSpeedDrive(VSD)

100 Amps Interval data (4 seconds) for System (Not Assigned) and Periods (Not Assigned) 12/ 15/ 2008 11:54:06 PM to 12/ 17/ 2008 12:32:05 AM






Tu e 0 Tu 1:0 0 e 0 Tu 2:0 0 e 0 Tu 3:0 0 e 0 Tu 4:0 0 e 05 :0 Tu 0 e 0 Tu 6:0 0 e 07 Tu :0 0 e 0 Tu 8:0 0 e 0 Tu 9:0 0 e 1 Tu 0:0 0 e 1 Tu 1:0 0 e 12 :0 Tu 0 e 1 Tu 3:0 0 e 14 Tu :0 0 e 1 Tu 5:0 0 e 16 Tu :0 0 e 1 Tu 7:0 0 e 1 Tu 8:0 0 e 1 Tu 9:0 0 e 2 Tu 0:0 0 e 21 Tu :0 0 e 2 Tu 2:0 0 e W 23:0 ed 0 00 :0 0

Curr_250_hp_rent (Amps) Curr_250_hp (Amps) Curr_100_hp (Amps)






0 Interval data (4 seconds) for System (Not Assigned) and Periods (Not Assigned) 12/ 16/ 2008 10:24:15 AM to 12/ 16/ 2008 10:33:08 AM Curr_250_hp_rent (Amps) Curr_250_hp (Amps) Curr_100_hp (Amps)

10 :2 4 10 :20 :2 4 10 :40 :2 5 10 :00 :2 5 10 :20 :2 5 10 :40 :2 6 10 :00 :2 6 10 :20 :2 6 10 :40 :2 7 10 :00 :2 7 10 :20 :2 7 10 :40 :2 8 10 :00 :2 8 10 :20 :2 8 10 :40 :2 9 10 :00 :2 9 10 :20 :2 9 10 :40 :3 0 10 :00 :3 0 10 :20 :3 0 10 :40 :3 1 10 :00 :3 1 10 :20 :3 1 10 :40 :3 2 10 :00 :3 2 10 :20 :3 2 10 :40 :3 3: 00

TypicalCompressor Controls/Characteristics
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0

Pow wer,perce entoffu ullload

Start/Stop) Mod

(Load/Unload) Mod/Unload

50 Capacity(Flow),percent


Compressors SavingEnergy Compressors Saving Energy

Reduceruntime turnoffwhennotneeded Reduce run time turn off when not needed Lowersystempressuretolowestpossiblelevel Repairleaks i l k Recoverwasteheat Additionalsystemvolume(load/unloadonly) Reduceuseofpneumatictools Reduce use of pneumatic tools

LowerPressure Lower Pressure

Ruleofthumb: Forsystemsinthe100psigrange, every2psidecreaseindischargepressure resultsinapproximately1percentpower decreaseatfulloutputflow

LowerPressure UnregulatedUsage Lower Pressure Unregulated Usage

Ruleofthumb: Forsystemswith30to50percentunregulated usage,a2psidecreaseinheaderpressurewill decreaseenergyconsumptionbyabout0.6to 1.0percentbecauseofunregulatedair Totalis1.6%to2%powerdecreaseforevery 2psidrop

LowerPressure Lower Pressure

Estimateannualenergyusage (assumecompressorrunsfullyloadedunlessyou (assume compressor runs fully loaded unless you knowotherwise) KWh=HPx0.746xLFxH Computereductions:every2psireductionisa 1.6%to2.0%reductioninpower,soeach2psi reductiongives0.984to0.98ofthepreviousvalue

Example ReducePressure Example Reduce Pressure

A 150hp compressor runs 90% loaded 12 A150hpcompressorruns90%loaded12 hoursperday5daysperweekatadelivery pressureof110psi.Estimatetheenergyand costsavingsifthepressureisreducedto 90psi.Assume$0.05/kWhforelectricity. Solution: Assumea1.8%reductionforevery2psito accountforunregulatedusage. f l d Firstestimatetheannualenergyusage:

