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Schools name : SMA 3 Semarang Subject : Chemistry Class / semester : X/I Competence Standard : 1. Comprehend atomic structure, the periodical properties of the elements, and chemical bond Time Allocation : 16 hours of lesson (2 hours for daily test) Basic Competence Learning Material
Nilai PBKB

Learning Activities Learning Study the literature about development of element periodic table in team-work Presentation result of study to conclude base of classification elements Learning measure of atom and ion based on properties of element periodic Study element TT wor k shee t TMT T make period ic table of eleme nts



Time Source / Kit Allocat ion

1.1Comprehend Development of atomic structure periodic table based on atomic theory Bohr, element characters, relative atomic mass, and periodic of element in periodic table and realize the regularity through Measure of atom and electron measure of ion configuration understanding

Discipli ne, creative , and nasiona lisme

Compare the development of periodic table to identify the excess and weakness (C2) Explain the base of element grouping in the periodic table (C2)

2 Source Kinds of -Chemistry assessment hours handbook -Individual -Periodic work table -Exam -Element card -quiz Forms of instrument -Written test -Attitude assessment Material -Students worksheet -LCD -Computer

Determine measure of atom and ion

Atomic structure




2 hours


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 periodic table to determine base particle, electron configuration, relative atomic mass Elemental identification into isotope, isobar, and isoton through team-work Observe some element to differentiate is metal, non metal and metalloid Study regularity of atom radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativit y of elements as of period and in-grouping based on data or graph and atomic number through group discussion elementary particles (proton, electron, and neutron) (C3) Determine the electron configuration and valence electron (C3) Determine the relative atomic mass based on periodic table (C3) Classify the element into isotope, isobar, and isoton (C3) Classify the element into metal, non metal and metalloid (C3) Analyze tables and graph to determine regularity of atomic radius, ionization energy, and electronegativity (C4) 2 hours

Physical property and element chemical property Element periodicity property

hard work


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 Connect regularity of atom radius character, ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativit y Study literature about development of atomic theory (in house after assigned at meeting before all) Presentation and discussion result of study Conclude result of study Determine element which can discharge electron or receives electron to reach stability in group discussion Explain development of atomic theory to show weakness and excess of each atomic theory based on experiment fact (C3) 2 hours

Development of atomic theory starts from Dalton up to atomic theory modern

Creativ e

1.2 Compare ionic Chemical bond bond forming Element process covalent stability bond, Lewis structure coordination Ionic and bond, and covalent bonds metallic bonding and the relationship with discipli ne

tuga s terla mpir

Explain tendency an element to reach stability (C3) Depict formation of noble gas atom valence electron (duplet and octet) and valence electron is not noble gas (Lewis structure) (C3)

Kinds of 3 hours assessment -Individual work -Exam -quiz Forms of instrument

Source -Chemistry handbook Material -Students worksheet -LCD


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 compound physical properties formed Depict formation of valence electron Lewis through class discussion Compare ionic bond and covalent bond forming process in class discussion Discuss the forming process of coordinate covalent bond from some example of simple compound Design and do experiment to investigate compound polar in laboratory Explain the forming process of ionic bond (C3) Explain the forming process of single, double, and triple covalent bond (C3) -Written test -Attitude assessment -Computer Solution having the character of polar and non polar Equipment -Burette -Funnel shaped -Chemical glass

Coordinate covalent bond Polar and non polar covalent compound Metallic bond

respons ibility discipli ne

Explain forming process of coordination bond at some compounds (C3) Investigate polar in some compounds and relationship with electronegativity through experiment (C3) /(P2) Describe the metallic bond forming process and relationship with character physical of metal (C3) Connect physical character of material with their bond type (C3)

3 hours



Schools name : SMA 3 Semarang Subject : Chemistry Class / semester : X/I Competence Standard : 2. Comprehend chemical base laws and its applying in calculation Time Allocation : 20 hours of lesson (4 hours for daily test) Basic Competence 2.1 Describe simple organic and inorganic compound nomenclature and equation of the reaction Learning Material
Nilai PBKB

Learning Activities Learning TT Determine binary work compound (ion sheet compound) formed from cation tables (main faction) and anion and gives the name in group discussion Determine name of binary compound formed through covalent bond Determine name of polyatomic compound formed from cation tables (main faction and ammonium ion) and polyatomic anion and give the name in group discussion Conclude giving order

Indicators TM TT searc h journ al nam e com poun d in inter net


Time Source Allocation Kit Source -Chemistry handbook Material -Students worksheet -LCD -Computer

