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Teleportation is the name given by the science fiction writers to the feat of making an object or person disintegrate in one

place while the exact replica appears somewhere else. How this is accomplished is usually not explained in detail, but the general idea seems to be that the original object is scanned in such away as to extract all the information from it, then this information is transmitted to the receiving location and used to construct the replica, not necessarily from the actual material of the original, but perhaps from atoms of same kinds, arranged in exactly the same pattern as the original. A teleportation machine would look like a fax machine, except that it would work on both 3-dimensional objects as well as documents, it would produce an exact copy rather than approximate facsimile, and it would destroy the original in the process of scanning it. A few science fiction writers consider teleporters that preserve the original, and the plot gets complicated when the original and teleported versions of same person meet; but the more common kind of teleporter destroys the original, functioning as a super transportation device, not as a perfect replicator of souls and bodies..

DEFINATION Teleportation is the transfer of matter from one point to another, instantaneously. It combines the properties of Telecommunication and Transportation and is sometimes referred as Teletransportation FLASHBACK: FLASHBACK The term T eleportation " was coined by Charles Fort - 1931. Teleportation became well known by the famous TV series Star Trek - 1966. In 1993, the idea of teleportation moved out of science fiction and into the world of theoretical possibility. It was physicist Charles Bennett and his team at IBM confirmed that quantum teleportation is possible. FLASHBACK: FLASHBACK In 1998, physicists at the California Institute of Technology, turned the IBM ideas into reality by successfully teleporting a photon. Today, teleportation happens routinely in laboratories all around the world in the form of quantum teleportation. In January 2009 scientists for the first time had managed to teleport a single ion of the element ytterbium . 2010 - Physicists Andrew Cleland and John Martinis from the University of California at Santa Barbara and their colleagues designed the machine that exhibit a purely quantum-mechanical state of motion. That is it exhibits both states at once.: 2010 - Physicists Andrew Cleland and John Martinis from the University of California at Santa Barbara and their colleagues designed the machine that exhibit a purely quantum-mechanical state of motion. That is it exhibits both states at once. Latest Update BASIC MECHANISM: BASIC MECHANISM Transmitters scan an object atom by atom and then take it apart. Storing the particles in a "matter bank. The information and energy released during the breakup are then beamed to a second station. Where the raw materials is used to recreate the body perfectly. CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION Simple teleportation - involves transmission of matter from one position to other. Quantum teleportation - involves the transmission not of actual matter, but rather of information. Two party-symmetric quantum teleportation - here the matter is completely destroyed in one location and recreated in the other location. CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION Three party asymmetric quantum teleportation - involves creation of replicas of the subject. Object teleportation - involves the teleporting of the non living subjects. Human teleportation - involves human or living things as the subject of teleportation.

HEISENBERG UNCERTAINITY PRINCIPLE: HEISENBERG UNCERTAINITY PRINCIPLE The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa. i.e. measurement of both position and momentum is impossible in the same instant. But if you can't know the position of a particle, then how can you teleport it? ENTANGLEMENT: ENTANGLEMENT Quantum entanglement is a possible property of a quantum mechanical state of a system of two or more objects in which the quantum states of the constituting objects are linked together so that one object can no longer be adequately described without full mention of its counterpart even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. ENTANGLEMENT : ENTANGLEMENT It is a way to scan out part of the information from an object A , while causing the remaining, unscanned , part of the information to pass, via the Einstein- Podolsky -Rosen effect, into another object C which has never been in contact with A . Later it is possible to maneuver C into exactly the same state as A was in, before it was scanned. A itself is no longer in that state, having been thoroughly disrupted by the scanning, so what has been achieved is teleportation, not replication. QUANTUM TELEPORTATION : QUANTUM TELEPORTATION In here the general idea is that the original object is scanned in such a way as to extract all the information from it. Then this information is transmitted to the receiving location and used to construct the replica. The replica is been reconstructed from atoms of the same kinds, arranged in exactly the same pattern as the original. CONVENTIONAL TELEPORTATION: CONVENTIONAL TELEPORTATION Here the original is scanned, extracting partial information about it, but remains more or less intact after the scanning process. The scanned information is sent to the receiving station, where it is imprinted on some raw material to produce an approximate copy of the original HUMAN TELEPORTATION : HUMAN TELEPORTATION For a person to be transported, a machine have to be built that can pinpoint and analyze all of the 10^28 atoms that make up the human body. This machine would then have to send this information to another location, where the person's body would be reconstructed with exact precision. Molecules couldn't be even a millimeter out of place,or the person arrive with some severe neurological or physiological defect. BOTTLENECK: BOTTLENECK unresolved technical issues, such as recording the human body with sufficient accuracy to allow reproduction elsewhere. Each copy constructed using merely descriptive data, but not matter, transmitted from the origin and new matter already at the destination point would consider itself to be the true continuation of the original and yet this could not logically be true. Risk stakes are very high as is all about analysis of 10^28 atoms. Matter cannot be reversibly converted into light. electrons, atoms and humans cannot be described as a set of classical bits 00111010111000010101 AFTERMATES: AFTERMATES Whether destroying a human in one place and recreating a copy elsewhere would provide a sufficient experience of continuity of existence. Death can be delayed or prolonged. Privacy will be a challenge and same will be the case with security. Time travel will be possible. The reassembled human might be considered a different being with the same memories as the original and may lead to chaos. APPLICATIONS: APPLICATIONS TRANSPORT DEFENCE TIME CAN BE TAMED REVILING HISTORICAL MYTHS. MERITS: MERITS Time and space could be eliminated from travel - we could be transported to any location instantly, without actually crossing a physical distance. DEMERITS: DEMERITS Becoming a perfect clone means becoming someone else. Laws and regulations for the clones. Deciding human rights.

