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Exhibition Critique Tamar project

Renata Teixeira Shelley Monaghan MUSE E-100 Introduction to Museum Studies Sunday, October 23, 2011


The TAMAR Project was created in the 80s to research, preserve and handle the ve different turtle species that visit, eat, rest and lay eggs in the Brazilian coastal area; the project is internationally recognized for its efforts and successes in the sea life eld. It focuses on research and preservation of sea turtles in 23 bases spread over 1.100 kilometers on Brazilian coast. In addition to protecting sea life, TAMAR also supports the development of the coastal communities and help them nd alternative ways to subsidize their living, in hopes of minimizing human development impact on sea life. Every TAMAR base has a museum where visitors can learn about sea turtles and the actions taken by the project to preserve them. The Florianpolis base, that will be discussed in this essay, is located in the state of Santa Catarina, in the South region of Brazil. Although sea turtles do not lay eggs in this locality, it is an important base to reduce the capture of sea turtles by industrial and family shing and raise consciousness about the issue.1 The TAMAR museum is a highly successful and effective institution, that meets its educational goals of raising awareness about the environment, as well as its institutional goals, which include studying, increasing and protecting the sea turtle population. This paper will examine the various aspects of the museum that contribute to its success and effectiveness, and suggest some possible improvements that could be made within these areas. While the museum's strengths rest on its optimal use of its environmental advantages and its informal, yet generally concrete approach to environmental education, it would benet from reevaluating parts of its exhibition design and activities, so that the audience does not merely learn, but is inspired to take action.

1 O

que , Projeto Tamar [Online] Acessed 27 October 2011.

Exhibition Critique Tamar project

The museum is located 100 meters from the beach, in an open space, and is surrounded by local ora; thus, TAMAR Project environment is a distinctive museum feature. It creates a feeling of effortless exhibition design and brings visitors to nature, instead of trying to recreating it for them. Its design feels more like a complement than an addition to the natural environment; it resemble a Brazilian shermans house or storage build with natural cheap materials with a pinch of good design. The ambience is complete with sound of birds and the beach. Of course an open air museum cannot have much control over its temperature and humidity; though, the proximity to a state park and a beach, in a place with low trafc, results in high quality air. However, being an outdoor museum in a rainy island can be troublesome, for the area becomes very damp and muddy for two or three days. Although, the good amount of umbrellas available and the boardwalk make the museum a good option for cloudy or light rain days. The museums size is perfectly suited for its exhibition; there is room for discovery and exploration, but without hidden areas. Kids can play without raise concern on their parents or feeling lost. The space usage is well planned, so the visitor can feel almost in a park, but without having to walk a long time without received new informations. As one object or information is always in eye distance from the other, it creates a natural ow through the institution. Since there is no strict route to be followed, the rather circular pathway prevent visitors to make too much effort to gure out what has been seen or not. Another valuable feature for the museum ow is the presence of three basic facilities (bathrooms, museum shop and information booth) in its front area. They are easy to nd, easy to remember and easy to access. Visitors will not need to take a long walk, just to go to the bathroom or ask a simple question. The turtle tanks also keep the visitors owing; they are easy to be seen, for they are all bright blue, and naturally visitors want to see the all the museums turtles. As is it possible to view one tank from the other and they are positioned in the extremities of the area, it will encourage visitors to walk through out the museum and consequently visit it all. In fact, if the tanks were concentrated in one area, many visitors might not be interested in visiting the rest of the museum. The exhibition is easy to focus on; all the elements are harmoniously placed and the majority of the decorative elements do not ght for the visitors attention, but only contribute for the mood. For example, all the tanks have written information near them; they are always in the its perimeter but distant enough not to compete for attention. Moreover, the tanks are a great interaction area for visitors and staff: they engage in conversations about turtles, environment and share their experiences. Since it is an open museum, the conversation

