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White and black box testing are related to network testing so it will not come in networking projects nor

data flow charts will come. Waterfall model and RAD model are related to software programming as far I know but I am not clear about it. So pls consult some other person. NOTE: each and every topic mentioned in the Index provided by ur college cant be covered Because ur are dealing with networking project. IMPLEMENTATION Identification of need: Write here what is the need of networking in todays world? Role of router and switches in short. What is the advantage of networking. Preliminary Investigation: What type of investigation or study u have done before starting this project. Which type of websites u have visited related to networking? What is the aim of the project? Feasibility Study : All projects are feasible, given unlimited resources and infinite time. We were equipped with limited resources and limited time, but our project is having guaranteed feasibility since we were able to evaluate the feasibility at the earliest possible time. It deals with identifying the technology viable options for implementing the functionalities in the scope of the project. Economical feasibility: write here the expenses you have to undertake in completing this project. Operational Feasibility : Every project is limited to certain number of users (may be hundreds, thousands, but it cannot be infinite) hence our project is also limited to certain number of users depending upon the resources available. This project is functioning correctly in the Mentioned condition. The project meets the conditions for successful operation that it should accomplish using the given the hardware and software requirements, then the execution of the project is even operational. The main points of concern are as follows: What changes will be brought with the system? What new skills will be required? User Friendly Interface

All the important operations are supported. Easy to add new modules. Literature Survey: Write here how many members of u are in this team. Mention that u have discussed this project with your guide and ur guide has helped your team to make this prokect successful. Benefits: Write here the benefits of Networking and benefits of using network security. Benefits of using vlan. Proposed solution: The networking model that we have created provide solution to how to make internetworking possible and side by side controling the access of networking resources . The network model is fully scalable.

Write here about Networking TECHNOLOGY from A TO Z. E.g: Lan, wan, servers, Introduction to networking, OSI Model, Devices used in different layers.

About Packet tracer Lan technologies u have used Ethernet cabling Lan segmentation using switches and routers. Router components n router operation Router interfaces and ports Types of router Router Booting process Router modes Configuring passwords(5 types ) You can write here all the commands of how to configure a router if u wishes. Status messages of Interfaces

Cisco command line editing and shortcuts. What is IP routing. Types of routing Elaborately describe RIP routing and features of RIP. LAN Switching Classification of switches. Configuring IP and Gateway on switch. Vlan, how to configure vlan ,trunking config trunking What is VTP. Vtp modes. Inter Vlan communication Inter vlan using router on stick method. Access control list. Types of acl.

ENGINEERING APPROACHES: REFER TO THE BELOW LINK AND U WILL MAKE AN IDEA ABOUT ENGINEERING APPROACHES. Planning Managerial Issues The objective of network project planning is to provide framework that enables the manager to make reasonable estimates of resources, cost & schedule. These estimates are made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the network project & should be updated regularly as the project progresses. In addition, estimates should attempt

to define best case & worst case scenario so that project outcomes can be bounded. Lack of planning is primary cause of scheduling slippage, cost over runs, poor quality & higher maintenance cost for the network. Careful planning is required for deployment process & work product, in order to avoid these problems. The planning objective is achieved through a process of information discovery that leads to reasonable estimates. The first step in planning a project is to define a scope of the project & the resources for its development. This should be followed by the details of the project team organization & the technical description of the project.

Human Resources : The human resources involved in the designing of this network project Write the title of the project here

(Refer to the human resource paragraph of the GPS project sent by u to me)
Specialty and Skills: The project is basically an advance level based project & requires firm understanding of the concept used. In addition, the network designers should have a thorough knowledge of how to use cisco packet tracer,complete knowledge of LAN and wan technologies, configuring routers, switches and its features to accomplish the desired task. Environmental resources These resources refer to the environment situations in which the hardware or software products were implemented. Environmental resources are comprised of hardware and software resources. Hardware & Software Resources HARDWARE: (List here the hardware products used) SOFTWARRE: ( List here the hardware products used) For team organization point refer the GPS Project. Security plan: Refer the GPS project.

Design: Write here how u have designed the network. Show them that this is a good network design by showing the characteristics of a good network like scalability, security, flexibility etc.

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