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User Guide

Appointments Service
Buidling Department -'---
'--- -=,- ;~- Building Permit Section
Appointments Service
November, 2011
Appointments Service - User Guide
Appointments' are mainly divided into two types : ( Applications' appointments &
General appointments ).
1- Applications' appointments : are an application related appointments, which are
also divided into two categories ( Clarifications & appointments ).
a- Clarifications are only about applicant/customer trying to explain some comments
November, 2011
ppointments' Service has been introduced to facilitate the process of
booking appointments with committees' Engineers ( Architectural,
Structural, Mechanical/AC , Road , and all other groups participating in
checking the permit applications ).
It Is important to know , that the result of the appointment or clarification agreed
with DM/Engineer will specify the penalty amount that will be paid by applicant for any
repeated comments after the second submission.
In the Coming pages , we'll be introducing the new categories which have been developed in
the system (BPCS), explaining the procedure of creating both types of appointments & how to
follow up illustrated in screen shots.
a- Clarifications are only about applicant/customer trying to explain some comments
as a reply on DM/engineer notes, without requesting a meeting or attending DM,
once applicant/customer sends his Clarifications on the notes thru the system,
DM/Engineer will receive them and has to reply them.
b- appointments are designated to allow applicant to discuss ( In Person with
DM/Engineer ) the notes that has been mentioned by DM/engineer once the
applicant feels that notes are not understood or ( NOT Accepted ). applications'
appointments allow customer to meet the committee engineers & their heads.
2- General Appointment : is a non-related application appointment. Applicant or
customer can request an appointment with one of the ( head of units ) or ( head of
permit section ) to discuss some issues , designs, projects & special approvals with
1-1. Applications' Appointments creation :
1- Login to DM Portal using User & Password
2- Select Building Permit Services from ( Available Services List)
3- From the application follow Up screen , you can check the returned &
CFR applications where you will reply the notes by a clarification or
requesting an appointment .
From Application Follow Up
screen, go to returned or
CFR application link
4- Default view ( application page ) - scroll down to version notes .
5- Go to ( Version notes ) to reply them as usual
6- In this screen, you will find all notes mentioned by all engineers who
studied the application, you have first to specify the reply type from the
drop down menu, second to select wether the note is accepted by you
or not
((Note the only NOT ACCEPTED notes will be discussed with DM/Engineers))
7- Once you reply all notes ( mandatory ) click on ( Confirm notes )
then answer the alert :
( please note once decision confirmed you can't change the notes )
8- System will update into the appointment screen, the same screen can
be opened from another link as displayed in the next Picture
9- the same previous screen can be opened from another link as
displayed .
10- you will have a list of engineerss groups who studied the application,
select the one you want to meet with .
2- type in remarks ( mandatory in case of clarification ).
3- select all the notes from right side check box.
11- After selcting engineer group the system will update the page,
and display all notes mentioned by this Engineer you have to :
1- select the appointment type ( clarification or appointment ).
4- Confirm notes.
12- the screen will update and more details to be filled in, all fields with
(*) are mandatory, then Save the appointment details .
13- Once you save the appointment, the calendar will be displayed,
make sure to select the appropriate date and time .
14- System will ask you to specify the numer of slots to be reserved
( each slot = 10 minutes ), the same alert will be telling you the
maximum number of slots allowed for reservation (booking)
15- Once you select the slots, your booking is complete.
16- you can still cancel the slot by clicking on ( cancel Slot )
17- You can repeat the same step for new appointments with other
groups ( structural , mechanical etc ) .
1-2. Applications' Appointments follow up :
1- A new tab is provided in Working area ( Appointments ), where you
can follow up all of your appointments ( status, details, search )
2- At the upper part of the screen, you can see links for (
Applications appointments & clarifications ) as well as General appointments
New : Draft appointment which is still pending with the applicant to fulfill its information and
submit thru the system. Once submitted the status will change to booked.
1- from Applications' Appointments screen search for the ( Debatable )
Appointments, then click the link ( View ) for the requiered appointment .
2- For the applications' appointments, the appointment status varies
as follows :
Booked : Pending appointments for discussion in person with DM Engineers on time & date .