Exhibition Critique Tamar project

is not a distraction for others. Watching the turtles swim can be relaxing for adults and quite entertaining for kids. As the museum is a place to spend quality time with friends and family, it is important to have places for resting. There are various comfortable seats spread through out the museum: as recycled wood park benches and picnic areas, with trees or umbrellas for shading. However, the park benches could be more accessible, mainly because they are not connected and placed near to the boardwalk. Hence, some visitors that were confused if they could use the benches or not; not because they look like props, but because walking out of a boardwalk in a museum always feels like a transgression. Furthermore, visitors with disabilities and elders will have difculty to walk on grass just to sit down. Even though, there is an inviting comfortable and safe ambient at the museum, the back area, is slightly neglected and secluded. Not only, the high panels of the temporary exhibit separate the back sector from the rest of the museum, but it also faces an abandoned street. If the panels could be moved to the back sector and the props to the middle, visitors would not feel isolated from the rest of the museum and consequently would feel more secure.

Museum Staff
The whole museum staff is agreeable, receptive and open to questions. They approach the visitors to make sure they do not have any doubts, but in an informal friendly tone; they answer visitors questions in a light manner and pass valuable information. Also, they are always around, helpful and take interest in each persons need. For instance, if a person is already visiting the tanks, they would ask if he has seen the video and tell him a little bit of what they can learn from it; if another visitor is taking too many photos and writing notes they would approach him and ask if he is doing a school activity or essay, and try to help him gather more information. Even though the docents are capable, attentive and well prepared, there is a need for a ready discourse. It is difcult to ask questions when you do not have any base about the subject. Having a discourse does not mean to loose the informal aspect, on the contrary, people tend to pay more attention to conversations than to long lectures. Therefore, they could approach visitors by making sure they do not have any questions, after answering it, they should talk keeping an informal light manner about the turtles, their characteristics, their habitat, etc., and create a dialogue from this point. This would help the visitors to engage in the exhibition story and them to give relevant details to each person.

Exhibition Critique Tamar project

The TAMAR Project exhibition objects are clean, whole and well maintained; maybe the shers storage design and the fact that it is an open space museum are helpful, since it does not have to be spotless to look neat and organized. Still, the place was very clean, nothing was broken, and everything was in its proper place. Actually, the only material that was in bad shape were two old dusty informative posters, but they were replaced by a new photo exhibit.

The projects main audience is clearly children of all ages: there are many cartoons, an institutional video animation, drawing station, playing area and childrens natural interest in animals. A child is also seen as an investment; if kids today know about the importance of the Brazilian sea life, they will become environmentally responsible adults. Nonetheless, adults are in no way excluded from the museums plans; there are in depth information and the visit will be valid an entertaining even without children. Visitors with impairments, as wheelchairs, difculties in walking or elders will not have many difculties; hence almost all the museum is covered with a stable boardwalk. Likewise, visual-impaired visitors will have the opportunity to touch almost all museums objects, except for the turtles, and have a good museum experience; though, it would be convenient to have material in Braille. Also, a texturized indication of the boardwalk edges would be and important addition to avoid accidents for sight-impaired visitors.

Exhibition Design
In general, the exhibition design is well planned with harmoniously organized and easily identiable groups. They all have a meaning and a purpose, and contribute to the eco-friendly mood and, though, there are many props, they cannot overwhelm the visitor. The element grouping is well done and do not create a challenge to the visitors. The texts with similar theme are placed in groups around different tanks. This type of organization is not related in any form to the animals in the tanks, is a form of attracting visitors and to keep similar information together. The idea is successful, but could be improved if there were signs informing each areas theme; for instance, S.O.S sea turtles, endangered sh species, the natural habitat of sea turtles, etc. The secondary information is smartly placed between one tank and the other, compelling the visitor to at least acknowledge its existence, then decide if it is something important for their experience.