Compound discipli nomenclat ne ure

Write down the name of binary compound (C2) Write down the name of polyatomic compound (C2) Write down the name of simple organic compound (C2)

Kinds of 2 hours assessment -Individual work -Exam -quiz Forms instrument -Written test -Attitude assessment of


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 of name of binary and polyatomic compound Inform the name of some simple organic compounds Discuss the way is putting on a par reaction Practice puts on a par equation of reaction

The simple commu of equation nicative reaction

2.2 Prove and Chemical base law communicate the Lavoisier implementation of law chemical base Proust law laws passed Dalton law experiment and Gay lussac apply mole law concept in Avogadro finalizing law calculation chemistry

honest toleranc e discipli ne

Design and do tugas experiment to prove terlam Lavoisier law and pir Proust law in laboratory Conclude from data result of experiment

Put on a par reaction of simple by given the name of substance that involving in reaction or on the contrary (C2) Prove Lavoisier law through experiment(C6) Prove Proust law through experiment (C6)

4 hours

Kinds of 2 hours assessment -Individual work -Exam -quiz Forms instrument -Written test -Attitude assessment of

Source -Chemistry handbook Material -Students worksheet -LCD -Computer

Discuss experiment data to prove Dalton law, Gay Lussac law, and Avogadro law in group discussion in class Calculate reactant gas

Analyze compound to prove implementation of comparison fold law (Dalton law) (C4)

Kinds of 2 hours assessment -Individual work -Exam -quiz Forms of


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 volume or result of reaction based Gay Lussac law Find relation between gas volume with number of molecules measured at the same temperature and pressure (Avogadro law) Discussion information of mole concept Count number of mole, number of particles, mass and gas volume, determine empiric formula, molecule formula, crystal water, content of a substance in a compound and restraint reactant Using experiment data to prove volume comparison law (C6) Using experiment data to prove Avogadro laws (C6) Convert number of moles with number of particles, mass, and substance volume (C6) Determine empiric formula and molecule formula (C6) Determine crystal water formula (C6) Determine content of substance in a compound (C3) Determine restraint reactant in a reaction (C6) Determine the sum of reactant instrument -Written test -Attitude assessment

Chemical calculation


6 hours


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 and product reaction (C6)

Schools name : SMA 3 Semarang Subject : Chemistry Class / semester : X/2 Competence Standard : 3. Comprehend electrolyte and non electrolyte solution properties and oxidation and reduction reaction. Time Allocation : 14 hours of lesson (2 hours for daily test) Basic competence Learning material
Nilai PBKB

Learning activities Learning TT Design and do experiment to identify solution characters of electrolyte and non electrolyte in group discussion in laboratory Conclude differences of nature and solution type of electrolyte and non electrolyte Wor k shee t

Indicators TM TT Sear ch jour nal elect rolyt e and non elect rolyt e solut ion


Time Source / kit allocation 3 hours Source - http://www .emsb.qc.c a/laurenhil l - Chemistry handbook Material -Students worksheet -LCD -Computer

3.1 Identify Electrolyte and non the electrolyte solutions characteristics Solution type based of electrolyte on electric and non conductivity power electrolyte Solution type of solution based electrolyte based on on data result bonding of experiment

honest toleran ce respon sibility

Identify solution characters of electrolyte and non electrolyte through experiment (C3)/ (P2) Group solution into electrolyte and non electrolyte solution based on electrical conductivity character (C3) Explain the ability which cause electrolyte solution conduct electric current (C3) Describe that solution of electrolyte can be in the form of ion compound and polar covalent compound (C3)

Kinds of assessme nt Individ ual work - Exam - quiz Forms of instrume nt -Written test -Attitude assess ment



3.2 Explain Oxidation and the reduction concept development Oxidation number of of oxidation an element in a and reduction compound or ion reaction concept and its relationship with compound nomenclature and its applying

discip line hardw ork

creativ Nomenclature according to e indepe IUPAC ndent

Demonstration of combustion reaction and electron taking over (for example reaction between iron nails is plunged into accumulator water) Determine oxidation number or element in compound or ion in class discussion Exercise determine oxidation number, oxidant, reductant result of oxidation and result of reduction Determine binary compound

Wor Sear k ch sheet journ al oxid ation and redu ction react ion

Explain redox concept according to the concept of binding and releasing oxygen; binding and releasing electrons and also oxidation number (C3) Determine oxidation number of an element atom in a compound or ion (C3) Determine the oxidant and reductant in redox reaction (C3)