Example/Solution ReducePressure Example/Solution Reduce Pressure

kWh HP x 0.746 x LF x H kWh=HPx0.746xLFxH =150hpx0.746kW/hpx0.9x3120hrs 110 314,215 314 215 =314,215kWh/yr = 314 215 kWh/yr 108 308,559 =0.982*B1 Computereductions 106 303,005 104 297,551 (Tableatright) (Table at right) 102 292,195 EnergySavingsare52,191kWh/yr 100 286,936 98 281,771 Netreductionis16.6% Net reduction is 16 6% 96 276,699 94 271,718 At$0.05/kWh,thisamounts 92 266,827 to$2,610/yr to $2,610 / yr 90 262 025 262,025

ReduceAirLeaks Reduce Air Leaks

Atypicalplantthathas yp p notbeenwellmaintained willlikelyhavealeakrate equalto20percentof equal to 20 percent of totalcompressedair productioncapacity. Proactiveleakdetection andrepaircanreduce leakstolessthan10 leaks to less than 10 percentofcompressor output

ReduceAirLeaks Reduce Air Leaks

Savingsrealizeddependonthetypeof compressorcontrols compressor controls Inputpowerdecreaseslinearlywithdecreasein airflow
Control Slope(kW%/cfm%) Start/Stop 100/100 Mod 35/100 Unload 80/100

Control kW% Start/Stop 10% Mod 3.5% Unload 8%

Example ReduceLeaks Example Reduce Leaks

The compressor from the previous example Thecompressorfromthepreviousexample usesmodulatingcontrols.Thesystemreduces flowby10%throughaleaksprogram. Estimateenergyandmonetarysavingsat $0.05perkWh. Solution: Fora10%reductioninflow,a3.5%reduction inpowerresults: i l

Example ReduceLeaks Example Reduce Leaks

Savings=262,025kWh/yrx0.035 Savings = 262 025 kWh/yr x 0 035 =9,171kWh/yr At$0.05/kWh,thiscomesto $0 0 /k h hi CostSavings=9,171kWh/yrx$0.05/kWh =$459

RecoverWasteHeat Recover Waste Heat

As much as 80 to 93 percent of the electrical Asmuchas80to93percentoftheelectrical energyusedbyanindustrialaircompressoris convertedintoheat. converted into heat Inmanycases,aproperlydesignedheat recoveryunitcanrecoveranywherefrom50 recovery unit can recover anywhere from 50 to90percentofthisavailablethermalenergy andputittousefulworkheatingairorwater. and put it to useful work heating air or water Netpotentialis40%to84%recovery

Example RecoverWasteHeat Example Recover Waste Heat

The compressor from the previous example is Thecompressorfromthepreviousexampleis aircooled.Estimatetheamountofnatural gasheatingthatcouldbedisplacedduring twelveweeksofwinteroperation,andthe costsavingsat85%combustionefficiencyand $4.00/MMBtu fuelcost. $4 00 /MMB f l Solution: Assume50%oftheinputpowercanbe A 50% f h i b recovered:

Example RecoverWasteHeat Example Recover Waste Heat

Savings HP x 2545Btu/hphr x 50% x H Savings =HPx2545Btu/hp hrx50%xH =150hpx2545Btu/hphrx0.50 x(12wksx5days/wkx12hrs/day)x x (12wks x 5days/wk x 12hrs/day) x 1MMBtu /1E6Btu =137.4MMBtu 137 4 MMBt CostSavings=Savings/EFFxFuelCost =137.4/0.85x$4.00 $ =$647

Examples Examples Summary

Measure Baselineoperation ReducePressure RepairLeaks RecoverWasteHeat* TOTAL SAVINGS Energy TOTAL SAVINGS Cost Energy 314,215kWh/yr 52,191kWh/yr 9,171kWh/yr 40,270kWh/yr (137.4MMBtu/yr) 101,632kWh/yr $3,715 Cost/Savings $15,711/yr $2,610 /yr $458/yr $647/yr 16.6% 2.9% 4.1% 32.3% 23.6%


AdditionalVolume Additional Volume

AdditionalVolume Additional Volume

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