Exhibition Critique Tamar project

By contrast, the organization of the turtles by tanks can be confusing for the visitor. They are not organized by age, size, gender, species, etc. It can take a while to understand it and to even recognize the animals. It would be easier if the visitor could go to one tank and see all the green turtles and then all the olive turtles and so on. However, a live collection cannot be organized just by practical aspects; the turtles had to be separated by many factors: age, afnity, diet, space and other veterinary reasons. Since the species are mixed, and for the nonspecialist, turtles can look all the same, it would be interesting, and even fun, if next to the turtles signs, there were a list of major characteristics of each species. So the visitors could try to guess which turtle is which. Of course, the docents would have to help by giving the answers. The turtle replicas are another element that could be better organized. The replicas are disperse all around the area; in some cases their purpose is easily identiable, as in the ve turtles with measuring tapes for comparison of size. In other cases, their function is unknown: Are they just part of the ambience? Or are they trying to pass a message? Moreover, not all the replicas have labels, some of them have in depth information, some not; and some are on top of a box, some are not. This could be simplied: all the 5 endangered species presented in the front part of the museum would have a full label (common name, scientic name, name in English, small description, photo, and were is present in the Brazilian coastal area) and would be placed in top of a box; the others would have only a simple identication. Even better, they could be used to explain the morphology, physical characteristics, swimming movements and other important matters. Analyzing the museum as a whole, there are a good variety of things to do and to be seen: sea turtles, sea life information and its preservation, drawing space for kids, skeletons and shells exhibition, a couple of photo exhibits, sets to take fun photos, institutional video and a temporary exhibition. However, there is no interactive activities not necessarily technological that could benet and engage young visitors, and older too. It could be anything from a game to test the knowledge about sea turtles to using a winch to understand how the turtles swim. For instance, the drawing room is a feature that could be interactive. At the moment, the kids can only draw and paint in papers shaped as sea animals and take it home. As the room has a beautiful sea panel, kids could add their drawings to it and create a collective mural. It could also have a board for childrens comments, insights and sketches about sea life; everyone, specially kids, love to participate. The institutional video, though, is informative and interesting is starting to outdate. Some scientic information is being refuted, new institutional achievements could be added, more questioning could be generated about the museum subject, and a more dynamic and entertaining video might call childrens attention. Nonetheless, the video still shows some key points about the subject and provide a good basis for the visitation.

Exhibition Critique Tamar project

Typography and Legibility

All texts are usually set around the tanks or in the path between two of them. Even though, they are well placed, organized and distributed, there are two problems: the text has serious legibility problems and there is no strong visual identity that unies the information. The posters placed alongside the tanks, have crucial information about turtles, sea life and its preservation; though, they have appealing pictures, a good sized typography and summarized text, it is far from comfortable to read it. The text alignment is centralized, the line-height is low, the space before and after paragraphs and list items is almost nonexistent. Rethinking the text layout would improve the legibility and consequently the assimilation of the exhibition information. The secondary texts, normally placed between tanks, have a severe problem of legibility; the typography is minuscule, placed in a low contrast background in an average distance of 60 inches from the reader. In addition, the blocks of text are big and dense; reading it would feel like a chore for any visitor, specially for kids. Also, foreign visitors may not even notice that the text is written in part in English. A good start would be to summarize the text and revise it to have a lighter more kid-friendly tone. Then, a legible type, in smaller text blocks, with a higher line-height should be used, and, nally, two levels of information: one paragraph with the text summary and a longer text with more information. Besides, it should be placed closer to the boardwalk to facilitate for the readers. The visual identity, particularly of the main posters, lacks unity. All the posters have similar elements and colors, but the fonts vary, the colors are not exactly the same and the illustration style differ. In other words, the material appears to be designer for one institution, but not to be displayed alongside. A more organized and careful visual identity for the text would improve greatly the exhibition design. In spite of the many problems, the texts have a good eye level and the imagery that accompanies it is engaging. Also, all the graphics, illustrations and photos are easily interpreted and most of the time explain the concept better than the confusing text. However, the use of image labels should be more constant. Another point, is the good use of chocking images; for instance, dead turtles and injured animals. They were wisely selected; hence, they encourage dialogue and reection without being repulsive or inappropriate.