Kinds of assess ment Individu al work -Exam -quiz

8 hours

Source -Chemistry handbook Material -Students worksheet -LCD -Computer

Forms of instru ment -Written test Attitud e assess ment

Wor k sheet

Give the name of compound according to IUPAC (C2)

2 hours


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 naming ( ion compound) formed from cation tables and anion and gives the name in group discussion Find redox concept to solve problem environment in group discussion

The application of redox in solving problem environment

indep enden t

Describe solution concept of electrolyte and redox concept in solving problem environment (C4)

1 hours



Schools name : SMA 3 Semarang Subject : Chemistry Class / semester : X/2 Competence Standard : 4. Comprehend organic compound characters based on functional group and macromolecules Time Allocation : 20 hours of lesson (3 hours for daily test) Basic competence 4.1 Descript the specification of carbon atom in forming hydrocarbon compound Learning material
Nilai PBKB

discipli Identification of C, H, and O ne atom. Specification of carbon atom Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quartenary C atom.

TM TT Design and do Work Sear experiment to sheet ch journ identification the al element of C, orga H,O in carbon nic compound in com group discussion poun in laboratory d By using char moolymod, acter discuss about s specification of carbon atom in group discussion in class

Learning activities Learning TT



Time allocation

Source kit Source Chemistry handbook

Identification of C, H, O element in carbon compound through experiment (C4) /(P2) Describe of specification of carbon atom in carbon compound (C3) Distinguish the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary C atom (C3)

2 hours Kinds of assessme nt Individual work -Exam -quiz Forms of instrumen t -Written

Material -Students worksheet -LCD -Computer Equipment and material


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 Determine primary, secondary, tertiary, and quartenary C group discussion By using Work sheet moolymod ( replaceable with artificial moolymod ) discuss bond type at carbon atom at alkane, alkene, and alkyne compound Nomenclature practice Analyze boiling point data and carbon compound melting point in group discussion By using moolymod, determine hydrocarbon compound isomer through group discussion Formulate test -Attitude assessme nt for experimen t

4.2 Classify hydrocarbon compound based on the structure and the relationship with compound character

creative Alkane, alkene, alkyne Physical properties of alkane, alkene, alkyne Isomer

Group hydrocarbon compound based on saturation of bond (C3) Give name of alkane, alkene, and alkyne compound (C3) Conclude the relation of hydrocarbon compound boiling point with relative molecule mass and the structure (C5) Determine the structure of isomer (Frame work, position, function, or geometry isomer (cis, trans) (C5)

Kinds of assess ment Individual work -Exam -quiz

7 hours

Forms of instrum ent -Written test Attitude assessm ent


of creative

Write down reaction of

2 hours


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 carbon compound indeven dent reaction of alkane, alkene, and alkyne simple compounds in class discussion In team-work Work Look study about sheet for journ exploration of al petroleum, petro fraction of lium petroleum, quality of gasoline, petrochemical and impact result of combustion of fuel Presentation result of teamwork simple at alkane, alkene, and alkyne compounds (reaction of oxidation, reaction of addition, displacement reaction, and reaction of elimination) (C6) 4 hours Describe petroleum and Kinds natural gas forming of process (C3) assess ment Explain main components of Individual petroleum compiler work (C3) -Exam Interpret high rise -quiz distillation schema to explain base from Forms petroleum fractions of separation technique instrum (C5) ent Differentiate quality of -Written gasoline based on the test octane number (C3) Analyze combustion -Attitude impact of fuels to assessment environment (C5) Describe usefulness and composition of hydrocarbon compound in the field of food (C3) Describe usefulness 2 hours

4.3 Explain forming process and petroleum fraction separation technique and its function

Petroleum Fraction of petroleum Quality of gasoline Combustion impact of fuel

environ mental care curiasit y

Source Chemistry handbook Material -Students worksheet -LCD -Computer

4.4 Explain usefulness and composition of hydrocarbon compound in daily

environ Hydrocarbon compound in mental care daily life

Discussion team-work identify usefulness hydrocarbon

in Work to sheet of

Source Chemistry handbook


SMA3SMG/WKAKA-KIM /QSR/002-00/08 life in the field of food, clothing, board, commerce, art, and esthetics compound in the field of food, clothing, board, commerce, art, and esthetics ( for petroleum producer areas or having petrochemical industry can be lifted as material of discussion and composition of hydrocarbon compound in the field of clothing and board (C3) Describe usefulness and composition of hydrocarbon compound in the field of art and esthetics (C3)

Material -Students worksheet -LCD -Computer

Approved by School Principal

Semarang, November 2010 Teacher,

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