Once completed, the status will change to Closed.
cancelled : an appointment that has been cancelled by applicant or DM due some reason.
closed : an appointment where the applicant has met DM engineer and discussed the
comments with. All notes decisions are taken and agreed by both sides
debatable : an appointment where the applicant has met DM engineer and discussed the
comments with. notes' decisions were taken but NOT agreed by both sides - which means
that appointment is not closed yet . In such a case, a new appointment can be booked with
the senior engineer or the head of unit to discuss the non- agreed notes' decisions as follows :
2- The default view is the selected appointment details screen , Scroll down
3- Click the ( New Appointment ) button at the bottom of the page.
4- Enter the missing Info. To complete the booking with the senior or
/ unit head then save
5- Once you save the appointment, the calendar will be displayed,
make sure to select the appropriate date and time .
6- System will ask you to specify the numer of slots to be reserved
6- System will ask you to specify the numer of slots to be reserved
( each slot = 10 minutes ), the same alert will be telling you the
maximum number of slots allowed for reservation (booking)
7- Once you select the slots, your booking with the senior/ unit head
is complete with the displayed details
6- you can still cancel the slot by clicking on ( cancel Slot )
2.1. General Appointments :
1- A new tab is provided in Working area (General Appointments ), where
you can go into & create an appointment with one of ( units' heads ) or
( section head ).
2- To create a general appointment , fill in all requiered fields then (Save)
3- Once you save the appointment, the calendar will be displayed,
make sure to select the appropriate date and time .
4- System will ask you to specify the numer of slots to be reserved
( each slot = 10 minutes ), the same alert will be telling you the
maximum number of slots allowed for reservation (booking)
5- Once you select the slots, your booking is Pending for confirmation
by the employee.
6- you can still cancel the slot by clicking on ( cancel Slot )
2-2. General Appointments follow up :
1- A new tab is provided in Working area ( Appointments ), where you
can follow up all of your appointments ( status, details, search )
2- At the upper part of the screen, you can see a link for
( General appointments ) where you can follow up.
3.1. Cancelling Applications' Appointments :
1- To cancel a booked Application appointment, Go to ( Appointment )
tab in the ( Working Area ).
2- For the Applications' appointments cancellation :
search for your booked appointments, or you can search by application
3- The list of booked appointments will be displayed, click on (
View/cancel ) for the appointment you want to cancel.
4- As dispalyed in the picture below, Enter the remarks of cancellation,
4- As dispalyed in the picture below, Enter the remarks of cancellation,
then ckick on ( Cancel ).
5- An alert will be asking you to confirm the cancellation.
6- The Appointment is cancelled Now !
7- To find all your cancelled appointments , select the search criteria
as ( Cancelled ) and all cancelled appointments will be displayed.
3.2. Cancelling General Appointments :
1- To cancel a booked General appointment, Go to ( Appointment )
tab in the ( Working Area ).
2- For theGeneral appointments cancellation :
search for your booked appointments.
3- The list of booked appointments will be displayed, click on ( View )
for the appointment you want to cancel.
4- As dispalyed in the picture below, Enter the remarks of cancellation,
then ckick on ( Cancel ).
6- The Appointment is cancelled Now !
5- An alert will be asking you to confirm the cancellation. 5
7- To find all your cancelled appointments , select the search criteria
as ( Cancelled ) and all cancelled appointments will be displayed.
1- Click on create ( NEW VERSION ) !
4. Creating a New Version :
It is Important to know that creating a new version of any returned
application without requesting an appointment with DM/Engineers to discuss with
them,means that the applicant/customer has accepted all the notes mentioned by
all groups who had checked the application If the version is returned twice, system
will generate a penalty for all notes mentioned in it at the submission of the third
version. ( no penalty fees for first time returned applications ).
2- If you didn't reply the notes & requested an appoinmtnet or sent a
clarification system will alert you as follows ( Do you Agree on all
previous version notes ??? ) if you select (ok) you can proceed in creating
the new version, else, you have to go back to previous version notes to
reply them .
3- In case of (OK)
4- In case of (Cancel) .. GO back to section (1.1) point no. (4)

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