Exhibition Critique Tamar project

Museum Features and Important Areas

The museum is divided in 3 major areas: entry, main area and back area. The entry has the ticket and information booth; the video room, where visitors can watch an animation about turtles and TAMAR Project; and the museum store, with souvenirs and merchandising. The main area is where the turtle tanks are located and most of the written information is presented. The drawing room, for children to color sea animals shapes; and the Turtle Museum, where skeletons, turtle shells and photos are exhibited, are also in the main area. Lastly, the back area has a temporary exhibit about the Bathypelagic zone with large panels with pictures and discoveries about its sea life; a fun photo area where the visitors can take pictures with sea animals, as sea divers and mermaids; and a stage for events.

Main Entry
The main entry is very inviting, green, simple and not intimidating. Actually, the museum entry is very efcient in attracting visitors; the museum was constructed in the middle of trees and simple beach houses, there are turtle replicas everywhere and a huge baby turtle around the corner. It is impossible not to see the museum. From the entry, the visitor can see a good parcel of the museum; thereby it generate expectation and curiosity. The entry design is simple, but beautiful; because it does not compete with the green area, it complements it. Another attractive thing about the museum is its name; the TAMAR Project is very famous in Brazil and is a synonym of quality and entertainment. The museum entry does not look pompous nor unaccessible; this is indispensable in an area that everybody is coming or going to the beach. Visitors cannot feel uncomfortable for wearing swimsuits or by dressing informally; therefore, the museum had almost to be an extension of the beach. This beach aura is reected on everything: from the museum design, to the way docents dress. The main entrance is fully accessible, wide, rm and stable; there is enough space for wheelchairs to move and enter the museum. The ticket booth is also low enough, so a person in a wheelchair can talk easily with the cashier. On the other hand, the street that goes from the parking lot to the museum entry is rocky, unstable and full of holes. Repairing this area would be a great improvement to all the visitors, specially the ones with disabilities. Visitors that do not have the time to see the exhibition can visit the museum shop and buy a souvenir and even learn about sea turtles, for the major points visitors have to learn are exposed outside the museum in a summarized form. Of course, the museum do not loose many visitors because of that; hence, the main attraction is inside: sea turtles.

Exhibition Critique Tamar project

All these factors make the exhibition theme easy to understand, even without entering the place. The turtles on the entry make it obvious; though, their being inside egg shells can be deceitful. Sea turtles do not lay eggs in this base, but this is certainly not an impediment. Even the institutional goals are expressed in the museum entry: a poster tells what is the importance of the turtles, why they are endangered, how they are harmed and how to save them. This is an important message in a region full of professional and amateur shers; even non-visitors have to know it.

Main Area
Being a continuation of the entry, the main area it is simple to understand its theme and goals. Visitors already had an introduction of what they are going to see and learn. Now they will be able to learn about it in comprehensible and thoroughly way.

Turtle Museum
The Turtle Museum is a shack with turtle skeletons, shells and a photo exhibit about the projects actions. This rooms theme is easy to comprehend, but its goals are diffuse. The are almost no information and even less interpretation; the visitor has to gure everything for himself. For instance, there are several animal skulls for comparison, but which criteria the visitor should use for comparison? Why these skulls are so different? Why are they structured like that? The photo exhibit presents the same problem; there are beautiful photos but what do they mean? What the researchers are doing? How their actions will affect the sea life environment? Visitors need to have some information about objects to generate knowledge about it. In conclusion, the turtle museum seems a cabinet of curiosity. Everything looks really interesting and curious, but visitors are not sure why. Visitors could learn by having more information and a base for comparison. Without interpretation objects and photos are only pretty things that can be wrongfully analyzed and many information can be lost. An exhibition should lead the visitors through a story, and not just seat and watch.

Drawing Room and Fun Pictures

The drawing room proposal is very interesting: a space for entertaining young children is always a valuable asset. However, there is no signs or clear information outside the room that indicates its function. Visitors will need to ask a docent or enter the room at their own risk to understand what is the rooms function. A simple sign with an indication and instructions would make the room more effective, and children more happy.