BIBILOGRAPHY: BIBILOGRAPHY REFERENCES: C.H. Bennett, G. Brassard, C. Crepeau, R. Jozsa, A. Peres, and W. Wootters, "Teleporting an Unknown Quantum State via Dual Classical and EPR Channels", Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 70 , pp 18951899 (1993) (the original 6-author research article). Tony Sudbury, "Instant Teleportation", Nature . 362 , 586-587 (1993) (a semipopular account). Ivars Peterson, Science News , April 10, 1993, p. 229. (another semipopular account). Samuel Braunstein, A fun talk on teleportation Q&A on Teleportation by BBC News Online science editor David Whitehouse Wikipedia article

VERVIEW : OVERVIEW DEFINITION STEPS INVOLVED CLASSICAL TELEPORTATION HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE QUANTUM TELEPORTATION ENTANGLEMENT HUMAN TELEPORTATION DECOHERENCE RECENT DEVELOPMENTS CONCLUSION Pioneer of teleportation : Pioneer of teleportation What is Teleportation? : What is Teleportation? Its the feat of making an object disintegrate in one place while a perfect replica appears some where else. Source Destination STEPS INVOLVED IN TELEPORTATION : STEPS INVOLVED IN TELEPORTATION Scanning the object completely. Disassembling the object and sending all the information about the object. Reassembling the object from the information which was sent. CLASSICAL FASCIMILE TRANSMISSION : CLASSICAL FASCIMILE TRANSMISSION CLASSSICAL TELEPORTATION : CLASSSICAL TELEPORTATION Classical Teleportation taking Fax Machine as an example SOURCE DESTINATION HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE : HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE Simultaneous measurement of the position and velocity of a quantum particle is not possible. Measurement of one value changes the other value. QUANTUM TELEPOATATION : QUANTUM TELEPOATATION QUANTUM TELEPORATAION : QUANTUM TELEPORATAION One scans out part of the information from object A (the original). Two objects B and C are prepared and brought into contact (i.e., entangled), and then separated. At the sending station object B is scanned together with the original object A. QUANTUM TELEPORATAION : QUANTUM TELEPORATAION While causing the remaining, unscanned, part of the information in A to pass, via EPR entanglement, into another object C. This scanned information is sent to the receiving station. Object A itself is no longer in its original initial state, having been completely disrupted by the scanning process. ENTANGLEMENT : ENTANGLEMENT It solves the difficulty of measuring that we encountered in Heisenberg Uncertianty principle. Two particles are said to be entangled when they come in contact. Measurement of one of the entangled sub-system puts the other sub-system in the corresponding state. PRINCIPLE OF ENTANGLEMENT : PRINCIPLE OF ENTANGLEMENT Two photon E1,K ,and a beam splitters are required We direct one of the entangled photons, say E1, to the beam splitter. Meanwhile, we prepare another photon with a polarization of 45

degree , and direct it to the same beam splitter from the other side, as shown. This is the photon whose properties will be transported; we label it K . We time it so that both E1 and K reach the beam splitter at the same time. PRINCIPLE OF ENTANGLEMENT : PRINCIPLE OF ENTANGLEMENT The E1 photon incident from above will be reflected by the beam splitter some of the time and will be transmitted some of the time. Similarly for the K photon that is incident from below. So sometimes both photons will end up going up and to the right as shown. Similarly, sometimes both photons will end up going down and to the right. PRINCIPLE OF ENTANGLEMENT : PRINCIPLE OF ENTANGLEMENT However, in the case of one photon going upwards and the other going downwards, we can not tell which is which. Perhaps both photons were reflected by the beam splitter, but perhaps both were transmitted. This means that the two photons have become entangled. HUMAN TELEPORATATION : HUMAN TELEPORATATION SOURCE DESTINATION HUMAN TELEPORTATION : HUMAN TELEPORTATION Has considerable unresolved technical and philosophical issue such as.. how to record human body accurately? can be able to reconstruct it? does it not violate continuity of existence? DECOHERENCE : DECOHERENCE Objects quantum states degrade when information leaks to or from the environment (i.e., environmental noise) through stray interactions with the object. Introduces a certain level of error in the exchange of quantum information between the systems. Fundamentally Limits q-Teleportation. RECENT SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENTS IN TELEPORTATION : RECENT SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENTS IN TELEPORTATION In 1998 Physicist at CALTECH transported a photon across 3.2f of coaxial cable In 2002 , researchers at the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY transported a laser beam. In 2006,at the NIELS BOHR INSTITUTE ,DENMARK Dr. E.Polzik and his team teleported information stored in laser beam into a cloud of atoms APPLICATION OF TELEPORTATION : APPLICATION OF TELEPORTATION Quantum computer (computer that has data transmission rates many times faster than today's most powerful computers). Suspended animation (by creating a copy many years after the information was stored). Backup copies (creating a copy from recently stored information if the original was involved in a mishap.) THINGS TO COMBAT..! : THINGS TO COMBAT..! Difficult to fathom what is future for human teleportation. Effects of the q-Teleportation process on the human consciousness, memories and dreams, and the spirit or soul. Consciousness, memories and dreams, and spirit/soul be successfully and accurately teleported or not? CONCLUSION : CONCLUSION With the advancements, atoms of size 1012 are entangled and teleported. We are away from being able to teleport and entangle bulky objects( technical equipments, weapon platform, communication devices). REFERENCES : REFERENCES Books : Eric W Davis Website : THANK YOU : THANK YOU QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..! QUESTIONS..!

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