Exhibition Critique Tamar project

General impression
Despite many problems in the exhibition, its design is quite good and inspiring. The general feeling is of green institution with simple design: blues and green hues with the worn out wood texture. The exhibition design is not aggressive and do not compete with the green area around; the design, props, objects, colors and of course, sea turtles work along to tell the story. So, instead of transporting the visitors somewhere else, it reminds them where they are, and what they can do to help.

Museum-visitor Communication
The exhibition theme is sea turtles and it focus on teaching why their are an endangered species and what the society can do to prevent it. The message is comprehensible and simple, even for visitors that do not want to meticulously read every text. One interesting point is how multifaceted it is; the same message is given from different views and in different ways. Therefore, the visitor will always nd a way to connect with it, and if a visitor cannot relate with the story, it is impossible not to relate to the turtles. The exhibition is very exciting and inspiring in many ways. First of all, the sea turtles are for a lack of a better term cute and captivating; they inspire visitors and create an emotional link to the story being told, making visitors learn easily. These factors along with the relaxing ambient make people visit more times to learn more, feed turtles and return recovered turtles to the sea. It stimulates visitors to be part of the S.O.S turtle movement and help the sea environment. Besides, there are TAMAR Project bases spread along the Brazilian coast with different attractions. So if a visitor like one of the bases, it is more likely that he will visit another one. Although, the TAMAR Project is a widely known program in Brazil with a very good reputation; the Florianpolis base is still somewhat unknown. It is advertised mostly by their website, social media and billboards on the roads. This base could be more present in magazines, TV, radio, tourist guides and other major medias, as well as a stronger social media image. Incredibly, in the most known online city guide, the project is listed just as a benet association, such problems could be solved with a good public relations plan. Events and turtle releases should be clearly communicated by Facebook, e-mail, newsletters, television, text messages, etc., People need to know about an event to attend it. Moreover, the museum is not located in a high trafc neighborhood; hence, the base needs to be situated in an isolated area, near the beach, were turtles will rest. There are some signs and indication around the vicinity of the museum; however, visitors need know about its existence to get there.

Exhibition Critique Tamar project

Educational materials
There are no catalogs or handouts with in depth information about the exhibition or the museum; the only handout available has only basic details about the museum, contact information and a simple map. Even though the handout has an attractive and functional design, an educative institution should offer some sort of material that visitors could take home and continue the exhibits experience. Part of the information presented in the posters could be transfered to a handout; children could read it at home with more time, use for school research and all visitors could keep the information for later reference.

The TAMAR Project exhibition was a very effective one, because all the goals were clearly stated through out the exhibition, even outside the museum. Also, the same message is presented from many different angles, for different publics. One key point is that the exhibition explain the reason visitors should or should not act in certain ways. For instance, they show the consequences in very graphic images of dead turtles of throwing trash in the beach; when a person understand the results of an action, change can come more easily. The messages are also very simple and objective: sea turtles are in danger, there are ve species that visit Brazil, garbage thrown near the sea can harm or kill sea animals, turtles caught in a shers net are not necessarily dead there is even a sign outside the museum teaching sea turtle CPR , and nally, sea life has to be preserved and how to do it. If with these informations visitors will start to notice that they are not the only ones making use of the beach and that they need to respect this environment and its inhabitant human or not , the exhibition is already successful. In the same way, institutional goals are clearly presented to the public; TAMAR Project is a government program and its primary goals is to research and conserve sea turtles. Teaching shers and the locals communities about the importance of sea turtles, how to preserve them and raising public awareness are the projects secondary goals. Besides, since its creation the project has a policy of self-sufciency that lead to the creating of the museum, the store and other initiatives to raise funds. The exhibition has been successfully achieving the institutional goals: visitors are learning about the environment, the base has been self-sufcient and they are gathering important data about the local sea turtle population that has been slowly increasing. As informed by the museum staff, there is still some resistance from this base coastal community, but they are working with them to overcome this problem.


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